Trey Gowdy On Hillary Emails: 'We Haven't Seen Any Evidence Of A Crime'

Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"...?

The evidence is in, she's guilty, the question is will your dear leader allow her to be prosecuted? If slow Joe declares, I would say, he will.

Really? Where's the evidence?

Yes or no question. Did she have classified and sensitive but unclassified information on a unsecured server, in unsecured location(s)?

None of the information was marked classified at the time.
Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"...?

The evidence is in, she's guilty, the question is will your dear leader allow her to be prosecuted? If slow Joe declares, I would say, he will.

Really? Where's the evidence?

Yes or no question. Did she have classified and sensitive but unclassified information on a unsecured server, in unsecured location(s)?

None of the information was marked classified at the time.

Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?
Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"...?

The evidence is in, she's guilty, the question is will your dear leader allow her to be prosecuted? If slow Joe declares, I would say, he will.

Really? Where's the evidence?

Yes or no question. Did she have classified and sensitive but unclassified information on a unsecured server, in unsecured location(s)?

None of the information was marked classified at the time.

Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?

The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.
Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"...?
Whatever happened to Good Judgment being a highly desirable characteristic of a President of the United States?

Was it Good Judgement on Shrillary's part, to use such a server for conducting the foreign policy of the Nation?
Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"...?
Whatever happened to Good Judgment being a highly desirable characteristic of a President of the United States?

Was it Good Judgement on Shrillary's part, to use such a server for conducting the foreign policy of the Nation?

It was legal and many others have also done it.
The evidence is in, she's guilty, the question is will your dear leader allow her to be prosecuted? If slow Joe declares, I would say, he will.

Really? Where's the evidence?

Yes or no question. Did she have classified and sensitive but unclassified information on a unsecured server, in unsecured location(s)?

None of the information was marked classified at the time.

Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?

The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
Really? Where's the evidence?

Yes or no question. Did she have classified and sensitive but unclassified information on a unsecured server, in unsecured location(s)?

None of the information was marked classified at the time.

Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?

The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.
Also, it came out the other day in REAL news that there was NO GAP in Hillary's emails as Trey and the right wing claimed there was around the Benghazi/after Benghazi time period.

How many more lies can be told by these right wing media liars?
Yes or no question. Did she have classified and sensitive but unclassified information on a unsecured server, in unsecured location(s)?

None of the information was marked classified at the time.

Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?

The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals
None of the information was marked classified at the time.

Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?

The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals

Fact? Actually, Hillary paid a State Department employee to manage her server - located in her basement.
None of the information was marked classified at the time.

Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?

The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals

"facts" :lol:
Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?

The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals

Fact? Actually, Hillary paid a State Department employee to manage her server - located in her basement.

Yep, then moved it to Manhattan and Denver where it was managed by IT companies, then she gave it to her lawyer, none of which were qualified to handle or store classified or sensitive government information.
Just can't bring yourself to answer honestly can you? It was a yes or no question, care to try again?

The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals

"facts" :lol:

Can't refute them so you chuckle in denial. The bitch broke the law deal with it, like I said earlier, the only question is if your dear leader will allow her to be prosecuted.
The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals

"facts" :lol:

Can't refute them so you chuckle in denial. The bitch broke the law deal with it, like I said earlier, the only question is if your dear leader will allow her to be prosecuted.

What law did she break? Please be specific and provide "credible" proof.
The answer is NO - since none were marked classified at the time.

The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals

Fact? Actually, Hillary paid a State Department employee to manage her server - located in her basement.

Yep, then moved it to Manhattan and Denver where it was managed by IT companies, then she gave it to her lawyer, none of which were qualified to handle or store classified or sensitive government information.

So what? What laws did she break? Please be specific and provide "credible" proof.
The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals

Fact? Actually, Hillary paid a State Department employee to manage her server - located in her basement.

Yep, then moved it to Manhattan and Denver where it was managed by IT companies, then she gave it to her lawyer, none of which were qualified to handle or store classified or sensitive government information.

So what? What laws did she break? Please be specific and provide "credible" proof.
here's a fact read for you, explaining a great deal:
Updated: The Facts About Hillary Clinton’s Emails
The answer is yes, even sensitive but unclassified information is REQUIRED, by State Dept rules, to be sent and stored on secure servers. Also the handling and storage of classified information is governed by federal law. Violations through neglect are treated the same as intentional violations under the law. She allowed access to her server, containing classified information, to people who were not cleared for access, and stored the server in unsecured locations. Both are violations of federal law, ignorance is no excuse.
LINKS to support any of your accusations please.
Links for:
-She allowed access to her server as you state, can you verify that with some facts and explain why she has not already been charged with such a crime if she did what you are speculating?

-and supply a verifiable link to support she stored her server while secretary of state in an unsecure location.

We know for a fact that she hired IT companies to manage her server, one kept it in a bathroom closet in a loft in Denver, they didn't have clearance for classified information and the location didn't meet legal standards for the storage of classified information. She also gave the server and a couple of thumb drives to her attorney who also didn't have a security clearance. He finally gave them to the FBI after initially resisting efforts to get the server.

Hillary's email server was run out of an old bathroom closet

Hillary Clinton Turns Over Home Email Server To FBI Officals

Fact? Actually, Hillary paid a State Department employee to manage her server - located in her basement.

Yep, then moved it to Manhattan and Denver where it was managed by IT companies, then she gave it to her lawyer, none of which were qualified to handle or store classified or sensitive government information.

So what? What laws did she break? Please be specific and provide "credible" proof.
Aiding and abetting a known pedofile

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