trickle down

california is not in poverty were the wealthy people live billy.....there is plenty of poverty inland....lots of unemployment too.....3-4counties are still over 10%.....imperial county is at you know what poverty is billy?...
are you stupid do you have a reading problem??? seems you do . I clearly said "by they way california isn't in poverty" did ya miss that part???are you suffering from comprehension skills ??? see the part where it says "isn't" see the part where it says "in poverty"??? if you put them together it says "isn't in poverty"...
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here ... try and do some research for once in your life instead of quoting 2010 numbers cause thats what you are trying to do and failing miserably
calm down billy.....holy shit are you a hyper fuck.....
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here
those unemployment numbers i gave are for this year dumbass,not bullshit,maybe you should check things out before you open your yap.........unlike you billy i lived here for 48 whats your experience with the State outside of what someone tells you?....
and it's billye
if you say so billy....
no its billye
so you are a female?.....
are you stupid do you have a reading problem??? seems you do . I clearly said "by they way california isn't in poverty" did ya miss that part???are you suffering from comprehension skills ??? see the part where it says "isn't" see the part where it says "in poverty"??? if you put them together it says "isn't in poverty"...
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here ... try and do some research for once in your life instead of quoting 2010 numbers cause thats what you are trying to do and failing miserably
calm down billy.....holy shit are you a hyper fuck.....
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here
those unemployment numbers i gave are for this year dumbass,not bullshit,maybe you should check things out before you open your yap.........unlike you billy i lived here for 48 whats your experience with the State outside of what someone tells you?....
and it's billye
if you say so billy....
no its billye
so you are a female?.....
no I am not ... what has the spelling of my name have to do whether I'm man or a woman ??? I chose the spelling because, you guest it, its different... I dare to be different... and no I'm not gay either ... I'm a owners of a multitrack recording studio .. which means nothing, other then I own a studio...
Last edited:
California has debts of nearly 450 BILLION in unfunded pension's their ticking time bomb

