Treyvon Martin is the new Fluke

Under the evidence so far, Zimmerman is innocent. There is no question that the gun was the murder weapon, why would the police take it. Although the police report states that they did take the gun. I would surmise that they also took the shirt even if the media hasn't reported it. The media is showing a distinct tendency to report selectively.

You said "murder"! That directly contradicts your first sentence where you claim he's innocent. :doubt:
There are some crimes that are justified. The victims of suicide bombers deserve it. Any non black deserves to be murdered by a black or failing that a hispanic assailant. The victims of the jihadist in France deserved it. The killer didn't deserve to be killed.

This is what happens in a war where there are identifiable enemies. Your side is always right. The other side is never justified.


Under what ridiculous notion are you coming up with this?

The cops fucked up. They should have arrested Zimmerman, taken his gun and shirt as evidence.

They didn't.

And now they are engaged in character assassination of Trayvon Martin.

They could have arrested Martin at the scene for assault and battery on zimmerman, but he was dead when they got there. And if Martin was indeed beating on zimmerman "As witnesses have said", then zimmerman was within the scope of the law in shooting him. Too many people have jumped to conclusions in this one without even knowing jack shit about it. There are so many stories going around right now. I would like to actually sit back and let the facts come out before judging.
SO how about those gas prices and unemployment numbers and that national debt?
Obviously that law didn't help Martin. Or are you saying he didn't have the right to defend himself from a man who had a gun?

Actually, the "stand your ground" law is stupid and all but guarantees more violence. It certainly didn't help Martin.

The law is not there to 'help' any individual. Laws protect society. You have no idea what actually happened that night... the evidence clearly supports Zimmerman's account... because if it did not, he would be charged by now.
Obviously that law didn't help Martin. Or are you saying he didn't have the right to defend himself from a man who had a gun?

Actually, the "stand your ground" law is stupid and all but guarantees more violence. It certainly didn't help Martin.

The law is not there to 'help' any individual. Laws protect society. You have no idea what actually happened that night... the evidence clearly supports Zimmerman's account... because if it did not, he would be charged by now.

But that's not good enough for democrap pals..

The originators of the American lynch mob.

They haven't changed much since the latter half of the 19th Century. Just aiming their hate in a different direction is all.

As to those of you who think the SYG is stupid?

We don't give a flying fuck what you think. This is OUR state. You don't like it? Stay out. I'm serious. We don't want you coming around
There are some crimes that are justified. The victims of suicide bombers deserve it. Any non black deserves to be murdered by a black or failing that a hispanic assailant. The victims of the jihadist in France deserved it. The killer didn't deserve to be killed.

This is what happens in a war where there are identifiable enemies. Your side is always right. The other side is never justified.


Under what ridiculous notion are you coming up with this?

The cops fucked up. They should have arrested Zimmerman, taken his gun and shirt as evidence.

They didn't.

And now they are engaged in character assassination of Trayvon Martin.

Yet you seemed fine when the character being assassinated was Zimmerman's. Go figure.

What character assassination?

The cops didn't arrest this guy. He KILLED a kid.

They didn't follow procedure and protocol..had they..Zimmerman more then likely would have gotten a slap on the wrist.
There are some crimes that are justified. The victims of suicide bombers deserve it. Any non black deserves to be murdered by a black or failing that a hispanic assailant. The victims of the jihadist in France deserved it. The killer didn't deserve to be killed.

This is what happens in a war where there are identifiable enemies. Your side is always right. The other side is never justified.


Under what ridiculous notion are you coming up with this?

The cops fucked up. They should have arrested Zimmerman, taken his gun and shirt as evidence.

They didn't.

And now they are engaged in character assassination of Trayvon Martin.

They could have arrested Martin at the scene for assault and battery on zimmerman, but he was dead when they got there. And if Martin was indeed beating on zimmerman "As witnesses have said", then zimmerman was within the scope of the law in shooting him. Too many people have jumped to conclusions in this one without even knowing jack shit about it. There are so many stories going around right now. I would like to actually sit back and let the facts come out before judging.
SO how about those gas prices and unemployment numbers and that national debt?

So if I start a fight with you..and you wind up beating me's all good to shoot you?
Racism is very important to the media, it really sells.

