Trayvon was beating up Zimmerman MMA Style

Either way, Zimmerman initiated the incident, too bad he had to use a gun when Martin fought back..I guess one shouldn't follow people who do not commit crimes and play Policeman.

I think I am going to go follow someone, and when they have a problem with it I will shoot them. (kidding)

Either way, Zimmerman initiated the incident

I can walk behind you and you still have no right to hit me. Sorry.

The pictures of the killer show a slight scratch on the nose, maybe a couple tiny wounds on the head. The rest of the "blame the victim" line is fabricated.

Did Zimmermann scratch himself shaving?
How many head wounds are allowed before you can defend yourself?
Would have followed this kid and confronted him with "what are you doing around here" and not expect to get your ass kicked considering were he lived? You are missing the point. Trayvon did not stalk Zimmerman and attacked him because he was white,etc.
Injuries to his head did not come from his head being bashed into the side walk. What the fuck was zimerman doing when he as being punched and head being banged. How many hands did trayvon have? He probably got the stratches from falling and not from being banged into the side walk. Consistents with his fat ass falling on the grass. Banged his head into concret while punching him?:cuckoo: He also had his hands pinned down but Zimmerman had another hand that reached for he gun?
Stand your ground and self defense do not apply when you stalk, confront and start a fight and get you ass kicked.
Zimmerman is trying to say he "retreated" and then was attacked. BS. Time and distance do not give that any credibility.

Zimerman had spun his own web by he talking too much and when you lie you tell another lie to cover that lie and on and on . Every one he has told his tale to has been a different tale. the eyewitness has contended...Martin was astride Zimmerman "MMA style" throwing punches...then it would seem that Martin was using his legs to pin Zimmerman's arms so that he'd be unable to block punches to his face. Good fight strategy unless the person you're fighting happens to be carrying a gun that he can reach despite having his arms pinned.

As for time and distance? There is a substantial amount of time (over five minutes) between the point when Zimmerman tells the police dispatcher that Martin has gone behind some houses and he's going to get out of his SUV and follow him and when the fight occurs and the shot is fired. If you've looked at diagrams of the scene with corresponding times for when different events took place it's hard to understand how Martin is not back at his father's girlfriend's house LONG before Zimmerman gets off the phone with the police, gets out of his SUV and follows. It's literally a little over a hundred yards from the corner where Zimmerman says Martin just went out of sight to the girlfriend's door. So you've got a 17 year old football player who couldn't cover that distance in that amount of time and instead of being safe inside the girlfriend's place is just a few yards from the corner that he turned five minutes earlier? I'm kind of a logical person and I can't make sense of this if Trayvon was trying to get away from Zimmerman because he could have done so easily. The only way I can make the scenario work is if Martin either stops and waits for Zimmerman there at the corner...or sees him following...stops and goes backwards to confront him.

No evidence he went back to his car and trayvon followed him. why would trayvon follow him when he was trying to get away from him? he girl on the phone is the most credible witness of all because she heard the confrontation. Eye witness said they were "wrestling?" Not banging his head into the concret or punching him.

Incident would have put him in threat of imminent bodiy harm to use the stand your ground and self defense and injuries to zimmerman do not prove that and injuries on trayvon's fist do not prove that either. Zimmerman was not in imminent bodily harm at no time. A few scratches on his head and face and a fractured nose is not enough for him to feel his life was in danger. Unless he was hallucinating on Adderall.

Trayvon was "shit he's running" Zimmerman own word, running away from him not toward him.And he gets out of his car and follows him and confront him.

why would trayvon follow him when he was trying to get away from him?

Because Treyvon felt dissed?
because Trayvon felt threatened and decided to put an end to the threat?
Nope. You won't be able to post a source that says that. That's just a lie.

Another witness saw a "broad man" on top hitting another. The evidence list shows Zimmerman wore a size 38. His shirt was red.

"First we heard like a howling sound. And then the second time we heard a more-clearly 'help' sound," the witness said. "I know after seeing the TV of what's happening — comparing their pictures — I think Zimmerman is definitely on top because of his size."

Evidence released in Florida shooting

I think Zimmerman is definitely on top because of his size.

I'm sure we'll see the pictures of Treyvon with the injuries he must have received, you know, when he was on the bottom, getting beat up. I wonder why they haven't been released already? They mentioned his skinned knuckle, but no facial injuries.
Actually the autopsy said his eye was bruised. But you'll ignore that, no doubt.

If they show pictures of Trayvon with his injuries it would sway a jury because he had a big hole in his chest and he was dead.
Toddster is not objective on this topic, and it is hard to be. A teen is dead, and another young man faces many years in prison, possibly to never hold or be held by his family again.

Everything we have heard and seen and read puts the onus on GZ to explain clearly and succinctly what happened. If he can't do that, he is toast.
"The man recalled seeing “a black male, wearing a dark colored ‘hoodie’ on top of a white or Hispanic male who was yelling for help.” The black male, he added, “was mounted on the white or Hispanic male and throwing punches ‘MMA (mixed martial arts) style.'”"]The man recalled seeing “a black male, wearing a dark colored ‘hoodie’ on top of a white or Hispanic male who was yelling for help.” The black male, he added, “was mounted on the white or Hispanic male and throwing punches ‘MMA (mixed martial arts) style.'”

