Trey Gowdy On Hillary Emails: 'We Haven't Seen Any Evidence Of A Crime'

Until all the emails that HRC classified as personal are seen and reviewed, no one knows if she committed any crime. However if she signed the state dept form upon leaving that said all of her emails had been turned over to the state, and they weren't, then a perjury charge may be forthcoming. If she didn't sign the form then she violated state dept regulations, which is also a crime.

Face it dems, Hillary is a flawed candidate. Better be looking for someone else.
Yup, guilty until proven innocent. Hater dupes. lol
Clinton Aide: Hillary Clinton To Testify Before Benghazi Committee In October

Clinton has indicated that she would like to appear before the committee in public.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will publicly testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Oct. 22, a Clinton spokesperson told The Washington Post on Saturday.

More: Clinton Aide Hillary Clinton To Testify Before Benghazi Committee In October

Hillary wants her testimony made public for the world to see. I assume she'll be under oath. Bush and Cheney refused to testify under oath.
WASHINGTON -- “We haven’t seen any evidence of a crime,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Sunday about Hillary Clinton’s private email use during her service as Secretary of State.

Gowdy was speaking to "Fox News Sunday" days after Clinton responded to a New York Times article alleging that she “may have violated federal requirements” under federal records laws.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace repeatedly asked Gowdy whether Clinton had broken any laws. The Benghazi committee chair declined each time to implicate Clinton.

Asked again by Wallace if Clinton had broken rules put in place by the Obama administration, Gowdy said, “I’m going to have to let smart lawyers decide if she complied with the law or not.”

Trey Gowdy On Hillary Emails: 'We Haven't Seen Any Evidence Of A Crime'

I'm pleasantly surprised that Gowdy would be this honest up front.

Yeah...she destroyed the evidence...that's why they haven't seen any yet.....
WASHINGTON -- “We haven’t seen any evidence of a crime,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Sunday about Hillary Clinton’s private email use during her service as Secretary of State.

Gowdy was speaking to "Fox News Sunday" days after Clinton responded to a New York Times article alleging that she “may have violated federal requirements” under federal records laws.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace repeatedly asked Gowdy whether Clinton had broken any laws. The Benghazi committee chair declined each time to implicate Clinton.

Asked again by Wallace if Clinton had broken rules put in place by the Obama administration, Gowdy said, “I’m going to have to let smart lawyers decide if she complied with the law or not.”

Trey Gowdy On Hillary Emails: 'We Haven't Seen Any Evidence Of A Crime'

I'm pleasantly surprised that Gowdy would be this honest up front.

Yeah...she destroyed the evidence...that's why they haven't seen any yet.....

Are you suggesting that she is smarter than the NaziCon witch hunters?
WASHINGTON -- “We haven’t seen any evidence of a crime,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Sunday about Hillary Clinton’s private email use during her service as Secretary of State.

Gowdy was speaking to "Fox News Sunday" days after Clinton responded to a New York Times article alleging that she “may have violated federal requirements” under federal records laws.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace repeatedly asked Gowdy whether Clinton had broken any laws. The Benghazi committee chair declined each time to implicate Clinton.

Asked again by Wallace if Clinton had broken rules put in place by the Obama administration, Gowdy said, “I’m going to have to let smart lawyers decide if she complied with the law or not.”

Trey Gowdy On Hillary Emails: 'We Haven't Seen Any Evidence Of A Crime'

I'm pleasantly surprised that Gowdy would be this honest up front.

Yeah...she destroyed the evidence...that's why they haven't seen any yet.....

Are you suggesting that she is smarter than the NaziCon witch hunters?

She is a smarter criminal...she destroyed the evidence before they could get it. She has had years to practice her criminality...starting with silencing the women her husband raped...and moving on to financial crimes and now into government corruption.......
WASHINGTON -- “We haven’t seen any evidence of a crime,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Sunday about Hillary Clinton’s private email use during her service as Secretary of State.

Gowdy was speaking to "Fox News Sunday" days after Clinton responded to a New York Times article alleging that she “may have violated federal requirements” under federal records laws.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace repeatedly asked Gowdy whether Clinton had broken any laws. The Benghazi committee chair declined each time to implicate Clinton.

Asked again by Wallace if Clinton had broken rules put in place by the Obama administration, Gowdy said, “I’m going to have to let smart lawyers decide if she complied with the law or not.”

Trey Gowdy On Hillary Emails: 'We Haven't Seen Any Evidence Of A Crime'

I'm pleasantly surprised that Gowdy would be this honest up front.

Yeah...she destroyed the evidence...that's why they haven't seen any yet.....

Are you suggesting that she is smarter than the NaziCon witch hunters?

She is a smarter criminal...she destroyed the evidence before they could get it. She has had years to practice her criminality...starting with silencing the women her husband raped...and moving on to financial crimes and now into government corruption.......

That's an awful thing to say about your future Madam President. Why do you hate the Constitution?
WASHINGTON -- “We haven’t seen any evidence of a crime,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Sunday about Hillary Clinton’s private email use during her service as Secretary of State.

