Trickle down Econ already working for AT&T, Wells Fargo and Comcast employees...Thanks Donny!

If I get to keep 79 cents of every dollar in corporate profit, instead of only 65 cents, that extra 21.5% profit is gonna make me expand like a motherfucker!

No it's not, because you expand prior to paying tax on profits. In fact, you expand in order to lower your tax liability. But if the tax liability is already lowered, then there's no need to expand. A higher corporate profit tax forces a business to invest in itself and expand in order to avoid a higher tax liability. Businesses don't need a tax cut to expand and in fact, cutting profit taxes discourages reinvestment and expansion.

The problem with you is that you simply lack the experience and knowledge, and you play pretend that you do on a message board.

You have no idea what you're talking about. I just got a major reduction in my property taxes. I'm going to use that money for improvements around here. I would like to expand my parking lot, replace some old windows, and maybe install security cameras.
If you don't pay Americans enough money, they just get their Obama phone, their SNAP's card, their HUD house in the suburbs, and live better that way.

It's not a better standard of living and you clearly have never had to struggle because you live a life of unbelievable privilege. I don't think you'd last one month on the minimums and "generous" welfare people get. BTW - most people on SNAP are employed. Did you know that? Of course not, because you don't know anything. HUD house in the suburbs? WTF? Now you're just making stuff up to defend your unearned entitlement and white resentment. You're just spitting lies and bullshit because you can't defend your point that Trump should import foreign workers because American workers are too needy.

I'm sure a lot of them can, but why should they?

Because they're Americans and Trump is a "job creator".
This is true, but at least over here, we have Medicare to take care of the elderly which is when most of us will experience serious illnesses or expensive treatment.

You realize Medicare doesn't pay for long-term care in nursing homes or convalescent homes, right? That's paid by Medicaid. Something like 80% of all LTC and convalescent care is paid by Medicaid, which you want to cut. So I hope you enjoy wiping your elderly parents' dirty asses, bathing them, and doing all the things that nursing homes do because that's literally what you're going to have to do because you can't afford LTC for them, thanks to the cuts in Medicaid you argue for...because you're a stupid motherfucker who doesn't know anything, but you run your fat mouth anyway.

Oh, so now you're concerned about Medicare? I don't recall you voicing any concern when big-ears robbed Medicare to help fund Commie Care.

There are no Medicare cuts scheduled. It's all speculation by your precious MSM.
If I get to keep 79 cents of every dollar in corporate profit, instead of only 65 cents, that extra 21.5% profit is gonna make me expand like a motherfucker!

No it's not, because you expand prior to paying tax on profits. In fact, you expand in order to lower your tax liability. But if the tax liability is already lowered, then there's no need to expand. A higher corporate profit tax forces a business to invest in itself and expand in order to avoid a higher tax liability. Businesses don't need a tax cut to expand and in fact, cutting profit taxes discourages reinvestment and expansion.

The problem with you is that you simply lack the experience and knowledge, and you play pretend that you do on a message board.

You have no idea what you're talking about. I just got a major reduction in my property taxes. I'm going to use that money for improvements around here. I would like to expand my parking lot, replace some old windows, and maybe install security cameras.
It is a one time revenue stream. You cannot rely it anymore. Why is that better than simply saving and upgrading to more efficient technologies to lower costs?

Especially when it will be financed and increase our debt.
This is true, but at least over here, we have Medicare to take care of the elderly which is when most of us will experience serious illnesses or expensive treatment.

You realize Medicare doesn't pay for long-term care in nursing homes or convalescent homes, right? That's paid by Medicaid. Something like 80% of all LTC and convalescent care is paid by Medicaid, which you want to cut. So I hope you enjoy wiping your elderly parents' dirty asses, bathing them, and doing all the things that nursing homes do because that's literally what you're going to have to do because you can't afford LTC for them, thanks to the cuts in Medicaid you argue for...because you're a stupid motherfucker who doesn't know anything, but you run your fat mouth anyway.

Oh, so now you're concerned about Medicare? I don't recall you voicing any concern when big-ears robbed Medicare to help fund Commie Care.

There are no Medicare cuts scheduled. It's all speculation by your precious MSM.
Someone on the right wing is advocating cuts, across the board.
Kind of ironic that the RWnuts are praising a company like Boeing for handing out bonuses; wasn't that many years ago that they were cheering Boeing for screwing over their employees in the Northwest by moving production out.
It's not a better standard of living and you clearly have never had to struggle because you live a life of unbelievable privilege. I don't think you'd last one month on the minimums and "generous" welfare people get. BTW - most people on SNAP are employed. Did you know that? Of course not, because you don't know anything. HUD house in the suburbs? WTF? Now you're just making stuff up to defend your unearned entitlement and white resentment. You're just spitting lies and bullshit because you can't defend your point that Trump should import foreign workers because American workers are too needy.

