Trickle Up Defies Gravity



    Votes: 11 50.0%

    Votes: 11 50.0%

  • Total voters
The 'rich' don't spend money? What brand of LSD laced crack are you smoking OP? :laugh:...:itsok:

Obviously the "rich" already can and do spend as much as they care to.
So that justifies taking the rest from them right?

That's your retarded logic.

I simply explained why tax cuts aren't going to increase spending. If I can already write a check for $50k anytime I'd like, how does giving me a $50k tax cut make me more likely to spend? How much shit do you imagine people need?
IDGAF if tax cuts increase spending or not.

IMO everyone should keep as much of their own money as possible.

And unlike you I don't think I have the right to tell another person what they "need".
IDGAF if tax cuts increase spending or not.

If it doesn't, then what is the point?
How does that help the economy?

IDGAF if tax cuts help the economy. It is not the government's job to micromanage the economy.

People should be able to keep as much of their money as possible.

The government is supposed to adjust to the people not the converse. If the people want to pay less in taxes then the government must adapt.

Why do you think government spending is so fucking sacrosanct?
/----/ Libs believe there is a finite amount of money to be made and if an "evil rich" guy makes a dollar it's only because he stole it from the poor. Well the economy is ever expanding and there is plenty to go around. Stop blaming others for your situation.

There is a finite amount of money in the economy. There is less of that money in the hands of the bulk of Americans than at any other time.

So you think that if Tom got a big fat raise that Dick and Harry would necessarily get a pay cut?

No, I don't think that at all, dope.
You just said there is a finite amount of money in the economy didn't you?

If that is the case then you obviously do think if one person makes more that others must make less

WTF do imagine income disparity is, dope.
View attachment 169152
It's about who gets it and what that means for the economy as a whole.

That graph does not indicate a finite amount of money. If it did then the blue line would not be level it would show a decline

You might want to look up the words you use.
Even if we want to argue that the average family only gets $50/y due to the Fed tax cut, lets break that down into something reasonable and logical for a family to buy. Kraft Mac-n-cheese and Ball Park hot dogs - iconic American food, cheap, easy, and tasty.

Now we presume that the grocery stores have optimal hot dogs and mac-n-cheese on hand, but when there's a run on folks buying more than usual, they order more than usual.

Kraft and Ball-Park we presume makes an optimal amount of this stuff to send to the stores, but when the stores are ordering more than usual, they have to make more than usual.

The pig and dairy farmers we presume produce an optimal amount of raw material to send to Kraft and Ball-Park, but when they're ordering more than usual, the pig and dairy farmers have to up their production as well.

New jobs shoveling shit and feeding livestock are created - and new families have a few more bucks to spend on Kraft Mac-n-cheese with Ball-Park hot dogs. Or whatever else these folks decide to buy, from food to cars to cell phones, computers, or even spending in the services to eat out or whatever. More coffee from Star Bucks, more hamburgers from McDonalds and again demand at the bottom of the chain goes up.

That's just one side of the economy, the supply demand side in simplistic form, driven by small tax cuts for the poor. If we look at the middle class, these folks are already eating decent so instead they maybe eat out an extra time a week, or maybe they go on vacation and pay for an Alaska tour or go to Disney Land/World, maybe they go to the movies, maybe they buy new linens, maybe they buy a new car and sell their old one to some poorer folks who then can get a better job further from home.