Gowdy was speaking to "Fox News Sunday" days after Clinton responded to a New York Times article alleging that she “may have violated federal requirements” under federal records laws.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace repeatedly asked Gowdy whether Clinton had broken any laws. The Benghazi committee chair declined each time to implicate Clinton.

Asked again by Wallace if Clinton had broken rules put in place by the Obama administration, Gowdy said, “I’m going to have to let smart lawyers decide if she complied with the law or not.”

Trey Gowdy On Hillary Emails: 'We Haven't Seen Any Evidence Of A Crime'

I'm pleasantly surprised that Gowdy would be this honest up front.

Yeah...she destroyed the evidence...that's why they haven't seen any yet.....

Are you suggesting that she is smarter than the NaziCon witch hunters?

She is a smarter criminal...she destroyed the evidence before they could get it. She has had years to practice her criminality...starting with silencing the women her husband raped...and moving on to financial crimes and now into government corruption.......

That's an awful thing to say about your future Madam President. Why do you hate the Constitution?

She may very well be......and you are right....saying something like that will eventually be outlawed....she is quite adept at using the government to persecute her enemies.....
WASHINGTON -- “We haven’t seen any evidence of a crime,” Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), the chair of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, said Sunday about Hillary Clinton’s private email use during her service as Secretary of State.

Gowdy was speaking to "Fox News Sunday" days after Clinton responded to a New York Times article alleging that she “may have violated federal requirements” under federal records laws.

Fox News’ Chris Wallace repeatedly asked Gowdy whether Clinton had broken any laws. The Benghazi committee chair declined each time to implicate Clinton.

Asked again by Wallace if Clinton had broken rules put in place by the Obama administration, Gowdy said, “I’m going to have to let smart lawyers decide if she complied with the law or not.”

Trey Gowdy On Hillary Emails: 'We Haven't Seen Any Evidence Of A Crime'

I'm pleasantly surprised that Gowdy would be this honest up front.

Yeah...she destroyed the evidence...that's why they haven't seen any yet.....

Are you suggesting that she is smarter than the NaziCon witch hunters?

She is a smarter criminal...she destroyed the evidence before they could get it. She has had years to practice her criminality...starting with silencing the women her husband raped...and moving on to financial crimes and now into government corruption.......

That's an awful thing to say about your future Madam President. Why do you hate the Constitution?

She may very well be......and you are right....saying something like that will eventually be outlawed....she is quite adept at using the government to persecute her enemies.....

In other words, Hillary is guilty of whatever you NaziCons say she is guilty of - regardless of due process per the 5th and 14th Amendments.
Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton's Private Email Use was 'criminal'

Pissing off the brain dead liberals!

Wochit ^
Donald Trump on Sunday pitched into the ongoing furore over Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while secretary of state, saying: “The fact is, what she has done is criminal.” A department official said on Friday that investigators this week asked the Justice Department to look into a “potential compromise of classified information” surrounding the private email server. On Saturday, in Iowa, Clinton told reporters she never knowingly sent or received classified information using her private server and did not know what messages were being cited by investigators.
It's the same old Benghazi bullshit. NaziCons are still desperately trying to criminalize Hillary over her State Department emails - even though none of the emails were marked classified at the time she sent and/or received them - nor was the use of her private server violating any laws and rules during her State Department tenure.
The Koch funded PAC's have pledged a billion dollars to putting "their man" in the White House. Having learned from their mistakes of 2012, where Mittens came out of the primaries pretty much a compromised candidate because of the When Mitt Romney Came To Town, Republicans decided to use similar tactics on Hillary and have been doing so since before she announced.

This is a massive, well funded campaign intended to go after Hillary and undermine her creditably. And it's working. The so called email scandal started with a NYT article proclaiming she was going to jail for using this server. This first story was retracted as inaccurate, as have subsequent stories claiming pending indictments. The retractions are small. The stories are large.
To put it in terms Lakhota can understand, Great White Mother in heap um big trouble.
Until all the emails that HRC classified as personal are seen and reviewed, no one knows if she committed any crime. However if she signed the state dept form upon leaving that said all of her emails had been turned over to the state, and they weren't, then a perjury charge may be forthcoming. If she didn't sign the form then she violated state dept regulations, which is also a crime.

Face it dems, Hillary is a flawed candidate. Better be looking for someone else.

She signed a deposition to a federal judge that she had turned over all work related emails and within a couple of weeks the emails to and from Sid Blumenthal on Benghazi surfaced. So there is no doubt she committed perjury. Also under the federal records law she had an obligation to preserve all records in their original form, she didn't. She tried to destroy government property (her emails), a federal felony. She processed classified and sensitive but unclassified email on an unsecured server, both a violation of State Dept policy. She had classified information in an unsecure location, a federal crime whether done by neglect or intentionally. There's no question she should be prosecuted, the only question is will she?
Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"...?

The evidence is in, she's guilty, the question is will your dear leader allow her to be prosecuted? If slow Joe declares, I would say, he will.
Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"...?

The evidence is in, she's guilty, the question is will your dear leader allow her to be prosecuted? If slow Joe declares, I would say, he will.

Really? Where's the evidence?

Yes or no question. Did she have classified and sensitive but unclassified information on a unsecured server, in unsecured location(s)?

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