"Transgendered" Bathrooms

. If this is the case then No.... If my grand daughter is in a bathroom/restroom with my wife getting her diaper changed, and a dude walks in to use it, then there will be trouble big time... Common sense is a great thing, people had best get back to it.

boys go into women's rooms with their mother and girls go into men's rooms with their fathers.
Man change diapers, why should you be bothered by a man using a bathroom while a diaper is being changed? There are diaper tables in both gender bathrooms.
. Key words were boys and girls as in being to young to make choices on their own within your response, instead of men and women who have mental issues about where they need to go to a restroom, and so they end up somehow in the wrong restroom (not matching their birth certificate status). Why are so called transgender people offended about going into the restroom that matches their birth certificate status or physical attributes born with in life ? Have they been abused in these restrooms in the past or are they just trying to make yet another statement in hopes to infiltrate deeper into areas in which offends their little group because they know they aren't accepted there by the mainstream society ?

Transgender are not mental cases, they have the wrong body. Girls believe they are boys and boys believe they should have had a girls body.
These are not dangerous other people. Desperation and a need for acceptance drives some to suicide. Not being allowed to be themselves kills them. Public hate and misunderstanding kills them.
People like you kills far too many of them.

You are the danger, not the transgender
I heard Prince Charles was one.

Camilla once claims to have taken photos of him in her stockings, but that might have been a joke or just sex play
Ah, so he does want to be Queen.
. So businesses have to spend thousands by doing away with the men's restrooms that accommodate 10 to 15 men at a time or the women the same, and create unisex restrooms that only allow one person in at a time ? What will they do at large sporting events and etc. ? Will the government next order an added restroom to be built by businesses or sports arena's now ? Don't you all just love the way our government caves to every little weirdo whim that society is pumping out now ?

Unisex bathrooms allow both in at the same time. No gender, no waiting.
. If this is the case then No.... If my grand daughter is in a bathroom/restroom with my wife getting her diaper changed, and a dude walks in to use it, then there will be trouble big time... Common sense is a great thing, people had best get back to it.

boys go into women's rooms with their mother and girls go into men's rooms with their fathers.
Man change diapers, why should you be bothered by a man using a bathroom while a diaper is being changed? There are diaper tables in both gender bathrooms.
. Key words were boys and girls as in being to young to make choices on their own within your response, instead of men and women who have mental issues about where they need to go to a restroom, and so they end up somehow in the wrong restroom (not matching their birth certificate status). Why are so called transgender people offended about going into the restroom that matches their birth certificate status or physical attributes born with in life ? Have they been abused in these restrooms in the past or are they just trying to make yet another statement in hopes to infiltrate deeper into areas in which offends their little group because they know they aren't accepted there by the mainstream society ?

Children at five are already identifying by gender. Many parents have no idea about transgender when their children express preference. Children know, even when adults are confused and ignorant.
I blame the internet.
I say bigots are wrong and you accuse me of name calling?

You wanting to trash talk is not going to make you or bigots right to hate others.

Sorry you are homo/LGBTphobic, but they have as much right to live in peace and go to the bathroom as everyone else.

Homosexuality has existed across species since the time of the dinosaurs.
Males have often been the ones to dress up in the most brilliant colors and put on beautiful displays.
Men around the world wear skirts as normal clothing since the dawn of clothing. Many cultures wear little or no clothing.

Why are you so bothered by a transgender wearing a dress? They are women.
Are you bothered by someone in pants using the men's room?

A man in a dress, that espouses a sexual interest in women AND has a penis is just a STRAIGHT MALE.

A large number of trans men report they ARE SEXUALLY INTETESTED IN WOMEN.

What the hell is so damn hard to understand here?

A straight male is a straight male no matter what they wear!

interested in being a woman.

No, it's odd that you asked, but you're a moonbat, so there's that

Was not a question. Transgenders are interested in being a woman, .....or being males.

Why is it only the women's bathrooms being discussed? No one questions a transgender in pants? Only transgender in pantyhose and heels? Do you have any idea how hard they are to get in and out of? Truck drivers and football players might but most other men would not, or sadly not admit to it.

