"Transgendered" Bathrooms

I say bigots are wrong and you accuse me of name calling?

You wanting to trash talk is not going to make you or bigots right to hate others.

Sorry you are homo/LGBTphobic, but they have as much right to live in peace and go to the bathroom as everyone else.

Homosexuality has existed across species since the time of the dinosaurs.
Males have often been the ones to dress up in the most brilliant colors and put on beautiful displays.
Men around the world wear skirts as normal clothing since the dawn of clothing. Many cultures wear little or no clothing.

Why are you so bothered by a transgender wearing a dress? They are women.
Are you bothered by someone in pants using the men's room?
. If you want to try giving ancient history, then do tell what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, and do tell why it happened.

Astroid that struck the alps.

Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Universe Today
Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah? 10 Apr ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the impact blast.â€.
Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Fox News Channel
Apr 1, 2008 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid
The Register
Mar 31, 2008 - Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the ...
Sodom And Gomorrah: The Köfels Asteroid Impact | Reality ...
Mar 7, 2010 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
. And if given the chance you would put us in a hole wouldn't you ?

If you slither out of one and pose a danger to others........................... I would encourage you back into it
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.

And screw the feelings and concerns of millions of biological women who could likely feel uncomfortable having a biological man in their locker room or bathroom.
Their concerns don't matter, the only thing that matters are the feelings of the 1% who feel like they are a woman in a mans body.
Liberals are certifiable.

Most women don't know who is in the next stall. Unless you plan on looking under the stalls, it does not matter.

You are dressed when you go in and when you come out. It matters if a transgender is standing next to you while you wash your hands or fix your makeup?
Did anyone write down that phone number on the wall for that genetic change doctor?

Not the same as GRS
The Transgender Center: Home
Transgender Doctor: Surgery and Support, Gender Reassignment, Sexual Reassignment.

The Era Of Genetically-Altered Humans Could Begin This ...
Jan 26, 2014 - By the middle of 2014, the prospect of altering DNA to produce a ... DNA in our chromosomes where most of our genetic information is stored.
Will Genetic Alterations Modify Human Society?
thenextweb.com › Design & Dev
The Next Web
Aug 31, 2014 - Technology will play a huge part in altering our DNA - but is it something we should pursue or left up to the laws of nature?
Genetic engineering - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaGenetic_engineering
Genetic engineering, also called genetic modification, is the direct manipulation of an .... Genetic engineering as the direct manipulation of DNA by humans outside breeding and mutations has only existed since the 1970s. The term "genetic ...
History of genetic engineering - ‎Regulation of genetically ... - ‎Gene therapy - ‎Mouse
. Who cares... I mean is that what you all think will bring about the radical change needed ? Otherwise the thinking is to try and use the leverage of bribery, intimidation or boycotting now to get your ways ? Do you just think the nation is going to sell their soul finally for you people over money ? I pray this nation hasn't put itself into that situation yet, but undoubtedly you who use these tactics figure it has.
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.

And screw the feelings and concerns of millions of biological women who could likely feel uncomfortable having a biological man in their locker room or bathroom.
Their concerns don't matter, the only thing that matters are the feelings of the 1% who feel like they are a woman in a mans body.
Liberals are certifiable.

Most women don't know who is in the next stall. Unless you plan on looking under the stalls, it does not matter.

You are dressed when you go in and when you come out. It matters if a transgender is standing next to you while you wash your hands or fix your makeup?
. No one is going to endanger or expose their family to this idiocy, so do yourselves a favor and don't pursue the thinking any further.
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.

And screw the feelings and concerns of millions of biological women who could likely feel uncomfortable having a biological man in their locker room or bathroom.
Their concerns don't matter, the only thing that matters are the feelings of the 1% who feel like they are a woman in a mans body.
Liberals are certifiable.

and the feelings of the transgender being forced to use the male bathroom, and often abused?

Lesbians use the same bathroom so why is a transgender considered a threat?
Transgenders seem to be rather passive, not aggressors or other women
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.
. Are you sure it's because of the laws or is it because of your movement ? They might not want their children exposed to the idiocy going on here now, and we know what that idiocy is. One can't even go to the restroom in peace anymore. Traggic.
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.

And screw the feelings and concerns of millions of biological women who could likely feel uncomfortable having a biological man in their locker room or bathroom.
Their concerns don't matter, the only thing that matters are the feelings of the 1% who feel like they are a woman in a mans body.
Liberals are certifiable.

Most women don't know who is in the next stall. Unless you plan on looking under the stalls, it does not matter.

You are dressed when you go in and when you come out. It matters if a transgender is standing next to you while you wash your hands or fix your makeup?
. No one is going to endanger or expose their family to this idiocy, so do yourselves a favor and don't pursue the thinking any further.

