Trayvon Martin's parents settle for $1M or more

Well now we have it

Not sure if you know who Zimmerman's rep is...the dude is good.

All one had to do is wait. Here comes the I want the money .....
They really have no shame or moral core. Certainly don't give a damn about our justice system...

These people would rip this country apart if given the chance. This is my number one problem with them...

You really are a racist.

Oh and fuck you. God bless.
One of the reasons why I don't respect blacks is they stick to tribalism that doesn't respect our justice system. Look at Chicago, Detroit, etc and you will find that they could care less about high crime and violence.

They don't care about justice. The only reason they're bitching about this is they love fucking with whitey!

You must adore muslims, then.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? Don't you believe in innocent until proven guility?

I repeat, I HOPE he fry's for killing that boy. Fuck him and it looks like a fuck you is due as well since you already have convinced yourself Trevon actually did something wrong by being black. WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO WRONG? I am black, could that asshole just suddenly convince himself I was wrong some how for simply being there? Fuck him and fuck you. If he followed me, approached me and we got into a fight becuase he profiled me as a criminal for simply being there and being black, and he has the right to shoot me?

Again, fuck him and fuck you.

and god bless.

Uh, hate to ruin your orgasmic thoughts about Zimmerman frying in this case but this is not a capital case.
He is not facing the death penalty.
Sorry to ruin your hate filled moment there.

Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.
And they deny being racist.

What is your definition of "racist"?

I believe, "someone of another race holding a critical opinion of another race'.:eusa_eh:

You are as far off on that one as it comes.

racist "someone that believes their race is superior to another race or all other races"

But you are right, anyone that is critical of your opinion is labeled as a racist.

And no one here has claimed racial superiority over anyone so no one can be accurately defined as a racist.

Anyone that disagrees with Obama is labeled a racist also.

Dumbass: "someone that labels others racist for being critical of someone that is from another race"
I repeat, I HOPE he fry's for killing that boy. Fuck him and it looks like a fuck you is due as well since you already have convinced yourself Trevon actually did something wrong by being black. WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO WRONG? I am black, could that asshole just suddenly convince himself I was wrong some how for simply being there? Fuck him and fuck you. If he followed me, approached me and we got into a fight becuase he profiled me as a criminal for simply being there and being black, and he has the right to shoot me?

Again, fuck him and fuck you.

and god bless.

Uh, hate to ruin your orgasmic thoughts about Zimmerman frying in this case but this is not a capital case.
He is not facing the death penalty.
Sorry to ruin your hate filled moment there.

Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.

That is your orgasmic dream Joe but as far off from reality as all of your other orgasmic dreams.
He would be isolated from the general public per request from the guards union.
The guards union does not like problems.
I love the "a child".
The gullible and naive still believe those 6th grade photos of Lil Trayvon.
That angel of a child.
I repeat, I HOPE he fry's for killing that boy. Fuck him and it looks like a fuck you is due as well since you already have convinced yourself Trevon actually did something wrong by being black. WHAT THE FUCK DID HE DO WRONG? I am black, could that asshole just suddenly convince himself I was wrong some how for simply being there? Fuck him and fuck you. If he followed me, approached me and we got into a fight becuase he profiled me as a criminal for simply being there and being black, and he has the right to shoot me?

Again, fuck him and fuck you.

and god bless.

Uh, hate to ruin your orgasmic thoughts about Zimmerman frying in this case but this is not a capital case.
He is not facing the death penalty.
Sorry to ruin your hate filled moment there.

Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.

You know what's really funny? Your definition of "child". Maybe it would be easier if you considered Martin as a candidate for a successful later term abortion.
Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.

That is your orgasmic dream Joe but as far off from reality as all of your other orgasmic dreams.
He would be isolated from the general public per request from the guards union.
The guards union does not like problems.

What, you are admitting a union has a good result? Seriously?

Ask Chef Jeff Dahmner how protective custody works out. He and another racist killer got brained on the same day...

Maybe the guards were on one of their 25 Mandated Breaks....
You know what's really funny? Your definition of "child". Maybe it would be easier if you considered Martin as a candidate for a successful later term abortion.

Um.. NO. Trayvon was 17.

He could not enlist in the military without a parent's permission, vote, buy alcohol, enter into a legally binding contract, star in an adult movie or do any of the other things we associate with adulthood.

So in the eyes of the law, a Child.

A fetus, on the other hand, is not seen as a "child" in the eyes of the law.

Happy to have straightened that out for you.
Uh, hate to ruin your orgasmic thoughts about Zimmerman frying in this case but this is not a capital case.
He is not facing the death penalty.
Sorry to ruin your hate filled moment there.

Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.

You know what's really funny? Your definition of "child". Maybe it would be easier if you considered Martin as a candidate for a successful later term abortion.

Nice. You're condoning "cold blooded murder". Like I'm surprised.
Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.

That is your orgasmic dream Joe but as far off from reality as all of your other orgasmic dreams.
He would be isolated from the general public per request from the guards union.
The guards union does not like problems.

What, you are admitting a union has a good result? Seriously?

Ask Chef Jeff Dahmner how protective custody works out. He and another racist killer got brained on the same day...

Maybe the guards were on one of their 25 Mandated Breaks....

Dahmer was in a union shop state prison.
Not Florida.
Well, no, he's going to be locked up in general population with lots of black guys who knew he killed a black child.

He'd probably be safer on death row.

That is your orgasmic dream Joe but as far off from reality as all of your other orgasmic dreams.
He would be isolated from the general public per request from the guards union.
The guards union does not like problems.

What, you are admitting a union has a good result? Seriously?

Ask Chef Jeff Dahmner how protective custody works out. He and another racist killer got brained on the same day...

Maybe the guards were on one of their 25 Mandated Breaks....

You are right on par Joe.
Union supporters like you support mob violence.
That is all you know as your skills are not good enough to speak for themselves.

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