Transgender War On Women By Liberals

"Men Make The Strongest Women 2019 the self-professed “party of science” is pushing all their chips into the center of the table against the concept of biology. Democrats have rejected not only biology, but all of human history and their own eyes to embrace the idea that what constitutes a “man” or a “woman” is now open to interpretation. To think otherwise, to believe your lying eyes, is now on its way to being a hate crime.

... this delusion is being codified in law in states across the country.

It’s not enough that a man be free to prance around in a dress demanding to be called “Chelsea,” everyone else must also call him Chelsea and celebrate his existence as a woman.
The top female track stars in Connecticut high school sports are boys, and they crushed the competition. As the father of two girls under 2-years-old, by the time they’re old enough to compete, if boys are allowed in, they and no other girls will stand a chance. That’s not me talking, it’s that pesky science again. Men are, on average, stronger than women, and they’re faster. "
Men Make The Strongest Women

By that time, someone will have started a "Genetic Girls Sports League" so that people who are born female can compete against just each other and have their abilities measured on a level playing field . . . which, of course, is what they THOUGHT they were doing when they first started the girls' sports leagues which the gender-appropriating assholes currently think exist for their own personal, selfish affirmation.

Silly them for not having the foresight to require DNA tests from the outset.
"Men Make The Strongest Women 2019 the self-professed “party of science” is pushing all their chips into the center of the table against the concept of biology. Democrats have rejected not only biology, but all of human history and their own eyes to embrace the idea that what constitutes a “man” or a “woman” is now open to interpretation. To think otherwise, to believe your lying eyes, is now on its way to being a hate crime.

... this delusion is being codified in law in states across the country.

It’s not enough that a man be free to prance around in a dress demanding to be called “Chelsea,” everyone else must also call him Chelsea and celebrate his existence as a woman.
The top female track stars in Connecticut high school sports are boys, and they crushed the competition. As the father of two girls under 2-years-old, by the time they’re old enough to compete, if boys are allowed in, they and no other girls will stand a chance. That’s not me talking, it’s that pesky science again. Men are, on average, stronger than women, and they’re faster. "
Men Make The Strongest Women

By that time, someone will have started a "Genetic Girls Sports League" so that people who are born female can compete against just each other and have their abilities measured on a level playing field . . . which, of course, is what they THOUGHT they were doing when they first started the girls' sports leagues which the gender-appropriating assholes currently think exist for their own personal, selfish affirmation.

Silly them for not having the foresight to require DNA tests from the outset.

"Silly them for not having the foresight to require DNA tests from the outset."

This, from 2008:

"We're familiar with drug testing for athletes, but officials at the Beijing Olympics will be taking things one stage further and examining competitors whose sex is in doubt. And it is far from being a new problem, as Emine Saner discovers.

For more than a year, officials in Beijing have been designing a special laboratory to determine the sex of any athletes taking part in this year's Olympic games. "Suspected athletes will be evaluated from their external appearances by experts and undergo blood tests to examine their sex hormones, genes and chromosomes for sex determination," says Professor Tian Qinjie. The tests will not be conducted on every female athlete, but will be required if serious doubts have been raised about an individual competitor - invariably one competing in the women's events. "The aim is to protect fairness at the games while also protecting the rights of people with abnormal sexual development," he says."
The gender trap: testing the sex of Olympians competing in Beijing

This, from 1838
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.
"Men Make The Strongest Women 2019 the self-professed “party of science” is pushing all their chips into the center of the table against the concept of biology. Democrats have rejected not only biology, but all of human history and their own eyes to embrace the idea that what constitutes a “man” or a “woman” is now open to interpretation. To think otherwise, to believe your lying eyes, is now on its way to being a hate crime.

... this delusion is being codified in law in states across the country.

