Travel Ban 2.0 DejaVu?


So they're only "impartial" if you agree with their decisions?

They are impartial if they follow the fucking law; Watson did not. He put party first. He should be impeached and disbarred.

and then...

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe the Justices are "consistently ruling" the way they do because the Right keeps trying to bring un-Constitutional laws?

My good Lady....

I make an effort to respond to you kindly, because you are one of the few libturds that is worth engaging.

Please inform me which law "the right" keeps trying to pass that is un-Constitutional.

The abortion clinic laws from Texas came to mind, but it was more a general statement, as was the statement I responded to.
Maybe you should hang him while you're at it.

Watson violated the United States Constitution and his oath of office to further the agenda of George Soros's democratic party. The Constitutional remedy for such an act is impeachment. I realize that you of the left are openly hostile to the Constitution, still...

Even if I disagree with a SC or a Federal Court decision, I don't call them incompetent or politically motivated. Just stupid, mainly. I don't call for their heads, either. The Right is becoming seriously fascist. Live with the fact that some of these justices see an issue here. Intent has been considered in some cases before, and in this case, apparently a number of judges agree that it is a factor.


Watson is a hack who openly and blatantly defied the Constitution to pursue the goals of the party. He has no business being a federal judge or even practicing law. "Legal Ethics" may well be an oxymoron, still the pretense is best kept. Watson violated every precept of judicial integrity in his decision to put party ahead of the law.

You can't deny that Trump made it clear he wanted a ban on all Muslims and learned during the campaign that he couldn't do that. So he's coming as close as he can. I fear he is just getting his foot in the door with this action, and that he will soon come back to us and say their review has shown that additional countries are unsafe and there is no safe way to let these people in, etc. and etc.

Irrelevant. Watson, like you promoted his hatred of the enemy of you party, rather than applying the EO as written. What Trump did or did not say on the campaign trail is not germane to the constitutionality of orders given to the executive branch by the president. That Watson is a butthurt snowflake is not a legal foundation for a ruling.

He should be impeached and disbarred.
Those points are not "irrelevant." They are the crux of the argument against the ban. If Watson's superiors feel he is lacking in fundamental knowledge of the relevant law, they can impeach him, but I am not going to take your word for it. You are far too highly immersed in partisan politics to trust on this subject.
Those points are not "irrelevant." They are the crux of the argument against the ban.

Which is WHY Watson has no business as a judge or practicing law. A federal judge MUST apply the law, and only the law. What a person says at a campaign rally is not law and has no bearing on it, regardless of how butthurt the democratic party is.

If Watson's superiors feel he is lacking in fundamental knowledge of the relevant law, they can impeach him, but I am not going to take your word for it. You are far too highly immersed in partisan politics to trust on this subject.

Again, you are a leftist, hence you have zero grasp of our constitution. Congress impeaches federal appeals judges. Last I checked, the GOP had control of congress. Watson should be made an example of. Judges MUST follow the law.

We once were a nation of law, and must return to that if we are ever to be just nation again.

Excellent news. Much thanks to the courts for reining in our maniac in chief.

Yeah, fuck the law and constitution, Trump must be stopped!
He should be stopped this time. The other stuff he's trying to do--if the Congress will pass it, so be it. This E.O. should be stopped. And there has been case law based on this argument that has apparently passed. I listened to the oral arguments about the first travel ban, and they were talking about cases where it was not judged solely on "the corners of the document." Intent was relevant.
The whole intent is to view all Muslims from the Middle East as terrorists. Trump has no reasonable justification for the countries he chose, since regardless of the fact that some of these countries do not give the U.S. much information about their citizens, none have carried out a terrorist attack in this country. He is doing this for show, to appease bigots. He should give it up, focus on improving vetting, internal investigations, etc., and do something that will REALLY be helpful.
He should be stopped this time.

Yeah, Hillary was supposed to win, it's not fair.

Law doesn't matter, only the party/

The other stuff he's trying to do--if the Congress will pass it, so be it. This E.O. should be stopped.

Because it goes against party goals.

