Treason !! By any name


Gold Member
Mar 19, 2013
this Side of Heaven
A video, produced by a man identified on Facebook as Aaron Hawkins, is a challenge to those who enforce America’s laws, warning them the day is coming when gun-control legislation will undermine the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment and police forces will be asked to restrict or even confiscate American citizens’ firearms.

“Any congressperson or senator who puts their name to any law which infringes on the right to bear arms should be arrested for treason. That would be a literal fulfillment of your oath,” Hawkins continues. “If you don’t want the situation to come to that … send a letter to every congressperson, senator and state lawmaker, a letter not asking them nicely to abide by the Constitution, but letting them no on no uncertain terms what will happen to them if they don’t. Make it clear to them that not only will you refuse to enforce their edicts, but they will be defining themselves as enemies of the Constitution and of the people, if they go down this road.”
Read more at Police told to choose: Gun control or Constitution

i am all in favor of charging any politician, military, police or any person with "authority" with treason for signing an anti gun bill/law, when they took their oath of office they promised to abide by the Constitution.., it seems some deny the Bill Of Rights is NOT part of the Constitution. :up: :clap2:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted. - A3, USC
Probably going to have to use public opinion to stop the nonsense. Treason is a narrowly defined crime.
I have brought that up in a debate in the bull ring.
I totally agree
Any public servant that breaks their oath, should be dealt with accordingly
I do think they seemed to have forgotten about this little piece of history..
A video, produced by a man identified on Facebook as Aaron Hawkins, is a challenge to those who enforce America’s laws, warning them the day is coming when gun-control legislation will undermine the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment and police forces will be asked to restrict or even confiscate American citizens’ firearms.

“Any congressperson or senator who puts their name to any law which infringes on the right to bear arms should be arrested for treason. That would be a literal fulfillment of your oath,” Hawkins continues. “If you don’t want the situation to come to that … send a letter to every congressperson, senator and state lawmaker, a letter not asking them nicely to abide by the Constitution, but letting them no on no uncertain terms what will happen to them if they don’t. Make it clear to them that not only will you refuse to enforce their edicts, but they will be defining themselves as enemies of the Constitution and of the people, if they go down this road.”
Read more at Police told to choose: Gun control or Constitution

i am all in favor of charging any politician, military, police or any person with "authority" with treason for signing an anti gun bill/law, when they took their oath of office they promised to abide by the Constitution.., it seems some deny the Bill Of Rights is NOT part of the Constitution. :up: :clap2:

Why do so many gun nutters who throw pity parties about 'treason' when sensible gun legislation is proposed also celebrate the treason of confederate soldiers?
Americans should know the history of treason throughout the ages and why America gave it special handling.
...sensible gun legislation
could you please in your own words define sensible gun legislation ?

for me sensible gun legislation is this: A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.
They changed the definition of "infringed", Wildman
Just like fair, illegal immigrant, America etc
Bear arms or bear any arms, including bazookas and missile launchers?
Bear arms or bear any arms, including bazookas and missile launchers?

Read DC v. Heller again, then come back and ask such a witless question. No. Handguns and Rifles, Swords and Knives. There are already reasonable limitations on the 2nd Amendment already, background checks should be enough.
A video, produced by a man identified on Facebook as Aaron Hawkins, is a challenge to those who enforce America’s laws, warning them the day is coming when gun-control legislation will undermine the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment and police forces will be asked to restrict or even confiscate American citizens’ firearms.

“Any congressperson or senator who puts their name to any law which infringes on the right to bear arms should be arrested for treason. That would be a literal fulfillment of your oath,” Hawkins continues. “If you don’t want the situation to come to that … send a letter to every congressperson, senator and state lawmaker, a letter not asking them nicely to abide by the Constitution, but letting them no on no uncertain terms what will happen to them if they don’t. Make it clear to them that not only will you refuse to enforce their edicts, but they will be defining themselves as enemies of the Constitution and of the people, if they go down this road.”
Read more at Police told to choose: Gun control or Constitution

i am all in favor of charging any politician, military, police or any person with "authority" with treason for signing an anti gun bill/law, when they took their oath of office they promised to abide by the Constitution.., it seems some deny the Bill Of Rights is NOT part of the Constitution. :up: :clap2:

Or, rather than being knee-jerk hicks, we could take those laws to court and let the courts decide if its constitutional or not.
A video, produced by a man identified on Facebook as Aaron Hawkins, is a challenge to those who enforce America’s laws, warning them the day is coming when gun-control legislation will undermine the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment and police forces will be asked to restrict or even confiscate American citizens’ firearms.

“Any congressperson or senator who puts their name to any law which infringes on the right to bear arms should be arrested for treason. That would be a literal fulfillment of your oath,” Hawkins continues. “If you don’t want the situation to come to that … send a letter to every congressperson, senator and state lawmaker, a letter not asking them nicely to abide by the Constitution, but letting them no on no uncertain terms what will happen to them if they don’t. Make it clear to them that not only will you refuse to enforce their edicts, but they will be defining themselves as enemies of the Constitution and of the people, if they go down this road.”
Read more at Police told to choose: Gun control or Constitution

i am all in favor of charging any politician, military, police or any person with "authority" with treason for signing an anti gun bill/law, when they took their oath of office they promised to abide by the Constitution.., it seems some deny the Bill Of Rights is NOT part of the Constitution. :up: :clap2:

Or, rather than being knee-jerk hicks, we could take those laws to court and let the courts decide if its constitutional or not.

Here's an idea. Determine the constitutionality of any law BEFORE congress votes on it.

If we had done that, obamacare would never have been voted on.

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