It’s not enough that a man be free to prance around in a dress demanding to be called “Chelsea,” everyone else must also call him Chelsea and celebrate his existence as a woman.
The top female track stars in Connecticut high school sports are boys, and they crushed the competition. As the father of two girls under 2-years-old, by the time they’re old enough to compete, if boys are allowed in, they and no other girls will stand a chance. That’s not me talking, it’s that pesky science again. Men are, on average, stronger than women, and they’re faster. "
Men Make The Strongest Women

By that time, someone will have started a "Genetic Girls Sports League" so that people who are born female can compete against just each other and have their abilities measured on a level playing field . . . which, of course, is what they THOUGHT they were doing when they first started the girls' sports leagues which the gender-appropriating assholes currently think exist for their own personal, selfish affirmation.

Silly them for not having the foresight to require DNA tests from the outset.

"Silly them for not having the foresight to require DNA tests from the outset."

This, from 2008:

"We're familiar with drug testing for athletes, but officials at the Beijing Olympics will be taking things one stage further and examining competitors whose sex is in doubt. And it is far from being a new problem, as Emine Saner discovers.

For more than a year, officials in Beijing have been designing a special laboratory to determine the sex of any athletes taking part in this year's Olympic games. "Suspected athletes will be evaluated from their external appearances by experts and undergo blood tests to examine their sex hormones, genes and chromosomes for sex determination," says Professor Tian Qinjie. The tests will not be conducted on every female athlete, but will be required if serious doubts have been raised about an individual competitor - invariably one competing in the women's events. "The aim is to protect fairness at the games while also protecting the rights of people with abnormal sexual development," he says."
The gender trap: testing the sex of Olympians competing in Beijing

This, from 1838
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

Yeah, but that's the Olympics. High school sports leagues apparently didn't realize THEY were going to need it, too.

I'm actually sort of interested to see how this is going to play out, because I doubt the real girls are going to put up with being fucked over by the new patriarchy of gender appropriators for very long at all.
"Men Make The Strongest Women 2019 the self-professed “party of science” is pushing all their chips into the center of the table against the concept of biology. Democrats have rejected not only biology, but all of human history and their own eyes to embrace the idea that what constitutes a “man” or a “woman” is now open to interpretation. To think otherwise, to believe your lying eyes, is now on its way to being a hate crime.

... this delusion is being codified in law in states across the country.

It’s not enough that a man be free to prance around in a dress demanding to be called “Chelsea,” everyone else must also call him Chelsea and celebrate his existence as a woman.
The top female track stars in Connecticut high school sports are boys, and they crushed the competition. As the father of two girls under 2-years-old, by the time they’re old enough to compete, if boys are allowed in, they and no other girls will stand a chance. That’s not me talking, it’s that pesky science again. Men are, on average, stronger than women, and they’re faster. "
Men Make The Strongest Women

By that time, someone will have started a "Genetic Girls Sports League" so that people who are born female can compete against just each other and have their abilities measured on a level playing field . . . which, of course, is what they THOUGHT they were doing when they first started the girls' sports leagues which the gender-appropriating assholes currently think exist for their own personal, selfish affirmation.

Silly them for not having the foresight to require DNA tests from the outset.

"Silly them for not having the foresight to require DNA tests from the outset."

This, from 2008:

"We're familiar with drug testing for athletes, but officials at the Beijing Olympics will be taking things one stage further and examining competitors whose sex is in doubt. And it is far from being a new problem, as Emine Saner discovers.

For more than a year, officials in Beijing have been designing a special laboratory to determine the sex of any athletes taking part in this year's Olympic games. "Suspected athletes will be evaluated from their external appearances by experts and undergo blood tests to examine their sex hormones, genes and chromosomes for sex determination," says Professor Tian Qinjie. The tests will not be conducted on every female athlete, but will be required if serious doubts have been raised about an individual competitor - invariably one competing in the women's events. "The aim is to protect fairness at the games while also protecting the rights of people with abnormal sexual development," he says."
The gender trap: testing the sex of Olympians competing in Beijing

This, from 1838
Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!
For the soul is dead that slumbers,
And things are not what they seem.

Yeah, but that's the Olympics. High school sports leagues apparently didn't realize THEY were going to need it, too.

I'm actually sort of interested to see how this is going to play out, because I doubt the real girls are going to put up with being fucked over by the new patriarchy of gender appropriators for very long at all.

