Transgender War On Women By Liberals


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. In their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality, Liberals have advanced a war on real women.

Pushing pretend-women to compete in all sorts of endeavors against legitimate women and girls, they have effectively deprived same of their right to compete.

2. There are physical differences between the two....TWO...sexes.

“John McEnroe Says Serena Williams Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Tennis Player” John McEnroe: Serena Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Player

3. "Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions."

4. The insane Left that has taken over the Democrat Party ignores this to the detriment of DNA-proven females.

5. "Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
“Critics say their gender identity amounts to an unfair advantage”
Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
WTF? I'm too old to discuss this. I'm only familiar with M/F as shown on birth certificates. Anyone changing their sex via hormones should be disqualified from competing against people not using chemicals.

Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
When two men marry, they hold a contract for life that banishes a mother from the home where kids will statistically arrive. So the word & unique irreplaceable & vital role of female-only “mother” is also being culturally exterminated as a matter of law. And it’s being done to the detriment of kids. Using a contract.

Contracts where children are or likely will be implicitly or expressly involved cannot contain terms that harm them.

THEREFORE, a gay male marriage contract does one of two things: 1. establishes in law permanently that mothers are no longer intrinsically important to children (this woman-only ageless role) or 2. Breaks the law by carrying terms that harm children that Obergefell said marriage was about helping.

The sports thing is just visibly alarming & obtusely obviously unfair. What’s being done elsewhere by beta males shoving women’s importance into museums is far, FAR more insidious.
"...muscular young men routinely break girls’ records in girls’ sports. In one championship game in Massachusetts a young man caused a concussion to a girls’ field hockey goalie while scoring a goal to defeat her team.

Boys have clear athletic advantages over girls, both on average and among the best. The higher levels of testosterone and muscle mass in boys enable them to run faster and jump higher than girls can.

Martina Navratilova won 18 grand slam titles in women’s tennis, the fifth most ever. She has also been an outspoken supporter of gay rights, but the unfairness of men competing as transgendered women has sparked her ire.

Navratilova recently called it “cheating,” “insane,” and “it would not be fair” to allow transgender women to compete in women’s tennis. Yet the rules of the International Olympic Committee allow men who claim to be transgendered to compete in women’s sports, if their testosterone levels remain below a certain level.

Many other women and girls are also crying foul about the unfairness of transgendered athletes in women’s and girls’ sports. There was an outcry in New Haven, Connecticut, home to Yale University, when the top finishers in the indoor state championship for the 55-meter dash for high school girls were two transgendered girls, formerly boys."
Unfair Trans Competition in Girls’ Sports
The irony is lesbians including Navratilova are suffering the consequences of their own actions. Stupidity and the absurd breed stupidity and the absurd. Progs advocated for gay-marriage as if homosexuality and heterosexuality are equal. Nature dictates that's not remotely possible, but humans are stupid and corrupt, especially in today's world, so what can you do.

Generally speaking progs don't have the skills necessary to consider the consequences of their actions. They do stuff cuz it sounds cool and trendy. Men in women's sports is a direct consequence of homo-marriage.
this is so amazing its ridiculous, the left knows its wrong yet still try's to spin it saying we are the crazy ones, ludicrous
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"

Don't think I've ever qualified for an asylum, but I don't think I'd have had any problem ten years ago accepting the idea that the Democrats could and would continue pushing their extremism this far.
All Trans gender people should be deemed illegal. They are a fraud. Pretending to be some one you are not born to be . Your sex at birth is who you really are.
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"

Don't think I've ever qualified for an asylum, but I don't think I'd have had any problem ten years ago accepting the idea that the Democrats could and would continue pushing their extremism this far.

I don't believe so, Cec.....

Nope....If I asked you ten years ago if you could believe the Democrat party would endorse socialism and infanticide......none of us would have believed it.

How about a test:
"Feminist Smears Menstrual Blood on Her Face to Show Periods are “Beautiful” and “Powerful”

Feminist Smears Menstrual Blood on Her Face to Show Periods are “Beautiful” and “Powerful” |

A decade hence......Democrat elites would call any who don't smear menstrual blood on their face anti-feminist, and hates women.

You buyin' it????

I'm saying that the insanity is increasing apace....they need be put down for all of our good.
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"

Don't think I've ever qualified for an asylum, but I don't think I'd have had any problem ten years ago accepting the idea that the Democrats could and would continue pushing their extremism this far.

I don't believe so, Cec.....

Nope....If I asked you ten years ago if you could believe the Democrat party would endorse socialism and infanticide......none of us would have believed it.

How about a test:
"Feminist Smears Menstrual Blood on Her Face to Show Periods are “Beautiful” and “Powerful”

Feminist Smears Menstrual Blood on Her Face to Show Periods are “Beautiful” and “Powerful” |

A decade hence......Democrat elites would call any who don't smear menstrual blood on their face anti-feminist, and hates women.

You buyin' it????

I'm saying that the insanity is increasing apace....they need be put down for all of our good.

Do you actually have trouble believing their extremist insanity could easily push that far? I don't.