You beat me to it, dumb fuck liberals always ignores the elephant in the room.
seems you information is a little old, your 450 BILLION in unfunded pension debt. was in 2010 not 2016 ... you need to look it up now ,... in case you have noticed its 2016 not 2010 ..thats what I find about republican .... they take old information and try to make it as if this debt is still around you need to check your numbers dumb fucks ...
its still over a hundred billion....
don't care about the unfunded pension ... the pension is money taken out of their check along with the employer donating to their pension fund ... it has nothing to do with the states budget idiot ... it has everything to do with how many people are on it and how much money they are paying ... if they don't put enough money in its their problem not the states problem... not the tax payers problem unless the vote to help them... so stop with this unfunded pension bull shit ... I could care less ... nobody has tried to give us our retirement money back that the republicans lost us by all of their banking shenanigans ... when will we get that back???
sure you dont care about it,because its lots of money that has to be paid by someone,namely the citizens of the state....they are public workers jerkface,meaning tax dollars pay them,and that includes those unfunded liabilities you know nothing about....
no it has to be paid by the people who are on the pension ... as I said its not part of the states budget ... its a pension plan that has more people on it then it has people paying into it ... because of triple down economics ... not enough of the people were working to pay into it... when they raised the taxes on the rich the state debt started getting paid ... causing them to hire more people you dolts... more people working more money going into the pension plan... which by the way caused it to go from 400 billion to 100 billion ... but again the pension has nothing to do with the state budget ... that's just you trying to cloud the issue here ... the issue beings that the democrats raised the taxes, your republicans screamed the sky is falling and it didn't ... the democrats not the republicans but the democrats paid off their debt and had a 11 billion surplus ... where you can't stand that fact ... you can't stand the Idea that the democrats do a hell of a lot better job then any republican ... face it you're a winer...
are you stupid do you have a reading problem??? seems you do . I clearly said "by they way california isn't in poverty" did ya miss that part???are you suffering from comprehension skills ??? see the part where it says "isn't" see the part where it says "in poverty"??? if you put them together it says "isn't in poverty"...
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here ... try and do some research for once in your life instead of quoting 2010 numbers cause thats what you are trying to do and failing miserably
calm down billy.....holy shit are you a hyper fuck.....
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here
those unemployment numbers i gave are for this year dumbass,not bullshit,maybe you should check things out before you open your yap.........unlike you billy i lived here for 48 whats your experience with the State outside of what someone tells you?....
seems it is you that has his panties in a knot ... i've seen people who have live in that state for 60 years and has no Idea what they are talking about... just like you have no Idea what you're talking about we have shown the budget numbers not unfunded pension, but the budget ... here it was cut from 29 billion where they had a 11 billion dollar surplus ... Now you want to pooh pooh that because we democrats knew you need money to pay for the debt ...Not like the way you republics think it should be done you come here with 2010 numbers on unfunded pension instead of 2016 numbers on unfunded pension and I'm suppose to take you serious??? best you could come up with is, well the unfunded pension ... which if you knew anything about budgets which its obvious you don't unfunded pension has nothing to do with the states budget.. but still you have to come up with unfunded pension numbers, 2010 number, instead of a 2016 numbers... which we Dems have reduced it to a 100 billion ... how ??? they raised your fees ... by reducing the debt and you're trying to tell me trickle down works and raising taxes on the rich doesn't ??? seems you failed at that attempt too ... and by the way workers and the companies pay for the pension not the taxes for the budget...r
and i have seen people who have never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on,when they dont know shit...kinda like you billy....
the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self
calm down billy.....holy shit are you a hyper fuck.....
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here
those unemployment numbers i gave are for this year dumbass,not bullshit,maybe you should check things out before you open your yap.........unlike you billy i lived here for 48 whats your experience with the State outside of what someone tells you?....
seems it is you that has his panties in a knot ... i've seen people who have live in that state for 60 years and has no Idea what they are talking about... just like you have no Idea what you're talking about we have shown the budget numbers not unfunded pension, but the budget ... here it was cut from 29 billion where they had a 11 billion dollar surplus ... Now you want to pooh pooh that because we democrats knew you need money to pay for the debt ...Not like the way you republics think it should be done you come here with 2010 numbers on unfunded pension instead of 2016 numbers on unfunded pension and I'm suppose to take you serious??? best you could come up with is, well the unfunded pension ... which if you knew anything about budgets which its obvious you don't unfunded pension has nothing to do with the states budget.. but still you have to come up with unfunded pension numbers, 2010 number, instead of a 2016 numbers... which we Dems have reduced it to a 100 billion ... how ??? they raised your fees ... by reducing the debt and you're trying to tell me trickle down works and raising taxes on the rich doesn't ??? seems you failed at that attempt too ... and by the way workers and the companies pay for the pension not the taxes for the budget...r
and i have seen people who have never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on,when they dont know shit...kinda like you billy....
the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self

So a pal, the entire country was in a recession when Arnold was governor, so You think if he raised taxes that would of worked? When brown took over California was out of the worse.

No matter how you look at these 30 or so states with unfunded pension problems is going to have to be addressed one way or another just like illinois trying to do so today.
calm down billy.....holy shit are you a hyper fuck.....
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here
those unemployment numbers i gave are for this year dumbass,not bullshit,maybe you should check things out before you open your yap.........unlike you billy i lived here for 48 whats your experience with the State outside of what someone tells you?....
and it's billye
if you say so billy....
no its billye
so you are a female?.....
no I am not ... what has the spelling of my name have to do whether I'm man or a woman ??? I chose the spelling because, you guest it, its different... I dare to be different... and no I'm not gay either ... I'm a owners of a multitrack recording studio .. which means nothing, other then I own a studio...
its a female spelling of the name....look it up....
All I know is that before Obama their were jobs in this country but after their weren't. Sorry bro...your lies don't add up anymore.
You beat me to it, dumb fuck liberals always ignores the elephant in the room.
seems you information is a little old, your 450 BILLION in unfunded pension debt. was in 2010 not 2016 ... you need to look it up now ,... in case you have noticed its 2016 not 2010 ..thats what I find about republican .... they take old information and try to make it as if this debt is still around you need to check your numbers dumb fucks ...
its still over a hundred billion....
don't care about the unfunded pension ... the pension is money taken out of their check along with the employer donating to their pension fund ... it has nothing to do with the states budget idiot ... it has everything to do with how many people are on it and how much money they are paying ... if they don't put enough money in its their problem not the states problem... not the tax payers problem unless the vote to help them... so stop with this unfunded pension bull shit ... I could care less ... nobody has tried to give us our retirement money back that the republicans lost us by all of their banking shenanigans ... when will we get that back???
sure you dont care about it,because its lots of money that has to be paid by someone,namely the citizens of the state....they are public workers jerkface,meaning tax dollars pay them,and that includes those unfunded liabilities you know nothing about....
no it has to be paid by the people who are on the pension ... as I said its not part of the states budget ... its a pension plan that has more people on it then it has people paying into it ... because of triple down economics ... not enough of the people were working to pay into it... when they raised the taxes on the rich the state debt started getting paid ... causing them to hire more people you dolts... more people working more money going into the pension plan... which by the way caused it to go from 400 billion to 100 billion ... but again the pension has nothing to do with the state budget ... that's just you trying to cloud the issue here ... the issue beings that the democrats raised the taxes, your republicans screamed the sky is falling and it didn't ... the democrats not the republicans but the democrats paid off their debt and had a 11 billion surplus ... where you can't stand that fact ... you can't stand the Idea that the democrats do a hell of a lot better job then any republican ... face it you're a winer...
no it has to be paid by the people who are on the pension
apparently billy you dont understand who pays state workers....and you dont know about what kind of a deal these workers got when they got it.....
as I said its not part of the states budget
yes state pensions are part of the State budget,around 20% in this State.........