Racism is as dead as it can be in the USA, you'll always have a small percentage of idiots but it's dead for the most part. So the media HAS to blow up stories like this, regardless of facts, in order to be able to keep people believing that we're a racist country.

I've lived in the inner city, deep country, and now in suburbia. Nowhere was racism any major issue.

Under what ridiculous notion are you coming up with this?

The cops fucked up. They should have arrested Zimmerman, taken his gun and shirt as evidence.

They didn't.

And now they are engaged in character assassination of Trayvon Martin.

They could have arrested Martin at the scene for assault and battery on zimmerman, but he was dead when they got there. And if Martin was indeed beating on zimmerman "As witnesses have said", then zimmerman was within the scope of the law in shooting him. Too many people have jumped to conclusions in this one without even knowing jack shit about it. There are so many stories going around right now. I would like to actually sit back and let the facts come out before judging.
SO how about those gas prices and unemployment numbers and that national debt?

So if I start a fight with you..and you wind up beating me's all good to shoot you?

In Florida, 'No' and 'Yes'

If you confront me and threaten me, I have the right to stand my ground. I have no duty to retreat -- In Florida. I might go into that later on, but.....

If you continue to come at me and I fear for my safety, or the safety of one who is with me... I'm gonna shoot your sorry ass. Dead. No warning. No retreating. No brandishing the weapon -- You're a dead mofo. Period.

Now, if we do get into a fight, let's say it's a mutually agreed to fight (forgot the legal term) and you lose (doubtful in my present state of conditioning) and you turn around and shoot me?

You're going to prison for a LONG, long time. A really long time.

Florida's SYG, self-defense and property defense laws are quite unique. They seriously favor the law-abiding citizen.

Which is better than most places, where criminals have more rights than victims.
Under the evidence so far, Zimmerman is innocent. There is no question that the gun was the murder weapon, why would the police take it. Although the police report states that they did take the gun. I would surmise that they also took the shirt even if the media hasn't reported it. The media is showing a distinct tendency to report selectively.

Well then there should be no problem with a trial by jury.

Do we generally have a habit of trying innocent people?
Zimmerman will probably never stand trial or even be arrested because of gaping holes in the Stand Your Ground Law that leave it open to wildly disparate interpretations. Since 2005, the number of cases classified as justifiable homicides in Florida has more than doubled. "Stand your ground" has been invoked in numerous killings where unarmed people have been shot or stabbed in dubious circumstances. The opposition to the law by law enforcement now seems well justified.
Zimmerman will probably never stand trial or even be arrested because of gaping holes in the Stand Your Ground Law that leave it open to wildly disparate interpretations. Since 2005, the number of cases classified as justifiable homicides in Florida has more than doubled. "Stand your ground" has been invoked in numerous killings where unarmed people have been shot or stabbed in dubious circumstances. The opposition to the law by law enforcement now seems well justified.

According to Durell Peaden, one of the sponsors of the Florida law, the law does not say that a person has a right to confront another. "When [Zimmerman] said 'I'm following him', he lost his defense."

That sums it up for me.
Zimmerman will probably never stand trial or even be arrested because of gaping holes in the Stand Your Ground Law that leave it open to wildly disparate interpretations.

You feel people should be arrested and tried for self defense?

Seig fucking Heil dude... !!
Zimmerman will probably never stand trial or even be arrested because of gaping holes in the Stand Your Ground Law that leave it open to wildly disparate interpretations.

You feel people should be arrested and tried for self defense?

Seig fucking Heil dude... !!
Martin runs away from Zimmerman, and Zimmerman starts to chase him despite a plea from the 911 dispatcher.. This is self defense?
They could have arrested Martin at the scene for assault and battery on zimmerman, but he was dead when they got there. And if Martin was indeed beating on zimmerman "As witnesses have said", then zimmerman was within the scope of the law in shooting him. Too many people have jumped to conclusions in this one without even knowing jack shit about it. There are so many stories going around right now. I would like to actually sit back and let the facts come out before judging.
SO how about those gas prices and unemployment numbers and that national debt?

So if I start a fight with you..and you wind up beating me's all good to shoot you?

