Trauma Memory - I Remember Every Detail. What's with the #Metoo's Forgetfulness?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Been robbed. Been jumped. Looked down the wrong end of a gun barrel. Nothing like some people have been through, including people who have been sexually assaulted. But these moments are frozen in my mind, because they play over and over like a movie. I hear the same and worse from Iraq bros, will never forget the screams, the pattern of blood on the ground, the torn limb. Exactly and concisely. Never.

So all I'm saying is I am very concerned with sex violence and am glad more women are coming out. I support #Metoo. But I'm leery when details don't match, or an alleged survivor contradicts her story, and the feminist shrinks come out and play the Trauma Memory card. I despise Kavanaugh's politics. I don't want him confirmed based on his political beliefs. But you can't ruin a man based on "I think this happened or that" and be getting it all wrong. Where are the shrinks who say No, that's not the way it is with trauma at all. When the adrenaline is flowing and you think you are about to die, your mind takes a picture of every little last thing you may never see again. I think that's more the way it works.

Mighty convenient for convicting a man. If his story doesn't add up he's lying. If her's doesn't it's trauma memory. If you don't remember something, ok. But you don't get to fill in the blanks.
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Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. In the picture below the dancer spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

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Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. In the picture below the dancer spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

View attachment 219754

Thank heavens everyone is innocent untill proven gulty
Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. In the picture below the dancer spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

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Thank heavens everyone is innocence untill proven gulty
Thank heavens this isnt about innocence or guilt. Its about not having a liar, potential sexual predator and functioning alcoholic on the SC.
Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. IN the picture below the dance spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

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It happens with non traumatic events, but not life or death ones.

When I was going to drown in Kentucky Kingdom’s wave pool I took down every detail my mind thought was important at the time, and I can almost hear the guy’s voice who saved my little brother and I to this day. If that had happened to me as a fully grown man I would remember basically everything.
Been robbed. Been jumped. Looked down the wrong end of a gun barrel. Nothing like some people have been through, including people who have been sexually assaulted. But these moments are frozen in my mind, because they play over and over like a movie. I hear the same and worse from Iraq bros, with never forget the screams, the pattern of blood on the ground, the torn limb. Exactly and concisely. Never.

So all I'm saying is I am very concerned with sex violence and am glad more women are coming out. I support #Metoo. But I'm leery when details don't match, or an alleged survivor contradicts her story, and the feminist shrinks come out and play the Trauma Memory card. I despise Kavanaugh's politics. I don't want him confirmed based on his political beliefs. But you can't ruin a man based on "I think this happened or that" and be getting it all wrong. Where are the shrinks who say No, that's not the way it is with trauma at all. When the adrenaline is flowing and you think you are about to die, your mind takes a picture of every little last thing you may never see again. I think that's more the way it works.

Mighty convenient for convicting a man. If his story doesn't add up he's lying. If her's doesn't it's trauma memory. If you don't remember something, ok. But you don't get to fill in the blanks.

All my years in rock n roll....pinned more to than a bed and hitting back by the way and getting out of situations.....this me too bullshit is a pile of a dung heap. I can name names of women in rock ad others who wanted to get ahead by using their tits and spreading their legs.
Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. IN the picture below the dance spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

View attachment 219754
It happens with non traumatic events, but not life or death ones.

When I was going to drown in Kentucky Kingdom’s wave pool I took down every detail my mind thought was important at the time, and I can almost hear the guy’s voice who saved my little brother and I to this day. If that had happened to me as a fully grown man I would remember basically everything.
Nope. The problem gets even worse with traumatic events. There is no way you remember everything. Your brain doesnt work like that especially since you are in freeze, flight or fight mode. Youre basically reduced to your animal instincts. Unimportant things dont even register.

I had someone put a gun in my face. To this day I have no recollection if the guy was right or left handed. Cant remember what kind of gun it was. The only thing I remember is his face, the barrel and that he had on some cologne.
Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. In the picture below the dancer spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

View attachment 219754

Thank heavens everyone is innocence untill proven gulty
Thank heavens this isnt about innocence or guilt. Its about not having a liar, potential sexual predator and functioning alcoholic on the SC.

Whats more important is to recognize what levels you bastards will go to to crucify a man because you lost a fucking election.

What is more important is to know how much you are bastards and we need to hate you so much that we need to destroy you as human beings.
Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. In the picture below the dancer spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

View attachment 219754

Thank heavens everyone is innocence untill proven gulty
Thank heavens this isnt about innocence or guilt. Its about not having a liar, potential sexual predator and functioning alcoholic on the SC.

Whats more important is to recognize what levels you bastards will go to to crucify a man because you lost a fucking election.

What is more important is to know how much you are bastards and we need to hate you so much that we need to destroy you as human beings.
You seem to be angry. Too bad its not going to help much in Nov and 2 years from now.
This thread wont get much traction.....the memory lapses in Fords testimony dont matter. It's like they never happened. MeeToo cares about one thing s0ns: power. Duh

People know....fakery is ghey.
Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. IN the picture below the dance spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

View attachment 219754
It happens with non traumatic events, but not life or death ones.

