Trayvon Martin's parents settle for $1M or more

Looks like Trayvon's parents and Zimmerman's associates are finally talking the same language: money.


Travyon Martin's parents settle wrongful death claim | Fox News

Travyon Martin's parents settle wrongful death claim

Published April 05, 2013

Trayvon Martin's parents have settled a wrongful death claim for an amount believed to be more than $1 million against a Florida homeowners association where their teen son was killed, Fox News confirms.

Trayvon was shot and killed by Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012.

Zimmerman says he fired in self defense after the 17-year-old attacked him.

In paperwork made public, both parties specified that they would keep the settlement amount confidential, The Orlando Sentinel reported.

Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara said the teen’s parents tried to settle through mediation and the association had offered $1 million, but they had reportedly rejected this amount, reported.

“It is understood and agreed that the payment made herein is not to be construed as an admission of any liability by or on behalf of the releasing parties; but instead the monies being paid hereunder is consideration for avoiding litigation, the uncertainties stemming from litigation as well as to protect and secure the good name and good will of the released parties,” the settlement said.

meh... classic race-card shakedown...

Joe...the transcript shows the truth. When the 911 operator says "we don't need you to do that", he stops. He does not pursue Trayvon.

The discussion immediately shoots into where he was going to meet the police.

Transcript is for true man.

Except he wasn't where he said he was when the dispatcher told him to stop.

Come on, you can try to spin it all day, Zimmerman screwed up. He created a situation and a black kid died.

And now he needs to be sacrificed for civil peace.

I have no problem with that. It wasn't like he was going to cure cancer or something.

"has to be sacrificed for civil peace"

They do it that way in Iran and North Korea.
Delta is ready when you are.

That's the way we do it in this country, too. Don't be naive. Ask the cops who beat Rodney King.

This guy isn't worth the race riots that are going to happen if he's acquitted.
That's it in a nutshell, right there (see highlighted above). Unless Zimmerman is sacrificed, without due process but as dictated by the court of the media, the "offended" parties (i.e. blacks) will disrupt the peace of every community they are directed to by their political handlers.

Let them TRY and disturb the peace in our neighborhood. They'll only make that mistake once.

Right. I guess Zimmerman will have a lot of company, then.

Who gives a f**k about prisoner welfare. They criminals who deserve little to nothing and should be happy to have two hots and a cot. Prison should be as uncomfortable and unpleasant as possible so they won't want to come back.

I don't think anyone wants to come back, dumbass.

The problem is, we lock up too many people for things they shouldn't be locked up for because big corporations have found ways to make money off it while you.. the taxpayer... end up footing the bill.

Germany only locks up 78,000 of their citizens. Japan only locks up 69,000. While Japanese prisons are pretty brutal, they also put an emphasis on real rehabilitation. (German prisons, by comparison, are quite humane.)

We lock up 2 million people and we have another 7 million on probation or parole, effectively rendering them unemployable. The social cost of this is staggering, but the same people who would begrudge a poor child health insurace once he's out of Fetus Form, have no problem with this big chunk of Corporate Welfare.

A police dispatcher can not give a lawful command under Florida law that has to obeyed by any citizen.
You know that so why the BS?
No forensic examinations have been ruled on yet so how could they labeled as evidence yet.
Same with anything and everything Zimmerman stated.
The case has not even started yet and nothing has been entered into evidence over objection.

Yawn, guy, evidence exists before the court case starts. This isn't some episode of Law and Order where McCoy gets the Confession thrown out because Brisco and Green didn't read the guy his rights. There's a set of facts that occurred.

Zimmerman followed this kid because he was being black with intent. It wasn't the first time he pulled this shit. He had a gun on him. He created a confrontation, and he shot this kid.

That's kind of all I need.
After taxes and figuring inflation $1 million works out to about $200,000.00. Since Trayvan was shot the buying power of the dollar has shrunk by 15% so multiply $200k by .85 which leaves his parents with about $170k. They can spend that in a year.

The government gets 60% and the lawyers get half of what's left.

Course with Trayvan off the street nobody gets beat up or murdered.
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Except he wasn't where he said he was when the dispatcher told him to stop.

Come on, you can try to spin it all day, Zimmerman screwed up. He created a situation and a black kid died.

And now he needs to be sacrificed for civil peace.

I have no problem with that. It wasn't like he was going to cure cancer or something.

"has to be sacrificed for civil peace"

They do it that way in Iran and North Korea.
Delta is ready when you are.

That's the way we do it in this country, too. Don't be naive. Ask the cops who beat Rodney King.

This guy isn't worth the race riots that are going to happen if he's acquitted.

of course it would

as well as the msnbc version of zimmermans 9-1-1 call is real to

"has to be sacrificed for civil peace"

They do it that way in Iran and North Korea.
Delta is ready when you are.

That's the way we do it in this country, too. Don't be naive. Ask the cops who beat Rodney King.

This guy isn't worth the race riots that are going to happen if he's acquitted.

of course it would

as well as the msnbc version of zimmermans 9-1-1 call is real to


If Trayvan had waited till after the election his parents might have gotten a ride in Air Force One thrown in.

Btw, is anyone going to sue NBC for doctoring that tape or are they gonna get away with it?

A police dispatcher can not give a lawful command under Florida law that has to obeyed by any citizen.
You know that so why the BS?
No forensic examinations have been ruled on yet so how could they labeled as evidence yet.
Same with anything and everything Zimmerman stated.
The case has not even started yet and nothing has been entered into evidence over objection.

Yawn, guy, evidence exists before the court case starts. This isn't some episode of Law and Order where McCoy gets the Confession thrown out because Brisco and Green didn't read the guy his rights. There's a set of facts that occurred.

