Trickle Up Defies Gravity



    Votes: 11 50.0%

    Votes: 11 50.0%

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You do know that button hooks are obsolete don't you?

I know my point is the same no matter how menial the job.

Nice try.

But you're wrong anyway.

Your wages for putting hamburgers in paper bags does not have to go up every year. You on the other hand should be using the job experience you gate at the low paying job to get a job that pays more.

The Dollar loses nearly 3.5% of purchasing power/yr. Without an increase, after three years, current hourly wage earners are making nearly 12% less then three years ago.


And the past 4 years the inflation rates have been

1.62%, .12%, 1.26% and 2.13%

The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

Make up your mind.
Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.
Which is exactly why I am so deeply opposed to tax deductions, credits, and exemptions which are paid for by raising tax rates on every taxpayer, and by borrowing from China.

But that never seems to bother hypocrites like you.

The way to have lower taxes is for the filthy ass government to not spend so much goddamn money, Moon Bat.
Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.
Which is exactly why I am so deeply opposed to tax deductions, credits, and exemptions which are paid for by raising tax rates on every taxpayer, and by borrowing from China.

But that never seems to bother hypocrites like you.

The way to have lower taxes is for the filthy ass government to not spend so much goddamn money, Moon Bat.
The 'rich' don't spend money? What brand of LSD laced crack are you smoking OP? :laugh:...:itsok:

Obviously the "rich" already can and do spend as much as they care to.
So that justifies taking the rest from them right?

That's your retarded logic.

I simply explained why tax cuts aren't going to increase spending. If I can already write a check for $50k anytime I'd like, how does giving me a $50k tax cut make me more likely to spend? How much shit do you imagine people need?
IDGAF if tax cuts increase spending or not.

IMO everyone should keep as much of their own money as possible.

And unlike you I don't think I have the right to tell another person what they "need".
Do you have any sense of how an economic system works? It doesn’t sound like you do or you even care. If that’s the case then you shouldnt be part of discussions like these cause you don’t know what you’re talking about
WTF do imagine income disparity is, dope.
View attachment 169152
It's about who gets it and what that means for the economy as a whole.

That graph does not indicate a finite amount of money. If it did then the blue line would not be level it would show a decline

You might want to look up the words you use.

It is finite, dope. If it weren't, the dollar wouldn't be worth shit.

No, dope. The graph shows the increases going solely to the top rather than a more equal distribution.

You might want to work on your logic skills.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

You understand that don't you? After all that is what finite means.

Now do you see that it is not true?
Now do you see that it is not

No, I only see that you have the logic skills of a turnip.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there

No, it's here, there and everything.

The Dollar has real value and it's that value on which our economy is based.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

As my graph showed, the top garnered all of the gains to be had.

The value of the dollar is based on supply and demand. If there were an infinite supply as you suggest, there would be no demand and it would be worthless.

GDP in 2016 - $18.57t.
A finite number.

But what about 2017? Was it more or less?

It's still the same economy isn't it? Or do we invent a new economy every year?

But then tell me if you got a raise in June of 2016 did anyone get a pay cut to "pay for" your raise?

But what about 2017? Was it more or less?


It's still finite, dope.

But then tell me if you got a raise in June of 2016 did anyone get a pay cut to "pay for" your raise?

OMG, you are dopey AF.

Obviously if I received an increase in pay or benefits, it had to come from somewhere. My employer has to balance their books.

Do you imagine an infinite pool of cash?
I know my point is the same no matter how menial the job.

Nice try.

But you're wrong anyway.

Your wages for putting hamburgers in paper bags does not have to go up every year. You on the other hand should be using the job experience you gate at the low paying job to get a job that pays more.

The Dollar loses nearly 3.5% of purchasing power/yr. Without an increase, after three years, current hourly wage earners are making nearly 12% less then three years ago.


And the past 4 years the inflation rates have been

1.62%, .12%, 1.26% and 2.13%

The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.
The 'rich' don't spend money? What brand of LSD laced crack are you smoking OP? :laugh:...:itsok:

Obviously the "rich" already can and do spend as much as they care to.
So that justifies taking the rest from them right?