The problem is, this CORRUPT FUCK, Watson is sworn to apply the law. Like you, he holds party above nation and above the last. You approve of that, but you don't consider that if a CONSERVATIVE judge were to say place a moratorium on abortion, you would be outraged.

A judge does NOT have the authority to rule based on partisan goals, they MUST uphold the law. Watson did not, quite the opposite, he pissed all over the law.

And there has been case law based on this argument that has apparently passed.

A great deal, which ALL supports Trump. The simple fact is that the President has the Constitutional authority to conduct a foreign policy.

I listened to the oral arguments about the first travel ban, and they were talking about cases where it was not judged solely on "the corners of the document." Intent was relevant.

An EO is not law. An EO is a directive to the executive branch on how to do their jobs.

The whole intent is to view all Muslims from the Middle East as terrorists. Trump has no reasonable justification for the countries he chose,

Bull fucking shit. Even Obama had ALL 7 of these nations listed as terrorist sponsor nations.

Further, the PRESIDENT has the constitutional authority - not the courts.

Watson is a scofflaw pile of shit, who is openly violating the constitution to promote the agenda of his party. He has NO business on the bench. It is the DUTY of congress to remove the fucker.

since regardless of the fact that some of these countries do not give the U.S. much information about their citizens, none have carried out a terrorist attack in this country. He is doing this for show, to appease bigots. He should give it up, focus on improving vetting, internal investigations, etc., and do something that will REALLY be helpful.

Excuse me? Yemen has not carried out a terrorist attack against the USA? :lmao:
He should be stopped this time.

Yeah, Hillary was supposed to win, it's not fair.

Law doesn't matter, only the party/

The other stuff he's trying to do--if the Congress will pass it, so be it. This E.O. should be stopped.

Because it goes against party goals.

The problem is, this CORRUPT FUCK, Watson is sworn to apply the law. Like you, he holds party above nation and above the last. You approve of that, but you don't consider that if a CONSERVATIVE judge were to say place a moratorium on abortion, you would be outraged.

A judge does NOT have the authority to rule based on partisan goals, they MUST uphold the law. Watson did not, quite the opposite, he pissed all over the law.

And there has been case law based on this argument that has apparently passed.

A great deal, which ALL supports Trump. The simple fact is that the President has the Constitutional authority to conduct a foreign policy.

I listened to the oral arguments about the first travel ban, and they were talking about cases where it was not judged solely on "the corners of the document." Intent was relevant.

An EO is not law. An EO is a directive to the executive branch on how to do their jobs.

The whole intent is to view all Muslims from the Middle East as terrorists. Trump has no reasonable justification for the countries he chose,

Bull fucking shit. Even Obama had ALL 7 of these nations listed as terrorist sponsor nations.

Further, the PRESIDENT has the constitutional authority - not the courts.

Watson is a scofflaw pile of shit, who is openly violating the constitution to promote the agenda of his party. He has NO business on the bench. It is the DUTY of congress to remove the fucker.

since regardless of the fact that some of these countries do not give the U.S. much information about their citizens, none have carried out a terrorist attack in this country. He is doing this for show, to appease bigots. He should give it up, focus on improving vetting, internal investigations, etc., and do something that will REALLY be helpful.

Excuse me? Yemen has not carried out a terrorist attack against the USA? :lmao:

It was Saudis dumass.

Excellent news. Much thanks to the courts for reining in our maniac in chief.

Yeah, fuck the law and constitution, Trump must be stopped!
He should be stopped this time. The other stuff he's trying to do--if the Congress will pass it, so be it. This E.O. should be stopped. And there has been case law based on this argument that has apparently passed. I listened to the oral arguments about the first travel ban, and they were talking about cases where it was not judged solely on "the corners of the document." Intent was relevant.
The whole intent is to view all Muslims from the Middle East as terrorists. Trump has no reasonable justification for the countries he chose, since regardless of the fact that some of these countries do not give the U.S. much information about their citizens, none have carried out a terrorist attack in this country. He is doing this for show, to appease bigots. He should give it up, focus on improving vetting, internal investigations, etc., and do something that will REALLY be helpful.