Zimmerman followed this kid because he was being black with intent. It wasn't the first time he pulled this shit. He had a gun on him. He created a confrontation, and he shot this kid.

That's kind of all I need.

What you need is not material.
It is what the jury needs after a Judge decides what evidence that is tendered as evidence by either side during a trial is ADMITTED as evidence.
I do this for a living and you are the one that watches too much TV.
None of it gets before the jury until the Judge admits it and most of it will be argued over.
That's the way we do it in this country, too. Don't be naive. Ask the cops who beat Rodney King.

This guy isn't worth the race riots that are going to happen if he's acquitted.

of course it would

as well as the msnbc version of zimmermans 9-1-1 call is real to


If Trayvan had waited till after the election his parents might have gotten a ride in Air Force One thrown in.

Btw, is anyone going to sue NBC for doctoring that tape or are they gonna get away with it?

Go ahead and sue NBC. What are your damages?
Does anyone have any damages over that? Possibly Zimmerman if he can prove that influences a jury against him but that will be asked of each potential juror in voir dire and if there are any they will be excused for cause.
That's the way we do it in this country, too. Don't be naive. Ask the cops who beat Rodney King.

This guy isn't worth the race riots that are going to happen if he's acquitted.

of course it would

as well as the msnbc version of zimmermans 9-1-1 call is real to


If Trayvan had waited till after the election his parents might have gotten a ride in Air Force One thrown in.

Btw, is anyone going to sue NBC for doctoring that tape or are they gonna get away with it?

Zimmerman is suing MSNBC,
Looks like Trayvon's parents and Zimmerman's associates are finally talking the same language: money.


Travyon Martin's parents settle wrongful death claim | Fox News

Travyon Martin's parents settle wrongful death claim

Published April 05, 2013

Trayvon Martin's parents have settled a wrongful death claim for an amount believed to be more than $1 million against a Florida homeowners association where their teen son was killed, Fox News confirms.

Trayvon was shot and killed by Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012.

Zimmerman says he fired in self defense after the 17-year-old attacked him.

In paperwork made public, both parties specified that they would keep the settlement amount confidential, The Orlando Sentinel reported.

Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara said the teen’s parents tried to settle through mediation and the association had offered $1 million, but they had reportedly rejected this amount, reported.

“It is understood and agreed that the payment made herein is not to be construed as an admission of any liability by or on behalf of the releasing parties; but instead the monies being paid hereunder is consideration for avoiding litigation, the uncertainties stemming from litigation as well as to protect and secure the good name and good will of the released parties,” the settlement said.

Has anyone informed Trayvon Martin's parents that ANY amount of money doesn't bring Trayvon back?

I do not see how and why Zimmerman's attorney would be involved with this in any way. The settlement was from the insurance company of the HOA and nothing to do with Zimmerman's criminal case.
The folks that settled with Martin family are not "Zimmerman associates".
And someone else stated that the settlement stated that this does not include Zimmerman as being held fully immune from any and all other suits against him personally.
Additionally, this case did not name Zimmerman as a defendant as if it did and they settled then this in itself releases him from any future suits.
Makes no sense.
After taxes and figuring inflation $1 million works out to about $200,000.00. Since Trayvan was shot the buying power of the dollar has shrunk by 15% so multiply $200k by .85 which leaves his parents with about $170k. They can spend that in a year.

The government gets 60% and the lawyers get half of what's left.

Course with Trayvan off the street nobody gets beat up or murdered.

Hey, Perry Mason: Per Publication 525 amounts paid for injury, and loss of limb or life are not taxable income.

But just keep pulling crap out of your A__. It's amusing.
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Except he wasn't where he said he was when the dispatcher told him to stop.

Come on, you can try to spin it all day, Zimmerman screwed up. He created a situation and a black kid died.

And now he needs to be sacrificed for civil peace.

I have no problem with that. It wasn't like he was going to cure cancer or something.

"has to be sacrificed for civil peace"

They do it that way in Iran and North Korea.
Delta is ready when you are.

That's the way we do it in this country, too. Don't be naive. Ask the cops who beat Rodney King.

This guy isn't worth the race riots that are going to happen if he's acquitted.

After the cops that beat King were acquitted what did the rioters do?
Instead of going up to Beverly Hills and burn down the community there they burned down their own neighborhood and looted their own stores where they lived.
I vividly remember the Koreans in Atlanta with shotguns and rifles guarding their stores on Ashby St. in west end over by the Atlanta University complex west of the Georgia Dome.
No one burned any of their stores and no one came close to them.
Same will happen if Zimmerman is acquitted.
But you are the one naive and gullible Joe.
NO WAY Zimmerman is acquitted. He will be found guilty of some form of manslaughter.
How many of your union friends will be rioting if he is acquitted and how much are you selling tickets for?
But JoeB and others like him have already convicted Zimmerman.
Hey racist asshole, quote where someone said Zimmerman was guilty. If not stfu. Racist asshole.

He's guilty of at least manslaughter and all of the people here on this board who are attacking the victim's character are awful human beings.

Are the folks here that have ALREADY convicted Zimmerman and stood silent when all the disinformation about the victim was spread by media and the doctored msnbc tapes were released "awful human beings"?

You seem to be giving them a free pass. Why is that?
We don't sacrifice people for "civil peace" in this country. I'm old enough to have seen may riots resulting from the failure to "sacrifice" a defendant.

None of us were there to see how it all really went down. We just spin what we've heard to suit our preconceived notions. And the most ignorant try to spin it into a political point.

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So the Martins got money.

They got a lot more than that rotten robber son would have ever made in his life. He was plainly heading for a life in jail with his backpack full of wedding rings, standing around casing the area in the rain, planning to rob houses.

This "family" were separated or divorced anyway, so really, I think they came out well ahead.

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