Treasonous Snowflakes Start Go-Fund-Me Site To Raise Money To Help Illegals Defeat The Wall


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
I never thought I would see liberals go to this extreme to betray their own country, to help others violate our Constitution and laws, to help criminals break our laws...but the Democratic party has succeeded in brainwashing / condition some Americans into being willing to do just that...

In response to the news that some Americans started a GoFundMe page to help raise the money needed to build the wall that the Pro-Illegal Democrats will not agree to give the President, a group of traitorous snowflakes have announced they will create their own GoFundMe page to raise money to help fund criminal illegals to thwart the wall and make it into the US.

That, by the way, is a crime called called 'aiding and abetting'.

Rational liberal response: Build 'giant escalators' to defeat the border wall

“The wall is never going to be built but just in case it is we will build a series of giant escalators that are spaced out a half mile along the wall on either side and if that doesn’t happen we’ll just give the money to people who care about the well being of human beings no matter where they’re from,” Mr. O’Neil said in explaining his campaign."

"O’Neil eventually concedes that the escalator idea is a “metaphor” for any scheme which would assist people in crossing the border, but even with that caveat, this is a dazzling piece of liberal intellectual firepower."

No, its a display of dazzling disrespect for this country and its laws, just like their puppet masters who advocate open borders, globalism, non-enforcement of existing immigration laws, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities...
I never thought I would see liberals go to this extreme to betray their own country, to help others violate our Constitution and laws, to help criminals break our laws...but the Democratic party has succeeded in brainwashing / condition some Americans into being willing to do just that...

In response to the news that some Americans started a GoFundMe page to help raise the money needed to build the wall that the Pro-Illegal Democrats will not agree to give the President, a group of traitorous snowflakes have announced they will create their own GoFundMe page to raise money to help fund criminal illegals to thwart the wall and make it into the US.

That, by the way, is a crime called called 'aiding and abetting'.

Rational liberal response: Build 'giant escalators' to defeat the border wall

“The wall is never going to be built but just in case it is we will build a series of giant escalators that are spaced out a half mile along the wall on either side and if that doesn’t happen we’ll just give the money to people who care about the well being of human beings no matter where they’re from,” Mr. O’Neil said in explaining his campaign."

"O’Neil eventually concedes that the escalator idea is a “metaphor” for any scheme which would assist people in crossing the border, but even with that caveat, this is a dazzling piece of liberal intellectual firepower."

No, its a display of dazzling disrespect for this country and its laws, just like their puppet masters who advocate open borders, globalism, non-enforcement of existing immigration laws, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities...
Don't advertise it FFS!!! We have snowflakes on this site that would donate their whole welfare check.
First liberals laughed at the thought of a Go Fund Me getting ANY money. Now it's taking off and scared leftists are now openly soliciting donations to help people BREAK THE LAW? Is there no level these traitors won't stoop to?
There are things happening that prove the end of the Freedom road is nearing.

I would bet that many on this forum who mock the downfall of the US are either not Americans or are here illegally or are very low IQ.

Anyone with a good mind and or even a small bit of common sense would know that the things the Dims stand and fight for will ultimately hurt them as well.
First liberals laughed at the thought of a Go Fund Me getting ANY money. Now it's taking off and scared leftists are now openly soliciting donations to help people BREAK THE LAW? Is there no level these traitors won't stoop to?

no, no lower limit

Most of them are so thoroughly indoctrinated they would happily be the executioners of innocent Right Wing babies given a moments chance. Remember, they happily execute their own already.
The enemy within.....they have always been with us but now the media has joined their ranks and are promoting their anti American agenda....
We thought liberals founded this country wrote the laws and constitution?

Yes everybody remembers the great revolutionary wall of the 1st continental congress :rolleyes:

My post goes right over your head doesn't it?

It's a felony ...

Lol you really shouldn’t mention going over anything in a thread pointing out the obvious and fatal flaw of your retarded wall

If that dude cared so much why doesn't he already have them in place at the 600 miles of wall we already have??.
I never thought I would see liberals go to this extreme to betray their own country, to help others violate our Constitution and laws, to help criminals break our laws...but the Democratic party has succeeded in brainwashing / condition some Americans into being willing to do just that...

In response to the news that some Americans started a GoFundMe page to help raise the money needed to build the wall that the Pro-Illegal Democrats will not agree to give the President, a group of traitorous snowflakes have announced they will create their own GoFundMe page to raise money to help fund criminal illegals to thwart the wall and make it into the US.

That, by the way, is a crime called called 'aiding and abetting'.

