"Transgendered" Bathrooms

No actually, that is not what it means. Go and educate yourself as to what it actually means. Then maybe you can participate in a discussion intelligently for once in your life.

You might not see it, but to transgenders, the wrong identity is very real, not a delusion. Doctors have come to accept and help transgenders with their change.

People go through every type of plastic surgery and psychiatric care for many reason. Transgender is the same. It is not for you to say what is real for them.
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Thing is, since they no longer classify it as a "mental disorder" on the DSM, they can now bypass any therapy whatsoever and go straight to a "gender specialist." The only REAL qualification is that they have been living as a female for 3 years. This whole situation is ridiculous and harmful. I'm sure you know there are many, many other things this kind of confusion could be related to, such as sexual abuse, neglect, etc.
No actually, that is not what it means. Go and educate yourself as to what it actually means. Then maybe you can participate in a discussion intelligently for once in your life.

You might not see it, but to transgenders, the wrong identity is very real, not a delusion. Doctors have come to accept and help transgenders with their change.

People go through every type of plastic surgery and psychiatric care for many reason. Transgender is the same. It is not for you to say what is real for them.
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Some children have been abused, and they have blocked it out and don't even remember. They just know that they suffer and feel terrible. Sometimes as adults, they recall their abuse and CAN in fact be healed. It has been said that 70-80% of children who believe they are "transgendered" grow out of these feelings by the time they reach adulthood.
Since Transgenders are responsible for unisex and gender neutral bathrooms, it's only fair to beat them whenever and wherever they are found.
You might not see it, but to transgenders, the wrong identity is very real, not a delusion. Doctors have come to accept and help transgenders with their change.

People go through every type of plastic surgery and psychiatric care for many reason. Transgender is the same. It is not for you to say what is real for them.
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Thing is, since they no longer classify it as a "mental disorder" on the DSM, they can now bypass any therapy whatsoever and go straight to a "gender specialist." The only REAL qualification is that they have been living as a female for 3 years. This whole situation is ridiculous and harmful. I'm sure you know there are many, many other things this kind of confusion could be related to, such as sexual abuse, neglect, etc.

Well, as long as everyone understands that people who are not like you have "mental disorders", then we really don't need for the AMA to classify such disorders..
If they don't think these transgendered people are delusional, then they really ought to look up the definition of delusional and become more educated about what a "delusion" actually is!
No need. It means, "Different than ChrisL".

No actually, that is not what it means. Go and educate yourself as to what it actually means. Then maybe you can participate in a discussion intelligently for once in your life.

You might not see it, but to transgenders, the wrong identity is very real, not a delusion. Doctors have come to accept and help transgenders with their change.

People go through every type of plastic surgery and psychiatric care for many reason. Transgender is the same. It is not for you to say what is real for them.
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.

Tsk, tsk to you. Just because we do not agree does not make the other person a "bigot." I thought you were smarter than that? I think perhaps you should look up the definition of that word as well. :(
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Thing is, since they no longer classify it as a "mental disorder" on the DSM, they can now bypass any therapy whatsoever and go straight to a "gender specialist." The only REAL qualification is that they have been living as a female for 3 years. This whole situation is ridiculous and harmful. I'm sure you know there are many, many other things this kind of confusion could be related to, such as sexual abuse, neglect, etc.

Well, as long as everyone understands that people who are not like you have "mental disorders", then we really don't need for the AMA to classify such disorders..

Do me a favor, just ignore my posts from now on. You are too stupid to talk to. Thanks. :D
I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Thing is, since they no longer classify it as a "mental disorder" on the DSM, they can now bypass any therapy whatsoever and go straight to a "gender specialist." The only REAL qualification is that they have been living as a female for 3 years. This whole situation is ridiculous and harmful. I'm sure you know there are many, many other things this kind of confusion could be related to, such as sexual abuse, neglect, etc.

Well, as long as everyone understands that people who are not like you have "mental disorders", then we really don't need for the AMA to classify such disorders..

Do me a favor, just ignore my posts from now on. You are too stupid to talk to. Thanks. :D

Now way, Chris, but if it is that important to you, you can put me on ignore. I have been fighting self righteous bigotry for too many years to stop now.
...bigots on parade.....

Ever read "The Little Douche that Cried Wolf?" That's you. :D

I take issue with this use of the word “douche”.