That's your retarded logic.

I simply explained why tax cuts aren't going to increase spending. If I can already write a check for $50k anytime I'd like, how does giving me a $50k tax cut make me more likely to spend? How much shit do you imagine people need?
IDGAF if tax cuts increase spending or not.

IMO everyone should keep as much of their own money as possible.

And unlike you I don't think I have the right to tell another person what they "need".
Do you have any sense of how an economic system works? It doesn’t sound like you do or you even care. If that’s the case then you shouldnt be part of discussions like these cause you don’t know what you’re talking about

Why on earth would I listen to you?

The economy will be better off of everyone keeps more of their own money.

And where in any economic system, oh wise and powerful economic sage, does it say that anyone can tell you how much you "need"?
Link idiot? God you are fucking stupid

Wages are going up in China fool that's why the jobs are starting to move here .

BearBreath.......calm down

The average factory hourly wage in the U.S, is $23.32........while in China it's $1.36 (and in Germany, $25,80).........LOL

Average Cost Of A Factory Worker In The U.S., China And Germany [INFOGRAPHIC] | HuffPost

So if it's as cheap as tampon squad huff post suggest why are Chinese company's moving here?
Chinese companies are moving here for the same reason US companies are moving to other countries. Because they want to open new markets or grow existing markets and being present in those markets is beneficial to business. Don’t believe the only reason companies leave the US is for taxes. Maybe in some cases but not for many.
Nice try.

But you're wrong anyway.

Your wages for putting hamburgers in paper bags does not have to go up every year. You on the other hand should be using the job experience you gate at the low paying job to get a job that pays more.

The Dollar loses nearly 3.5% of purchasing power/yr. Without an increase, after three years, current hourly wage earners are making nearly 12% less then three years ago.


And the past 4 years the inflation rates have been

1.62%, .12%, 1.26% and 2.13%

The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
That graph does not indicate a finite amount of money. If it did then the blue line would not be level it would show a decline

You might want to look up the words you use.

It is finite, dope. If it weren't, the dollar wouldn't be worth shit.

No, dope. The graph shows the increases going solely to the top rather than a more equal distribution.

You might want to work on your logic skills.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

You understand that don't you? After all that is what finite means.

Now do you see that it is not true?
Now do you see that it is not

No, I only see that you have the logic skills of a turnip.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there

No, it's here, there and everything.

The Dollar has real value and it's that value on which our economy is based.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

As my graph showed, the top garnered all of the gains to be had.

The value of the dollar is based on supply and demand. If there were an infinite supply as you suggest, there would be no demand and it would be worthless.

GDP in 2016 - $18.57t.
A finite number.

But what about 2017? Was it more or less?

It's still the same economy isn't it? Or do we invent a new economy every year?

But then tell me if you got a raise in June of 2016 did anyone get a pay cut to "pay for" your raise?

But what about 2017? Was it more or less?


It's still finite, dope.

But then tell me if you got a raise in June of 2016 did anyone get a pay cut to "pay for" your raise?

OMG, you are dopey AF.

Obviously if I received an increase in pay or benefits, it had to come from somewhere. My employer has to balance their books.

Do you imagine an infinite pool of cash?

So you think that someone else got a pay cut because you got a pay raise?

And if it's the same amount of money how come the GDP is different every year?

But if you are correct ( you're not) then no one should ever get a raise because that means your raise is actually causing someone else in your company to get a pay cut

Income distribution

{1} 1,365,856 earn more than $388,000 a year

{2} 68,292,856 earn less than $70,000 a year

If the IRS gave tax bracket {1} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $13,665,856,000 to the economy but the rich will not add it to the economy, they will put it in the bank to do nothing

If the IRS gave tax bracket {2} a $1,000 tax break they in turn could add $68,292,856,000 to the economy because they will spend it, buying new things from houses to shoes to a new car which adds to the economy making more shoes, the car to a new house.