The problem with that is the President is privy to information you and I don't have and will never get. It's either confidential or classified. Even more importantly is that these judges don't have access to that information either. For all we know, somebody might be arming terrorists from one of these countries with a mini nuke which North Korea is currently working on, or even planning a some sort of larger attack on the US than 911. We simply don't know.

Love the President or hate him, you have to respect his judgements since we the public are not told everything. And to be honest, if something dreadful did happen in the US because this travel ban was stopped, I would hold the judge accountable for the deaths or destruction that happens. I would have the DOJ place him under arrest and face trial himself.
Hawaii and Maryland have put a STOP on Travel Ban 2.0 before it could take effect today. I say BRAVO!!!!

Maybe it is a political maneuver, "judicial overreach," as our President says, but if so, I'm glad there are still people in this country willing to go out on a limb and fight outrageous ideas such as the Executive Order, whether it is exactly within the scope of their job or not.

Last night Trump referred to 2.0 as a "watered down version" of his original E.O., which was lambasted by the courts on numerous fronts. Now he's making noise about going back to the original order--yeah, that should work well! It will be a sweet day when the Supreme Court tells him to quit shitting on the principles of this country and "BTW NO, you can't do this, so stop trying."

Fact is that Trump has every right to impose the travel ban, as per the constitution. So, we have a couple liberal judges who don't want to follow the law. We didn't elect them and yet they seek to control the country by legislating from the bench. They should be removed for this blatant disrespect of the constitution.
So you are happy to see judges ignore the law and issued purely political decisions.
I'm happy to see them standing up for what I believe this country is about. Not fear. Not stinginess. Not hatred.
What they are not standing up for is the rule of law and you are happy about that.
I think I'll let these Federal Judges determine what the rule of law is, rather than you. Seems to be their job.
But YES I already said if it slows down this E.O. from being implemented, I'm glad their opinions got in the way. What is so awful about that, anyway?

Actually their job is to obey the constitution and statutes of the united states. Not decide what they like and don't like based off politics
I don't know that they did that. Some are speculating that is the case because they don't like what the Justice decided. Their job is to analyze the laws to see if they are constitutional. There will always be some disagreement about that, based on how a justice interprets the constitution. Disagreement does not mean activism, necessarily. No one here is a Justice, and no one here is qualified to say the Justice's decision is unsound. That is up to the SC to decide.

What kind of intellectual disagreement has anyone concluding that national security isn't a secular purpose? In what way can you conclude it to be religious?
judge came out of nowhere, probably out of some surf shop in hawaii, and blocked the trump travel ban. absurd.

Excellent news. Much thanks to the courts for reining in our maniac in chief.

Yeah, fuck the law and constitution, Trump must be stopped!
He should be stopped this time. The other stuff he's trying to do--if the Congress will pass it, so be it. This E.O. should be stopped. And there has been case law based on this argument that has apparently passed. I listened to the oral arguments about the first travel ban, and they were talking about cases where it was not judged solely on "the corners of the document." Intent was relevant.
The whole intent is to view all Muslims from the Middle East as terrorists. Trump has no reasonable justification for the countries he chose, since regardless of the fact that some of these countries do not give the U.S. much information about their citizens, none have carried out a terrorist attack in this country. He is doing this for show, to appease bigots. He should give it up, focus on improving vetting, internal investigations, etc., and do something that will REALLY be helpful.

The problem with that is the President is privy to information you and I don't have and will never get. It's either confidential or classified. Even more importantly is that these judges don't have access to that information either. For all we know, somebody might be arming terrorists from one of these countries with a mini nuke which North Korea is currently working on, or even planning a some sort of larger attack on the US than 911. We simply don't know.

Love the President or hate him, you have to respect his judgements since we the public are not told everything. And to be honest, if something dreadful did happen in the US because this travel ban was stopped, I would hold the judge accountable for the deaths or destruction that happens. I would have the DOJ place him under arrest and face trial himself.

You're full of it to even suggest that we rely on a president like trump in this case. The man is a pathological liar and furthermore, to unstable to hold office as president.
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Excellent news. Much thanks to the courts for reining in our maniac in chief.