So I'm imagining all this? Well I'll have to get back to you. I just filed a complaint with my city Councilwoman about the HUD house next door to me. My complaint is they have bath towels as window coverings, and it's making the place look like the ghetto...... well that and the car tire that's been on the tree lawn for nearly a week.

Now that you informed me this is all my imagination, I have to call the council woman back and advise her of this new information you just gave me.

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Because they're Americans and Trump is a "job creator".

You can create all the jobs you like, but if Americans won't work them, what good is it?
You have no idea what you're talking about.

No, you do. A corporation expands and invests prior to paying one cent in tax on profits. All expansion and "reinvestment" happens pre-tax. A business does that expansion in order to lower its tax liability. Now you're trying to conflate property taxes with corporate taxes (?), why? Because you don't know anything about this topic beyond what you glean off right-wing posters on this message board. Right-wing posters who lie to you about their personal circumstances and credentials so you will believe the bullshit they spin.

A business lowering its tax liability does so before it pays taxes. So if you've already lowered their tax liability because you cut the corporate rate, why would a business use money for profits to increase worker pay or reinvest in the company? It makes no fucking sense at all.

YI just got a major reduction in my property taxes. I'm going to use that money for improvements around here. I would like to expand my parking lot, replace some old windows, and maybe install security cameras.

Your property taxes are local and state, not federal. You didn't pay federal property taxes. Your property taxes weren't lowered because of this tax bill, so WTF are you talking about?????

This is what I mean when I say Conservatives are constantly full of shit when they talk about themselves. You make incredibly stupid and questionable arguments, then have to spend the thread walking back, redefining parameters, saying that I misquoted you when I quote you directly.
Oh, so now you're concerned about Medicare? I don't recall you voicing any concern when big-ears robbed Medicare to help fund Commie Care.

He didn't do that. So this is another example of the "fog of controversy" Pelosi was referring to when she said "we have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy". What Obama did was change what Medicare reimburses. It goes like this:

Say you go in for a hip replacement at age 69 (heh heh), and during recovery you develop a staph infection that requires treatment. Under the pre-ACA rules, Medicare would pay for the hip replacement and the staph infection treatment. Under the current ACA rules, Medicare only pays for the hip replacement and the provider is required to pay for the staph infection because it happened while the patient was under their care. So what Obama did was turn Medicare into an outcome-based program, where providers are forced to give the best care possible to the patients, otherwise they're on the hook for the cost of treatments of conditions that came as a consequence of poor medical care and treatment.

Now explain how that's "robbing Medicare"?

There are no Medicare cuts scheduled. It's all speculation by your precious MSM.

The only reason is because Trump waived the PayGo cuts so he could sign the bill in a Christmas setting. Medicare will be cut in 2019 because that waiver is only good for one year. When it goes, then Trump will truly be robbing from Medicare to give tax cuts to the rich.
This is true, but at least over here, we have Medicare to take care of the elderly which is when most of us will experience serious illnesses or expensive treatment.

You realize Medicare doesn't pay for long-term care in nursing homes or convalescent homes, right? That's paid by Medicaid. Something like 80% of all LTC and convalescent care is paid by Medicaid, which you want to cut. So I hope you enjoy wiping your elderly parents' dirty asses, bathing them, and doing all the things that nursing homes do because that's literally what you're going to have to do because you can't afford LTC for them, thanks to the cuts in Medicaid you argue for...because you're a stupid motherfucker who doesn't know anything, but you run your fat mouth anyway.

Oh, so now you're concerned about Medicare? I don't recall you voicing any concern when big-ears robbed Medicare to help fund Commie Care.

There are no Medicare cuts scheduled. It's all speculation by your precious MSM.

And furthermore, this isn't about Medicare, this is about Medicaid, which pays for nursing home care and long-term care. So you sit on your fat ass and think that Medicare takes care of old people? Only someone with absolutely no knowledge of health care would think this. So is that the excuse you're going to use? That you didn't realize how much Medicaid actually pays and what it actually covers vs. Medicare?
No, you do. A corporation expands and invests prior to paying one cent in tax on profits. All expansion and "reinvestment" happens pre-tax. A business does that expansion in order to lower its tax liability. Now you're trying to conflate property taxes with corporate taxes (?), why? Because you don't know anything about this topic beyond what you glean off right-wing posters on this message board. Right-wing posters who lie to you about their personal circumstances and credentials so you will believe the bullshit they spin.

