Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny!

The freaking malls were so packed there was a waiting time just to get into the parking lot...never did we see that during Obama's 8 year reign of economic terror...
Trump is paying more than minimum wage. Need the article, just ask. And as far as I read, there was "one" American woman who claimed she was never called for the job, although nothing reported on her work history or wage requests.

You'll need to source this claim about the wages he's paying the foreign workers because I can't find that info anywhere. And is he paying the prevailing wage for those positions? Also, does the pay include benefits and payroll taxes? Nope and nope.
It's not a better standard of living and you clearly have never had to struggle because you live a life of unbelievable privilege. I don't think you'd last one month on the minimums and "generous" welfare people get. BTW - most people on SNAP are employed. Did you know that? Of course not, because you don't know anything. HUD house in the suburbs? WTF? Now you're just making stuff up to defend your unearned entitlement and white resentment. You're just spitting lies and bullshit because you can't defend your point that Trump should import foreign workers because American workers are too needy.

So I'm imagining all this? Well I'll have to get back to you. I just filed a complaint with my city Councilwoman about the HUD house next door to me. My complaint is they have bath towels as window coverings, and it's making the place look like the ghetto...... well that and the car tire that's been on the tree lawn for nearly a week.

Now that you informed me this is all my imagination, I have to call the council woman back and advise her of this new information you just gave me.

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Because they're Americans and Trump is a "job creator".

You can create all the jobs you like, but if Americans won't work them, what good is it?

Your link is to a radical right wing news site. - Wikipedia

Try to come up with a source without a vested interest in misrepresenting the facts.

Sure, no problem:

The Obama Administration Thinks Hillary’s Hometown Is Racist: Does Congress Agree?

HUD Launches Scheme To Racially Diversify Suburbs | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

This New Obama Administration Rule Could Make American Cities Less Segregated

And before you complain about these sources (which you probably won't read) the last one is from Commie
It isn't trickle down. Trickle down is giving money to Jpe Moneybags who will give it to the poor. This is the reverse of trickle down. The worker is getting money directly that s/he earns, and not having to get it through an agency.
Huh? You're going to have to explain your voodoo math there. The stock market is owned 80% by the top 10% and 40% by the top 1%. It's pretty clear to me where this financial bump is going even with the peanuts that are being thrown at fools like you who will cream themselves and justify the delusion over it.
Directly and indirectly Donny T continues to take care of our best and put REAL Americans first.
We watched that black guy with the un-American name tell our top two-thirds to go fuck themselves while rolling out the red carpet for our lowest grade for eight long years. This is awesome to watch.

Hey Loser did you ever consider that it would have been better to just let REAL AMERICANS pocket that money instead of corporations throwing breadcrumbs at them?

Corporations now pocket billions more (correspondingly increasing out national debt), throw a tiny fraction of that as a one time bonus and tools like you get pants full of happy.

Corporations now pocket an average of about 14%, indefinitely.

Middle class? Just a few % more and even that will expire in 2025.

Why do you like being duped?

All they would do is buy bud light instead of natural light , Marlboro red instead of generic
Trump is paying more than minimum wage. Need the article, just ask. And as far as I read, there was "one" American woman who claimed she was never called for the job, although nothing reported on her work history or wage requests.

You'll need to source this claim about the wages he's paying the foreign workers because I can't find that info anywhere. And is he paying the prevailing wage for those positions? Also, does the pay include benefits and payroll taxes? Nope and nope.

The discussion was not about how much he paid, the discussion is why he's hiring foreigners. And as I stated, Americans don't want Trump's jobs because they don't pay what Americans want.

Trump will hire foreign workers to staff Mar-a-Lago this winter
The discussion was not about how much he paid, the discussion is why he's hiring foreigners. And as I stated, Americans don't want Trump's jobs because they don't pay what Americans want.

Exactly. And you don't think this is a problem? Why can't Trump pay American workers what they want?
Jesus fucking Christ...what an uneducated poseur. A business expands and invests for only two reasons:

1. Increased demand.
2. Lower tax liability.

Since demand isn't increased by giving tax cuts to the wealthy or corporations, then the only reason for a business to expand and/or invest is to lower its tax liability. But if you're lowering the tax rate, then you'd be taking away from profits to expand and invest, not avoiding paying tax on those profits. I seriously cannot make it any simpler than that.