when they raised the taxes on the rich the state debt started getting paid ... causing them to hire more people you dolts.
not in this State you dolt.....California has hired hardly anyone since Brown put a freeze on hiring a few years ago.....
and had a 11 billion surplus .
try 6-8.....
calm down billy.....holy shit are you a hyper fuck.....
as for the rest of you totally bull shit statement here
those unemployment numbers i gave are for this year dumbass,not bullshit,maybe you should check things out before you open your yap.........unlike you billy i lived here for 48 whats your experience with the State outside of what someone tells you?....
seems it is you that has his panties in a knot ... i've seen people who have live in that state for 60 years and has no Idea what they are talking about... just like you have no Idea what you're talking about we have shown the budget numbers not unfunded pension, but the budget ... here it was cut from 29 billion where they had a 11 billion dollar surplus ... Now you want to pooh pooh that because we democrats knew you need money to pay for the debt ...Not like the way you republics think it should be done you come here with 2010 numbers on unfunded pension instead of 2016 numbers on unfunded pension and I'm suppose to take you serious??? best you could come up with is, well the unfunded pension ... which if you knew anything about budgets which its obvious you don't unfunded pension has nothing to do with the states budget.. but still you have to come up with unfunded pension numbers, 2010 number, instead of a 2016 numbers... which we Dems have reduced it to a 100 billion ... how ??? they raised your fees ... by reducing the debt and you're trying to tell me trickle down works and raising taxes on the rich doesn't ??? seems you failed at that attempt too ... and by the way workers and the companies pay for the pension not the taxes for the budget...r
and i have seen people who have never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on,when they dont know shit...kinda like you billy....
the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self
i am making a fool of myself?......the State budget in California anyways, INCLUDES pensions for State you get that billy?...look at this pie chart.....see the red part?....what does it say?.....
California State Spending Pie Chart for 2016 - Charts
seems it is you that has his panties in a knot ... i've seen people who have live in that state for 60 years and has no Idea what they are talking about... just like you have no Idea what you're talking about we have shown the budget numbers not unfunded pension, but the budget ... here it was cut from 29 billion where they had a 11 billion dollar surplus ... Now you want to pooh pooh that because we democrats knew you need money to pay for the debt ...Not like the way you republics think it should be done you come here with 2010 numbers on unfunded pension instead of 2016 numbers on unfunded pension and I'm suppose to take you serious??? best you could come up with is, well the unfunded pension ... which if you knew anything about budgets which its obvious you don't unfunded pension has nothing to do with the states budget.. but still you have to come up with unfunded pension numbers, 2010 number, instead of a 2016 numbers... which we Dems have reduced it to a 100 billion ... how ??? they raised your fees ... by reducing the debt and you're trying to tell me trickle down works and raising taxes on the rich doesn't ??? seems you failed at that attempt too ... and by the way workers and the companies pay for the pension not the taxes for the budget...r
and i have seen people who have never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on,when they dont know shit...kinda like you billy....
the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self

So a pal, the entire country was in a recession when Arnold was governor, so You think if he raised taxes that would of worked? When brown took over California was out of the worse.