Unisex bathrooms have been round quite awhile. Why the sudden concern for transgender using the bathrooms? If normal heterosexual males can sit in a stall next to a woman, why can't a transgender woman sit in a stall next to other woman?
Maybe some people will go on the warpath and start mass murdering these freaks.
. No need for violence ever... Just that people should stand up for what they believe in again, and quit being pushed around by people who are so few in number, and have chosen to live as eternal victims all their lives while blaming everyone else for it....
Maybe some people will go on the warpath and start mass murdering these freaks.

A crime that might end with the death penalty. Hate crimes carry a heavier punishment

The 55% of the population that either supports or accepts LGBT might go on the war path against your kind.

You are a dying breed. Sooner would not be soon enough.

Blacks used to have to use separate bathrooms and water fountains, they could not marry outside their race, now people don't think twice about it. In a few years people won't think twice about transgender using the bathroom.

They are just people and they have the right to use the bathroom of their gender identification.
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.

And screw the feelings and concerns of millions of biological women who could likely feel uncomfortable having a biological man in their locker room or bathroom.
Their concerns don't matter, the only thing that matters are the feelings of the 1% who feel like they are a woman in a mans body.
Liberals are certifiable.

Most women don't know who is in the next stall. Unless you plan on looking under the stalls, it does not matter.

You are dressed when you go in and when you come out. It matters if a transgender is standing next to you while you wash your hands or fix your makeup?
. No one is going to endanger or expose their family to this idiocy, so do yourselves a favor and don't pursue the thinking any further.

Unisex bathrooms have been round quite awhile. Why the sudden concern for transgender using the bathrooms? If normal heterosexual males can sit in a stall next to a woman, why can't a transgender woman sit in a stall next to other woman?
. True story -- Back when we were very young, we all stopped into a resteraunt after the races. The wives went into the restroom, and came back out shocked, and with a puzzeled look on their face. They looked this way because there were two guy's in their restroom. We went and got the manager to investigate the situation. At that time the two guys dressed as women came out of the women's restroom where the manager confronted them both. He told them to leave the resteraunt, and to not come back there ever. They laughed, and flipped the manager the bird before walking out like the arrogant idiots they were. They weren't there to eat, but were there instead to cause trouble the manager exclaimed. They succeeded.
. If you want to try giving ancient history, then do tell what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah, and do tell why it happened.

Astroid that struck the alps.

Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Universe Today
Evidence of Asteroid Impact For Sodom and Gomorrah? 10 Apr ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the impact blast.â€.
Researchers: Asteroid Destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah ...
Fox News Channel
Apr 1, 2008 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid
The Register
Mar 31, 2008 - Assyrian clay tablet points to 'Sodom and Gomorrah' asteroid ... It is probable more people died under the plume than in the Alps due to the ...
Sodom And Gomorrah: The Köfels Asteroid Impact | Reality ...
Mar 7, 2010 - He said the size and route of the asteroid meant that it was likely to have crashed into the Austrian Alps at Köfels. As it traveled close to the ...
I know you don't have much common sense, but try to follow this.

If there is a Creator, who could make everything in just 6 days, and I mean all the stars and planets, and everything in the whole universe, then couldn't that Creator control anything He wanted to, including asteroids, comets, and all heavenly bodies, and make them do as He wants them to do?

You don't get the meaning of omnipotent, do you?

If there is such a god, he made gays and transgenders. They are his people as well. You do not have a right to abuse them or even deny them rights.
In the US we live by the law, not the bible or god. Transgenders have a right to use the bathroom of their identified gender and to deny them is against the law.

Stuff your bible in the night stand and learn to live and respect all other people of all faiths and orientation as brothers. Didn't Jesus tell you to love thy neighbor? You won't even let them use the bathroom.

Tell me where god or Jesus says transgenders can't use the bathroom?

You abuse your faith, you don't respect god, Jesus or the book, but you want to preach to the rest of us? Go crawl back into your hole.
. And if given the chance you would put us in a hole wouldn't you ?

If you slither out of one and pose a danger to others........................... I would encourage you back into it
. Encourage now, but what if you don't get your way ?
Maybe some people will go on the warpath and start mass murdering these freaks.

A crime that might end with the death penalty. Hate crimes carry a heavier punishment

The 55% of the population that either supports or accepts LGBT might go on the war path against your kind.

You are a dying breed. Sooner would not be soon enough.

Blacks used to have to use separate bathrooms and water fountains, they could not marry outside their race, now people don't think twice about it. In a few years people won't think twice about transgender using the bathroom.