Then there's the rich folks ya'll like to lie about and diss all the time. We have many choices on how to spend our tax cuts, we can invest in businesses, we can invest it in the market, we can spend it. It's actually unlikely that we'll throw it in the bank/not spend it honestly. I mean I'm sure there is some rich prepper type out there who is worried about some shit so they sit on it, but by and large we rich folks don't /have/ to save money like the rest of you, we've already got our retirements planned and paid for, we've already got a healthy "emergency" fund set aside, we've already got our financial profile cooking, so instead we spend it... fast and loose. Like literally half my 2 car garage is filled with crap to go to Salvation Army right now, not broken or cheap shit either, just stuff I don't want anymore - an entire kitchen worth of dishes, tableware, and cookware simply because I changed my kitchen from blue to green, then after a few months I decided I wanted more contrast with my green counter tops so now I've gone to red. Us rich folks do this stupid crap all the time. Its like I have a full set of Americraft (really nice stainless oil filled cookware that's like $200-$500 a pot/pan) and yet in the past two years I've bought five different boxes pot/pan sets, only to give four of them away. (I'm using Rachael Ray's now; really like em.) The funny part is that even though I've replaced all this crap in the past year or two; I've got... at least 2000 items ear marked for further research and/or purchase on Amazon. I'm legit in a tizzy atm because I cannot find a ceramic coated half sheet. No one has made them yet, so I'm talking to CasaWare asking them to custom make me a half sheet and 2/3 sheet to match my other CasaWare baking pans. The dumb part? I know that CasaWare scratches so easy it's not even funny, I destroyed three pans just making thanksgiving dinner this year, but the colors are perfect (red and cream) and they work so great that I don't even care that I have to replace them every month, it doesn't matter to me because I can afford to "waste" $20-30 a pop for a baking pan. And that's just my kitchen... I also changed out the whole kit-n-kabootle in my bathrooms (shower doors, shower curtains, rugs, towels, towel bars, even the poofs - wanted a new color in every bathroom; new toilets too this time around, the guest toilet was fucking almond, gross... they're all white now. I also repainted the entire house - new colors, which meant new furniture, new carpet, new wood flooring, new rugs, new curtains, new light switches and outlet covers, new light fixtures, new keypad door locks (went from brass to stainless.) On and on, this is what we wealthy folks do, and when we do this silly crap there are more people getting jobs or maybe just getting a "bigger" pay check - interior designers, painters, carpet manufacturers and installers, seamstresses (to adjust my shower curtains from 85" long to 83" long,) Vivint installers, GCI cable installers, etc. etc. And those folks then have more to spend too, maybe those companies hire new employees, maybe they open up a showroom, maybe another location, or maybe they just eat out two more times a month and ramp up restaurants (Speaking of, mmmm they opened up a Panda Express out here last week - pepper chicken is my new favoritest food in the world heh) Or maybe they lower their prices and more people can afford that stuff...

What percent of your total net worth were all these baubles?
If you don't mind, what IS your approx total net worth?
Net income?
It's germaine to the discussion, because we do not know if you're worth half a million or 480 million. It makes a difference.
Relative to what?

The skills required to perform it.

How does the MW today compare in real $ to MW in the past?

Irrelevant. A job (ideally) pays what it is worth to the employer, not indexed to some arbitrary "living wage" legislated to gain votes.

So wages should decrease over time?
So you think people with jobs making button hooks should have kept getting increases in pay?

Absolutely, dope.

Every year it costs more to live than the previous year. Without an increase, every year you make less than the last.
You do know that button hooks are obsolete don't you?

I know my point is the same no matter how menial the job.
The skills required to perform it.

Irrelevant. A job (ideally) pays what it is worth to the employer, not indexed to some arbitrary "living wage" legislated to gain votes.

So wages should decrease over time?
So you think people with jobs making button hooks should have kept getting increases in pay?

Absolutely, dope.

Every year it costs more to live than the previous year. Without an increase, every year you make less than the last.
You do know that button hooks are obsolete don't you?

I know my point is the same no matter how menial the job.

Nice try.

But you're wrong anyway.

Your wages for putting hamburgers in paper bags does not have to go up every year. You on the other hand should be using the job experience you gate at the low paying job to get a job that pays more.
There is a finite amount of money in the economy. There is less of that money in the hands of the bulk of Americans than at any other time.

So you think that if Tom got a big fat raise that Dick and Harry would necessarily get a pay cut?

No, I don't think that at all, dope.
You just said there is a finite amount of money in the economy didn't you?

If that is the case then you obviously do think if one person makes more that others must make less

WTF do imagine income disparity is, dope.
View attachment 169152
It's about who gets it and what that means for the economy as a whole.

That graph does not indicate a finite amount of money. If it did then the blue line would not be level it would show a decline

You might want to look up the words you use.

It is finite, dope. If it weren't, the dollar wouldn't be worth shit.

No, dope. The graph shows the increases going solely to the top rather than a more equal distribution.

You might want to work on your logic skills.

Income distribution

{1} 1,365,856 earn more than $388,000 a year

{2} 68,292,856 earn less than $70,000 a year

If the IRS gave tax bracket {1} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $13,665,856,000 to the economy but the rich will not add it to the economy, they will put it in the bank to do nothing

If the IRS gave tax bracket {2} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $68,292,856,000 to the economy because they will spend it, buying new things from houses to shoes to a new car which adds to the economy making more shoes, the car to a new house.

