Trickle Up Defies Gravity



    Votes: 11 50.0%

    Votes: 11 50.0%

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You have put some real thought into your post articulating the pro’s and con’s. Thank you for your efforts. Having said that, out of all that you have written I could not find your personal point of view which I am sure you have.

If you had to chose one or the other;

Trickle up

Trickle down

Which shall it be?

You may add qualifiers but the bottom line is one or the other

Which is it?

Just asking :)-

Really? He just told you that the issue is not "either", "or", based. You are attempting to pigeonhole someone and simplify a complex problem with a black or white mindset.

You have put some real thought into your post articulating the pro’s and con’s. Thank you for your efforts. Having said that, out of all that you have written I could not find your personal point of view which I am sure you have.

If you had to chose one or the other;

Trickle up

Trickle down

Which shall it be?

You may add qualifiers but the bottom line is one or the other

Which is it?

Just asking :)-

Really? He just told you that the issue is not "either", "or", based. You are attempting to pigeonhole someone and simplify a complex problem with a black or white mindset.

Some people just don't grasp the concept of things being apropos in the presence of a given time, place and set of circumstances and at other times not being thus apropos. Why they don't get that is beyond me. I know only that it is the rare individual for whom that concept was not introduced to them as a child with words akin to "do as I say, not as I do." Reaching the age of majority frees one from the letter of that burden; however, thus unshackled, and liking it or not, one assumes the responsibility for applying its spirit, the concept, and doing so with regard to myriad matters.

Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry his own weight, this is a frightening prospect.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt, You Learn by Living: Eleven Keys for a More Fulfilling Life
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Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being morons.

A rich person is a much better redistributor of wealth by spending money and creating jobs than the government is by stealing the money from the earners and giving it to the non earners.
A rich person is a better distributor if they distribute and spend their money. Sure. But they haven’t exactly been doing that have they? The top have been earning the vast majority of new Money over the past few decades and are richer than ever while the bottom and middle class have stayed stagnant. You really don’t see an economic problem with that?

They have been doing a whole lot better job than the filthy ass government, that waste tons of money and gives it away to every Jamal, Jose and Muhammad in the world, haven't they?

Under Obama not only did poverty increased but also family income decreased and income disparity increase but economic growth was dismal as hell. If that is an example of what we can expect with the stupid idea of "trickle up" Liberal economics then it has failed. Socialism always fail at some level or another. Best case scenario is that it will only result in piss poor economic growth. Worse case is that the economic structure of the country fails like we have saw many times..

And the past 4 years the inflation rates have been

1.62%, .12%, 1.26% and 2.13%

The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.

Then what number were you using to describe worldwide decrease in purchasing power?
Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.
World inflation. That's funny.

And that has nothing to do with the US economy because you are not using world GDP are you? You're not using a world average income are you?

So your entire argument is meaningless

You are mixing your metaphors

The US inflation rates are used to calculate the decline in purchasing power for American workers not the world wide figures
They can afford it now.
SO what?

Should you be forced to buy everything you can afford or if you don't spend what others deem to be enough of your own money should the government take it from you?
Charge it and put it on the Peoples' tab?

Answer the question I asked
Paying the Debts of the United States is a Power and Obligation of Congress.
That is not an answer to the question I asked
Charge it and put it on the Peoples' tab? It already happened.
Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being morons.

A rich person is a much better redistributor of wealth by spending money and creating jobs than the government is by stealing the money from the earners and giving it to the non earners.
Socialism took us to the moon, last millennium; capitalism is still waiting for a profit motive.
Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being morons.

A rich person is a much better redistributor of wealth by spending money and creating jobs than the government is by stealing the money from the earners and giving it to the non earners.
Socialism is building entire cities that are still empty.

Capitalism is still waiting for a profit motive.
The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.

Then what number were you using to describe worldwide decrease in purchasing power?

I never described a "worldwide decrease in purchasing power."
It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.
World inflation. That's funny.

And that has nothing to do with the US economy because you are not using world GDP are you? You're not using a world average income are you?

So your entire argument is meaningless

You are mixing your metaphors

The US inflation rates are used to calculate the decline in purchasing power for American workers not the world wide figures

You are the only one who has said anything about "worldwide figues".

Christ, you're dense.
That's your retarded logic.

I simply explained why tax cuts aren't going to increase spending. If I can already write a check for $50k anytime I'd like, how does giving me a $50k tax cut make me more likely to spend? How much shit do you imagine people need?
IDGAF if tax cuts increase spending or not.

IMO everyone should keep as much of their own money as possible.

And unlike you I don't think I have the right to tell another person what they "need".
Do you have any sense of how an economic system works? It doesn’t sound like you do or you even care. If that’s the case then you shouldnt be part of discussions like these cause you don’t know what you’re talking about

Why on earth would I listen to you?

The economy will be better off of everyone keeps more of their own money.

And where in any economic system, oh wise and powerful economic sage, does it say that anyone can tell you how much you "need"?
You are fed from emotion and not logic. You can take government out of it and let the free market run wild. But play it out. what happens if all the money funnels up to the top like it has been doing for decades. We lose our middle class and become a society of low and high class. We’ve all played monopoly and poker. We know what it’s like at the end of those games when the big stacks go against the little stacks. The top corporations buy up all the small businesses. The vast majority of Americans become employees and renters instead of business and home owners. We evolve into a country of run by corporate socialism of sorts. Can you not see the big picture or the potential dangers?