Now ask yourself; which is best for our economy

( ) Trickle down

( ) Trickle up

For sane folks the principles are simple.
For gimme free shit beggars...not so much.
Most economists agree the primary catalyst in a robust economy is jobs / employment.
Ask yourself this...has a bottom feeder ever given you a job?
Ask your self when the last time you sold some thing to a billionair was. Gimme free, most poeple I know work. Not only do they work, they work rediculous hours. Fucking free, nothing in life is free. If you do not think that the rules are written to benefit those who already have money you are a child. Free market? Like hell there is no free market! What we have is a shit load of monopolys and your trickle down continujes to make it worse. Since Reagons trickle down strategy compitition has disappeared. 90% of all hotels are owned by five companies. Stupid fucks in Ohio have awarded constitutional monopolys to casinos. Sheep, believe in trickle down.
Only these stupid Moon Bats think we will have prosperity by the filthy ass government taking money away from the people that earned it and giving it away to the people that didn't earn it.

Then they wonder why we ridicule them for being morons.

A rich person is a much better redistributor of wealth by spending money and creating jobs than the government is by stealing the money from the earners and giving it to the non earners.
A rich person is a better distributor if they distribute and spend their money. Sure. But they haven’t exactly been doing that have they? The top have been earning the vast majority of new Money over the past few decades and are richer than ever while the bottom and middle class have stayed stagnant. You really don’t see an economic problem with that?
The Dollar loses nearly 3.5% of purchasing power/yr. Without an increase, after three years, current hourly wage earners are making nearly 12% less then three years ago.


And the past 4 years the inflation rates have been

1.62%, .12%, 1.26% and 2.13%

The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.
Obviously the "rich" already can and do spend as much as they care to.
So that justifies taking the rest from them right?

That's your retarded logic.

I simply explained why tax cuts aren't going to increase spending. If I can already write a check for $50k anytime I'd like, how does giving me a $50k tax cut make me more likely to spend? How much shit do you imagine people need?
IDGAF if tax cuts increase spending or not.

IMO everyone should keep as much of their own money as possible.

And unlike you I don't think I have the right to tell another person what they "need".
Do you have any sense of how an economic system works? It doesn’t sound like you do or you even care. If that’s the case then you shouldnt be part of discussions like these cause you don’t know what you’re talking about

Why on earth would I listen to you?

The economy will be better off of everyone keeps more of their own money.

And where in any economic system, oh wise and powerful economic sage, does it say that anyone can tell you how much you "need"?
You are fed from emotion and not logic. You can take government out of it and let the free market run wild. But play it out. what happens if all the money funnels up to the top like it has been doing for decades. We lose our middle class and become a society of low and high class. We’ve all played monopoly and poker. We know what it’s like at the end of those games when the big stacks go against the little stacks. The top corporations buy up all the small businesses. The vast majority of Americans become employees and renters instead of business and home owners. We evolve into a country of run by corporate socialism of sorts. Can you not see the big picture or the potential dangers?

And the past 4 years the inflation rates have been

1.62%, .12%, 1.26% and 2.13%

The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.
World inflation. That's funny.

And that has nothing to do with the US economy because you are not using world GDP are you? You're not using a world average income are you?

So your entire argument is meaningless
It is finite, dope. If it weren't, the dollar wouldn't be worth shit.

No, dope. The graph shows the increases going solely to the top rather than a more equal distribution.

You might want to work on your logic skills.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

You understand that don't you? After all that is what finite means.

Now do you see that it is not true?
Now do you see that it is not

No, I only see that you have the logic skills of a turnip.

The dollar isn't worth shit it really is just a piece of paper. It's basically bit coin.

But that's neither here nor there

No, it's here, there and everything.

The Dollar has real value and it's that value on which our economy is based.

Your statement that there is a finite amount of money in the economy means that if you got a raise then someone else or a group of others would have to have their pay reduced.

As my graph showed, the top garnered all of the gains to be had.

The value of the dollar is based on supply and demand. If there were an infinite supply as you suggest, there would be no demand and it would be worthless.

GDP in 2016 - $18.57t.
A finite number.