A business lowering its tax liability does so before it pays taxes. So if you've already lowered their tax liability because you cut the corporate rate, why would a business use money for profits to increase worker pay or reinvest in the company? It makes no fucking sense at all.

It makes perfect sense. When a business foresees savings, it then has the capital for improvements. Businesses don't pay tax at the end of the year like personal income tax, they pay taxes every quarter. One, two, three million dollars of new money is just that--new money, and new money can be used for expansion, pay raises, upkeep on rising medical insurance costs, just a number of things.

Your property taxes are local and state, not federal. You didn't pay federal property taxes. Your property taxes weren't lowered because of this tax bill, so WTF are you talking about?????

I was making the point I just made above. I am investing in my rental property because I now have extra money I was formerly paying to the government. It doesn't matter where the money comes from be it local, state or federal. Now that I have more of my own money, I can use that money for improvements.
So I'm imagining all this?

Yes, you imagine a lot. Being a Conservative means having an active imagination. Whether it's imagining seeing Muslims dancing on 9/11, to imagining that you're a small business owner, to imagining that you know someone who knows someone whose Obamacare premiums shot up by 30,000%, to imagining that Saddam had WMDs and posed a threat to the US, to imagining that an invisible cloud fairy listens to you when you talk to yourself. Most people on SNAP are employed - YOU DIDN'T KNOW THAT. Most welfare programs, including SNAP, are income-determinant, which means the level of benefits corresponds with your income level. But again, you don't know this because you lack all experience and knowledge on the subject and instead posture and preen on anonymous message boards by gleaning information from your fellow troglodytes who also lack the experience and knowledge.

I just filed a complaint with my city Councilwoman about the HUD house next door to me. My complaint is they have bath towels as window coverings, and it's making the place look like the ghetto...... well that and the car tire that's been on the tree lawn for nearly a week.

And right on cue! Here's the imaginary & unverifiable personal anecdote you use as the support of your bullshit argument. An argument you're not even 100% clear on yourself. I don't believe you. How about instead of making up shit no one can verify if true, you actually argue with verifiable facts? Why is that so difficult for you?

Now that you informed me this is all my imagination, I have to call the council woman back and advise her of this new information you just gave me. HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

So I don't know why you think the HUD's rule is "welfare" or that it's the reason why you live in a shitty neighborhood by your own choice, but you do a shitload of whining for someone with no verifiable facts for support.

You're saying the reason Trump doesn't hire Americans is because of a HUD rule that establishes data?

You can create all the jobs you like, but if Americans won't work them, what good is it?

And why won't Americans work them? Because Trump pays so little. And why does he pay so little? Because he's greedy.
It makes perfect sense. When a business foresees savings, it then has the capital for improvements. Businesses don't pay tax at the end of the year like personal income tax, they pay taxes every quarter. One, two, three million dollars of new money is just that--new money, and new money can be used for expansion, pay raises, upkeep on rising medical insurance costs, just a number of things..

Jesus fucking Christ...what an uneducated poseur. A business expands and invests for only two reasons:

1. Increased demand.
2. Lower tax liability.

Since demand isn't increased by giving tax cuts to the wealthy or corporations, then the only reason for a business to expand and/or invest is to lower its tax liability. But if you're lowering the tax rate, then you'd be taking away from profits to expand and invest, not avoiding paying tax on those profits. I seriously cannot make it any simpler than that.

Why is this so hard for you to understand? Are you actively trying to not understand it? What gives? A lower corporate profit tax means investment and expansion comes from profits. Why? Because you've lowered the tax liability by lowering the rate.

I was making the point I just made above. I am investing in my rental property because I now have extra money I was formerly paying to the government. It doesn't matter where the money comes from be it local, state or federal. Now that I have more of my own money, I can use that money for improvements.

So it wasn't your property tax that was lowered, it was your rental income profit tax. So why would you take away from your profits to expand and invest? I don't think you have these rental properties at all. I think you're just making this shit up because it sounds right to you, even though it isn't.
Cutting taxes to speculate on growth does nothing to improve the structure of our economy.

