Trey Gowdy OWNS IRS Commissioner John Koskinen at irs targeting hearing

Koskinen is a right proper POS.
gowdy acknowledged that there was no wrong doing involved with the emails missing....AND THAT there were NO EMAIL TO AND FROM THE WHITEHOUSE to Learner and the the contention of those on the right that the president directed Learner to do this extra scrutiny on tea party groups and progressive groups, is flat out wrong..... YEP, WRONG according to this testimony.....

SOOOOOOO, I would not be rejoicing over anything right now if I were you...this video interrogation supports the contentions of many on the left .... 1- Obama was NOT involved AND 2-the IRS have done no wrong doing regarding the subpoena emails and them being lost.....
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so there were NO Treasury emails with Learner and NO emails from the whitehouse/ administration.

THAT'S A BIGGIE! Just the OPPOSITE of what you on the right have been claiming, is it not?

Gowdy was a rear end in that video, and appeared as an immature brat and bully....

nobody is going to trust a bully in the end....he should be a little bit smarter and not wear his emotions on his coat sleeve and stop his pontificating....he'd get farther with finding out the truth in this investigation...imo
gowdy acknowledged that there was no wrong doing involved with the emails missing....AND THAT there were NO EMAIL TO AND FROM THE WHITEHOUSE to Learner and the the contention of those on the right that the president directed Learner to do this extra scrutiny on tea party groups and progressive groups, is flat out wrong..... YEP, WRONG according to this testimony.....

SOOOOOOO, I would not be rejoicing over anything right now if I were you...this video interrogation supports the contentions of many on the left .... 1- Obama was NOT involved AND 2-the IRS have done no wrong doing regarding the subpoena emails and them being lost.....

With all due respect, appears that the chain went from Lois Lerner to someone in the Justice Department and from that person to the White House. Now you can SAY that there was no direct e-mail contact between Lerner and the White House and not be incorrect but that in no way means that communications might not have been going back and forth between Lerner and the White House through that third party. That's why those missing e-mails are so important because they might very well show who Lerner was talking to. There is a reason that those e-mails were "crashed" and what Gowdy is pointing out is that when someone destroys evidence it can be inferred that they were guilty of something which is why this entire missing e-mails from the time period under investigation stinks so badly of a cover up.

I'm you REALLY buy that Lois Lerner's computer suddenly crashed just days after the IRS received a letter from Camp demanding answers about the targeting of conservative groups? And that they couldn't retrieve the lost data even though it was backed up on tape? Seriously?
And I have zero sympathy for the IRS Commissioner. He came in to clean up a mess but seems to be spending most of his time on damage control...not finding out who was responsible and holding them accountable. He knew those e-mails were gone two months ago and didn't inform Congress even when he testified in front of them? Who would be THAT stupid? You would have to KNOW that there would be howls of outrage when that fact became public knowledge! Why wouldn't you inform Congress as soon as you yourself knew?
Who was in charge at the IRS that didn't see the problem with Lerner's missing e-mails? You've got a HUGE scandal brewing and the person at the center of it suddenly has a computer "problem" that causes all of her e-mails from the time in question to disappear...but you don't think it's a prudent idea to bring up that data from the tapes that hold it for six months? You withhold that information about the crashed computer until AFTER the six months go by and the information is scrubbed? Really? Does that sound like a person who wants to get to the bottom of what happened...or does that sound like someone who is involved in a cover-up?
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They need to waterboard all those fuckers to get the truth. Koskinen is a smug asshole who needs to be in prison.
Obama knows his audience too; left-wing losers that can rationalize any criminal behavior the Left wants to commit
Watching replay. Doug Collins from GA is asking a long question with no question mark at the end. And...he just told America that his 15 year old son, Cameron Collins, is a liar. Isn't that wonderful, Eddie?
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