When I was going to drown in Kentucky Kingdom’s wave pool I took down every detail my mind thought was important at the time, and I can almost hear the guy’s voice who saved my little brother and I to this day. If that had happened to me as a fully grown man I would remember basically everything.
Nope. The problem gets even worse with traumatic events. There is no way you remember everything. Your brain doesnt work like that especially since you are in freeze, flight or fight mode. Youre basically reduced to your animal instincts. Unimportant things dont even register.

I had someone put a gun in my face. To this day I have no recollection if the guy was right or left handed. Cant remember what kind of gun it was. The only thing I remember is his face, the barrel and that he had on some cologne.
Because those details don’t matter to you. All you care about is that a gun was pointed in your face and that you didn’t die that day.

For me I was drowning in a wave pool in the shallow end because the waves were abnormally high and there were a ton of people in donut-shaped rafts who kept getting flung towards me and eventually buried me under the waves after I was knocked off balance when I was frantically searching for my brother.

The only reason why I remember this is because it all lead up to my drowning and the eventual rescue. If I had just fallen in the pool accidentally I wouldn’t remember half of my surroundings.

Just like I remember when I was playing with a hoolahoop and wanted to see if the 2 neighborhood kids could slide through it on a slide in my backyard, and when I tried to do it they didn’t hold the loop low enough and I almost crushed my windpipe while they freaked out until my mom came outside after I was able to yell for her.

Just like I remember my first gocart experience at an indoor fun park in Pigeon Forge after thinking that owning my own gocart was going to be the coolest thing ever and watching my younger brother easily drive slower carts and ending up hitting the gas(going up to 15 or 20 miles an hour is scary for a young kid who doesn’t understand the brake mechanics and the concept of slowly letting off the gas), flying by the other kids kids for a few laps, and then deciding to use the broken down McDonalds car to stop my myself.

I will NEVER forget that these and many other things happened to me as an elementary school kid and younger.
Bitch is a liar. Nice and simple

Hoo man, let's see if I can remember them all...

Fingerboy, Toobsteak, Flashass, AZGal, Crixus, Leo, and a few others who elude me for the moment all said the same thing. All of them got challenged to prove it. All of them ran away.

Your turn.

Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. In the picture below the dancer spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

View attachment 219754

Thank heavens everyone is innocence untill proven gulty
Thank heavens this isnt about innocence or guilt. Its about not having a liar, potential sexual predator and functioning alcoholic on the SC.

Whats more important is to recognize what levels you bastards will go to to crucify a man because you lost a fucking election.

What is more important is to know how much you are bastards and we need to hate you so much that we need to destroy you as human beings.

Is that why you just make shit up?
Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. In the picture below the dancer spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

View attachment 219754

Thank heavens everyone is innocence untill proven gulty
Thank heavens this isnt about innocence or guilt. Its about not having a liar, potential sexual predator and functioning alcoholic on the SC.

Whats more important is to recognize what levels you bastards will go to to crucify a man because you lost a fucking election.

What is more important is to know how much you are bastards and we need to hate you so much that we need to destroy you as human beings.
You seem to be angry. Too bad its not going to help much in Nov and 2 years from now.

Oh I am not an angry soul. I'm blessed. Like you wouldn't believe. I am wealthy in love and wealthy in the here and now.

What I am telling you is that get ready because I am sort of one of those kinda people who hate liars. Hate evil people and what I do is take them out. Here comes winter. Here comes tiny dancer.

I do this shit because I hate liars AND I really hate sons of bitches that lie and try to take out good people.

Sooooo I have no idea why you want to rock against me but be careful what you wish for and if you personally want to try to take me out on this board.
Doesnt work like that. Youre correct in saying somethings you will never forget. However what your brain decides is important to remember may be different from what someone elses brain decides is important to document. There is a reason people that witness crime scenes often have different descriptions of what happened. Another interesting thing is your brain automatically fills in the gaps. This happens with everyone. In the picture below the dancer spins both ways. Most people see it as spinning clockwise initially but then it goes counter clockwise. The reason? Lack of depth perception so the brain just fills in.

View attachment 219754

Thank heavens everyone is innocence untill proven gulty
Thank heavens this isnt about innocence or guilt. Its about not having a liar, potential sexual predator and functioning alcoholic on the SC.

Whats more important is to recognize what levels you bastards will go to to crucify a man because you lost a fucking election.

What is more important is to know how much you are bastards and we need to hate you so much that we need to destroy you as human beings.
You seem to be angry. Too bad its not going to help much in Nov and 2 years from now.

Oh I am not an angry soul. I'm blessed. Like you wouldn't believe. I am wealthy in love and wealthy in the here and now.

What I am telling you is that get ready because I am sort of one of those kinda people who hate liars. Hate evil people and what I do is take them out. Here comes winter. Here comes tiny dancer.

I do this shit because I hate liars AND I really hate sons of bitches that lie and try to take out good people.

Sooooo I have no idea why you want to rock against me but be careful what you wish for and if you personally want to try to take me out on this board.
Youre obviously angry. If you dont think so you should see a mental health professional soon.

I have no reason to get ready. First I'm not a liar and secondly youre on the internet even if I was.

You hate all these things yet you want me to believe youre not angry. Yeah right. :21:

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