Yeah, fuck the law and constitution, Trump must be stopped!
He should be stopped this time. The other stuff he's trying to do--if the Congress will pass it, so be it. This E.O. should be stopped. And there has been case law based on this argument that has apparently passed. I listened to the oral arguments about the first travel ban, and they were talking about cases where it was not judged solely on "the corners of the document." Intent was relevant.
The whole intent is to view all Muslims from the Middle East as terrorists. Trump has no reasonable justification for the countries he chose, since regardless of the fact that some of these countries do not give the U.S. much information about their citizens, none have carried out a terrorist attack in this country. He is doing this for show, to appease bigots. He should give it up, focus on improving vetting, internal investigations, etc., and do something that will REALLY be helpful.

The problem with that is the President is privy to information you and I don't have and will never get. It's either confidential or classified. Even more importantly is that these judges don't have access to that information either. For all we know, somebody might be arming terrorists from one of these countries with a mini nuke which North Korea is currently working on, or even planning a some sort of larger attack on the US than 911. We simply don't know.

Love the President or hate him, you have to respect his judgements since we the public are not told everything. And to be honest, if something dreadful did happen in the US because this travel ban was stopped, I would hold the judge accountable for the deaths or destruction that happens. I would have the DOJ place him under arrest and face trial himself.

You're full of shit to even suggest that we rely on a president like trump in this case. The man is a pathological liar and to unstable to hold office as president.

So WTF does that have to do with what I said? We have laws on the books, and those laws say a President has the absolute authority to do what Trump has done. It's these anti-American leftist judges that could be putting our country at risk, but as a typical leftist, you could care less, as long as you are able to promote your commie leftist agenda.

It's not a wonder why Americans are waking up to leftists plots. Politics first and country second. That's why you lost the Congress, the Senate, the White House and most of the governorships across the country. The most enjoyable thing about it is, you don't realize it. You are brainwashed into thinking you're on the right path to win America over once again.

Excellent news. Much thanks to the courts for reining in our maniac in chief.

Yeah, fuck the law and constitution, Trump must be stopped!
He should be stopped this time. The other stuff he's trying to do--if the Congress will pass it, so be it. This E.O. should be stopped. And there has been case law based on this argument that has apparently passed. I listened to the oral arguments about the first travel ban, and they were talking about cases where it was not judged solely on "the corners of the document." Intent was relevant.
The whole intent is to view all Muslims from the Middle East as terrorists. Trump has no reasonable justification for the countries he chose, since regardless of the fact that some of these countries do not give the U.S. much information about their citizens, none have carried out a terrorist attack in this country. He is doing this for show, to appease bigots. He should give it up, focus on improving vetting, internal investigations, etc., and do something that will REALLY be helpful.

The problem with that is the President is privy to information you and I don't have and will never get. It's either confidential or classified. Even more importantly is that these judges don't have access to that information either. For all we know, somebody might be arming terrorists from one of these countries with a mini nuke which North Korea is currently working on, or even planning a some sort of larger attack on the US than 911. We simply don't know.

Love the President or hate him, you have to respect his judgements since we the public are not told everything. And to be honest, if something dreadful did happen in the US because this travel ban was stopped, I would hold the judge accountable for the deaths or destruction that happens. I would have the DOJ place him under arrest and face trial himself.

You're full of shit to even suggest that we rely on a president like trump in this case. The man is a pathological liar and to unstable to hold office as president.

So WTF does that have to do with what I said? We have laws on the books, and those laws say a President has the absolute authority to do what Trump has done. It's these anti-American leftist judges that could be putting our country at risk, but as a typical leftist, you could care less, as long as you are able to promote your commie leftist agenda.

It's not a wonder why Americans are waking up to leftists plots. Politics first and country second. That's why you lost the Congress, the Senate, the White House and most of the governorships across the country. The most enjoyable thing about it is, you don't realize it. You are brainwashed into thinking you're on the right path to win America over once again.
Justices also have the absolute right to put a hold on a law when there is a reasonable argument against it. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it illegal for Watson to do what he did. IMO.

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