Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny!

Because capitalism is what made this the greatest country on earth in just a little over 200 years.

LOL! Rah-rah Trumpanzee.

Capitalism didn't end slavery.
Capitalism didn't end WWII.
Capitalism didn't end the Great Depression.
Capitalism didn't build the middle class.
Capitalism didn't put us on the moon.
Capitalism didn't give everyone the right to vote.
Capitalism didn't give anyone free speech.
Capitalism didn't give us Civil Rights.
Capitalism didn't give us a 5 day, 40 hour work week with vacation time.

Capitalism did give us slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, economic collapses, bailouts, wealth disparity, income gaps,

Yes, capitalism has led to innovation, but so has government. One cannot exist without the other; they are intrinsically linked. You have a very juvenile view of economics, and that much is clear from your shitty posts that are devoid of thought.

Businesses don't create your worth--you do. It's up to you to make your labor more valuable to employers if you want to make more money.

The problem is that you just admitted that it's not even about the value I create because a business is just going to find the cheapest labor possible. That's what you said. Again, you have a very lazy view of things.

Your worth as an employee is based on how easily you can be replaced. If your employer can find people to do your job for less money, then you are being overpaid no matter what your wage is. If your employer can't find somebody to do your job and the same quality with what he's paying you, you are underpaid. T'hat is your worth as an employee.

No. This is how you determine an employees' worth. It's measured by output per unit of input. Output isn't determinant on the wage of the worker. So your crackerjack understanding of employment barely goes surface deep. It's like you're making this shit up as you go.
What they want ?It's what they are worth.

As we're seeing now it doesn't matter what an employees' worth is, corporations are randomly handing out bonuses. So obviously, they aren't considering their employees' worth.
This is great news. Let's get big American businesses thinking America again. I'd liked to have seen the Corporate Tax Rate lowered even more, but it's still gonna have a big impact on businesses considering coming to America. Great move by Trump. It should have been done years ago. :thup:
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all you need to do is go back and look at what happened to the economy during the early Bush years. It was such an economic growth that it expanded to a worldwide growth.

Only a true moron would bother arguing that the early Bush years were good for the economy. Obviously, since you come from a life of entitled privilege, you're not very articulate on the actual facts. Also, Bush lost about 800,000 private sector jobs in his early years.

Bush's growth in his first four years was so bad, that he inflated a housing bubble to lend credibility to the Bush Tax Cuts, which were supposed to trickle down all this prosperity. Of course, that didn't happen. Without people using their homes as ATMs, Bush had the worst economic growth since the Great Depression.

Because capitalism is what made this the greatest country on earth in just a little over 200 years.

LOL! Rah-rah Trumpanzee.

Capitalism didn't end slavery.
Capitalism didn't end WWII.
Capitalism didn't end the Great Depression.
Capitalism didn't build the middle class.
Capitalism didn't put us on the moon.
Capitalism didn't give everyone the right to vote.
Capitalism didn't give anyone free speech.
Capitalism didn't give us Civil Rights.
Capitalism didn't give us a 5 day, 40 hour work week with vacation time.

Capitalism did give us slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, economic collapses, bailouts, wealth disparity, income gaps,

Yes, capitalism has led to innovation, but so has government. One cannot exist without the other; they are intrinsically linked. You have a very juvenile view of economics, and that much is clear from your shitty posts that are devoid of thought.

Businesses don't create your worth--you do. It's up to you to make your labor more valuable to employers if you want to make more money.

The problem is that you just admitted that it's not even about the value I create because a business is just going to find the cheapest labor possible. That's what you said. Again, you have a very lazy view of things.

Your worth as an employee is based on how easily you can be replaced. If your employer can find people to do your job for less money, then you are being overpaid no matter what your wage is. If your employer can't find somebody to do your job and the same quality with what he's paying you, you are underpaid. T'hat is your worth as an employee.

No. This is how you determine an employees' worth. It's measured by output per unit of input. Output isn't determinant on the wage of the worker. So your crackerjack understanding of employment barely goes surface deep. It's like you're making this shit up as you go.

Yeah, way too much Democrat Fake News for ya kid. You've been radicalized. You've lost it. Hopefully they're keeping an eye on you. You're bleepin deranged. :cuckoo:
Yeah, way too much Democrat Fake News for ya kid. You've been radicalized. You've lost it. Hopefully they're keeping an eye on you. You're bleepin deranged. :cuckoo:

Why even respond if that's going to be your response? Because you have narcissistic personality disorder and simply cannot handle that someone made you look like a fool.