Now ask yourself; which is best for our economy

( ) Trickle down

( ) Trickle up
Pseudocons shit their pants over Obama's trillion dollar stimulus.

Now they are wetting themselves with glee over Trump's trillion and a half dollar stimulus.

Go figure.
Btw Nat you keep reading the huff post I will read the Greenville newspaper and see these Chinese company's in South Carolina with my own eyes and also read forbes it's fucking obvious Chinese wages are going up since they only had like 10,000 cars in the entire country in 1972 ..

China Wage Levels Equal To Or Surpass Parts Of Europe

Moron,I am NOT arguing that SOME Chinese industries are not moving to the U.S.

It makes sense for the Chinese textile industries to move here since COTTON is produced in the U.S., the consumer is mostly American and that the overseas transportation costs (back and forth) is therefore eliminated......

However, many industries in China consider the labor costs and conclude that what an American worker wants to earn per hour can never usurp the low wage cost of a Chinese worker.....

So, calm down.........For some industries, we may soon ALL be working for a Chinese company.......MAKE CHINA GREAT [again]???
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So you think that if Tom got a big fat raise that Dick and Harry would necessarily get a pay cut?

No, I don't think that at all, dope.
You just said there is a finite amount of money in the economy didn't you?

If that is the case then you obviously do think if one person makes more that others must make less

WTF do imagine income disparity is, dope.
View attachment 169152
It's about who gets it and what that means for the economy as a whole.

That graph does not indicate a finite amount of money. If it did then the blue line would not be level it would show a decline

You might want to look up the words you use.

It is finite, dope. If it weren't, the dollar wouldn't be worth shit.

No, dope. The graph shows the increases going solely to the top rather than a more equal distribution.

You might want to work on your logic skills.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

You understand that don't you? After all that is what finite means.

Now do you see that it is not true?
So wages should decrease over time?
So you think people with jobs making button hooks should have kept getting increases in pay?

Absolutely, dope.

Every year it costs more to live than the previous year. Without an increase, every year you make less than the last.
You do know that button hooks are obsolete don't you?

I know my point is the same no matter how menial the job.

Nice try.

But you're wrong anyway.

Your wages for putting hamburgers in paper bags does not have to go up every year. You on the other hand should be using the job experience you gate at the low paying job to get a job that pays more.

The Dollar loses nearly 3.5% of purchasing power/yr. Without an increase, after three years, current hourly wage earners are making nearly 12% less then three years ago.
Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being morons.

A rich person is a much better redistributor of wealth by spending money and creating jobs than the government is by stealing the money from the earners and giving it to the non earners.
Fry-flipping isn't worth $15,00 per hour. Period.

The fact is a lot of unskilled illegals swamped the unskilled job market, pushing out the part-time American adolescents the jobs were intended to be filled by.

Now, with their skills remaining static and nowhere to go, they want to force the companies into turning these low-paying unskilled monkey jobs into full-time middle class careers, complete with all benefits.

Better to automate.

Fry-flipping isn't worth $15,00 per hour. Period.

Relative to what?

The skills required to perform it.

How does the MW today compare in real $ to MW in the past?

Irrelevant. A job (ideally) pays what it is worth to the employer, not indexed to some arbitrary "living wage" legislated to gain votes.

So wages should decrease over time?

Read the sentence following "Irrelevant".

You're right. The following was irrelevant.

Without increases in pay, each year you make less than the previous. That's a regressive pay scale.

Which is why I mentioned the bit about the stupidity of turning shit work into middle class level careers.

Franky flips fries for $8.00 per hour. He skilled at it, so a year later, he still flips fries for $9.00 per hour. Now he wants $15.00 per hour. Employer states the job pays $9.00 per hour tops.

Franky misses work so he can march around out in front of the store demanding $15.00 per hour. Employer needs a fry flipper, so fires Franky for not showing up for work and hires Freddy, who agrees to fry-flip for $8.00 per hour.

Who is the idiot?

Income distribution

{1} 1,365,856 earn more than $388,000 a year

{2} 68,292,856 earn less than $70,000 a year

If the IRS gave tax bracket {1} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $13,665,856,000 to the economy but the rich will not add it to the economy, they will put it in the bank to do nothing

If the IRS gave tax bracket {2} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $68,292,856,000 to the economy because they will spend it, buying new things from houses to shoes to a new car which adds to the economy making more shoes, the car to a new house.