But what about 2017? Was it more or less?

It's still the same economy isn't it? Or do we invent a new economy every year?

But then tell me if you got a raise in June of 2016 did anyone get a pay cut to "pay for" your raise?

But what about 2017? Was it more or less?


It's still finite, dope.

But then tell me if you got a raise in June of 2016 did anyone get a pay cut to "pay for" your raise?

OMG, you are dopey AF.

Obviously if I received an increase in pay or benefits, it had to come from somewhere. My employer has to balance their books.

Do you imagine an infinite pool of cash?

So you think that someone else got a pay cut because you got a pay raise?

And if it's the same amount of money how come the GDP is different every year?

But if you are correct ( you're not) then no one should ever get a raise because that means your raise is actually causing someone else in your company to get a pay cut

So you think that someone else got a pay cut because you got a pay raise?

No, that's you're retarded logic. Not mine.

And if it's the same amount of money how come the GDP is different every year?

I never said it was the same amount of money, dope. I said there is a finite amount at any given time. Knowing the total is how we are able to measure changes.
Changes like GROWTH!

But if you are correct ( you're not) then no one should ever get a raise because that means your raise is actually causing someone else in your company to get a pay cut

No, dope. If my company earns a profit or reinvests from savings, that can easily pay for the increase.

There is only so much money in the economy. If one group is pulling all of the gains, the other group is out of luck.
So that justifies taking the rest from them right?

That's your retarded logic.

I simply explained why tax cuts aren't going to increase spending. If I can already write a check for $50k anytime I'd like, how does giving me a $50k tax cut make me more likely to spend? How much shit do you imagine people need?
IDGAF if tax cuts increase spending or not.

IMO everyone should keep as much of their own money as possible.

And unlike you I don't think I have the right to tell another person what they "need".
Do you have any sense of how an economic system works? It doesn’t sound like you do or you even care. If that’s the case then you shouldnt be part of discussions like these cause you don’t know what you’re talking about

Why on earth would I listen to you?

The economy will be better off of everyone keeps more of their own money.

And where in any economic system, oh wise and powerful economic sage, does it say that anyone can tell you how much you "need"?
You are fed from emotion and not logic. You can take government out of it and let the free market run wild. But play it out. what happens if all the money funnels up to the top like it has been doing for decades. We lose our middle class and become a society of low and high class. We’ve all played monopoly and poker. We know what it’s like at the end of those games when the big stacks go against the little stacks. The top corporations buy up all the small businesses. The vast majority of Americans become employees and renters instead of business and home owners. We evolve into a country of run by corporate socialism of sorts. Can you not see the big picture or the potential dangers?

I never said get rid of government did I? I said the government shouldn't try to micromanage the economy as it does now. The minute the government starts telling you what you need then you are in deep shit.

The economy does better when more people keep more of their own money is what I said.

and FYI the vast majority of Americans are renters and employees and have been for longer than the government has been meddling in the economy and if all those people got to keep more of their own money they would be better off wouldn't they?

And the fact is not all the money is going to the top. In fact the middle class looks like its shrinking because many people got rich enough not to be counted as middle class anymore.

Sure The Middle Class Is Shrinking: 30% Of Americans Are Now Too Rich To Be In The Middle Class

Look at the charts in the article and you'll realize that the upper middle class has grown by almost 30%, the middle and lower middle classes have only declined by 6% each. Even the poor or near poor have declined as a percentage of the population

So how can you tell me ALL the money is going to the top?
The point is that flat wages is biggest problem with the economy and that giving such a large break to those who have made all of the gains is only exacerbating the problem.

Make up your mind.

It's the exact same point, dope.

It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

Or is it the finite amount of money? And remember there is NOT a finite amount of money

When It Comes to Wealth Creation, There Is No Pie
It is inflation? And if it is inflation, don't pull numbers out of your ass like that 3.5% a year

I never used the word inflation, dope.
World inflation. That's funny.

And that has nothing to do with the US economy because you are not using world GDP are you? You're not using a world average income are you?

So your entire argument is meaningless


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