Next time, instead of responding just drink a gallon of antifreeze. Because your post screams "pay attention to me or I'll die".
Yeah, way too much Democrat Fake News for ya kid. You've been radicalized. You've lost it. Hopefully they're keeping an eye on you. You're bleepin deranged. :cuckoo:

Why even respond if that's going to be your response? Because you have narcissistic personality disorder and simply cannot handle that someone made you look like a fool.

Next time, instead of responding just drink a gallon of antifreeze. Because your post screams "pay attention to me or I'll die".

Your rabid hatred for Trump ain't right kid. He's never done anything to you, to warrant such irrational hate. You really should either seek some psychiatric care, or at the very least tune out Democrat Fake News for awhile. You sound like you've become radicalized. Get some help kid. Take care.
Your rabid hatred for Trump ain't right kid. He's never done anything to you, to warrant such irrational hate. You really should either seek some psychiatric care, or at the very least tune out Democrat Fake News for awhile. You sound like you've become radicalized. Get some help kid. Take care.

Trump created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama created in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.

So Trump comes up short once again.
If I get to keep 79 cents of every dollar in corporate profit, instead of only 65 cents, that extra 21.5% profit is gonna make me expand like a motherfucker!

No it's not, because you expand prior to paying tax on profits. In fact, you expand in order to lower your tax liability. But if the tax liability is already lowered, then there's no need to expand. A higher corporate profit tax forces a business to invest in itself and expand in order to avoid a higher tax liability. Businesses don't need a tax cut to expand and in fact, cutting profit taxes discourages reinvestment and expansion.

The problem with you is that you simply lack the experience and knowledge, and you play pretend that you do on a message board.

No it's not, because you expand prior to paying tax on profits.

I expand with future profits in mind.
If I can choose between expanding in area A with 35% taxes or area B with 21% taxes.....
guess which one I'll choose?

In fact, you expand in order to lower your tax liability.

Idiot! I expand in order to raise my after-tax earnings.
I expand with future profits in mind.

NO! You expand with future revenues in mind. Revenues = sales = demand. Your profit margin has no bearing on whether or not you're expanding your business to meet demand. This is why Conservative policies always fail; because Conservatives simply don't know anything about business or economics. Do you make more or less profit if you're collecting more revenues? In what case would you make less profit if you're collecting more revenues? Because you only pay taxes on profit, so no matter what, you're making a profit if you're paying taxes on that profit.

If I can choose between expanding in area A with 35% taxes or area B with 21% taxes.....guess which one I'll choose?

Why would there be a choice if there's equal demand in both markets? You're trying to conflate relocating tax headquarters with expanding into a consumer market. That's fucking idiotic because it's only an either-or choice because you're presenting it falsely as that. It's why your shitty Ireland argument fell apart; despite businesses moving their HQ's there, they're not expanding into Ireland's consumer market. Which is why Ireland has a trade surplus, high unemployment, and low wages. That means no business is expanding into the Irish market, even though HQ's are relocating there. It's that distinction you recognize but obfuscate because you're a sophist.

Idiot! I expand in order to raise my after-tax earnings.

Yes, raise how? By increasing sales and revenue. That's why you expand pre-tax. You expand and then you pay taxes on the new profits you're now taking in because you expanded to meet demand. Conservatives know nothing about business and this garbage post of yours is the prof.
I expand with future profits in mind.

NO! You expand with future revenues in mind. Revenues = sales = demand. Your profit margin has no bearing on whether or not you're expanding your business to meet demand. This is why Conservative policies always fail; because Conservatives simply don't know anything about business or economics. Do you make more or less profit if you're collecting more revenues? In what case would you make less profit if you're collecting more revenues? Because you only pay taxes on profit, so no matter what, you're making a profit if you're paying taxes on that profit.

If I can choose between expanding in area A with 35% taxes or area B with 21% taxes.....guess which one I'll choose?

Why would there be a choice if there's equal demand in both markets? You're trying to conflate relocating tax headquarters with expanding into a consumer market. That's fucking idiotic because it's only an either-or choice because you're presenting it falsely as that. It's why your shitty Ireland argument fell apart; despite businesses moving their HQ's there, they're not expanding into Ireland's consumer market. Which is why Ireland has a trade surplus, high unemployment, and low wages. That means no business is expanding into the Irish market, even though HQ's are relocating there. It's that distinction you recognize but obfuscate because you're a sophist.

Idiot! I expand in order to raise my after-tax earnings.