Men don't often get raped by women

OBTW, a woman can dress any damn way she feels. Your stereotype, once again proves your hatred of women

LOL, so many assumptions and all so wrong.

Oh, and men can get raped by other men, but you don't care? Women can be raped by other women but you don't forbid them from using the bathroom. Rape is not about sex.

If women can dress how they want or be transgender men, why so upset about transgender women.

Bathrooms are not the problem, hate by people like you is.
Unisex bathrooms allow both in at the same time. No gender, no waiting.
. If this is the case then No.... If my grand daughter is in a bathroom/restroom with my wife getting her diaper changed, and a dude walks in to use it, then there will be trouble big time... Common sense is a great thing, people had best get back to it.

boys go into women's rooms with their mother and girls go into men's rooms with their fathers.
Man change diapers, why should you be bothered by a man using a bathroom while a diaper is being changed? There are diaper tables in both gender bathrooms.
. Key words were boys and girls as in being to young to make choices on their own within your response, instead of men and women who have mental issues about where they need to go to a restroom, and so they end up somehow in the wrong restroom (not matching their birth certificate status). Why are so called transgender people offended about going into the restroom that matches their birth certificate status or physical attributes born with in life ? Have they been abused in these restrooms in the past or are they just trying to make yet another statement in hopes to infiltrate deeper into areas in which offends their little group because they know they aren't accepted there by the mainstream society ?

Children at five are already identifying by gender. Many parents have no idea about transgender when their children express preference. Children know, even when adults are confused and ignorant.
I blame the internet.

People have been transgender longer than there has been an internet. There are transgenders in place around the world where there is no internet.
Problem is those who cannot accept others that are unique or different as just people.
boys go into women's rooms with their mother and girls go into men's rooms with their fathers.
Man change diapers, why should you be bothered by a man using a bathroom while a diaper is being changed? There are diaper tables in both gender bathrooms.
. Key words were boys and girls as in being to young to make choices on their own within your response, instead of men and women who have mental issues about where they need to go to a restroom, and so they end up somehow in the wrong restroom (not matching their birth certificate status). Why are so called transgender people offended about going into the restroom that matches their birth certificate status or physical attributes born with in life ? Have they been abused in these restrooms in the past or are they just trying to make yet another statement in hopes to infiltrate deeper into areas in which offends their little group because they know they aren't accepted there by the mainstream society ?

Transgender are not mental cases, they have the wrong body. Girls believe they are boys and boys believe they should have had a girls body.
These are not dangerous other people. Desperation and a need for acceptance drives some to suicide. Not being allowed to be themselves kills them. Public hate and misunderstanding kills them.
People like you kills far too many of them.

You are the danger, not the transgender
I heard Prince Charles was one.

Camilla once claims to have taken photos of him in her stockings, but that might have been a joke or just sex play
Ah, so he does want to be Queen.

at least in the bedroom with Carmilla, if you believe what she said
A man in a dress, that espouses a sexual interest in women AND has a penis is just a STRAIGHT MALE.

A large number of trans men report they ARE SEXUALLY INTETESTED IN WOMEN.

What the hell is so damn hard to understand here?

A straight male is a straight male no matter what they wear!

interested in being a woman.

No, it's odd that you asked, but you're a moonbat, so there's that

Was not a question. Transgenders are interested in being a woman, .....or being males.

Why is it only the women's bathrooms being discussed? No one questions a transgender in pants? Only transgender in pantyhose and heels? Do you have any idea how hard they are to get in and out of? Truck drivers and football players might but most other men would not, or sadly not admit to it.

Men don't often get raped by women

OBTW, a woman can dress any damn way she feels. Your stereotype, once again proves your hatred of women

LOL, so many assumptions and all so wrong.

Oh, and men can get raped by other men, but you don't care? Women can be raped by other women but you don't forbid them from using the bathroom. Rape is not about sex.

If women can dress how they want or be transgender men, why so upset about transgender women.

Bathrooms are not the problem, hate by people like you is.
The problem is that the rape councilors are soviets and always tryin to pin any rape on white males.

