Trial of dead lawyer Magnitsky to open in Russia


Wise ol' monkey
Feb 6, 2011
Okolona, KY
What can they do to him if he's already dead?...
Russia Magnitsky case: Dead lawyer trial due to open
10 March 2013 - The trial of a dead lawyer is due to begin in Russia, despite criticism from the US and the European Parliament.
Sergei Magnitsky died in prison in 2009 after accusing officials of falsely claiming a tax rebate of $230m (£150m). He was arrested after some of the officials accused him of the same offence. It is believed to be the first time in Russian or Soviet history that a defendant will have been tried posthumously. Mr Magnitsky's colleagues say the case against him was fabricated to make him stop his investigation into a number of high-profile corrupt officials. His family and lawyers refused to attend last week's pre-trial hearing saying the case was politically motivated.

The European Parliament says the trial is "a violation of international and national laws and clearly shows the malfunctioning of the Russian criminal justice system". Mr Magnitsky's mother, Natalya Magnitskaya, told Reuters: "It's inhuman to try a dead man. If I take part in this circus, I become an accomplice to this. I won't take part in the hearings." Also to be tried in absentia is Bill Browder, the head of Hermitage Capital Management which employed Mr Magnitsky. He is facing new fraud charges filed last week over dealings in shares for state gas firm Gazprom. He says the charges are an "absurdity" and revenge for his campaign in the US for rights legislation named after Mr Magnitsky.


Critics of the trial say Sergei Magnitsky, 37, was a whistleblower who uncovered corruption


Mr Magnitsky had been an auditor at a Moscow law firm when he discovered what he said was a massive fraud by tax officials and police officers. After his arrest, he was in detention for a year and had pancreatitis, but an investigation by Russia's presidential council on human rights concluded he had been beaten and denied medical treatment. In December, a Moscow court acquitted a prison doctor accused of negligence over Mr Magnitsky's death.

The case has strained relations between Russia and the US. Last year, Washington passed the Magnitsky Act, which blacklists Russian officials accused of human rights violations. In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a Russian law barring Americans from adopting Russian orphans. Amnesty International has warned that the trial would "open a whole new chapter in Russia's worsening human rights record".

BBC News - Russia Magnitsky case: Dead lawyer trial due to open
I'm sure Putin will give the dead a fair trial.

Putin?! Western media in all its moronic glory!

You, twats, the trial will be held in BRITAIN!
And it will be a trial of Brauder, not Magnitsky. That's why US Jewish financial mafia is so twitchy: one of their own is going to be looked at closely.

But I suppose for Americans it's all the same...

I guess you know absolutely nothing about this case .
The trial has already opened in Moscow ( NOT ENGLAND) and so far the defence has boycotted the proceedings .
Your background understanding is non existent . It seems you have taken it from some propaganda source like RT or Pravda .
Your posts are idiotic .
It seems you have no idea of the Karpov , Kuznetsov and Srepanova tax rebate scam on behalf of Putin and friends .
Any court action will be farcical . The Russians are as guilty as sin .
But it has no direct link with the Magnitsky case being held in Moscow although both fit into the remarkable case of how Putin has robbed his citizens of yet another fortune .
No wonder Putin is thought to be the richest gangster in Europe with a personal fortune of around $60 billion .
Let's hope rumours are right and he is dying in agony from cancer of the spine .
mememe wrote: Putin?! Western media in all its moronic glory!

You, twats, the trial will be held in BRITAIN!

... check out the link at the bottom...

... it's a BBC report.
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mememe wrote: Putin?! Western media in all its moronic glory!

You, twats, the trial will be held in BRITAIN!

... check out the link at the bottom...

... it's a BBC report.

There are two different trials , both facets of the one scam .
One trial is in Moscow where the defence might not turn up at all . The other might be in London if the Russians are stupid enough to go ahead with their moronic case .
It seems you have no idea of the Karpov , Kuznetsov and Srepanova tax rebate scam on behalf of Putin and friends .

On behalf of Putin?! Maybe Stalin?

It looks like YOU know it all! That's brilliant! Can you share with the High Court in London the particulars of your in-depth INVESTIGATION into the matter?


Without you knowing the full story of Magnitsky and the political sub texts that have emerged over the years since his murder , it would take several chapters to outline .
It is truly a remarkable saga and a huge thriller with several sub plots .
The bottom- line battle is now between Moscow and Washington and has several more rounds to be fought .
As a small example : Karpov was a a policeman at a non inspired level . Low salary as per all Russian police .
After the scam , where he played a very small part , his estimated assets were at least $ 4 million .
The Kremlin promoted him to the FSB to effectively give him total protection and the same pattern is true for the other police and tax office personnel who fronted the operation .
Make it a project to research . Write a book and film script and you will be a very wealthy person .
Magnitsky will be found guilty posthumously so that the Russians can claim the Magnitsky Act in the US is illegal. The sanctions imposed by the US are illegal and should be voided by the International Court.

There might be some foolishness over fabricated evidence and which witnesses are lying and which are not, but the bottom line is that this trial is all about the Magnitsky Act. The same act cited as a reason for banning American adoptions of Russian children.
Without you knowing the full story of Magnitsky and the political sub texts

You, clown, are you telling me, whose country Brawder and the likes plundered in the 90-s that I don't know all "political subtexts"???!!!

You, nation of parasites, you lived for 20 years on that "political subtext" that your financial mafia with the help of the likes of Magnitsky stole from Russia!