Dude. This is nonsense. It shouldn't even be manslaughter let alone murder. Zimmerman's life was in danger. He was pinned, getting beaten, getting his freaking head against the pavement. If I had a gun, I would have used it to. A man has a right to protect himself against permanent bodily harm.

Witness Told Cops He Saw Trayvon Martin Straddling George Zimmerman And Punching Him "MMA Style" | The Smoking Gun

i suppose that's true if you leave out the whole zimmerman hunting unarmed black kids part of the story.

and we need another cheering thread for a killer because?

Well, one generally DOES arrive at the truth by leaving out the made-up parts of the story. But I do understand that you don't have much experience with the truth, so you wouldn't know that.
And he wouldn't have been getting the shit beat out of him if he had minded his own business.

For most decent human beings, preventing crime in their neighborhood IS their business. But I realize that you don't know much about being a decent human being.
Hunting? He was patrolling the neighborhood. He doesn't have that right? Are we living in the USSR now? Given that GZ was getting beaten and YOU KNOW THAT now. Who do you think was yelling for help? Who do you think was the attacker? You're just a racist that can't admit the truth.

He wasn't patrolling the neighborhood or so he claimed the night this happened, because when he patrolled the neighborhood for block watch he claims he never brought his gun with him. He isn't a Cop, Trayvon didn't commit a crime, and Zimmerman followed him and posed a threat to Trayvon, not the other way around......
And you are racist for assuming it was Martin, the one without the history of violence, without the history of attacking first and thinking later. And a voice expert said it was Martin's voice not Zimmerman.

I hate to break this to you, Luissa but the so called "voice expert" seems to be 100% incorrect. USA Today reported today that Trayvon Martin's own father stated to police that the voice screaming for help on the audio tape was not his son.

Actually, It's Luissa the Loser who's 100% wrong, because there's no voice expert saying anything of the sort. The voice experts said they couldn't tell for certain who the voice belonged to.

Never, EVER argue anything with Luissa from the standpoint that anything spewing from her flapping gob is or could be in any way correct. It's a good rule of thumb.
Cecelie1200 describes herself when she write, "But I realize that you don't know much about being a decent human being."
Either way, Zimmerman initiated the incident, too bad he had to use a gun when Martin fought back..I guess one shouldn't follow people who do not commit crimes and play Policeman.

I think I am going to go follow someone, and when they have a problem with it I will shoot them. (kidding)

Oh? You know Zimmerman initiated it, do you? Were you there, or do you just "know" it because Martin was black, and no black person could EVER be in the wrong in your eyes?

Because I am a good person - unlike you - I hope very much that if you are ever the victim of a crime, your neighbors are more like George Zimmerman and less like your current ideal of "I didn't see nothin', I don't wanna get involved, it's not my business".

I can definitely tell you that I'd much rather live next to Mr. Zimmerman than any of you lying, liberal pukes on this message board.

I think Zimmerman is definitely on top because of his size.

I'm sure we'll see the pictures of Treyvon with the injuries he must have received, you know, when he was on the bottom, getting beat up. I wonder why they haven't been released already? They mentioned his skinned knuckle, but no facial injuries.
Actually the autopsy said his eye was bruised. But you'll ignore that, no doubt.

If they show pictures of Trayvon with his injuries it would sway a jury because he had a big hole in his chest and he was dead.

Only a bruise on his eye, with that fat guy sitting on his chest and wailing on him?
I didn't see any reference to that. You have a link?
I think Zimmerman is definitely on top because of his size.

I'm sure we'll see the pictures of Treyvon with the injuries he must have received, you know, when he was on the bottom, getting beat up. I wonder why they haven't been released already? They mentioned his skinned knuckle, but no facial injuries.
Actually the autopsy said his eye was bruised. But you'll ignore that, no doubt.

If they show pictures of Trayvon with his injuries it would sway a jury because he had a big hole in his chest and he was dead.

Only a bruise on his eye, with that fat guy sitting on his chest and wailing on him?
I didn't see any reference to that. You have a link?

Todd, you are way behind on this. You are defending you know not what.
i suppose that's true if you leave out the whole zimmerman hunting unarmed black kids part of the story.

and we need another cheering thread for a killer because?

There are many killer supporters on this board, kind of scary. No evidence the victim even KNEW how to fight, lots of evidence the killer was violent. TWO CRIMINAL charges involving violence, one while drinking.

Yep, I have not even heard about him getting in fights at school.

If God Almighty was standing next to you, screaming in your ear about Trayvon Martin's school record, you STILL wouldn't hear it, because you're firmly committed to NEVER hearing anything that interferes with your worldview. And we all know your worldview is that black skin automatically comes with a halo, you ignorant racist ox.
Actually the autopsy said his eye was bruised. But you'll ignore that, no doubt.

If they show pictures of Trayvon with his injuries it would sway a jury because he had a big hole in his chest and he was dead.

Only a bruise on his eye, with that fat guy sitting on his chest and wailing on him?
I didn't see any reference to that. You have a link?

Todd, you are way behind on this. You are defending you know not what.

Catch me up on Trayvon's bruised eye.
There are many killer supporters on this board, kind of scary. No evidence the victim even KNEW how to fight, lots of evidence the killer was violent. TWO CRIMINAL charges involving violence, one while drinking.

Yep, I have not even heard about him getting in fights at school.

It is rare to see murder defendants so very popular with Americans.

Maybe because it's still rare to see racist vacuum-skulls like you trying to crucify people for a political agenda.

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