Rational liberal response: Build 'giant escalators' to defeat the border wall

“The wall is never going to be built but just in case it is we will build a series of giant escalators that are spaced out a half mile along the wall on either side and if that doesn’t happen we’ll just give the money to people who care about the well being of human beings no matter where they’re from,” Mr. O’Neil said in explaining his campaign."

"O’Neil eventually concedes that the escalator idea is a “metaphor” for any scheme which would assist people in crossing the border, but even with that caveat, this is a dazzling piece of liberal intellectual firepower."

No, its a display of dazzling disrespect for this country and its laws, just like their puppet masters who advocate open borders, globalism, non-enforcement of existing immigration laws, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities...
This comes as a surprise to you ??? This has been brewing in this country for years. I mean when all we get is Demon-crat politicians readily race baiting to keep or gain power, then what did you expect ??

The problem has been how much success they have had while the republicans/conservatives were routed or pushed into their gated community's, and private school's where they separated themselves by money, and figured they were safe from it all.

Meanwhile the lower disrespected worker bees/lower to middle class income people were fighting the tough fight down in the trenches for their freedoms to continue unabated against these power hungry hustlers.

Like some on the left have said in the past "why do these lower class working folks vote against their own interest by supporting the republicans" ?? The reason is that the demon-crats display a much worse culture of corruption than the republicans/conservatives have shown over time, so the lesser of the two is then chosen each election cycle, yet all depending on which way the cultures are trending each cycle.
For the last time....You rightwing idiots foamed at the mouth and drooled when Trump said 20 fucking times that Mexico would pay for the wall.
You fuckers knew he was lying when he said it.
So climb down off your phony high moral ground now that people are rebelling against Trump's lie.
Grow the fuck up.
For the last time....You rightwing idiots foamed at the mouth and drooled when Trump said 20 fucking times that Mexico would pay for the wall.
You fuckers knew he was lying when he said it.
So climb down off your phony high moral ground now that people are rebelling against Trump's lie.
Grow the fuck up.
Wasn't lying, it's just that his strategy was thwarted by whatever, and like any plan, it must just move onto plan B.C.D.E.F. and/or G if nessesary.

So it was Ok for Stroch and Page to have a back up plan, but how dare Trump change up or adjust eh ???? Doubt your opinion will be for the last time on the subject, but ok.. lol
We thought liberals founded this country wrote the laws and constitution?

Yes everybody remembers the great revolutionary wall of the 1st continental congress :rolleyes:

My post goes right over your head doesn't it?

It's a felony ...

Lol you really shouldn’t mention going over anything in a thread pointing out the obvious and fatal flaw of your retarded wall

If that dude cared so much why doesn't he already have them in place at the 600 miles of wall we already have??.
Have you not seen the photos?
He hasn’t needed to. You people seem to think it’s really fucking hard to get a ladder
I never thought I would see liberals go to this extreme to betray their own country, to help others violate our Constitution and laws, to help criminals break our laws...but the Democratic party has succeeded in brainwashing / condition some Americans into being willing to do just that...

In response to the news that some Americans started a GoFundMe page to help raise the money needed to build the wall that the Pro-Illegal Democrats will not agree to give the President, a group of traitorous snowflakes have announced they will create their own GoFundMe page to raise money to help fund criminal illegals to thwart the wall and make it into the US.

That, by the way, is a crime called called 'aiding and abetting'.

Rational liberal response: Build 'giant escalators' to defeat the border wall

“The wall is never going to be built but just in case it is we will build a series of giant escalators that are spaced out a half mile along the wall on either side and if that doesn’t happen we’ll just give the money to people who care about the well being of human beings no matter where they’re from,” Mr. O’Neil said in explaining his campaign."

"O’Neil eventually concedes that the escalator idea is a “metaphor” for any scheme which would assist people in crossing the border, but even with that caveat, this is a dazzling piece of liberal intellectual firepower."

No, its a display of dazzling disrespect for this country and its laws, just like their puppet masters who advocate open borders, globalism, non-enforcement of existing immigration laws, illegal immigration, sanctuary cities...

Oh you can be guaranteed there are plenty of Conmen just wanting to take control of any money raised here. That's the Socialist Way. When they ask "what happened to our money man?" They will be given a song and dance about "consulting fees" and " R&D costs that were out of control, sorry not to show for it".
Mexico's gonna pay for the wall. Can't get simpler than that. I believe trump could drop his drawers in public and some of these nitwits would drop to their knees and give him head if he told them it would make America great again.l

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