Trayvon Martin's parents settle for $1M or more


Joe...the transcript shows the truth. When the 911 operator says "we don't need you to do that", he stops. He does not pursue Trayvon.

The discussion immediately shoots into where he was going to meet the police.

Transcript is for true man.

Except he wasn't where he said he was when the dispatcher told him to stop.

Come on, you can try to spin it all day, Zimmerman screwed up. He created a situation and a black kid died.

And now he needs to be sacrificed for civil peace.

I have no problem with that. It wasn't like he was going to cure cancer or something.

Joe...the transcript shows the truth. When the 911 operator says "we don't need you to do that", he stops. He does not pursue Trayvon.

The discussion immediately shoots into where he was going to meet the police.

Transcript is for true man.

Except he wasn't where he said he was when the dispatcher told him to stop.

Come on, you can try to spin it all day, Zimmerman screwed up. He created a situation and a black kid died.

And now he needs to be sacrificed for civil peace.

I have no problem with that. It wasn't like he was going to cure cancer or something.

I would have no problem with you being sacrificed to conserve chicken shit at a fertilizer plant.

You disgust me more than a braindead liberal, and you're too stupid to understand why.

Off to ignoreland with you. You're beyond stupid, oxygen is too good for you.
Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.
That is an interesting thought, isn't it?

He would have done better, when he was free, to have worked for prison reform, rather than trying to be a contender for Racism's Olympic Team.

What is your definition of racism?
The fact he shot an unarmed black child...

If he was a black guy who shot an unarmed white child, we would not be having this conversation.

We also would not be having this discussion if said black kid didn't attack a man with a gun.

We wouldn't be having this discussion if said white man hadn't DISOBEYED a police dispatcher's instruction not to follow the kid.

Incidently, we have only Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, and the forensic evidence doesn't back up his story.

A police dispatcher can not give a lawful command under Florida law that has to obeyed by any citizen.
You know that so why the BS?
No forensic examinations have been ruled on yet so how could they labeled as evidence yet.
Same with anything and everything Zimmerman stated.
The case has not even started yet and nothing has been entered into evidence over objection.

Joe...the transcript shows the truth. When the 911 operator says "we don't need you to do that", he stops. He does not pursue Trayvon.

The discussion immediately shoots into where he was going to meet the police.

Transcript is for true man.

Except he wasn't where he said he was when the dispatcher told him to stop.

Come on, you can try to spin it all day, Zimmerman screwed up. He created a situation and a black kid died.

And now he needs to be sacrificed for civil peace.

I have no problem with that. It wasn't like he was going to cure cancer or something.

"has to be sacrificed for civil peace"

They do it that way in Iran and North Korea.
Delta is ready when you are.
So we should fire all union workers at the first sign of violence.

They should all be sacrificed for civil peace.

So a child can enlist in the military and carry a gun fighting the Taliban and he is a "child".

Trayvon Martin was no child Joe. You know it so quit shitting us.
Just admit it and move on.

NOt at all.

They need to make an example out of this asshole, to show this sort of behavior isn't going to be tolerated.

Incidently, any 17 year old who signs up probably isn't going to see combat until he's well past his 18th birthday.

How crazy are you?

He's not crazy at all, he's as stupid as anyone who voted for obozo twice.

George Zimmerman DID NOTHING WRONG. For a month past the time thug ass trayvon assumed ambient temperature no one outside the people involved knew ANYTHING about this case.

It wasn't till the leftist media latched on to the story, distorted the truth, inflamed racial tensions, promoted the race baiting rabble rousers and didn't let the story go until the state had no choice but to press charges. If you're stupid enough to believe the media narrative THIS IS YOUR DELUSION:


If you have any brains at all you know THIS IS WHO the "boy" really was:


He was another thug pisspot who would have been lucky to live to 30 outside prison walls. He deserves to be dead. Zimmerman is the victim here, and not just the victim of a violent thug, but a victim of leftist tyranny. Even after he gets aquitted he'll never be able to live a public life. You treasonous liberal sociopathic assholes might as well have just let the NBP's kill him.

I cannot articulate the depth of my contempt for you putrid self centered mindless tools with all the vulgarities of every language ever spoken. You "people" could never suffer enough to satisfy me.

Do you know the difference in a union shop and a right to work state?
There are unions in right to work states Joe.
FYI and the other uninformed here, PBA represents Florida state prison employees Joe.
They are stand up union and professional. Never violence and never mob oriented like the unions up north your way.
Guido and Vito may fit well wit your union Joe but we lock them up and throw away the key when we come across them here.
We know criminals when we see them.

Guy, the difference between a union shop and No Rights At Work state is that you have no rights at work.