Most rapes are instigated by females known to the victim, but we'll never know about that while every psychologist is a feminazi.
. If this is the case then No.... If my grand daughter is in a bathroom/restroom with my wife getting her diaper changed, and a dude walks in to use it, then there will be trouble big time... Common sense is a great thing, people had best get back to it.

boys go into women's rooms with their mother and girls go into men's rooms with their fathers.
Man change diapers, why should you be bothered by a man using a bathroom while a diaper is being changed? There are diaper tables in both gender bathrooms.
. Key words were boys and girls as in being to young to make choices on their own within your response, instead of men and women who have mental issues about where they need to go to a restroom, and so they end up somehow in the wrong restroom (not matching their birth certificate status). Why are so called transgender people offended about going into the restroom that matches their birth certificate status or physical attributes born with in life ? Have they been abused in these restrooms in the past or are they just trying to make yet another statement in hopes to infiltrate deeper into areas in which offends their little group because they know they aren't accepted there by the mainstream society ?

Children at five are already identifying by gender. Many parents have no idea about transgender when their children express preference. Children know, even when adults are confused and ignorant.
I blame the internet.

People have been transgender longer than there has been an internet. There are transgenders in place around the world where there is no internet.
Problem is those who cannot accept others that are unique or different as just people.
Yes I know but the internet provides information for children and more people to change.

It's good when it's right for a person, but also there is tremendous over diagnosis.
. If this is the case then No.... If my grand daughter is in a bathroom/restroom with my wife getting her diaper changed, and a dude walks in to use it, then there will be trouble big time... Common sense is a great thing, people had best get back to it.

boys go into women's rooms with their mother and girls go into men's rooms with their fathers.
Man change diapers, why should you be bothered by a man using a bathroom while a diaper is being changed? There are diaper tables in both gender bathrooms.
. Key words were boys and girls as in being to young to make choices on their own within your response, instead of men and women who have mental issues about where they need to go to a restroom, and so they end up somehow in the wrong restroom (not matching their birth certificate status). Why are so called transgender people offended about going into the restroom that matches their birth certificate status or physical attributes born with in life ? Have they been abused in these restrooms in the past or are they just trying to make yet another statement in hopes to infiltrate deeper into areas in which offends their little group because they know they aren't accepted there by the mainstream society ?

Transgender are not mental cases, they have the wrong body. Girls believe they are boys and boys believe they should have had a girls body.
These are not dangerous other people. Desperation and a need for acceptance drives some to suicide. Not being allowed to be themselves kills them. Public hate and misunderstanding kills them.
People like you kills far too many of them.

You are the danger, not the transgender
Fuck you, lesbo.

Wrong again.
No I'm not
boys go into women's rooms with their mother and girls go into men's rooms with their fathers.
Man change diapers, why should you be bothered by a man using a bathroom while a diaper is being changed? There are diaper tables in both gender bathrooms.
. Key words were boys and girls as in being to young to make choices on their own within your response, instead of men and women who have mental issues about where they need to go to a restroom, and so they end up somehow in the wrong restroom (not matching their birth certificate status). Why are so called transgender people offended about going into the restroom that matches their birth certificate status or physical attributes born with in life ? Have they been abused in these restrooms in the past or are they just trying to make yet another statement in hopes to infiltrate deeper into areas in which offends their little group because they know they aren't accepted there by the mainstream society ?

Transgender are not mental cases, they have the wrong body. Girls believe they are boys and boys believe they should have had a girls body.
These are not dangerous other people. Desperation and a need for acceptance drives some to suicide. Not being allowed to be themselves kills them. Public hate and misunderstanding kills them.
People like you kills far too many of them.

You are the danger, not the transgender
Fuck you, lesbo.

Wrong again.
No I'm not

very wrong
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.
The Brits should stay out of North Carolina and go to nice, safe, tranny friendly Chicago instead.
boys go into women's rooms with their mother and girls go into men's rooms with their fathers.
Man change diapers, why should you be bothered by a man using a bathroom while a diaper is being changed? There are diaper tables in both gender bathrooms.
. Key words were boys and girls as in being to young to make choices on their own within your response, instead of men and women who have mental issues about where they need to go to a restroom, and so they end up somehow in the wrong restroom (not matching their birth certificate status). Why are so called transgender people offended about going into the restroom that matches their birth certificate status or physical attributes born with in life ? Have they been abused in these restrooms in the past or are they just trying to make yet another statement in hopes to infiltrate deeper into areas in which offends their little group because they know they aren't accepted there by the mainstream society ?