They are just people and they have the right to use the bathroom of their gender identification.
. Blacks proved to whites that it was a mistake in which the whites had made in treating the blacks the way they did, but the whites to make the mistake of letting men into the women's restroom's because the men think that they are women ain't gonna happen.
Well wouldn't ya know, all the 'tards that think two men pounding each others meat up their ass is all fine and dandy, are the same weirdos that think it's all fine and dandy for a 50 year old man to pull out his wang and dangle it in front of a little 10 year old girl.

Perverts... liberals are perverts... if something is nasty, dirty, immoral or perverted in any way, liberals are all for it, every time, without fail, they will be behind it.

How long before they're all in for pedophiles? Oh wait, they support muslims without fail, and muslims worship a pedophile prophet. Guess since they've already destroyed the thousands of years old definition of marriage, it won't be long before we see 60 year olds marrying little girls... YAAAAAY FOR LIBERALS... ANYTHING GOES!
Maybe some people will go on the warpath and start mass murdering these freaks.

A crime that might end with the death penalty. Hate crimes carry a heavier punishment

The 55% of the population that either supports or accepts LGBT might go on the war path against your kind.

You are a dying breed. Sooner would not be soon enough.

Blacks used to have to use separate bathrooms and water fountains, they could not marry outside their race, now people don't think twice about it. In a few years people won't think twice about transgender using the bathroom.

They are just people and they have the right to use the bathroom of their gender identification.
. Blacks proved to whites that it was a mistake in which the whites had made in treating the blacks the way they did, but the whites to make the mistake of letting men into the women's restroom's because the men think that they are women ain't gonna happen.

Federal appeals court sides with transgender teen, says bathroom case can go forward
Washington Post‎ - 2 days ago
The question of which bathrooms transgender people can use has become a divisive ... people are “essentially on a collision course with federal law and federal courts.”.

A Guide to Restroom Access for Transgender Workers
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
A Guide to Restroom Access for Transgender Workers ... employers on best practices regarding restroom access for ... Other Federal, State and Local Laws.
The outrage by the left is hilarious. They want to punish the good people of North Carolina because the state wants to protect women from being embarrassed or traumatized or even victimized by confused or psychotic or sexual predatory men. Look at the freaking complaint by the left. Under the left's angry crazy doctrine any man can enter a ladies room at any time dressed in any type of male or female clothing and "legally" expose himself to genetic women and girls as long as he claims the voices in his head tell him he is a woman. It's freaking insanity times ten.
Well wouldn't ya know, all the 'tards that think two men pounding each others meat up their ass is all fine and dandy, are the same weirdos that think it's all fine and dandy for a 50 year old man to pull out his wang and dangle it in front of a little 10 year old girl.

Perverts... liberals are perverts... if something is nasty, dirty, immoral or perverted in any way, liberals are all for it, every time, without fail, they will be behind it.

How long before they're all in for pedophiles? Oh wait, they support muslims without fail, and muslims worship a pedophile prophet. Guess since they've already destroyed the thousands of years old definition of marriage, it won't be long before we see 60 year olds marrying little girls... YAAAAAY FOR LIBERALS... ANYTHING GOES!

Most pedophiles are usually heterosexuals
Women get raped in elevators, stairwells, garages, even their own homes but all the RW christian bigots can think of is stopping people from using the public bathroom. They don't even care about transgender abuse by men.

Women should be allowed to use the women's bathroom, including transgender women.

One point where I agree with Trump.

UK has even issued travel warnings for people going to the US, because of anti-LGBT laws.

And screw the feelings and concerns of millions of biological women who could likely feel uncomfortable having a biological man in their locker room or bathroom.
Their concerns don't matter, the only thing that matters are the feelings of the 1% who feel like they are a woman in a mans body.
Liberals are certifiable.

Most women don't know who is in the next stall. Unless you plan on looking under the stalls, it does not matter.

You are dressed when you go in and when you come out. It matters if a transgender is standing next to you while you wash your hands or fix your makeup?

Should the female have the right to know?

That seems a simple courtesy
Well wouldn't ya know, all the 'tards that think two men pounding each others meat up their ass is all fine and dandy, are the same weirdos that think it's all fine and dandy for a 50 year old man to pull out his wang and dangle it in front of a little 10 year old girl.

Perverts... liberals are perverts... if something is nasty, dirty, immoral or perverted in any way, liberals are all for it, every time, without fail, they will be behind it.

How long before they're all in for pedophiles? Oh wait, they support muslims without fail, and muslims worship a pedophile prophet. Guess since they've already destroyed the thousands of years old definition of marriage, it won't be long before we see 60 year olds marrying little girls... YAAAAAY FOR LIBERALS... ANYTHING GOES!

Most pedophiles are usually heterosexuals

All pedophiles are sick

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