Now ask yourself; which is best for our economy

( ) Trickle down

( ) Trickle up
Pseudocons shit their pants over Obama's trillion dollar stimulus.

Now they are wetting themselves with glee over Trump's trillion and a half dollar stimulus.

Go figure.

Another example of their turnip logic. :uhoh3:
Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.
Which is exactly why I am so deeply opposed to tax deductions, credits, and exemptions which are paid for by raising tax rates on every taxpayer, and by borrowing from China.

But that never seems to bother hypocrites like you.
This current tax bill does exactly that, by the way.

It provides government gifts to special interests by borrowing a trillion and a half dollars from places like China.

And you dolts think you are conservatives! :lol:
No, I don't think that at all, dope.
You just said there is a finite amount of money in the economy didn't you?

If that is the case then you obviously do think if one person makes more that others must make less

WTF do imagine income disparity is, dope.
View attachment 169152
It's about who gets it and what that means for the economy as a whole.

That graph does not indicate a finite amount of money. If it did then the blue line would not be level it would show a decline

You might want to look up the words you use.

It is finite, dope. If it weren't, the dollar wouldn't be worth shit.

No, dope. The graph shows the increases going solely to the top rather than a more equal distribution.

You might want to work on your logic skills.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

You understand that don't you? After all that is what finite means.

Now do you see that it is not true?
Now do you see that it is not

No, I only see that you have the logic skills of a turnip.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there

No, it's here, there and everything.

The Dollar has real value and it's that value on which our economy is based.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

As my graph showed, the top garnered all of the gains to be had.

The value of the dollar is based on supply and demand. If there were an infinite supply as you suggest, there would be no demand and it would be worthless.

GDP in 2016 - $18.57t.
A finite number.
So you think people with jobs making button hooks should have kept getting increases in pay?

Absolutely, dope.

Every year it costs more to live than the previous year. Without an increase, every year you make less than the last.
You do know that button hooks are obsolete don't you?

I know my point is the same no matter how menial the job.

Nice try.

But you're wrong anyway.

Your wages for putting hamburgers in paper bags does not have to go up every year. You on the other hand should be using the job experience you gate at the low paying job to get a job that pays more.

The Dollar loses nearly 3.5% of purchasing power/yr. Without an increase, after three years, current hourly wage earners are making nearly 12% less then three years ago.


And the past 4 years the inflation rates have been

1.62%, .12%, 1.26% and 2.13%
You just said there is a finite amount of money in the economy didn't you?

If that is the case then you obviously do think if one person makes more that others must make less

WTF do imagine income disparity is, dope.
View attachment 169152
It's about who gets it and what that means for the economy as a whole.

That graph does not indicate a finite amount of money. If it did then the blue line would not be level it would show a decline

You might want to look up the words you use.

It is finite, dope. If it weren't, the dollar wouldn't be worth shit.

No, dope. The graph shows the increases going solely to the top rather than a more equal distribution.

You might want to work on your logic skills.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

You understand that don't you? After all that is what finite means.

Now do you see that it is not true?
Now do you see that it is not

No, I only see that you have the logic skills of a turnip.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there

No, it's here, there and everything.

The Dollar has real value and it's that value on which our economy is based.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

As my graph showed, the top garnered all of the gains to be had.

The value of the dollar is based on supply and demand. If there were an infinite supply as you suggest, there would be no demand and it would be worthless.

GDP in 2016 - $18.57t.
A finite number.

But what about 2017? Was it more or less?

It's still the same economy isn't it? Or do we invent a new economy every year?

But then tell me if you got a raise in June of 2016 did anyone get a pay cut to "pay for" your raise?
Absolutely, dope.

Every year it costs more to live than the previous year. Without an increase, every year you make less than the last.
You do know that button hooks are obsolete don't you?

I know my point is the same no matter how menial the job.

Nice try.

But you're wrong anyway.

Your wages for putting hamburgers in paper bags does not have to go up every year. You on the other hand should be using the job experience you gate at the low paying job to get a job that pays more.

The Dollar loses nearly 3.5% of purchasing power/yr. Without an increase, after three years, current hourly wage earners are making nearly 12% less then three years ago.


And the past 4 years the inflation rates have been

1.62%, .12%, 1.26% and 2.13%

The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

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