Frankly, that means you are probalby MORE likely to get your boy shanked in a shower. Shit, who'd want to stand in the way of that for minimum wage?

By the way, Southern Prisons are a lot worse than northern ones... More likely to be run for profit with no concern for the welfare of the prisoners.

Who gives a f**k about prisoner welfare. They criminals who deserve little to nothing and should be happy to have two hots and a cot. Prison should be as uncomfortable and unpleasant as possible so they won't want to come back.

Joe...the transcript shows the truth. When the 911 operator says "we don't need you to do that", he stops. He does not pursue Trayvon.

The discussion immediately shoots into where he was going to meet the police.

Transcript is for true man.

Except he wasn't where he said he was when the dispatcher told him to stop.

Come on, you can try to spin it all day, Zimmerman screwed up. He created a situation and a black kid died.

And now he needs to be sacrificed for civil peace.

I have no problem with that. It wasn't like he was going to cure cancer or something.

That's it in a nutshell, right there (see highlighted above). Unless Zimmerman is sacrificed, without due process but as dictated by the court of the media, the "offended" parties (i.e. blacks) will disrupt the peace of every community they are directed to by their political handlers.
That's it in a nutshell, right there (see highlighted above). Unless Zimmerman is sacrificed, without due process but as dictated by the court of the media, the "offended" parties (i.e. blacks) will disrupt the peace of every community they are directed to by their political handlers.

Let them TRY and disturb the peace in our neighborhood. They'll only make that mistake once.
We also would not be having this discussion if said black kid didn't attack a man with a gun.

We wouldn't be having this discussion if said white man hadn't DISOBEYED a police dispatcher's instruction not to follow the kid.

Incidently, we have only Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, and the forensic evidence doesn't back up his story.

A police dispatcher can not give a lawful command under Florida law that has to obeyed by any citizen.
You know that so why the BS?
No forensic examinations have been ruled on yet so how could they labeled as evidence yet.
Same with anything and everything Zimmerman stated.
The case has not even started yet and nothing has been entered into evidence over objection.

But JoeB and others like him have already convicted Zimmerman.
That's it in a nutshell, right there (see highlighted above). Unless Zimmerman is sacrificed, without due process but as dictated by the court of the media, the "offended" parties (i.e. blacks) will disrupt the peace of every community they are directed to by their political handlers.

Let them TRY and disturb the peace in our neighborhood. They'll only make that mistake once.

Ditto here. Although there are damned few in this neighborhood who would even briefly think of raising a ruckus. One of the things I like about Alaska.

Joe...the transcript shows the truth. When the 911 operator says "we don't need you to do that", he stops. He does not pursue Trayvon.

The discussion immediately shoots into where he was going to meet the police.

Transcript is for true man.

Except he wasn't where he said he was when the dispatcher told him to stop.

Come on, you can try to spin it all day, Zimmerman screwed up. He created a situation and a black kid died.

And now he needs to be sacrificed for civil peace.

I have no problem with that. It wasn't like he was going to cure cancer or something.

What are you talking about? Both agreed he should stop which he did and then he moved to the location where he told the 911 operator he could meet the police.
We wouldn't be having this discussion if said white man hadn't DISOBEYED a police dispatcher's instruction not to follow the kid.

Incidently, we have only Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, and the forensic evidence doesn't back up his story.

A police dispatcher can not give a lawful command under Florida law that has to obeyed by any citizen.
You know that so why the BS?
No forensic examinations have been ruled on yet so how could they labeled as evidence yet.
Same with anything and everything Zimmerman stated.
The case has not even started yet and nothing has been entered into evidence over objection.

But JoeB and others like him have already convicted Zimmerman.

You damn straight. Just like you and yours convicted O.J. Simpson, who, by the way, did it, also. And look, he killed two white people= moral outrage from whites, totally justified. And Zimmie killed a black youth = moral outrage from blacks, totally justified. what?
Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.
That is an interesting thought, isn't it?

He would have done better, when he was free, to have worked for prison reform, rather than trying to be a contender for Racism's Olympic Team.

Prove he's a racist.

"Fucking coon". There. was always about money

That is why the sent him to 7-11 to buy Skittles. It was all a scam

:lol: Trayvon had to go to 7-Eleven to get a lighter to smoke some weed.






Zakiya Laurent (Richardson) was staying at the same house as Trayvon. She was caught with 700-lbs of weed. Zakiya's Seminole County, Florida mugshot & criminal record. Zakiya Richardson is Brandy Green's drug dealing sister who lived with with her. Trayvon was staying at Brandy Green's house when he was shot. Brandy Green is Trayvon's fathers girlfriend. Trayvon was suspended from school at the time for possession of Marijuana. Marijuana was found in his blood during the autopsy.