Why is this so hard for you to understand? Are you actively trying to not understand it? What gives? A lower corporate profit tax means investment and expansion comes from profits. Why? Because you've lowered the tax liability by lowering the rate.

And when you lower the liability, companies have more money in which to invest in their own operations.

During the Bush years, he gave tax credits to companies even though economic times were more challenging than today. My employer purchased a whole new fleet of trucks. Some of our customers invested in modern technology and newer equipment. One of our customers spent over a million dollars on a machine that provided a process they used to send their product out to have done. Now they do it at their own facility and save on transportation costs along with being able to do it much cheaper.

Yes, this is what business does with new money.

So it wasn't your property tax that was lowered, it was your rental income profit tax. So why would you take away from your profits to expand and invest? I don't think you have these rental properties at all. I think you're just making this shit up because it sounds right to you, even though it isn't.

I happen to live on one of the properties so yes, my personal expenses lowered as well. But I'm not incorporated, so my rental income is in combination with my personal taxes.
The discussion was not about how much he paid, the discussion is why he's hiring foreigners. And as I stated, Americans don't want Trump's jobs because they don't pay what Americans want.

Exactly. And you don't think this is a problem? Why can't Trump pay American workers what they want?

Businesses don't open up to pay employees what they want. Businesses don't exist to pay a living wage or provide benefits. Businesses are here to produce a product or service for profit.....that's it. They have no social obligation to anybody.

Trump is no different than any other American business which is to get work done at the lowest rate they can pay. Customers respond to lower prices and I'm sure Trump has competition for business just like any other American company.

You and I both open up widget companies. You pay what you consider a fair wage and I pay my employees what they are worth which is much lower than you pay your employees. Because I can produce widgets at a lower cost than you, it's only a matter of time before I steal all your customers and put you out of business.

That's the way it works out in the jungle. And until you can convince American consumers that paying more is what brings us better paying jobs, it will continue to be this way.
And when you lower the liability, companies have more money in which to invest in their own operations.

OMG, NO THEY FUCKING DON'T!!!! Have you not been paying attention this entire thread? WTF is wrong with your brain? When you lower the corporate profit tax rate, you increase the profit margin. So why would a company "invest" that profit margin into expansion if there's no demand? Use your fucking head, man. Expansion happens before profit. It doesn't happen as a consequence of profit. You can make your company profitable without seeing growth in revenues. That happens by cutting wages and labor, and/or seeing a lower tax rate on profits. But growth didn't happen, did it? Revenues didn't grow, which means sales didn't grow, which means demand didn't grow, which means a business won't expand.

You are an economic illiterate.

During the Bush years, he gave tax credits to companies even though economic times were more challenging than today. My employer purchased a whole new fleet of trucks. Some of our customers invested in modern technology and newer equipment. One of our customers spent over a million dollars on a machine that provided a process they used to send their product out to have done. Now they do it at their own facility and save on transportation costs along with being able to do it much cheaper.

Anecdotes are bullshit. Secondly, what tax credits are you talking about? Tax credits for expansion have nothing to do with the tax rate on profits. Why? BECAUSE EXPANSION HAPPENS BEFORE YOU PAY TAX ON PROFITS. Your lack of business experience and knowledge is coming through here.

Yes, this is what business does with new money.

What they do with after-tax income has no bearing on what they do prior to paying the profit tax.
Businesses don't open up to pay employees what they want. Businesses don't exist to pay a living wage or provide benefits. Businesses are here to produce a product or service for profit.....that's it. They have no social obligation to anybody.

Thanks for admitting that capitalism is a flawed economic system that simply cannot provide an adequate standard of living for the working class.

So since it cannot do that, why the fuck should we defer everything to it?
OMG, NO THEY FUCKING DON'T!!!! Have you not been paying attention this entire thread? WTF is wrong with your brain? When you lower the corporate profit tax rate, you increase the profit margin. So why would a company "invest" that profit margin into expansion if there's no demand? Use your fucking head, man. Expansion happens before profit. It doesn't happen as a consequence of profit. You can make your company profitable without seeing growth in revenues. That happens by cutting wages and labor, and/or seeing a lower tax rate on profits. But growth didn't happen, did it? Revenues didn't grow, which means sales didn't grow, which means demand didn't grow, which means a business won't expand.