Tough to put the toothpaste back in the tube.....

This old saying seems to apply to all of western civilization: whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.
Freaks (Chicks with Dikk$, etc.) are attracted to the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party supports such Freaks.

That's one of several key reasons why Decent Folks are leaving the Democratic Party in droves.


Gain 100,000 voters with that policy.

Lose 1,000,000 voters over that same policy.

Yeah, that's the ticket, Democrats...

Freaks (Chicks with Dikk$, etc.) are attracted to the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party supports such Freaks.

That's one of several key reasons why Decent Folks are leaving the Democratic Party in droves.


Gain 100,000 voters with that policy.

Lose 1,000,000 voters over that same policy.

Yeah, that's the ticket, Democrats...


I'd like to broaden that description of what attracts some to the Democrat Party,

Camus, in ‘The Rebel,’ attempted to find the traits in modern civilization that lead to totalitarianism, and its resultant horrors. Camus’s conclusion: totalitarianism and terrorism are one in the same, and, so, if we discover the roots of totalitarianism, we discover the roots of terrorism!

The Western urge to rebel, coming out of the French Revolution, mutated quickly into several cults of death and mayhem. No matter the particular movement, there were two key conditions in all: 1) it was based on a submission to a central authority, the total state, and 2) it was based on the idea of one, the collective, instead of many.

They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and built their imagined Utopia here on earth.

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters
"FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage"
...the U.S. women’s national team played the FC Dallas U-15 boys academy team on Sunday and fell 5-2, according to FC Dallas’ official website."
FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage

How about we let those young boys identify as'd you think they'd do, Liberals?

'Tis true. My older son has been physically stronger than me since he was about 12; my younger son is 10, and almost there.
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"
I knew this was going to happen over 2 decades ago.
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"
I knew this was going to happen over 2 decades ago.

There just aren't enough of you.
"FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage"
...the U.S. women’s national team played the FC Dallas U-15 boys academy team on Sunday and fell 5-2, according to FC Dallas’ official website."
FC Dallas under-15 boys squad beat the U.S. Women's National Team in a scrimmage

How about we let those young boys identify as'd you think they'd do, Liberals?

'Tis true. My older son has been physically stronger than me since he was about 12; my younger son is 10, and almost there.

So, I’m looking for evidence to determine exactly when Democrat's collective cerebrum entered the dead zone, and based on my extensive experience watching CSI, I know that I should check for signs of insect activity: let’s call in the entomologist to pin down the exact moment of pupation!
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"
I knew this was going to happen over 2 decades ago.

There just aren't enough of you.
The far left is already pushing for incest, bestiality and pedophilia.
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"
I knew this was going to happen over 2 decades ago.

There just aren't enough of you.
The far left is already pushing for incest, bestiality and pedophilia.

They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.
1. In their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality, Liberals have advanced a war on real women.

Pushing pretend-women to compete in all sorts of endeavors against legitimate women and girls, they have effectively deprived same of their right to compete.

2. There are physical differences between the two....TWO...sexes.

“John McEnroe Says Serena Williams Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Tennis Player” John McEnroe: Serena Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Player

3. "Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions."

4. The insane Left that has taken over the Democrat Party ignores this to the detriment of DNA-proven females.

5. "Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
“Critics say their gender identity amounts to an unfair advantage”
Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
PoliticalChic best thread vote from me!
1. In their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality, Liberals have advanced a war on real women.

Pushing pretend-women to compete in all sorts of endeavors against legitimate women and girls, they have effectively deprived same of their right to compete.

2. There are physical differences between the two....TWO...sexes.

“John McEnroe Says Serena Williams Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Tennis Player” John McEnroe: Serena Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Player

3. "Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions."

4. The insane Left that has taken over the Democrat Party ignores this to the detriment of DNA-proven females.

5. "Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
“Critics say their gender identity amounts to an unfair advantage”
Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
PoliticalChic best thread vote from me!