A douche is something that gets to come into close proximity to uncovered female intimate parts—a privilege which no woman of any value is likely to ever grant to any of those to whom you are applying this term. Perhaps that's why they are so desperate to get laws changed, to allow them into women's locker rooms; it may be the only chance they'll ever get to see women's intimate parts in real life.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Thing is, since they no longer classify it as a "mental disorder" on the DSM, they can now bypass any therapy whatsoever and go straight to a "gender specialist." The only REAL qualification is that they have been living as a female for 3 years. This whole situation is ridiculous and harmful. I'm sure you know there are many, many other things this kind of confusion could be related to, such as sexual abuse, neglect, etc.

Well, as long as everyone understands that people who are not like you have "mental disorders", then we really don't need for the AMA to classify such disorders..

Do me a favor, just ignore my posts from now on. You are too stupid to talk to. Thanks. :D

Now way, Chris, but if it is that important to you, you can put me on ignore. I have been fighting self righteous bigotry for too many years to stop now.

Derrr. I'm not religious, and you are just dumb. A difference in opinions doesn't make one a bigot. I used to think you were quite bright. That is NOT the case any longer.
Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Thing is, since they no longer classify it as a "mental disorder" on the DSM, they can now bypass any therapy whatsoever and go straight to a "gender specialist." The only REAL qualification is that they have been living as a female for 3 years. This whole situation is ridiculous and harmful. I'm sure you know there are many, many other things this kind of confusion could be related to, such as sexual abuse, neglect, etc.

Well, as long as everyone understands that people who are not like you have "mental disorders", then we really don't need for the AMA to classify such disorders..

Do me a favor, just ignore my posts from now on. You are too stupid to talk to. Thanks. :D

Now way, Chris, but if it is that important to you, you can put me on ignore. I have been fighting self righteous bigotry for too many years to stop now.

Derrr. I'm not religious, and you are just dumb. A difference in opinions doesn't make one a bigot. I used to think you were quite bright. That is NOT the case any longer.

You're breaking my heart Chris. Does this mean that you won't be inviting me to picket with you and the gang at Westboro Baptist Church?
Thing is, since they no longer classify it as a "mental disorder" on the DSM, they can now bypass any therapy whatsoever and go straight to a "gender specialist." The only REAL qualification is that they have been living as a female for 3 years. This whole situation is ridiculous and harmful. I'm sure you know there are many, many other things this kind of confusion could be related to, such as sexual abuse, neglect, etc.

Well, as long as everyone understands that people who are not like you have "mental disorders", then we really don't need for the AMA to classify such disorders..

Do me a favor, just ignore my posts from now on. You are too stupid to talk to. Thanks. :D

Now way, Chris, but if it is that important to you, you can put me on ignore. I have been fighting self righteous bigotry for too many years to stop now.

Derrr. I'm not religious, and you are just dumb. A difference in opinions doesn't make one a bigot. I used to think you were quite bright. That is NOT the case any longer.

You're breaking my heart Chris. Does this mean that you won't be inviting me to picket with you and the gang at Westboro Baptist Church?

See? Another stupid ass comment. I am going to put you on ignore. You suck. Lol.
Thing is, since they no longer classify it as a "mental disorder" on the DSM, they can now bypass any therapy whatsoever and go straight to a "gender specialist." The only REAL qualification is that they have been living as a female for 3 years. This whole situation is ridiculous and harmful. I'm sure you know there are many, many other things this kind of confusion could be related to, such as sexual abuse, neglect, etc.

Well, as long as everyone understands that people who are not like you have "mental disorders", then we really don't need for the AMA to classify such disorders..

Do me a favor, just ignore my posts from now on. You are too stupid to talk to. Thanks. :D

Now way, Chris, but if it is that important to you, you can put me on ignore. I have been fighting self righteous bigotry for too many years to stop now.

Derrr. I'm not religious, and you are just dumb. A difference in opinions doesn't make one a bigot. I used to think you were quite bright. That is NOT the case any longer.

You're breaking my heart Chris. Does this mean that you won't be inviting me to picket with you and the gang at Westboro Baptist Church?
Vandal is actually a noodly armed bottom boy faggot that pretends to be a biker. He was inspired by those bikers that would show up to counter protest Westboro to make up this imaginary character...
Big bad ass fag loving biker guy. Lol

Those don't actually exist though, 1%ers beat up faggots for fun.
You might not see it, but to transgenders, the wrong identity is very real, not a delusion. Doctors have come to accept and help transgenders with their change.