And now Russians are trying to take to task those who stole their livelihoods and plundered their country, you insult them by stating some "political subtexts"!

Use that brain cell of yours:

1. Brawder and Safra robbed the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Gasprom and tens of millions of ORDINARY citizens of Russia.
2. Magnitsky was an accountant for Brawder and Safra. It means that he knew all their financial deallings.
3. When FBI persuaded Safra to cooperate with their investigation, Safra was murdered. In whose interests was his death? Not in FBI interests for sure.
4. When Magnitsky agreed to cooperate with the Russian investigation, he was also murdered. In whose interest was his death? Not in the interests of Russian investigation for sure.

I understand why your financial mafia got hysterical at the prospect of new investigation into their conduct of 1990-s; but I can't understand YOU jabbering along with them!

You are brainwashed and deluded . Do you always swallow everything Gangmaster Putin tells you ?
Or are you one of these low level agitators and reporters that the FSB employ and now use everywhere in the Internet to try and spread their absurd stories ?
I have nothing more to say to you on this matter . You are the type of person who would try to tell us that URPO did not poison Sasha in London in 2006 .
Granny says Obama shouldn't go - dey just gonna try to snooker him...
Looking Beyond Magnitsky Lists, Kremlin Eyes Putin-Obama Meetings
April 15, 2013 — Russian President Vladimir Putin had a “positive” meeting in Moscow Monday with a top Obama Administration envoy, a Kremlin aide said.
Foreign policy advisor Yuri Ushakov said that he and President Putin talked about trade, missile defense and nuclear arms cuts with U.S. National Security Advisor Thomas Donilon. Russia-American relations have been going through their coldest stretch since the Cold War era. The Kremlin accuses Washington of meddling in its internal affairs; Washington says the Kremlin wants a foreign enemy to build domestic support. Now, with spring in the air in Russia’s capital, analysts say the meeting sends a signal that the Kremlin wants to move beyond the issue of visa black lists that has soured relations since December.


Psst, think mebbe if we get Obama over here we can snooker him?

Dmitry Suslov, a U.S.-Russia relations professor at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics, said the Kremlin wants to tone down the polemics surrounding the prison death of Sergei Magnitsky, the lawyer for an American hedge fund. "The negative impact of the Magnitsky affair will be fading down in weeks and months to come,” Suslov predicted. "Ultimately, this negative impact could be overcome after the personal meeting of the two presidents, Putin and Obama, presumably this summer." Last Friday, Washington issued a list of 18 officials banned from visiting the United States. The Kremlin was apparently relieved that it contained only mid-level names and less than 10 percent of the number of names that some American congressmen wanted.

Nevertheless, the Kremlin retaliated with its own list of 18 mid-level American officials banned from visiting Russia. On Saturday, Duma hardliners called the list war “a hard blow” to U.S.-Russia relations. But they may be out of step with the new line from the Kremlin. On Monday, state-run TV did not rebroadcast hardline comments made Sunday by Presidential Spokesman Dmitry Peskov. Instead, state-run TV aired Peskov’s comments calling President Putin “a man of compromise.” Peskov said that Putin could compromise as long as no red lines are crossed affecting Russia’s security.

Russia’s government is looking ahead to Putin’s meeting two months from now at the Group of 8 meeting in Northern Ireland. After that, the Russians are hoping that President Obama will come to St. Petersburg in September for the Group of 20 meeting that Putin will host. On Monday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that after meetings with Donilon and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in recent days, he believes the Obama Administration wants to work with Russia. "I have heard from Tom Donilon and John Kerry that they understand well the negative impact of a whole range of factors on Russia-U.S. relations," including, Lavrov said on national television Monday, the "Magnitsky List."

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Poor Me Me trots out the same FSB nonsense , never acknowledging that FSB thugs murdered Sergei in prison .
The joke is that the funds which were thieved by the Putin family probably ended up in Cyprus . rofl .
Shut up Me Me .The IQ of many here is much higher than you clearly imagine and over here you would have your head shoved down the toilet and told to stop being infantile .
the funds which were thieved by the Putin family

Please give your source of information about Putin or his family stealing "funds", and mane these funds.

Nobody here is interested in your desperate attempts to evade the truth .
You are a joke .
Tell us how all the accused Police and the head of the Tax investigators in the case were found with millions of $s in their accounts and properties all over the planet .
Every detail about every matter that occurs in Russia has to have Putrid's agreement . That is how it works and is the whole point of Vertical Integration .
There is more chance of you flying to the sun than Putrid being unaware of the assassinations of Litvinenko , Magnitsky and Berezovsky BEFORE they happened . And so with the framed evidence against Hermitage .
That is the standard way of life in Russia .
You need to make time and visit !!
mememe;7096859 In other words said:
It's all in the public domaine , cloth head . Don't your bosses allow you to see the facts ?
Try and distinguish between the Freedom Fighters of the north caucasus and the case of Sergei Magnitsky .
Why would a Russian Jew use the words , Allahu Akbar?
You FSB types never check your facts or stories , which is why you are such easy sport .
Got any more funny stories for us , MeMe?
Give me YOUR source of information regarding the claim YOU made, you spotty jihadist.

You can't even get them , in locked down Russia , can you ?
No wonder you burble and bumble like some old fashioned first model robot .
You simply are not allowed to know what is happening outside in the real world unless the Dwarf decrees it from Gazprom HQ .

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