You are an economic illiterate.

I think you are. Do you really think industry does not know that this is the best economy we've had in over 20 years? Do you understand that expansion does not happen overnight, and it can take up to a year before you can properly build new structures, purchase new equipment, hire qualified people?

Winning businesses are those who stay ahead of the game, not wait until something drops on their heads before they do something. If businesses expanded before profit, they would need to take out costly loans. It's better to use profit to pay for improvements outright, or at the very least, be able to accurately predict profits before they happen.

Anecdotes are bullshit. Secondly, what tax credits are you talking about? Tax credits for expansion have nothing to do with the tax rate on profits. Why? BECAUSE EXPANSION HAPPENS BEFORE YOU PAY TAX ON PROFITS. Your lack of business experience and knowledge is coming through here.

You don't need anecdotes, all you need to do is go back and look at what happened to the economy during the early Bush years. It was such an economic growth that it expanded to a worldwide growth.
You and I both open up widget companies. You pay what you consider a fair wage and I pay my employees what they are worth which is much lower than you pay your employees. Because I can produce widgets at a lower cost than you, it's only a matter of time before I steal all your customers and put you out of business..

Or because you pay your workers like shit, they produce shit widgets. So your company struggles because consumers don't want to buy your shitty widgets. So they come and buy my widgets, because I pay my workers well and they produce quality widgets because you get better labor if you offer higher wages. So in order for your shitty widget business to stay afloat, you have to raise your pay in order to compete for the best widget-makers. But you don't value widget-makers as high as I do, so your widgets will be perpetually inferior to mine, and your business will most likely fail because of it. Then I'll come in a hostile takeover, kick you out of your own widget company, and make it a division of DerpCo. So you get nothing, and I get your entire business. All because you have an inferiority complex you address by judging workers.

That's the way it works out in the jungle. And until you can convince American consumers that paying more is what brings us better paying jobs, it will continue to be this way.

You're working under the assumption that your workers, who get shit pay, will produce the same quality of widgets as my workers, who get paid a fair wage. Quality always wins out over quantity. Always.
Businesses don't open up to pay employees what they want. Businesses don't exist to pay a living wage or provide benefits. Businesses are here to produce a product or service for profit.....that's it. They have no social obligation to anybody.

Thanks for admitting that capitalism is a flawed economic system that simply cannot provide an adequate standard of living for the working class.

So since it cannot do that, why the fuck should we defer everything to it?

Because capitalism is what made this the greatest country on earth in just a little over 200 years.

Businesses don't create your worth--you do. It's up to you to make your labor more valuable to employers if you want to make more money.

Your worth as an employee is based on how easily you can be replaced. If your employer can find people to do your job for less money, then you are being overpaid no matter what your wage is. If your employer can't find somebody to do your job and the same quality with what he's paying you, you are underpaid. T'hat is your worth as an employee.
Do you really think industry does not know that this is the best economy we've had in over 20 years?

Thanks, Obama.

If the economy is so wonderful, why did we need to cut taxes?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Do you understand that expansion does not happen overnight, and it can take up to a year before you can properly build new structures, purchase new equipment, hire qualified people?

Yeah, and all that shit gets budgeted before a business pays a single cent in taxes on profits. What a fucking idiot. You're an embarrassment.

Winning businesses are those who stay ahead of the game, not wait until something drops on their heads before they do something. If businesses expanded before profit, they would need to take out costly loans. It's better to use profit to pay for improvements outright, or at the very least, be able to accurately predict profits before they happen.

WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT. NO BUSINESS WOULD EVER USE PROFIT TO EXPAND. Why? Because expansion happens before profit. You don't expand to meet profit margins, you expand to meet demand. But you supply-siders have been indoctrinated into a false economic ideology that makes you think "if you built it, they will come". That shit may work on ghostly ballplayers in the movies but it doesn't work in the real world. When a business expands, it always does so by taking out a loan of some kind. What moron thinks a business uses after-tax profits to expand? You, apparently, are that moron. You've never ran a P&L before in your life...never worked a day in corporate finance...never even took the 15 minutes required to have a cursory knowledge of this subject. Just outright condescending and intellectual laziness.