No matter how you look at these 30 or so states with unfunded pension problems is going to have to be addressed one way or another just like illinois trying to do so today.
billy is one of those who thinks the governor actually runs California....even Brown has some opposition from his own party in the Legislature.....
so you are a female?.....
no I am not ... what has the spelling of my name have to do whether I'm man or a woman ??? I chose the spelling because, you guest it, its different... I dare to be different... and no I'm not gay either ... I'm a owners of a multitrack recording studio .. which means nothing, other then I own a studio...
its a female spelling of the name....look it up....
don't care its billye
and i have seen people who have never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on,when they dont know shit...kinda like you billy....
the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self

So a pal, the entire country was in a recession when Arnold was governor, so You think if he raised taxes that would of worked? When brown took over California was out of the worse.

No matter how you look at these 30 or so states with unfunded pension problems is going to have to be addressed one way or another just like illinois trying to do so today.
billy is one of those who thinks the governor actually runs California....even Brown has some opposition from his own party in the Legislature.....
not in any place in any of my post did I say the government runs california ... not one place ... want I did say and made very clear was you're a liar ... you tried to make unfunded pension as a issue over the budget .. you failed ... then you trie too make my name into something its not because you were caught lying ... you failed again ... you couldn't accept that you were wrong ... A budget is set up in all states are your trying to tell us al;l that california doesn't have a budget??? really you want to go there tool??? its what all state have to run the state ... now you're trying to lie your way out of it here by making bull shit statements that I said government runs california failed there too... you are a liar and you can't stand the fact that I outed your lie ...
seems it is you that has his panties in a knot ... i've seen people who have live in that state for 60 years and has no Idea what they are talking about... just like you have no Idea what you're talking about we have shown the budget numbers not unfunded pension, but the budget ... here it was cut from 29 billion where they had a 11 billion dollar surplus ... Now you want to pooh pooh that because we democrats knew you need money to pay for the debt ...Not like the way you republics think it should be done you come here with 2010 numbers on unfunded pension instead of 2016 numbers on unfunded pension and I'm suppose to take you serious??? best you could come up with is, well the unfunded pension ... which if you knew anything about budgets which its obvious you don't unfunded pension has nothing to do with the states budget.. but still you have to come up with unfunded pension numbers, 2010 number, instead of a 2016 numbers... which we Dems have reduced it to a 100 billion ... how ??? they raised your fees ... by reducing the debt and you're trying to tell me trickle down works and raising taxes on the rich doesn't ??? seems you failed at that attempt too ... and by the way workers and the companies pay for the pension not the taxes for the budget...r
and i have seen people who have never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on,when they dont know shit...kinda like you billy....
the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self

So a pal, the entire country was in a recession when Arnold was governor, so You think if he raised taxes that would of worked? When brown took over California was out of the worse.

No matter how you look at these 30 or so states with unfunded pension problems is going to have to be addressed one way or another just like illinois trying to do so today.
pensions have nothing to do with the state budget ... I wouldn't say 29 billion dollars in debt and going further into debt when Brown became governor if he hadn't raised the taxes ... you can make up what you want but when he took office he was 29 billion dollars in debt and thats not on the way out of debt you too are a liar ... I say to you just like the other idiot the budget and the pension are not one and the same it has no part of the state debt ... yes by raising taxes not only didn't he bring the stated out of debt he also reduced the pension by 300 billion dollars ... so your attempt failed there too...
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seems it is you that has his panties in a knot ... i've seen people who have live in that state for 60 years and has no Idea what they are talking about... just like you have no Idea what you're talking about we have shown the budget numbers not unfunded pension, but the budget ... here it was cut from 29 billion where they had a 11 billion dollar surplus ... Now you want to pooh pooh that because we democrats knew you need money to pay for the debt ...Not like the way you republics think it should be done you come here with 2010 numbers on unfunded pension instead of 2016 numbers on unfunded pension and I'm suppose to take you serious??? best you could come up with is, well the unfunded pension ... which if you knew anything about budgets which its obvious you don't unfunded pension has nothing to do with the states budget.. but still you have to come up with unfunded pension numbers, 2010 number, instead of a 2016 numbers... which we Dems have reduced it to a 100 billion ... how ??? they raised your fees ... by reducing the debt and you're trying to tell me trickle down works and raising taxes on the rich doesn't ??? seems you failed at that attempt too ... and by the way workers and the companies pay for the pension not the taxes for the budget...r
and i have seen people who have never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on,when they dont know shit...kinda like you billy....
the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self
i am making a fool of myself?......the State budget in California anyways, INCLUDES pensions for State you get that billy?...look at this pie chart.....see the red part?....what does it say?.....
California State Spending Pie Chart for 2016 - Charts
no it doesn't ... your pie chart goes to error nice try
All I know is that before Obama their were jobs in this country but after their weren't. Sorry bro...your lies don't add up anymore.
now thats stupidity at its best ... here george bush ran the country into the ground by debt by his signing all this banking bills protections away ... causing the stock market to crash ... cause 800 million jobs lost a month ... obama takes the offices sign banking bills car company bills to stop the hemorrhaging of jobs in the country ... from day one he stop the job lose each month not by leaps and bounds but little by little he halted the job lost each and every moths he is in office the job numbers went up and the unemployment numbers went down ... how you can say "All I know is that before Obama their were jobs" show us how stupid you are bro...
All I know is that before Obama their were jobs in this country but after their weren't. Sorry bro...your lies don't add up anymore.
I hope you know how to red charts bro!!!

