Trayvon Martin's parents settle for $1M or more

You know what's really funny? Your definition of "child". Maybe it would be easier if you considered Martin as a candidate for a successful later term abortion.

Um.. NO. Trayvon was 17.

He could not enlist in the military without a parent's permission, vote, buy alcohol, enter into a legally binding contract, star in an adult movie or do any of the other things we associate with adulthood.

So in the eyes of the law, a Child.

A fetus, on the other hand, is not seen as a "child" in the eyes of the law.

Happy to have straightened that out for you.

So a child can enlist in the military and carry a gun fighting the Taliban and he is a "child".

Trayvon Martin was no child Joe. You know it so quit shitting us.
Just admit it and move on.
Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.

You know what's really funny? Your definition of "child". Maybe it would be easier if you considered Martin as a candidate for a successful later term abortion.

Nice. You're condoning "cold blooded murder". Like I'm surprised.

poet, this is not a murder case and the prosecution knows it.
They over charged because they know a lessor charge will prevail.
And it was not cold blooded as that requires a plan to kill from the start.
Get over it and get a grip poet.
That is your orgasmic dream Joe but as far off from reality as all of your other orgasmic dreams.
He would be isolated from the general public per request from the guards union.The guards union does not like problems.

What, you are admitting a union has a good result? Seriously?

Ask Chef Jeff Dahmner how protective custody works out. He and another racist killer got brained on the same day...

Maybe the guards were on one of their 25 Mandated Breaks....

Dahmer was in a union shop state prison.
Not Florida.

So which is it? Will zimmerman be protected by non-union guards or union guards?

Like I said, I wouldn't want to be this guy when he goes to prison.
I love the "a child".
The gullible and naive still believe those 6th grade photos of Lil Trayvon.
That angel of a child.

In the eyes of society and the law, a 17 year old is still considered a child.

No sir, not the case in Florida and most of the country.
A minor is different than a child under the law.
Martin could be tried as an adult under numerous statutes.
That is your orgasmic dream Joe but as far off from reality as all of your other orgasmic dreams.
He would be isolated from the general public per request from the guards union.
The guards union does not like problems.

What, you are admitting a union has a good result? Seriously?

Ask Chef Jeff Dahmner how protective custody works out. He and another racist killer got brained on the same day...

Maybe the guards were on one of their 25 Mandated Breaks....

You are right on par Joe.
Union supporters like you support mob violence.
That is all you know as your skills are not good enough to speak for themselves.

He murdered a child because he was a racist asshole.

There aren't severe enough punishments for that shit.

So a child can enlist in the military and carry a gun fighting the Taliban and he is a "child".

Trayvon Martin was no child Joe. You know it so quit shitting us.
Just admit it and move on.

NOt at all.

They need to make an example out of this asshole, to show this sort of behavior isn't going to be tolerated.

Incidently, any 17 year old who signs up probably isn't going to see combat until he's well past his 18th birthday.
What, you are admitting a union has a good result? Seriously?

Ask Chef Jeff Dahmner how protective custody works out. He and another racist killer got brained on the same day...

Maybe the guards were on one of their 25 Mandated Breaks....

Dahmer was in a union shop state prison.
Not Florida.

So which is it? Will zimmerman be protected by non-union guards or union guards?

Like I said, I wouldn't want to be this guy when he goes to prison.

Do you know the difference in a union shop and a right to work state?
There are unions in right to work states Joe.
FYI and the other uninformed here, PBA represents Florida state prison employees Joe.
They are stand up union and professional. Never violence and never mob oriented like the unions up north your way.
Guido and Vito may fit well wit your union Joe but we lock them up and throw away the key when we come across them here.
We know criminals when we see them.
What, you are admitting a union has a good result? Seriously?

Ask Chef Jeff Dahmner how protective custody works out. He and another racist killer got brained on the same day...

Maybe the guards were on one of their 25 Mandated Breaks....

Dahmer was in a union shop state prison.
Not Florida.

So which is it? Will zimmerman be protected by non-union guards or union guards?

Like I said, I wouldn't want to be this guy when he goes to prison.

You don't go to prison when you have been acquitted.

Do you know the difference in a union shop and a right to work state?
There are unions in right to work states Joe.
FYI and the other uninformed here, PBA represents Florida state prison employees Joe.
They are stand up union and professional. Never violence and never mob oriented like the unions up north your way.
Guido and Vito may fit well wit your union Joe but we lock them up and throw away the key when we come across them here.
We know criminals when we see them.

Guy, the difference between a union shop and No Rights At Work state is that you have no rights at work.

Frankly, that means you are probalby MORE likely to get your boy shanked in a shower. Shit, who'd want to stand in the way of that for minimum wage?

By the way, Southern Prisons are a lot worse than northern ones... More likely to be run for profit with no concern for the welfare of the prisoners.
Dahmer was in a union shop state prison.
Not Florida.

So which is it? Will zimmerman be protected by non-union guards or union guards?

Like I said, I wouldn't want to be this guy when he goes to prison.

You don't go to prison when you have been acquitted.

Or when Magic Unicorns rescue you... but that ain't likely, either.

Zimmerman's dream tream have already decided they can't defend him using "Stand your Ground".
Holy shit Joe what makes him a racist asshole who deserves to die in prison? Man you guys are crazy.

So a child can enlist in the military and carry a gun fighting the Taliban and he is a "child".

Trayvon Martin was no child Joe. You know it so quit shitting us.
Just admit it and move on.

NOt at all.

They need to make an example out of this asshole, to show this sort of behavior isn't going to be tolerated.

Incidently, any 17 year old who signs up probably isn't going to see combat until he's well past his 18th birthday.

How crazy are you?
Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.
That is an interesting thought, isn't it?

He would have done better, when he was free, to have worked for prison reform, rather than trying to be a contender for Racism's Olympic Team.
Holy shit Joe what makes him a racist asshole who deserves to die in prison? Man you guys are crazy.

The fact he shot an unarmed black child...

If he was a black guy who shot an unarmed white child, we would not be having this conversation.

We also would not be having this discussion if said black kid didn't attack a man with a gun.

We wouldn't be having this discussion if said white man hadn't DISOBEYED a police dispatcher's instruction not to follow the kid.

Incidently, we have only Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, and the forensic evidence doesn't back up his story.
The fact he shot an unarmed black child...

If he was a black guy who shot an unarmed white child, we would not be having this conversation.

We also would not be having this discussion if said black kid didn't attack a man with a gun.

We wouldn't be having this discussion if said white man hadn't DISOBEYED a police dispatcher's instruction not to follow the kid.

Incidently, we have only Zimmerman's word that Trayvon attacked him, and the forensic evidence doesn't back up his story.

Joe...the transcript shows the truth. When the 911 operator says "we don't need you to do that", he stops. He does not pursue Trayvon.

The discussion immediately shoots into where he was going to meet the police.

Transcript is for true man.
Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.
That is an interesting thought, isn't it?

He would have done better, when he was free, to have worked for prison reform, rather than trying to be a contender for Racism's Olympic Team.

Prove he's a racist.

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