Tree Lighting Ceremony....soon be heralded as the BIGGEST ever...

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Bet you didn’t come across this one from last night did you? See all the people still waiting to get in?

Are you stating someone photo shopped it 2 years ago? Seriously?
Uhh, you need glasses. Click on the twitter link. It was posted in 2015. Unless you are suggesting Twitter is involved in some type of conspiracy...
How did Donald Trump get on the big screen at Obama's tree lighting ceremony, retard?
You know what's strange? I searched the image in Google and I got no hits. So is it a photoshop?
NO! If it was from 2015, why didn't I find it in Google?
That's the standing room section, not a line, I think. There are different sections according to a link I read.
View attachment 163913 Ask google.
Bet you didn’t come across this one from last night did you? See all the people still waiting to get in?

Are you stating someone photo shopped it 2 years ago? Seriously?
Uhh, you need glasses. Click on the twitter link. It was posted in 2015. Unless you are suggesting Twitter is involved in some type of conspiracy...
You know what's strange? I searched the image in Google and I got no hits. So is it a photoshop?
NO! If it was from 2015, why didn't I find it in Google?
I don't think the empty seats shot is kosher, tbh. Taken before the crowd arrived? The pics Fox showed sure didn't look that empty. You can't even trust your eyes anymore, can you?
Back in the days when I was a young political operative, the very first thing they taught us was to avoid having empty chairs because the media hacks who were against your side would inevitably take photos from an angle which put the empty chairs in the forefront of the photo.

And just like you said, the empty chair photo could have been taken an hour before the festivities started.
But it shows there were tons more people there, either way. They also had to be seated by 4:30, with just one hour to seat those that had tickets. Going threw security, I would imagine many don’t get seated ever, if that same time table is used.
Had you read this?
FOX 5 asked the National Park Service about the empty chairs and they explained that no-shows are not uncommon for the National Christmas Tree Lighting. Since tickets are handed out to people around the country, there are many who are selected that do not live in the nation's capital and in the D.C. region, and this is believed to contribute to people not showing up for the event.

Of the 20,000 tickets given out, it is believed on average that 12,000 to 15,000 people attend the tree lighting ceremony each year, according to the National Park Service.
No-shows not uncommon at National Christmas Tree Lighting
But this year because it is under Trump suddenly no shows are a big deal.
Gates open at 3:30 pm, ticket holders must be in their seats by 4:30 pm.

I wouldn’t put it past progressives entering the lottery to simply not show either. Anything to try to make this man look bad.
View attachment 163913 Ask google.
Bet you didn’t come across this one from last night did you? See all the people still waiting to get in?

Are you stating someone photo shopped it 2 years ago? Seriously?
Uhh, you need glasses. Click on the twitter link. It was posted in 2015. Unless you are suggesting Twitter is involved in some type of conspiracy...
You know what's strange? I searched the image in Google and I got no hits. So is it a photoshop?
NO! If it was from 2015, why didn't I find it in Google?
That's the standing room section, not a line, I think. There are different sections according to a link I read.
Either photo.
View attachment 163913 Ask google.
Bet you didn’t come across this one from last night did you? See all the people still waiting to get in?

Are you stating someone photo shopped it 2 years ago? Seriously?
You know what's strange? I searched the image in Google and I got no hits. So is it a photoshop?
NO! If it was from 2015, why didn't I find it in Google?
I don't think the empty seats shot is kosher, tbh. Taken before the crowd arrived? The pics Fox showed sure didn't look that empty. You can't even trust your eyes anymore, can you?
Back in the days when I was a young political operative, the very first thing they taught us was to avoid having empty chairs because the media hacks who were against your side would inevitably take photos from an angle which put the empty chairs in the forefront of the photo.

And just like you said, the empty chair photo could have been taken an hour before the festivities started.
Every year, the parrots drank the piss and said Obama never used the word God in his Thanksgiving message, and never said "Merry Christmas".

It never occurred to them to check. Their propagandists count on this characteristic of the willfully stupid rubes.

This year, the same old creche that's been used for the past 50 years in the White House was displayed, and the rubes obediently parroted the bullshit that Obama had banned it and Trump was bringing it back.

Again, it never occurred to the tards to check the veracity of this bold lie.

Fool the tards once, shame on you. Fool them two thousand fucking times, it's amazing they have enough brain cells to breathe without mechanical assistance!

So now it is time for those benchmarks to come back and bitch slap the fuckers right in their faces.

"Only six people showed up for Trump's tree lighting!"

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