Transgender wrestler wins second straight Texas girls' high school title

Hormones are not dope. Testosterone is a male hormone that women also produce. You do realize that men and women both produce male and female hormones right?

I think men produce a lot more of it though. I think that's what makes men, men. Testosterone makes them stronger. A 110 pound male athlete is always going to be stronger than a 110 pound woman athlete. Which means a transgender man is always going to beat a woman in the same weight class when they are athletes.
True. In general thats the rule but I am certain there are exceptions where a female could produce just as much. Should that female be disallowed from competing?

I think you are missing the point. Testosterone is what helps build the male body. Years of testosterone will make mens bones thicker, which makes them stronger. You could take a female and give her all the testosterone in the world and she will still never have the musculature of a man. Which means she will always lose.
That wasnt the point. The ask was to test the participants and if the female had male hormones she be excluded from competition. We worked that out and then it became about t the level of male hormones. Transgenders taking estrogen are going to have less testosterone than a birth female with an overabundance of testosterone. So testing like that wouldnt work either. We would need to use birth certificates.

How about acknowledging that a male transgender will always be stronger, faster, and have more stamina than a female of the same weight class. If a male transgender wants to play with the women, he has to play against women who are bigger to make up for his innate physical superiority. I'm not sure what the mitigation would have to be but I am sure it is doable. maybe the 110 pound transgender has to compete in the 150 pound womans class. Something like that.
I hesitate to make that general statement as I have seen first hand women out perform men that weighed more than they did. I support the right to be transgender. I dont support transgender females competing against birth/natural females.
Mack Beggs, transgender wrestler, wins Texas girls’ high school title
CYPRESS, Texas — For the second year in a row, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division.

Transgender wrestler wins second straight Texas girls' high school title

LOL be proud trendy's you've proved your love on this one so much so your own kids were sacrificed . Now a tranny can go to school in place of your child because you helped awwww sooo sweet.

I tried. But I can't care.

You dont care if men beat up women?
Bitches need a good beating so they'll learn their place.
This is all Bruce Jenner’s fault.
I wouldn't blame it all on him when he obviously is not the only gender confused person on the planet.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The big question is how long until a real female will be able to win a women's only sporting event again?
Considering they are no longer women's only events, probably never. As long as these perverse abominations are permitted to "compete" against real women.
There should be a blood test for the transgender wrestler like all sports do. So if in the blood test they discover male hormones, then the transgender should not be allowed to wrestle with women.
Yes. Sportsmen get regular blood test to detect dope. In every sport. If a transgender has male genitals and male hormones any time in that school year, then he should be out.
Hormones are not dope. Testosterone is a male hormone that women also produce. You do realize that men and women both produce male and female hormones right?

Do you not see anything inherently wrong with this girl taking testosterone while competing? Maybe the blame lies with Texas for not allowing this girl to compete with the boys, but whoever is to blame, it is not fair to the other female athletes.
Mack Beggs, transgender wrestler, wins Texas girls’ high school title
CYPRESS, Texas — For the second year in a row, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division.

Transgender wrestler wins second straight Texas girls' high school title

LOL be proud trendy's you've proved your love on this one so much so your own kids were sacrificed . Now a tranny can go to school in place of your child because you helped awwww sooo sweet.

I tried. But I can't care.

You dont care if men beat up women?

Trump haters don't get that. That's also what makes them democrats. Ever notice they are for free for all screwing everything, kill anything white and human, all in the same breath supporting black genocide where most planned parenthoods are located in low income black neighborhoods. Never saw Obama save that mess ever lol.
Mack Beggs, transgender wrestler, wins Texas girls’ high school title
CYPRESS, Texas — For the second year in a row, a transgender wrestler has won the Texas girls’ Class 6A 110-pound division.

Transgender wrestler wins second straight Texas girls' high school title

LOL be proud trendy's you've proved your love on this one so much so your own kids were sacrificed . Now a tranny can go to school in place of your child because you helped awwww sooo sweet.
we need a transgender category.
There should be a blood test for the transgender wrestler like all sports do. So if in the blood test they discover male hormones, then the transgender should not be allowed to wrestle with women.
Yes. Sportsmen get regular blood test to detect dope. In every sport. If a transgender has male genitals and male hormones any time in that school year, then he should be out.
Hormones are not dope. Testosterone is a male hormone that women also produce. You do realize that men and women both produce male and female hormones right?

Do you not see anything inherently wrong with this girl taking testosterone while competing? Maybe the blame lies with Texas for not allowing this girl to compete with the boys, but whoever is to blame, it is not fair to the other female athletes.
My bad. I got it backwards. She is transitioning to male and should not be allowed to wrestle girls while taking testosterone. I thought this was a male transitioning to female.

"Beggs had asked to wrestle in the boys’ division, but the rules for Texas public high schools require athletes to compete under the gender on their birth certificate."
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Men will always win over women

GOD created men stronger that women

how pathetic these poor men are......thinking they have become women......and thinking because they wear pink shoes... they are ladies,.......

so so sad.....

and also revolting

Hey everyone...Billie Jean King.
Did anyone read the article or just go knee jerk.

This is a girl. A 110 lb girl. Because she takes hormone therapy she asked to compete with the boys and was told no.

This is the same thing that used to get women expelled from competition. Now it's okay.
I like to wrestle females but it's womens fault for wanting to included in male clubs and activities forty years ago..

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