You don't need anecdotes, all you need to do is go back and look at what happened to the economy during the early Bush years. It was such an economic growth that it expanded to a worldwide growth.

Here's the economy during the early Bush years:


Without debt (aka people using their homes as ATMs as a substitute for wage growth), Bush's economy was garbage.

What a fucking idiot. You walked right into that one.
You don't seem to understand what you're defending here. Social Programs are why Trump doesn't hire Americans to work the jobs at his resorts? How so? What do social programs have to do with Donald Trump hiring an American instead of a foreigner?

If you don't pay Americans enough money, they just get their Obama phone, their SNAP's card, their HUD house in the suburbs, and live better that way.

So it's about greed and not about hiring American. The reason Trump uses the visas is because he doesn't want to pay a prevailing rate. We're to believe that of the 368,000 unemployed Floridians not a single one of them can clean a hotel room?

I'm sure a lot of them can, but why should they?

Bullshit. No one is living the good life via welfare in the US. That’s a myth that conservatives made up to keep the faithful believing that social programs and not military spending is what is driving the deficit.

There were articles written about American workers who applied for those jobs at Mar-a-lago and weren’t even called in for an interview. Trump hires Mexicans with visas because he can pay them LESS than American minimum wage.

Donald Trump is still having his clothing lines produced in Third World countries, still hiring Mexicans on H1N1 visas to work at his hotels, and giving tax cuts to family and friends. He applied for the Mar-a-lago H1N1 visas during “Made in America” week.

Trump is the classic “Don’t do as I do, do as I say” guy. You, his loyal voters are lapping up the crumbs of “bonuses” being tossed by the corporations to their employees on a one-time basis, while the wealthy pocket the main course which is a permanent tax break.

Trump is paying more than minimum wage. Need the article, just ask. And as far as I read, there was "one" American woman who claimed she was never called for the job, although nothing reported on her work history or wage requests.

As for people on welfare:

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart

The Daily Caller, Breitbart, CNS and theNew York Post. Could you come up with any less reliable sources for information on the poor
It's not a better standard of living and you clearly have never had to struggle because you live a life of unbelievable privilege. I don't think you'd last one month on the minimums and "generous" welfare people get. BTW - most people on SNAP are employed. Did you know that? Of course not, because you don't know anything. HUD house in the suburbs? WTF? Now you're just making stuff up to defend your unearned entitlement and white resentment. You're just spitting lies and bullshit because you can't defend your point that Trump should import foreign workers because American workers are too needy.

So I'm imagining all this? Well I'll have to get back to you. I just filed a complaint with my city Councilwoman about the HUD house next door to me. My complaint is they have bath towels as window coverings, and it's making the place look like the ghetto...... well that and the car tire that's been on the tree lawn for nearly a week.

Now that you informed me this is all my imagination, I have to call the council woman back and advise her of this new information you just gave me.

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Because they're Americans and Trump is a "job creator".

You can create all the jobs you like, but if Americans won't work them, what good is it?

Your link is to a radical right wing news site. - Wikipedia

Try to come up with a source without a vested interest in misrepresenting the facts.

Sure, no problem:

The Obama Administration Thinks Hillary’s Hometown Is Racist: Does Congress Agree?

HUD Launches Scheme To Racially Diversify Suburbs | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD

This New Obama Administration Rule Could Make American Cities Less Segregated

And before you complain about these sources (which you probably won't read) the last one is from Commie

Slate is not a “commie” site.

It seems these right wing sites you keep linking have a vested interest in distracting you from the issue of corporations and the wealthy getting all the breaks off the backs of middle class workers. Of course they want to keep pointing the finger at the poor. That’s what conservatives do. Pay no attention to the billionaire behind the curtain getting the lions shares of the tax cuts.

Look - there’s a black family moving into your neighbourhood. Look, that welfare family has air conditioning!

Here’s the reality. The suburbs should be racially diverse. You’d have less problems with racism if the races weren’t so thoroughly segregated.
The discussion was not about how much he paid, the discussion is why he's hiring foreigners. And as I stated, Americans don't want Trump's jobs because they don't pay what Americans want.

Exactly. And you don't think this is a problem? Why can't Trump pay American workers what they want?

What they want ?

It's what they are worth.

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