Transgender are not mental cases, they have the wrong body. Girls believe they are boys and boys believe they should have had a girls body.
These are not dangerous other people. Desperation and a need for acceptance drives some to suicide. Not being allowed to be themselves kills them. Public hate and misunderstanding kills them.
People like you kills far too many of them.

You are the danger, not the transgender
I heard Prince Charles was one.

Camilla once claims to have taken photos of him in her stockings, but that might have been a joke or just sex play
Ah, so he does want to be Queen.

His grandfather was bi-sexual. Maybe sexual adventure ran in the family.

Many of europes royals have been gay or bi. Don't know about transgender, but cross dressing has a long history in the UK.
Not at all, I just don't take kindly to somebody coming in and immediately calling names, and then when you get a hostile response...you act like a victim.

So like I said, go fuck yourself heathen.

You're a normophobe and any enemy to the natural order. You are trash, you are worthless, and if you're a tranny...I hope you kill yourself.

How do you like that?

I say bigots are wrong and you accuse me of name calling?

You wanting to trash talk is not going to make you or bigots right to hate others.

Sorry you are homo/LGBTphobic, but they have as much right to live in peace and go to the bathroom as everyone else.

Homosexuality has existed across species since the time of the dinosaurs.
Males have often been the ones to dress up in the most brilliant colors and put on beautiful displays.
Men around the world wear skirts as normal clothing since the dawn of clothing. Many cultures wear little or no clothing.

Why are you so bothered by a transgender wearing a dress? They are women.
Are you bothered by someone in pants using the men's room?
. If you want to try giving ancient history, then do tell what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, and do tell why it happened.

Astroid that struck the alps.

Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Universe Today
Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah? 10 Apr ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the impact blast.â€.
Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Fox News Channel
Apr 1, 2008 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid
The Register
Mar 31, 2008 - Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the ...
Sodom And Gomorrah: The Köfels Asteroid Impact | Reality ...
Mar 7, 2010 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
. And if given the chance you would put us in a hole wouldn't you ?
Idiots still don't get "transwomen" do not exist in reality.

Transgender History: Trans Expression in Ancient Times ...
Feb 12, 2008 - It may sound far-fetched, but history (even if written by victors) offers little glimpses of reality at times, and many of these glimpses tend to ...
Timeline: A Look Back at the History of Transgender ...
Nov 19, 2012 - Take a look back now at the history of transgender visibility with this ... The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center ...
[PDF]Transgender History in the United States - UMass Amherst
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Transgender HisTory in THe UniTed sTaTes by genny Beemyn part of Trans Bodies, Trans selves edited by Laura erickson-schroth. aBoUT THis e-Book.
Timeline: Transgender Through History - CBC.ca
Charlotte Clark, the first openly lesbian and transgendered person in modern times publishes an autobiography. She is a flamboyant cross-dressing actress who ...
Transgender People in History | Famous Trans Historical ...
There have always been plenty of gay and lesbian historical figures, but transgender history can be a little bit trickier to pin down. This is partly because the ...

If you care for someone in a wheelchair, do you go into their bathroom or yours?
What of someone that needs a catheter?
Someone in special hose for circulation?
Back braces or other adaptive items or clothing?
Even someone that needs help wiping themselves?
What of those that need injections, not easily accessed?

What of doctors of other gender than the patient? Nurses? Orderlies?

Most women are raped by someone they know, not strangers in the bathroom.

This fear of transgender is misplaced and just outright ignorant.
Did anyone write down that phone number on the wall for that genetic change doctor?
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.

And screw the feelings and concerns of millions of biological women who could likely feel uncomfortable having a biological man in their locker room or bathroom.
Their concerns don't matter, the only thing that matters are the feelings of the 1% who feel like they are a woman in a mans body.
Liberals are certifiable.

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