Transgender: We’re ‘Medically Reliant’ Like Diabetics, Asthmatics; ‘Should Be Disqualified’ from Mil


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
He bought up another great point. Transgender people require a LOT of medical attention, before, during, and after any sex change operation. It's a long and expensive process and they are not functional much of the time during this transition period. I think many entered the military because they wanted everything paid for. It also meant nearly a year off while they recovered. Between the recovery and the pre-medical treatment and psychiatric sessions, they are all but worthless on the job. That goes against what our military is all about. They should be ready at all times to defend this country. That is their job. Why would we enlist the "help" of people who are in it for their own purposes and unable to be there for their country or fellow military members?

"When the Blaze’s Allie Stuckey asked Dixon for his reaction to Trump’s announcement last week, Dixon replied, “I’m actually very satisfied. This is Trump showing that he is a president for equality, because this isn’t about transgender people, this is about transgender treatment.

“And if you look at the medical disqualifying guidelines of the military that they use, we are medically reliant, and therefore disqualifies us,” he continued.

“We are no better than diabetics. We are no better than asthmatics. We should be disqualified at enlistment because we are medically reliant,” stated Dixon.

“Wow, that’s an interesting perspective, and not one that we’re really hearing from other people of your community,” replied Stuckey. She asked, “So the big question is that I’m hearing asked is ‘can trump be a friend of the LGBT community and still enforce this ban?’”

“Of course,” said Dixon. “Trump has already proven to the LGBT community that he is an ally, especially with the religious executive order where he personally removed all -- any bill regarding the LGBT people, and especially his historic before his election when he was in Colorado when he announced his support for LGBT rights.”

“And this ban -- I still don’t look at it as anti-LGBT move, even with the executive order with the bathroom bill,” continued Dixon. “There has to be compromises, there has to be guidelines. We can’t be reckless with the transgender problem or the transgender issue with the bathroom problem.”

“Wow, that’s an interesting perspective, and not one that we’re really hearing from other people of your community,” replied Stuckey. She asked, “So the big question is that I’m hearing asked is ‘can trump be a friend of the LGBT community and still enforce this ban?’”

“Of course,” said Dixon. “Trump has already proven to the LGBT community that he is an ally, especially with the religious executive order where he personally removed all -- any bill regarding the LGBT people, and especially his historic before his election when he was in Colorado when he announced his support for LGBT rights.”

“And this ban -- I still don’t look at it as anti-LGBT move, even with the executive order with the bathroom bill,” continued Dixon. “There has to be compromises, there has to be guidelines. We can’t be reckless with the transgender problem or the transgender issue with the bathroom problem.”

“Wow, that’s an interesting perspective, and not one that we’re really hearing from other people of your community,” replied Stuckey. She asked, “So the big question is that I’m hearing asked is ‘can trump be a friend of the LGBT community and still enforce this ban?’”

“Of course,” said Dixon. “Trump has already proven to the LGBT community that he is an ally, especially with the religious executive order where he personally removed all -- any bill regarding the LGBT people, and especially his historic before his election when he was in Colorado when he announced his support for LGBT rights.”

“And this ban -- I still don’t look at it as anti-LGBT move, even with the executive order with the bathroom bill,” continued Dixon. “There has to be compromises, there has to be guidelines. We can’t be reckless with the transgender problem or the transgender issue with the bathroom problem.”

“We can’t be reckless, especially in our military,” he stated.

When Stuckey asked him if it is difficult to support Trump as a transgender person, Dixon replied that he has lost jobs and has been banned from bars and clubs because of his political belief.

Stuckey pointed out that the Left says it is for diversity, and Dixon replied that although the left used to be for freedom … it is now “hypocritical.” “They are not for tolerance anymore. They are not for free speech anymore.”

He also said that the LGBT movement has become “a liberal agenda movement.”

Stuckey asked as a final question, “Are you pleased with Trump’s presidency so far. Do you think he’s doing the things that you and your community want him to do?”

Dixon answered, “Oh, most definitely. Of course, like with any president, there are things you do disagree with. I am not a one-issue voter. I am not party-loyal. I am a devout constitutionalist, so I lean toward whoever is more constitution.”

Transgender: We’re ‘Medically Reliant’ Like Diabetics, Asthmatics; ‘Should Be Disqualified’ from Military
As I recall, back in the days of the (Democrat) Draft,diabetics were classified as either 4F or 1Y. In the latter case, eligible to be called for duty right after Chelsea Clinton.

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