People go through every type of plastic surgery and psychiatric care for many reason. Transgender is the same. It is not for you to say what is real for them.
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Some children have been abused, and they have blocked it out and don't even remember. They just know that they suffer and feel terrible. Sometimes as adults, they recall their abuse and CAN in fact be healed. It has been said that 70-80% of children who believe they are "transgendered" grow out of these feelings by the time they reach adulthood.

McHugh has not been part of JHH in twenty four years. He is not 85 yrs old. He might have been an authority at one time but medicine and psychiatry have changed a lot since then.

He is snake oil and flash paper compared to what is known now.
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Some children have been abused, and they have blocked it out and don't even remember. They just know that they suffer and feel terrible. Sometimes as adults, they recall their abuse and CAN in fact be healed. It has been said that 70-80% of children who believe they are "transgendered" grow out of these feelings by the time they reach adulthood.

McHugh has not been part of JHH in twenty four years. He is not 85 yrs old. He might have been an authority at one time but medicine and psychiatry have changed a lot since then.

He is snake oil and flash paper compared to what is known now.

Dr. Mchugh was the chief of psychiatry at John Hopkins for 26 years.
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Some children have been abused, and they have blocked it out and don't even remember. They just know that they suffer and feel terrible. Sometimes as adults, they recall their abuse and CAN in fact be healed. It has been said that 70-80% of children who believe they are "transgendered" grow out of these feelings by the time they reach adulthood.

McHugh has not been part of JHH in twenty four years. He is not 85 yrs old. He might have been an authority at one time but medicine and psychiatry have changed a lot since then.

He is snake oil and flash paper compared to what is known now.
You're side is the one denying science, ma'am...... That makes your tranny pseudoscience the snake oil. You're just too dumb to see it, being a leftist and all.
No actually, that is not what it means. Go and educate yourself as to what it actually means. Then maybe you can participate in a discussion intelligently for once in your life.

You might not see it, but to transgenders, the wrong identity is very real, not a delusion. Doctors have come to accept and help transgenders with their change.

People go through every type of plastic surgery and psychiatric care for many reason. Transgender is the same. It is not for you to say what is real for them.
. Wouldn't it be so much easier to remain in your own skin so to speak? The way you describe something, it's hard for me to believe that someone would ever want to go down that road, much less convince anyone to help them go down that road. Now they want us to go down the road with them ? Uh we don't need to go down that road with them, and we shouldn't be forced to go down that road with them. Christians best start making a stand in the country, along with anyone else that don't want this bull crap in their children's lives.

I have an acute nerve condition and if I could, I'd change skin. If there was a way, why should I suffer my whole life?
There are days when even the most loose silky material is my worst enemy causing terrible pain. If there was something I could do, why shouldn't I have that option?
As a child I would claw at my skin till it bled. I'm not transgender but I can empathize with the feeling of wearing the wrong skin.
I helped women that were disfigured and burnt get surgery so they can feel more normal so they can pick up and get on with their life.
Children disfigured or disabled, they get medical help from surgery to prosthetic. They are taught to do thing other kids take for granted.
Mental or physical, we allow others to make themselves over. We can even give those paralyzed the change to walk again.
We can change our eyebrows to our organs to our skin. Next year we will even be able to change heads to a new body. Seems imprinting the brain and personality on to robots are now possible.

Why if a person is born with the brain of another sex, should they have to remain in an alien body?

A penis does not make one a man. Your actions do. Not just transgender but some gays have a terrible time trying to be "manly"

We are each unique, so why must everyone be pigeon holed into just male or female when we are so much more complex. We don't all think and fell the same or have the same likes and dislikes.

We come in every hue, size and shape, as well as sexes.

Let people find their happiness.
Changing yourself from a man to a woman in no way fixes any of the conditions you spoke of, nor is your comparisons anyway related to the craziness of people doing things to their bodies in which makes their conditions far worse. Can you imagine the hell that people are bringing upon themselves, and a life time of it to boot ? Then there are the influential devils who help them screw their minds and bodies up. Wow. If people get around anyone who says to a child that he or she could be the opposite of their sex or if she wants to become a he from a she or vice-versa, then get as far away from people like that as you can, because they are pure devils working evil deeds upon this earth.

Transgenders are at risk without going through hormone or surgical changes. they are in hell. If surgery and hormones and living as their identity sex makes them feel normal, that is for the doctor, psychologist and patient to decide.

Transgenders have a right to be treated as that sex and getting a legal name and sex identity change.

Everyone has the right to pursue happiness. They also have the right to fail. Success or failure does not mean you have the right to take rights from others.

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