Tremendous Nation of Ghana cracks down on sodomy


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
Ghana is tired of men violating each other's buttholes, and the parliament passed this measure unanimously and in a bipartisan manner.

The parliament is equally split between the 2 top parties, yet they were still able to work together.

My real question here is why the Far Left media is calling the new law "controversial"?

It isn't controversial among the Ghanese people, and that's who is making the call.

Ghana is tired of men violating each other's buttholes, and the parliament passed this measure unanimously and in a bipartisan manner.

The parliament is equally split between the 2 top parties, yet they were still able to work together.

My real question here is why the Far Left media is calling the new law "controversial"?

It isn't controversial among the Ghanese people, and that's who is making the call.

Because the American Left are morally bankrupt, and completely bereft of any sense of decency. As such they abhor any measure that frustrates the open practice of anything reprehensible.
Because the American Left are morally bankrupt, and completely bereft of any sense of decency. As such they abhor any measure that frustrates the open practice of anything reprehensible.

I can accept that the left has their own opinions about perversion.

However, this isn't an opinion piece I linked, but just a news story. No objectivity at all, calling a law with such tremendous and unanimous support from the elected representatives of Ghana "controversial" is just a breach of journalistic ethics. Its a lie.
Ghana is tired of men violating each other's buttholes, and the parliament passed this measure unanimously and in a bipartisan manner.

The parliament is equally split between the 2 top parties, yet they were still able to work together.

My real question here is why the Far Left media is calling the new law "controversial"?

It isn't controversial among the Ghanese people, and that's who is making the call.

LOL@'Cracks Down'!

Ya see the have two top if they had a bottom..they'd be a lot better off, eh?
(1) Well, at least Ghana does not call for capital punishment, as does Uganda's anti-gay law.

(2) For a long time, Western apologists for Africa would say something like: "The Africans are only following the anti-gay laws that were imposed on them by imperialist nations, such as England" (where gays -- such as Oscar Wilde -- were imprisoned for just touching each other. In Germany, a man could be arrested for looking the wrong way at another man).

(3) (De facto) President Harris should work behind the scenes to encourage those gay groups in Africa to be as discreet as possible and to ask those governments to abstain from actually enforcing the law.

(4) People who are acquainted with African history tell us that gay relations there are far from unusual. Just as in the Middle East, another place where gays are publicly reviled.
Ghana is tired of men violating each other's buttholes, and the parliament passed this measure unanimously and in a bipartisan manner.

The parliament is equally split between the 2 top parties, yet they were still able to work together.

My real question here is why the Far Left media is calling the new law "controversial"?

It isn't controversial among the Ghanese people, and that's who is making the call.

men violating each other's buttholes,´d move to Moscow 🇷🇺 ulus where its perfectly ok even if buttholes just 13 years old

" 🇷🇺Fyodor of having a homosexual relationship with the 🇷🇺 Tsar. "

Stalin and his lover aged 13

For a long time, Western apologists for Africa would say something like: "The Africans are only following the anti-gay laws that were imposed on them by imperialist nations, such as England" (
agree, our men are the cowards when it comes to black& Africa´s related issues ,
- " they can call me a " racist " what i´d do " ...etc.


Stalin and his lover aged 13

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men violating each other's buttholes,´d move to Moscow 🇷🇺 ulus where its perfectly ok even if buttholes just 13 years old

" 🇷🇺Fyodor of having a homosexual relationship with the 🇷🇺 Tsar. "

Stalin and his lover aged 13

I read somewhere that one of Stalin's foreign ministers was gay, but Stalin let him keep his post.

(When the Reds took over Russia, they legalized gay relations. But when Stalin eventually took over, he recriminalized gay relations.)
Because the American Left are morally bankrupt,
American right dont do it in " buttholes " ?


men violating each other's buttholes,´d move to Moscow 🇷🇺 ulus where its perfectly ok even if buttholes just 13 years old

" 🇷🇺Fyodor of having a homosexual relationship with the 🇷🇺 Tsar. "
I read somewhere that one of Stalin's foreign ministers was gay, but Stalin let him keep his post.

(When the Reds took over Russia, they legalized gay relations. But when Stalin eventually took over, he recriminalized gay relations.)
yes and no, NKVD propaganda gay stamped - many victims of stalinism, and i guess Yezhov was one of them , they (nkvd) found gay-dicks and gay-porn in his safe, but this was SO NKVD style . so i am not sure that Yezhov was a gay ....

but Koba was a pedo for sure, and Muscovite + so called the global south just DON'T CARE ....
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(1) Well, at least Ghana does not call for capital punishment, as does Uganda's anti-gay law.

(2) For a long time, Western apologists for Africa would say something like: "The Africans are only following the anti-gay laws that were imposed on them by imperialist nations, such as England" (where gays -- such as Oscar Wilde -- were imprisoned for just touching each other. In Germany, a man could be arrested for looking the wrong way at another man).

(3) (De facto) President Harris should work behind the scenes to encourage those gay groups in Africa to be as discreet as possible and to ask those governments to abstain from actually enforcing the law.

(4) People who are acquainted with African history tell us that gay relations there are far from unusual. Just as in the Middle East, another place where gays are publicly reviled.

American evangelical missionaries have spent a lot of time in Uganda promoting the death penalty for homosexuals. Don't you remember?
Ghana is tired of men violating each other's buttholes, and the parliament passed this measure unanimously and in a bipartisan manner.

The parliament is equally split between the 2 top parties, yet they were still able to work together.

My real question here is why the Far Left media is calling the new law "controversial"?

It isn't controversial among the Ghanese people, and that's who is making the call.


Even foreign countries without much US missionary presence are opposed to the idea of sodomy. Not too many missionaries in the Tremendous Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Even foreign countries without much US missionary presence are opposed to the idea of sodomy. Not too many missionaries in the Tremendous Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
you are N1 supporter of 🇷🇺 sodomy

I read somewhere that one of Stalin's foreign ministers was gay, but Stalin let him keep his post.

(When the Reds took over Russia, they legalized gay relations. But when Stalin eventually took over, he recriminalized gay relations.)
Even foreign countries without much US missionary presence are opposed to the idea of sodomy. Not too many missionaries in the Tremendous Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
That's right. I for one don't like missionaries. They come prancing in to change another people's culture, traditions and religious beliefs.
They come prancing in to change another people's culture, traditions and religious beliefs.
i see your point, still, sub-sanitarian Africa before our missioners have changed it forever was a very UGLY PLACE .

Do you want to change the Jews?

When were you in sub Saraha?
man, Ashkenazy as much the westerners as me or you. i wrote everything what wanted to say , US gays ´d put some pressure on the president and will fix this problem . Lets talk about Ivan´s 🇷🇺 the terrible lovers instead )

I read somewhere that one of Stalin's foreign ministers was gay, but Stalin let him keep his post.

(When the Reds took over Russia, they legalized gay relations. But when Stalin eventually took over, he recriminalized gay relations.)

if you want to talk about traditional Moscow🇷🇺 pederasty, gay -rape and pedophilia , and how and why this predatory behavior is fully accepted by 🇷🇺Muscovites

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