Don't mind me, I'm just gonna go finish dry-heaving now.
The left have gone completely insane. Have they forgotten that feminists are on their side ? Women are not going to take kindly to the fact that tranny males are going to be kicking the asses of REAL female athletes.
1. In their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality, Liberals have advanced a war on real women.

Pushing pretend-women to compete in all sorts of endeavors against legitimate women and girls, they have effectively deprived same of their right to compete.

2. There are physical differences between the two....TWO...sexes.

“John McEnroe Says Serena Williams Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Tennis Player” John McEnroe: Serena Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Player

3. "Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions."

4. The insane Left that has taken over the Democrat Party ignores this to the detriment of DNA-proven females.

5. "Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
“Critics say their gender identity amounts to an unfair advantage”
Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship

Cut the bulldshit. You haste gays & transsexuals like your buddies Trump & Pence.
1. In their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality, Liberals have advanced a war on real women.

Pushing pretend-women to compete in all sorts of endeavors against legitimate women and girls, they have effectively deprived same of their right to compete.

2. There are physical differences between the two....TWO...sexes.

“John McEnroe Says Serena Williams Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Tennis Player” John McEnroe: Serena Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Player

3. "Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions."

4. The insane Left that has taken over the Democrat Party ignores this to the detriment of DNA-proven females.

5. "Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
“Critics say their gender identity amounts to an unfair advantage”
Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship

Cut the bulldshit. You haste gays & transsexuals like your buddies Trump & Pence.

This is a no-vulgarity zone.

Come back when you grow up.
Former Olympian Sharron Davies MBE has been accused of “fuelling hate” after saying that transgender women should not be allowed to compete in female sport.

The competitive swimmer, who won a swimming silver at the 1980 Olympics in Moscow and two Commonwealth golds, said that her comments were not transphobic and claimed she had spoken to many other female athletes who “feel the same way”.

“I have nothing against anyone who wishes 2be transgender [sic]”, Davies wrote on Twitter.

“However I believe there is a fundamental difference between the binary sex u r born with & the gender u may identify as. "
Former Olympian says transgender athletes should not compete in women's sport

Off with here head!!!!

She's spouting......logic.....truth!!!!!

This cannot be allowed!!!!!
When two men marry, they hold a contract for life that banishes a mother from the home where kids will statistically arrive. So the word & unique irreplaceable & vital role of female-only “mother” is also being culturally exterminated as a matter of law. And it’s being done to the detriment of kids. Using a contract.

Contracts where children are or likely will be implicitly or expressly involved cannot contain terms that harm them.

THEREFORE, a gay male marriage contract does one of two things: 1. establishes in law permanently that mothers are no longer intrinsically important to children (this woman-only ageless role) or 2. Breaks the law by carrying terms that harm children that Obergefell said marriage was about helping.

The sports thing is just visibly alarming & obtusely obviously unfair. What’s being done elsewhere by beta males shoving women’s importance into museums is far, FAR more insidious.
Ever heard of grandmothers? Gay males have mothers who would want to be involved in their sons' children's lives. Gay males do not want to banish women from their lives or the lives of their kids.

Leave it to a perfectly reasonable and self-evident post about genetic male advantages over females in sports to bring out the old Fox news watching crazies and homophobes.
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1. In their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality, Liberals have advanced a war on real women.

Pushing pretend-women to compete in all sorts of endeavors against legitimate women and girls, they have effectively deprived same of their right to compete.

2. There are physical differences between the two....TWO...sexes.

“John McEnroe Says Serena Williams Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Tennis Player” John McEnroe: Serena Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Player

3. "Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions."

4. The insane Left that has taken over the Democrat Party ignores this to the detriment of DNA-proven females.

5. "Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
“Critics say their gender identity amounts to an unfair advantage”
Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
I agree that genetic males have intrinsic advantages in sports and these rules should be re-thought. But it's not like Trans people just throw on the clothes of the opposite sex and declare their gender changed. They undergo years of gender dysphoria psychotherapy before painful and self-mutilating elective surgeries. All that just for a gold medal in a race? I don't think so.

People on this thread can choose to believe it's all a hoax perpretrated by the left just like the disappearing Arctic ice shelf. That's fine. No one can change closed minds that are already made up.
1. In their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality, Liberals have advanced a war on real women.

Pushing pretend-women to compete in all sorts of endeavors against legitimate women and girls, they have effectively deprived same of their right to compete.

2. There are physical differences between the two....TWO...sexes.

“John McEnroe Says Serena Williams Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Tennis Player” John McEnroe: Serena Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Player

3. "Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions."

4. The insane Left that has taken over the Democrat Party ignores this to the detriment of DNA-proven females.

5. "Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
“Critics say their gender identity amounts to an unfair advantage”
Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
I agree that genetic males have intrinsic advantages in sports and these rules should be re-thought. But it's not like Trans people just throw on the clothes of the opposite sex and declare their gender changed. They undergo years of gender dysphoria psychotherapy before painful and self-mutilating elective surgeries. All that just for a gold medal in a race? I don't think so.

People on this thread can choose to believe it's all a hoax perpretrated by the left just like the disappearing Arctic ice shelf. That's fine. No one can change closed minds that are already made up.

Are you fricken serious? You've never been to Hollywood Blvd have you?

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