Transgender Woman Arrested for Alleged Voyeurism at Target


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009


A transgender woman was arrested Tuesday in Idaho after police say she used her cellphone to take photos of a woman trying on clothes in a Target changing room.

Shauna Patricia Smith, 43, allegedly reached over the partition and snapped a photo of a woman changing clothes in the next stall, the Post Register reported, citing a Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office news release.

Sean Patrick Smith, a.k.a. Shauna Patricia Smith (Image source: Bonneville County Jail)
The victim, whose identity was not released, reportedly confronted Smith following the incident — but Smith left the Ammon store, the Post Register said.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” one unnamed witness told the East Idaho News. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

Transgender Woman Arrested for Alleged Voyeurism at Target
It's not a "transgender woman", it's a cross-dressing queer.


A transgender woman was arrested Tuesday in Idaho after police say she used her cellphone to take photos of a woman trying on clothes in a Target changing room.

Shauna Patricia Smith, 43, allegedly reached over the partition and snapped a photo of a woman changing clothes in the next stall, the Post Register reported, citing a Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office news release.

Sean Patrick Smith, a.k.a. Shauna Patricia Smith (Image source: Bonneville County Jail)
The victim, whose identity was not released, reportedly confronted Smith following the incident — but Smith left the Ammon store, the Post Register said.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” one unnamed witness told the East Idaho News. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

Transgender Woman Arrested for Alleged Voyeurism at Target
hmm. Ew. Um. A handsome woman. Looking for a hook up. Let us tolerate it!


A transgender woman was arrested Tuesday in Idaho after police say she used her cellphone to take photos of a woman trying on clothes in a Target changing room.

Shauna Patricia Smith, 43, allegedly reached over the partition and snapped a photo of a woman changing clothes in the next stall, the Post Register reported, citing a Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office news release.

Sean Patrick Smith, a.k.a. Shauna Patricia Smith (Image source: Bonneville County Jail)
The victim, whose identity was not released, reportedly confronted Smith following the incident — but Smith left the Ammon store, the Post Register said.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” one unnamed witness told the East Idaho News. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

Transgender Woman Arrested for Alleged Voyeurism at Target
THis is another example of the "Liberals" who war on women. Why else do the husbands of liberal women cheat on them also? Such stupid women who believe that the liberals are for women. Stupid is as stupid votes and the liberal women vote Dumbocrat.



A transgender woman was arrested Tuesday in Idaho after police say she used her cellphone to take photos of a woman trying on clothes in a Target changing room.

Shauna Patricia Smith, 43, allegedly reached over the partition and snapped a photo of a woman changing clothes in the next stall, the Post Register reported, citing a Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office news release.

Sean Patrick Smith, a.k.a. Shauna Patricia Smith (Image source: Bonneville County Jail)
The victim, whose identity was not released, reportedly confronted Smith following the incident — but Smith left the Ammon store, the Post Register said.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” one unnamed witness told the East Idaho News. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

Transgender Woman Arrested for Alleged Voyeurism at Target
THis is another example of the "Liberals" who war on women. Why else do the husbands of liberal women cheat on them also? Such stupid women who believe that the liberals are for women. Stupid is as stupid votes and the liberal women vote Dumbocrat.

View attachment 130079
Why would conservatives cheat on their women? Oh, nice syllogistic fallacy.


A transgender woman was arrested Tuesday in Idaho after police say she used her cellphone to take photos of a woman trying on clothes in a Target changing room.

Shauna Patricia Smith, 43, allegedly reached over the partition and snapped a photo of a woman changing clothes in the next stall, the Post Register reported, citing a Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office news release.

Sean Patrick Smith, a.k.a. Shauna Patricia Smith (Image source: Bonneville County Jail)
The victim, whose identity was not released, reportedly confronted Smith following the incident — but Smith left the Ammon store, the Post Register said.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” one unnamed witness told the East Idaho News. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

Transgender Woman Arrested for Alleged Voyeurism at Target
THis is another example of the "Liberals" who war on women. Why else do the husbands of liberal women cheat on them also? Such stupid women who believe that the liberals are for women. Stupid is as stupid votes and the liberal women vote Dumbocrat.

View attachment 130079
Why would conservatives cheat on their women? Oh, nice syllogistic fallacy.
Liberals come in 2 flavors, Republicans and Democrats. You will see liberals of both cheating on their women, while Conservatives who are happy with God and their lives, don't need to cheat. Why else do liberals push for immorality and the destruction of the Nuclear Family? Because Marxism doesn't work when people are happy.


A transgender woman was arrested Tuesday in Idaho after police say she used her cellphone to take photos of a woman trying on clothes in a Target changing room.

Shauna Patricia Smith, 43, allegedly reached over the partition and snapped a photo of a woman changing clothes in the next stall, the Post Register reported, citing a Bonneville County Sheriff’s Office news release.

Sean Patrick Smith, a.k.a. Shauna Patricia Smith (Image source: Bonneville County Jail)
The victim, whose identity was not released, reportedly confronted Smith following the incident — but Smith left the Ammon store, the Post Register said.

“The woman was begging for help as she chased the man out the door,” one unnamed witness told the East Idaho News. “She kept saying she wanted those pictures deleted.”

Transgender Woman Arrested for Alleged Voyeurism at Target
THis is another example of the "Liberals" who war on women. Why else do the husbands of liberal women cheat on them also? Such stupid women who believe that the liberals are for women. Stupid is as stupid votes and the liberal women vote Dumbocrat.

View attachment 130079
Why would conservatives cheat on their women? Oh, nice syllogistic fallacy.
Liberals come in 2 flavors, Republicans and Democrats. You will see liberals of both cheating on their women, while Conservatives who are happy with God and their lives, don't need to cheat. Why else do liberals push for immorality and the destruction of the Nuclear Family? Because Marxism doesn't work when people are happy.
Conservatives are in both parties also. Yeah, conservatives never cheat, and the sun comes up in the West. Got any more lies this morning?
Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away

According to the American Psychiatric Association, until 1974 homosexuality was a mental illness. Freud had alluded to homosexuality numerous times in his writings, and had concluded that paranoia and homosexuality were inseparable. Other psychiatrists wrote copiously on the subject, and homosexuality was “treated” on a wide basis. There was little or no suggestion within the psychiatric community that homosexuality might be conceptualized as anything other than a mental illness that needed to be treated. And, of course, homosexuality was listed as a mental illness in DSM-II. (The DSM – Diagnostic and Statistical Manual – is the APA’s standard classification of their so-called mental disorders, and is used by many mental health workers in the USA and other countries.)

Homosexuality: The Mental Illness That Went Away | Behaviorism and Mental Health
It would take an idiot to claim that a guy taking pictures of women in dressing rooms is homersexual...the projection is as thick as ticks on a coon hound in the summer.
It would take an idiot to claim that a guy taking pictures of women in dressing rooms is homersexual...the projection is as thick as ticks on a coon hound in the summer.

Its a guy who thinks he's a woman.... get it? So, if this meant to be liberal abortion is indeed a woman, then it is a homo who should be shunned

It would take an idiot to claim that a guy taking pictures of women in dressing rooms is homersexual...the projection is as thick as ticks on a coon hound in the summer.

So you admit he's a guy pretending to be a woman?
This story is old, it's been posted before. LIberals decided to ignore it. THey now claim you have to "play the role" when transgender, so despite claiming they abhor gender stereotypes, if this person didn't have long hair, he's across dresser, not transgender, so they can protect their special status groups.

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