Cutting the corporate profit tax discourages investment and expansion, which were generally done pre-tax in order to lower the liability. But if you're increasing profits by cutting the rate, then the incentive to expand and invest to avoid the tax liability diminishes until it's completely gone.
You don't seem to understand what you're defending here. Social Programs are why Trump doesn't hire Americans to work the jobs at his resorts? How so? What do social programs have to do with Donald Trump hiring an American instead of a foreigner?

If you don't pay Americans enough money, they just get their Obama phone, their SNAP's card, their HUD house in the suburbs, and live better that way.

So it's about greed and not about hiring American. The reason Trump uses the visas is because he doesn't want to pay a prevailing rate. We're to believe that of the 368,000 unemployed Floridians not a single one of them can clean a hotel room?

I'm sure a lot of them can, but why should they?

Bullshit. No one is living the good life via welfare in the US. That’s a myth that conservatives made up to keep the faithful believing that social programs and not military spending is what is driving the deficit.

There were articles written about American workers who applied for those jobs at Mar-a-lago and weren’t even called in for an interview. Trump hires Mexicans with visas because he can pay them LESS than American minimum wage.

Donald Trump is still having his clothing lines produced in Third World countries, still hiring Mexicans on H1N1 visas to work at his hotels, and giving tax cuts to family and friends. He applied for the Mar-a-lago H1N1 visas during “Made in America” week.

Trump is the classic “Don’t do as I do, do as I say” guy. You, his loyal voters are lapping up the crumbs of “bonuses” being tossed by the corporations to their employees on a one-time basis, while the wealthy pocket the main course which is a permanent tax break.
It's not a better standard of living and you clearly have never had to struggle because you live a life of unbelievable privilege. I don't think you'd last one month on the minimums and "generous" welfare people get. BTW - most people on SNAP are employed. Did you know that? Of course not, because you don't know anything. HUD house in the suburbs? WTF? Now you're just making stuff up to defend your unearned entitlement and white resentment. You're just spitting lies and bullshit because you can't defend your point that Trump should import foreign workers because American workers are too needy.

So I'm imagining all this? Well I'll have to get back to you. I just filed a complaint with my city Councilwoman about the HUD house next door to me. My complaint is they have bath towels as window coverings, and it's making the place look like the ghetto...... well that and the car tire that's been on the tree lawn for nearly a week.

Now that you informed me this is all my imagination, I have to call the council woman back and advise her of this new information you just gave me.

HUD's New 'Fair Housing' Rule Establishes Diversity Data for Every Neighborhood in U.S.

Because they're Americans and Trump is a "job creator".

You can create all the jobs you like, but if Americans won't work them, what good is it?

Your link is to a radical right wing news site. - Wikipedia

Try to come up with a source without a vested interest in misrepresenting the facts.
You don't seem to understand what you're defending here. Social Programs are why Trump doesn't hire Americans to work the jobs at his resorts? How so? What do social programs have to do with Donald Trump hiring an American instead of a foreigner?

If you don't pay Americans enough money, they just get their Obama phone, their SNAP's card, their HUD house in the suburbs, and live better that way.

So it's about greed and not about hiring American. The reason Trump uses the visas is because he doesn't want to pay a prevailing rate. We're to believe that of the 368,000 unemployed Floridians not a single one of them can clean a hotel room?

I'm sure a lot of them can, but why should they?

Bullshit. No one is living the good life via welfare in the US. That’s a myth that conservatives made up to keep the faithful believing that social programs and not military spending is what is driving the deficit.

There were articles written about American workers who applied for those jobs at Mar-a-lago and weren’t even called in for an interview. Trump hires Mexicans with visas because he can pay them LESS than American minimum wage.

Donald Trump is still having his clothing lines produced in Third World countries, still hiring Mexicans on H1N1 visas to work at his hotels, and giving tax cuts to family and friends. He applied for the Mar-a-lago H1N1 visas during “Made in America” week.

Trump is the classic “Don’t do as I do, do as I say” guy. You, his loyal voters are lapping up the crumbs of “bonuses” being tossed by the corporations to their employees on a one-time basis, while the wealthy pocket the main course which is a permanent tax break.

Trump is paying more than minimum wage. Need the article, just ask. And as far as I read, there was "one" American woman who claimed she was never called for the job, although nothing reported on her work history or wage requests.

As for people on welfare:

Cash value of welfare spending to households in poverty greater than median household income

Census: Americans in ‘Poverty’ Typically Have Cell Phones, Computers, TVs, VCRS, AC, Washers, Dryers and Microwaves

Study: NY Welfare Recipients Eligible For More In Benefits Than Teachers Earn - Breitbart

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