Yer a peach, JC!
"Left Vows To Topple Patriarchy By Allowing Biological Males To Dominate Women's Sports
June 3rd, 2019

U.S.—Declaring that "the future is female" and that they would "no longer bow to toxic male faux-dominance," Americans on the left of the political spectrum solemnly vowed Saturday to topple the Patriarchy once and for all by allowing biological males to dominate all women's sports.

"The Patriarchy needs to be smashed, women need to be empowered, and men who identify as women need to be active in women's contact sports!" one Portland LGBT activist told reporters. "Once every single female sport in America is utterly dominated by biological males who identify as women, the criminal hierarchy of men utterly dominating all aspects of life will be broken---this is not hard!"

"Not allowing men who identify as women to participate in women's sports is patriarchal oppression, and probably transphobic, or maybe sexist, we think?" she added sternly.

Questioned about CeCe Telfer---formerly Craig Telfer---the biologically male NCAA runner who went from a ranking of 390th to becoming national champion in one year after identifying as transgender and switching from competing against men to competing against women, the activist said "what CeCe has done is affirming and marvelous."

"Crushing the hopes and dreams of females who've trained their whole lives only to be suddenly forced to compete against physically superior biological males is the perfect way to uplift women."
Left Vows To Topple Patriarchy By Allowing Biological Males To Dominate Women's Sports
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"
I knew this was going to happen over 2 decades ago.

There just aren't enough of you.
The far left is already pushing for incest, bestiality and pedophilia.
This is what you get from the Trumpette crowd. Bigotry & hate.

Homosexuality, transgenderism, etc have nothing to do with incest, bestiality, etc.

This is how fucking stupid these people really are.
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"
I knew this was going to happen over 2 decades ago.

There just aren't enough of you.
The far left is already pushing for incest, bestiality and pedophilia.
This is what you get from the Trumpette crowd. Bigotry & hate.

Homosexuality, transgenderism, etc have nothing to do with incest, bestiality, etc.

This is how fucking stupid these people really are.
I keep saying, transgenderism is the 21st century version of the patriarchy: men taking everything over for themselves, and telling women to sit down and shut up when they object.

If one had been asked a decade ago, would the Democrat Party champion doctrines of infanticide, socialism and men are women.....who, outside an insane asylum, would have said 'yes'?

"Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad"
I knew this was going to happen over 2 decades ago.

There just aren't enough of you.
The far left is already pushing for incest, bestiality and pedophilia.

They desire to destroy all tradition, values, and attitudes, beginning with morality, and the family, and build their imagined Utopia here on earth.

Morality. Another Trump supporter having the nerve to talk about morality.

You voted for Trump. You lost that right to bitch about morality.

You voted for fraud, business cheating, lying, adultery, groping women.
1. In their never-ending attempt to disrupt society, to abolish morality and tradition, substitute insanity for rationality, Liberals have advanced a war on real women.

Pushing pretend-women to compete in all sorts of endeavors against legitimate women and girls, they have effectively deprived same of their right to compete.

2. There are physical differences between the two....TWO...sexes.

“John McEnroe Says Serena Williams Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Tennis Player” John McEnroe: Serena Would Be the 700th Best Men’s Player

3. "Thanks in large part to testosterone, men are generally heavier and taller than women. They have longer limbs relative to their height, bigger hearts and lungs, less fat, denser bones, more oxygen-carrying red blood cells, heavier skeletons that support more muscle — 80 percent more in the upper body, on average, which is about the difference between male and female gorillas — and narrower hips that make for more efficient running and decrease the chance of injury. But since these differences generally don’t appear until puberty, boys’ and girls’ records in track tend to be identical before age 10. There’s scant biological reason to separate young boys and girls in competitions."

4. The insane Left that has taken over the Democrat Party ignores this to the detriment of DNA-proven females.

5. "Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship
“Critics say their gender identity amounts to an unfair advantage”
Connecticut: Transgender High School Sprinters Claim Top Spots In Girls Indoor Track Championship

so I should join the side that is waging war on reason, logic, civility, decency, gays, women, atheists, muslims, wiccans?


your side is much, much worse....

if you had YOUR way the USA would be just like Iran only with a different religion.

I would never join a club that would have YOU as a member

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