Zakiya Richardson is standing with her sister Brandy Green & Trayvon Martin' father at press conference for Trayvon.

This is what MSNBC told you.



This is reality.





Wrong Idiot! - Propaganda is what Al Sharpton & MSNBC feed you!

Read the facts in here the police report. The media never told you he bought a Red 7-Eleven Lighter from the 7-Eleven store. They only told you he bought candy & tea. They have all you stupid hoodie wearing protesters believing he went out for tea & to get candy for his brother instead of his real goal which was to get a cigarette lighter. That's how well their propaganda has washed your brain!

After Omara enters into evidence the school record showing Trayvon was suspended for possession of marijuana, the court room exchange will go like this:

OMARA: What did you find on Mr. Martin's body

OFFICER: $40.15, a Red 7-Eleven Lighter, head phones, skittles, a photo button, and a can of tea.

OMARA: was Mr. Martin a smoker


OMARA: did Mr. Martin have cigarettes on him?


OMARA: Mr. Martin was just at 7-Eleven, did he purchase cigarette there?


Then Omara will start in on the drug dealer Trayvon lived with who was caught with 700-lb of marijuana.
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Looks like Trayvon's parents and Zimmerman's associates are finally talking the same language: money.


Travyon Martin's parents settle wrongful death claim | Fox News

Travyon Martin's parents settle wrongful death claim

Published April 05, 2013

Trayvon Martin's parents have settled a wrongful death claim for an amount believed to be more than $1 million against a Florida homeowners association where their teen son was killed, Fox News confirms.

Trayvon was shot and killed by Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012.

Zimmerman says he fired in self defense after the 17-year-old attacked him.

In paperwork made public, both parties specified that they would keep the settlement amount confidential, The Orlando Sentinel reported.

Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara said the teen’s parents tried to settle through mediation and the association had offered $1 million, but they had reportedly rejected this amount, reported.

“It is understood and agreed that the payment made herein is not to be construed as an admission of any liability by or on behalf of the releasing parties; but instead the monies being paid hereunder is consideration for avoiding litigation, the uncertainties stemming from litigation as well as to protect and secure the good name and good will of the released parties,” the settlement said.

Has anyone informed Trayvon Martin's parents that ANY amount of money doesn't bring Trayvon back?
We wouldn't be having this discussion if said white man hadn't DISOBEYED a police dispatcher's instruction not to follow the kid.

Incidently, we have only Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, and the forensic evidence doesn't back up his story.

A police dispatcher can not give a lawful command under Florida law that has to obeyed by any citizen.
You know that so why the BS?
No forensic examinations have been ruled on yet so how could they labeled as evidence yet.
Same with anything and everything Zimmerman stated.
The case has not even started yet and nothing has been entered into evidence over objection.

But JoeB and others like him have already convicted Zimmerman.
Hey racist asshole, quote where someone said Zimmerman was guilty. If not stfu. Racist asshole.
A police dispatcher can not give a lawful command under Florida law that has to obeyed by any citizen.
You know that so why the BS?
No forensic examinations have been ruled on yet so how could they labeled as evidence yet.
Same with anything and everything Zimmerman stated.
The case has not even started yet and nothing has been entered into evidence over objection.

But JoeB and others like him have already convicted Zimmerman.
Hey racist asshole, quote where someone said Zimmerman was guilty. If not stfu. Racist asshole.

He's guilty of at least manslaughter and all of the people here on this board who are attacking the victim's character are awful human beings.
Looks like Trayvon's parents and Zimmerman's associates are finally talking the same language: money.


Travyon Martin's parents settle wrongful death claim | Fox News

Travyon Martin's parents settle wrongful death claim

Published April 05, 2013

Trayvon Martin's parents have settled a wrongful death claim for an amount believed to be more than $1 million against a Florida homeowners association where their teen son was killed, Fox News confirms.

Trayvon was shot and killed by Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman in Sanford, Fla., on Feb. 26, 2012.

Zimmerman says he fired in self defense after the 17-year-old attacked him.

In paperwork made public, both parties specified that they would keep the settlement amount confidential, The Orlando Sentinel reported.

Zimmerman’s attorney Mark O’Mara said the teen’s parents tried to settle through mediation and the association had offered $1 million, but they had reportedly rejected this amount, reported.

“It is understood and agreed that the payment made herein is not to be construed as an admission of any liability by or on behalf of the releasing parties; but instead the monies being paid hereunder is consideration for avoiding litigation, the uncertainties stemming from litigation as well as to protect and secure the good name and good will of the released parties,” the settlement said.

Has anyone informed Trayvon Martin's parents that ANY amount of money doesn't bring Trayvon back?

Do you think they care. All they hear is "kachiinnggg".

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