Yes, raise how? By increasing sales and revenue. That's why you expand pre-tax. You expand and then you pay taxes on the new profits you're now taking in because you expanded to meet demand. Conservatives know nothing about business and this garbage post of yours is the prof.

NO! You expand with future revenues in mind.

What's more valuable,
$1,000,000 future revenues with $500,000 profit and $325,000 after tax profit or
$1,000,000 future revenues with $500,000 profit and $395,000 after tax profit?

Why would there be a choice if there's equal demand in both markets?

There is one market, a factory in either location can meet total demand.
Your rabid hatred for Trump ain't right kid. He's never done anything to you, to warrant such irrational hate. You really should either seek some psychiatric care, or at the very least tune out Democrat Fake News for awhile. You sound like you've become radicalized. Get some help kid. Take care.

Trump created fewer jobs in 2017 than Obama created in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016.

So Trump comes up short once again.

Yeah, DumBama created jobs--mostly part-time jobs. More than that the labor participation rate decreased through those years as well. How did that happen? If things were so good, why did food stamp usage continue to make records?

The real statistics show that the economy didn't really stabilize or improve until after fuel prices decreased which DumBama had nothing to do with. If it were up to him gasoline would be $8.00 a gallon and we'd all be driving around in electric cars. But fracking (which Democrats are against) gave us such an over supply of fuel that most all Americans found new money in which to stimulate the economy.
2 questions for RW'ers:

1. How many of you got a bonus from your employer because of the tax cut?

2. How many of you, if you are an employer, gave your workers a bonus because of the tax cut?

...don't be shy, feel free to lie about this, RW'ers...
all you need to do is go back and look at what happened to the economy during the early Bush years. It was such an economic growth that it expanded to a worldwide growth.

Only a true moron would bother arguing that the early Bush years were good for the economy. Obviously, since you come from a life of entitled privilege, you're not very articulate on the actual facts. Also, Bush lost about 800,000 private sector jobs in his early years.

Bush's growth in his first four years was so bad, that he inflated a housing bubble to lend credibility to the Bush Tax Cuts, which were supposed to trickle down all this prosperity. Of course, that didn't happen. Without people using their homes as ATMs, Bush had the worst economic growth since the Great Depression.


As your chart points out, GDP was just as high as it was during the glorious 90's. In 2001, we suffered the worst domestic terrorist attack in history, and Bush still got the economy moving.

How did he do that? Tax cuts.


When people bring home more money, they borrow and spend. That's what gets and keeps the economy going. It wasn't until the housing crash where the joy ride ended, and that housing crash had many a Democrat fingerprints on it.

Because of the economy, fuel prices rose as they normally do in great economic times. If not for that, Bush would have had more success until the last few years of his two terms.
2 questions for RW'ers:

1. How many of you got a bonus from your employer because of the tax cut?

2. How many of you, if you are an employer, gave your workers a bonus because of the tax cut?

...don't be shy, feel free to lie about this, RW'ers...

We always get a bonus from work, but this year (for some reason) my employer increased that bonus by $500.00.
LOL! Rah-rah Trumpanzee.

Capitalism didn't end slavery.
Capitalism didn't end WWII.
Capitalism didn't end the Great Depression.
Capitalism didn't build the middle class.
Capitalism didn't put us on the moon.
Capitalism didn't give everyone the right to vote.
Capitalism didn't give anyone free speech.
Capitalism didn't give us Civil Rights.
Capitalism didn't give us a 5 day, 40 hour work week with vacation time.

Capitalism did give us slavery, Jim Crow, segregation, economic collapses, bailouts, wealth disparity, income gaps,

Yes, capitalism has led to innovation, but so has government. One cannot exist without the other; they are intrinsically linked. You have a very juvenile view of economics, and that much is clear from your shitty posts that are devoid of thought.

Capitalism is why people came to this country in the fist place; a country where work and investment pays off, a country where the sky is the limit, a country where a person can work hard, start their own business, and realize the American dream one day.

It's still very much that way. People don't try to get in to this country because of the scenery, they come here to take advantage of opportunities they didn't have in their countries. In some places, if you are born poor, that's the way you will die no matter how hard you try to escape poverty. In this country, escaping poverty is much more likely than other places.

That's what capitalism has done, and capitalism isn't limited to the government or the wealthy. Everybody can participate if they choose. And if you decide you want to remain poor, what other country would you rather be poor in than the United States of America?

Capitalism brought us the people who created all those big tall buildings in downtown areas. Capitalism brought us millions of jobs for working folks. Capitalism is responsible for the tax collections by our government since it's the wealthy that pays all the income tax in this country.