In Florida, 'No' and 'Yes'

If you confront me and threaten me, I have the right to stand my ground. I have no duty to retreat -- In Florida. I might go into that later on, but.....

If you continue to come at me and I fear for my safety, or the safety of one who is with me... I'm gonna shoot your sorry ass. Dead. No warning. No retreating. No brandishing the weapon -- You're a dead mofo. Period.

Now, if we do get into a fight, let's say it's a mutually agreed to fight (forgot the legal term) and you lose (doubtful in my present state of conditioning) and you turn around and shoot me?

You're going to prison for a LONG, long time. A really long time.

Florida's SYG, self-defense and property defense laws are quite unique. They seriously favor the law-abiding citizen.

Which is better than most places, where criminals have more rights than victims.

Zimmerman has received more "rights" than the young man he killed. Where was the fear of DEADLY FORCE when Zimmerman killed Martin?
Zimmerman will probably never stand trial or even be arrested because of gaping holes in the Stand Your Ground Law that leave it open to wildly disparate interpretations.

You feel people should be arrested and tried for self defense?

Seig fucking Heil dude... !!
Martin runs away from Zimmerman, and Zimmerman starts to chase him despite a plea from the 911 dispatcher.. This is self defense?

That's not the question. Of course when Zimmerman followed Martin he lost the right of self defense.

Did he get it back when he abandoned the chase and returned to his car? Was Martin then entitled to follow him and physically attack him?
So if I start a fight with you..and you wind up beating me's all good to shoot you?

In Florida, 'No' and 'Yes'

If you confront me and threaten me, I have the right to stand my ground. I have no duty to retreat -- In Florida. I might go into that later on, but.....

If you continue to come at me and I fear for my safety, or the safety of one who is with me... I'm gonna shoot your sorry ass. Dead. No warning. No retreating. No brandishing the weapon -- You're a dead mofo. Period.

Now, if we do get into a fight, let's say it's a mutually agreed to fight (forgot the legal term) and you lose (doubtful in my present state of conditioning) and you turn around and shoot me?

You're going to prison for a LONG, long time. A really long time.

Florida's SYG, self-defense and property defense laws are quite unique. They seriously favor the law-abiding citizen.

Which is better than most places, where criminals have more rights than victims.

Zimmerman has received more "rights" than the young man he killed. Where was the fear of DEADLY FORCE when Zimmerman killed Martin?

'Deadly Force' is nowhere in that law except for the Citizen's right to use it. Stop misrepresenting it. Although I doubt it's your fault, that 'deadly force' crap is just that -- Crap.

There is also no requirement of 'equal force' in the Florida statute. We are a Sovereign State. We make our own rules and our own laws.

You don't like them? Stay the fuck out. I'm seriously not kidding. Our State. Our rules. Our laws.

In Florida, there is no legal requirement for its Citizens to become prey.

Unlike where you live.
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you feel people should be arrested and tried for self defense?

Seig fucking heil dude... !!
martin runs away from zimmerman, and zimmerman starts to chase him despite a plea from the 911 dispatcher.. This is self defense?

that's not the question. Of course when zimmerman followed martin he lost the right of self defense.

who says? Seriously. I'd like to know who the genius is that said that. Fer real.

Zimmerman may have lost the 'stand your ground' defense, but losing his right to self-defense?

You're not exceptionally bright, are you?

did he get it back when he abandoned the chase and returned to his car? Was martin then entitled to follow him and physically attack him?

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His parents are being exhibited by the democrats to testify before Congress on how bad it is to have laws permitting self defense.

Focus in Trayvon Martin case shifts to Washington | News - Home

Sandra Fluke one day, Martin's parents another day? This is starting to look like a democrat's private dog and pony show. Bring on the trained monkeys to do their tricks!

Where are the families of victims of black violence? Why aren't the parents of the 13 year old boy set on fire for "fun" testifying? Why isn't the family of the student in Mississippi there to talk about how three black guys gunned down their son because he was walking to class?

This shows every indication of backfiring even worse than Fluke backfired.
The Martin/Zimmerman issue has yet to backfire on anyone.

The Fluke issue "backfired"? has it hurt Democrats?......the only one who has damage is Rush, losing 90 sponsors.

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