I never said get rid of government did I? I said the government shouldn't try to micromanage the economy as it does now. The minute the government starts telling you what you need then you are in deep shit.

The economy does better when more people keep more of their own money is what I said.

and FYI the vast majority of Americans are renters and employees and have been for longer than the government has been meddling in the economy and if all those people got to keep more of their own money they would be better off wouldn't they?

And the fact is not all the money is going to the top. In fact the middle class looks like its shrinking because many people got rich enough not to be counted as middle class anymore.

Sure The Middle Class Is Shrinking: 30% Of Americans Are Now Too Rich To Be In The Middle Class

Look at the charts in the article and you'll realize that the upper middle class has grown by almost 30%, the middle and lower middle classes have only declined by 6% each. Even the poor or near poor have declined as a percentage of the population

So how can you tell me ALL the money is going to the top?
We playing word game so now? Not ALL the money is going to the top but the vast majority is. I said to take government out of the economy to better explain my point. I wasn’t implying that was your position.

So let me see if I’m understanding your argument. The amount of poor has declined and the the upper middle class has grown by 30%. So that means that wages and earnings for the middle class has grown tremendously over the years. Is that what you are saying?
Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being morons.

A rich person is a much better redistributor of wealth by spending money and creating jobs than the government is by stealing the money from the earners and giving it to the non earners.
A rich person is a better distributor if they distribute and spend their money. Sure. But they haven’t exactly been doing that have they? The top have been earning the vast majority of new Money over the past few decades and are richer than ever while the bottom and middle class have stayed stagnant. You really don’t see an economic problem with that?

They have been doing a whole lot better job than the filthy ass government, that waste tons of money and gives it away to every Jamal, Jose and Muhammad in the world, haven't they?

Under Obama not only did poverty increased but also family income decreased and income disparity increase but economic growth was dismal as hell. If that is an example of what we can expect with the stupid idea of "trickle up" Liberal economics then it has failed. Socialism always fail at some level or another. Best case scenario is that it will only result in piss poor economic growth. Worse case is that the economic structure of the country fails like we have saw many times..
You forgot to respond to questions that are about wealth inequality. You don’t see a problem with the vast majority of wealth vacuuming up to the top 1%? You think that is a pathway towards a healthy economy?

This question has nothing to do with obama or progressive economics so don’t bring them up in your response. Im asking a simple question. Give a straight forward answer
You really don’t see an economic problem with that?

Marie Antoinette didn't see it either......(well, she did later while on the gallows)
I guess we should start calling Skull Pilot “Marie”

You mean the guy who wants everyone to keep more of their own money?

Unlike you who wants to take as much as possible
I don’t want to take as much as possible. You should not have to make shit up to win an argument. Stick to the facts
SO what?

Should you be forced to buy everything you can afford or if you don't spend what others deem to be enough of your own money should the government take it from you?
Charge it and put it on the Peoples' tab?

Answer the question I asked
Paying the Debts of the United States is a Power and Obligation of Congress.
That is not an answer to the question I asked
Charge it and put it on the Peoples' tab? It already happened.
SO what?

You're never going to pay a dime of it back so what do you care?
You really don’t see an economic problem with that?

Marie Antoinette didn't see it either......(well, she did later while on the gallows)
I guess we should start calling Skull Pilot “Marie”

You mean the guy who wants everyone to keep more of their own money?

Unlike you who wants to take as much as possible
I don’t want to take as much as possible. You should not have to make shit up to win an argument. Stick to the facts
So me saying let people keep as much of their money as possible is somehow in your tiny brain the same as Marie Antoinette saying let them eat cake?

And you think I should listen to your sage advice on the economy when you obviously don't know shit
Charge it and put it on the Peoples' tab?

Answer the question I asked
Paying the Debts of the United States is a Power and Obligation of Congress.
That is not an answer to the question I asked
Charge it and put it on the Peoples' tab? It already happened.
SO what?

You're never going to pay a dime of it back so what do you care?
The poor pay general, federal taxes.
You really don’t see an economic problem with that?

Marie Antoinette didn't see it either......(well, she did later while on the gallows)
I guess we should start calling Skull Pilot “Marie”

You mean the guy who wants everyone to keep more of their own money?

Unlike you who wants to take as much as possible
I don’t want to take as much as possible. You should not have to make shit up to win an argument. Stick to the facts
So me saying let people keep as much of their money as possible is somehow in your tiny brain the same as Marie Antoinette saying let them eat cake?

And you think I should listen to your sage advice on the economy when you obviously don't know shit
How is it, "their money" if it is being added to the "Peoples' debt"?
Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.

Then what number were you using to describe worldwide decrease in purchasing power?

I never described a "worldwide decrease in purchasing power."

Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.

Then what number were you using to describe worldwide decrease in purchasing power?

I never described a "worldwide decrease in purchasing power."
SO where the fuck did you get an annual 3.5% decrease in purchasing power it it wasn't out of your ass?

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