the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self

So a pal, the entire country was in a recession when Arnold was governor, so You think if he raised taxes that would of worked? When brown took over California was out of the worse.

No matter how you look at these 30 or so states with unfunded pension problems is going to have to be addressed one way or another just like illinois trying to do so today.
billy is one of those who thinks the governor actually runs California....even Brown has some opposition from his own party in the Legislature.....
not in any place in any of my post did I say the government runs california ... not one place ... want I did say and made very clear was you're a liar ... you tried to make unfunded pension as a issue over the budget .. you failed ... then you trie too make my name into something its not because you were caught lying ... you failed again ... you couldn't accept that you were wrong ... A budget is set up in all states are your trying to tell us al;l that california doesn't have a budget??? really you want to go there tool??? its what all state have to run the state ... now you're trying to lie your way out of it here by making bull shit statements that I said government runs california failed there too... you are a liar and you can't stand the fact that I outed your lie ...
not in any place in any of my post did I say the government runs california
now you're trying to lie your way out of it here by making bull shit statements that I said government runs california

you are not making any sense.....if the GOVERNMENT of California doesnt run California,who does?..quit now billy,you are looking pretty stupid here.....
and i have seen people who have never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on,when they dont know shit...kinda like you billy....
the sad part here is you trie to make it look like this unfunded pension was something of importance ... you tried to make it look like the Idea of raising taxes made the unfunded pension worse... in reality they brought down the 29 billion dollar state debt ... they had a surplus of 11 billion dollars ... now you want to try and make the unfunded pension as part of the state debt, it doesn't work that way... you're a liar try to make shit up about the state budget ... then you tried to run it past these moron republicans here as if nothing worth while happen ... when I called you on the unfunded pension debt, where it had dropped by 300 billion, your best was "people who never been to the state and talk about it like they know whats going on" ... hell yes I can talk about what's going on ... the reason it dropped was because of the tax increase on the rich, that cause more people to work ...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down ... after all its the people and the company that puts the money into a pension not the states budget ... you are talking apples and oranges ... it doesn't take a person who doesn't live in your state to figure out that you sir are a liar ...
...when you have more people working you get more money going into a pension fund causing it to be paid down
do you understand what a STATE pension fund is?...and what it means when its unfunded?...and California last i heard has a HIRING FREEZE since 2011 i believe........
well its over ... if you listen but then again you didn't ... a state pension is a fund that the people who worked paid money into it along with the state... is that simple enough for you ??? the pension has nothing to do with the state budge do you get that??? do you know what a state budget is ??? its a budget that the state says how much money they need to run the state .... if you don't have enough money coming in taxes each year cause you cut them, then you create a debt ... thats what happen under Arnold, its that easy ... he cut the taxes causing the state to have a deficit ... in tern Brown raise the taxes causing the debt to get paid and had 11 billion left over ... you use this pension problem as if it were a cause of spending the budget it has no correlation ... so drop it're making a fool of your self
i am making a fool of myself?......the State budget in California anyways, INCLUDES pensions for State you get that billy?...look at this pie chart.....see the red part?....what does it say?.....
California State Spending Pie Chart for 2016 - Charts
no it doesn't ... your pie chart goes to error nice try
the chart is from the govt billy......why dont you prove im wrong....lets see you prove that state pensions are not part of the budget in California.........

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