The problem is that you just admitted that it's not even about the value I create because a business is just going to find the cheapest labor possible. That's what you said. Again, you have a very lazy view of things.

Correct, that's exactly what I said. If you have value, there are less people like you than those that have little value.

If you stock shelves, make french fries, sweep floors, those are talentless jobs that anybody can do. It's why they pay so little.

If you learn a trade like an electrician, a carpenter, a welder, there are less people who can do your job, and therefore, less people that your employer can find to replace you. Supply and Demand dictates that the less supply, the higher the price, so in order to replace you, he has to offer more money than his floor sweeper.

If you go to college and become an engineer, a doctor, a pharmacist, there are much fewer people that can do your job, and supply and demand once again determines your wage.

Now if you go to college and get educated in a field where there are no or little jobs, your pay will not be very rewarding. Too much supply and too little demand. It doesn't matter how good your grades were, how hard you studied, how much debt you accumulated, what matters is if you chose a field where you are always in demand.

No. This is how you determine an employees' worth. It's measured by output per unit of input. Output isn't determinant on the wage of the worker. So your crackerjack understanding of employment barely goes surface deep. It's like you're making this shit up as you go.

Let me ask: do you overpay people that work for you? If your transmission needs to be rebuilt and you get three estimates, do you choose the highest one? Or if you need a lawn care company, do you choose the company that will cut your lawn for $35.00 a cut or the company that charges $50.00 a cut?

Businesses are no different than you or I. We all look to get work done for the lowest price possible. Provided the quality of work is equal, you (and businesses) always choose the lowest priced labor.
The Daily Caller, Breitbart, CNS and theNew York Post. Could you come up with any less reliable sources for information on the poor

And they are not reliable why? Because they are not leftist sites?

Your MSM does very little to no reporting on issues like this. They don't want you to hear the other side of the story. And if you bothered to read any of them, you'd find they have links to their sources. Or are you now going to claim that the US Census is right-wing too and cannot be trusted?

Slate is not a “commie” site.

It seems these right wing sites you keep linking have a vested interest in distracting you from the issue of corporations and the wealthy getting all the breaks off the backs of middle class workers. Of course they want to keep pointing the finger at the poor. That’s what conservatives do. Pay no attention to the billionaire behind the curtain getting the lions shares of the tax cuts.

Look - there’s a black family moving into your neighbourhood. Look, that welfare family has air conditioning!

Here’s the reality. The suburbs should be racially diverse. You’d have less problems with racism if the races weren’t so thoroughly segregated.

Well let me fill you in on a theory of mine: If you take 3/4 of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of stale curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is one cup of bad milk. It's too bad that people like you and our federal government never came to realize that.

My suburb is mostly black, but it wasn't always that way. It used to be mostly white.

When it was white, our property value rose every year. We had the best rated schools in the county. We only needed one fire station. The police were so bored that they occupied their time with traffic stops. Our malls were nationally known and and business booming. You could walk the streets anytime day or night, and nobody but the police would bother you if you were too drunk.

After the blacks moved in, the malls closed because of too much theft or violence. We went from one murder every ten or fifteen years to a minimum of three a year. Our schools are violent places where teachers get physically attacked every month. If you walk our streets after dark, it's good advice to take a gun with you.

My property value is half of what it was when I purchased this place 25 years ago. In order to mow my lawn, I have to clean up all the garbage off my tree lawn before I do anything. We had to increase our police force, erect an additional fire station, cancel fireworks on 4th of July because you can't assemble any large group of blacks without it turning into a gang fight or riot.

You can read all your leftist sociology books all you like, but experience is the only way you learn the truth. And if you ever decide to do that, we have hundreds of houses for sale--cheap too! And don't forget to bring your guns with you.
Businesses don't open up to pay employees what they want. Businesses don't exist to pay a living wage or provide benefits. Businesses are here to produce a product or service for profit.....that's it. They have no social obligation to anybody.

Thanks for admitting that capitalism is a flawed economic system that simply cannot provide an adequate standard of living for the working class.

So since it cannot do that, why the fuck should we defer everything to it?

Because capitalism is what made this the greatest country on earth in just a little over 200 years.

Businesses don't create your worth--you do. It's up to you to make your labor more valuable to employers if you want to make more money.

Your worth as an employee is based on how easily you can be replaced. If your employer can find people to do your job for less money, then you are being overpaid no matter what your wage is. If your employer can't find somebody to do your job and the same quality with what he's paying you, you are underpaid. T'hat is your worth as an employee.

Capitalism died in 1929, socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.

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