Trolling for Trump: Russia's effort to destroy our Democracy


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Trolling for Trump: How Russia Is Trying to Destroy Our Democracy

And Trump is just the beginning. Russia is going to destroy our Democracy from within. Social media is a more effective weapon than any military option. Now the Russians have found that many, many voters in the US are fools and will believe the most outrageous examples of fake news. I dare say there are paid trolls on USMB. This is only the beginning of Russia's assault on the US.

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Hey Jimbo is it true that if someone wants peace with Russia, they're a Russian agent?
Hey Jimbo is it true that if someone wants peace with Russia, they're a Russian agent?

Ahhh, our local Troll is out early this morning. Making a little extra money for Christmas?

Russia has accomplished their goal this time and since the clueless president-elect is denying any wrong doing by his butt buddy Putin, they will persist and next time, it may be the GOP that is the victim of Russian Hacking. So, please laugh while you can.
Hey Jimbo is it true that if someone wants peace with Russia, they're a Russian agent?

Ahhh, our local Troll is out early this morning. Making a little extra money for Christmas?

Russia has accomplished their goal this time and since the clueless president-elect is denying any wrong doing by his butt buddy Putin, they will persist and next time, it may be the GOP that is the victim of Russian Hacking. So, please laugh while you can.
War is good for the State, right Jimbo?

Anything that is good for the State, you are for.

Got it.
How anyone can believe the fake news concept of Russian control of the US election is hilarious. My question is what else does the Crooked Hillary establishment have after the "Russia rigged the election" idiocy blows over like those broads who alleged The Donald thought about grabbing their pussies. :p The Wikileaks dude predicted the establishment would do everything possible to prevent The Donald from taking office because Crooked Hillary was so central and necessary to continue international and domestic corruption.
Trolling for Trump: How Russia Is Trying to Destroy Our Democracy

And Trump is just the beginning. Russia is going to destroy our Democracy from within. Social media is a more effective weapon than any military option. Now the Russians have found that many, many voters in the US are fools and will believe the most outrageous examples of fake news. I dare say there are paid trolls on USMB. This is only the beginning of Russia's assault on the US.

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No Russia saved our Constitutional Republic from you socialist Marxist scum bag Democrats

I sent Russia a Thank you letter yesterday..

Thank Jesus and God we will have a right leaning Supreme Court for another 50 plus years

Indeed if Russia somehow stopped Crooked Hillary, the most corrupt politician in world history who is personally responsible for several unnecessary battlegrounds and the resulting the invasion of muslim savages into Europe, they should be awarded a Pulitzer Peace prize.
Hey Jimbo is it true that if someone wants peace with Russia, they're a Russian agent?

Ahhh, our local Troll is out early this morning. Making a little extra money for Christmas?

Russia has accomplished their goal this time and since the clueless president-elect is denying any wrong doing by his butt buddy Putin, they will persist and next time, it may be the GOP that is the victim of Russian Hacking. So, please laugh while you can.
War is good for the State, right Jimbo?

Anything that is good for the State, you are for.

Got it.

Yup, you are propagating some Fake News that was spread by the Russian cyber attacks. They spread the fake news that Hillary would bring war between the US and Russia. You are so easily fooled. Maybe you should be in trump's cabinet?
How anyone can believe the fake news concept of Russian control of the US election is hilarious. My question is what else does the Crooked Hillary establishment have after the "Russia rigged the election" idiocy blows over like those broads who alleged The Donald thought about grabbing their pussies. :p The Wikileaks dude predicted the establishment would do everything possible to prevent The Donald from taking office because Crooked Hillary was so central and necessary to continue international and domestic corruption.

Shouldn't your name be Comrade Snouter? You are one of the Trolls that the article spoke of. Thanks for playing.
Hey Jimbo is it true that if someone wants peace with Russia, they're a Russian agent?

Ahhh, our local Troll is out early this morning. Making a little extra money for Christmas?

Russia has accomplished their goal this time and since the clueless president-elect is denying any wrong doing by his butt buddy Putin, they will persist and next time, it may be the GOP that is the victim of Russian Hacking. So, please laugh while you can.
War is good for the State, right Jimbo?

Anything that is good for the State, you are for.

Got it.

Russia is winning the Cyber War, while you and the other clueless RWers sit on their thumbs.

However, the truth isn’t quite that simple. As tempting as it is to see Russia as a partisan player on Trump’s side, the Kremlin’s goal isn’t to see a particular candidate win. The goal is much more insidious: to undermine American confidence in our political system. That is, the Kremlin’s real target is liberal democracy itself.

Whether Trump realizes it or not, he is nothing to Putin but a useful idiot in this larger effort.

Gipper, you have been on the board for some time. I don't see you as one of the planted Trolls. But you are gobbling up their Fake News. That is disappointing.
To bad Crooked Hillary didn't figure out that Russia was destroying our democracy when she was setting up that sweetheart uranium deal that netted her millions to her money laundering scam foundation and a nice $500K speaking fee for Slick Willy.
To bad Crooked Hillary didn't figure out that Russia was destroying our democracy when she was setting up that sweetheart uranium deal that netted her millions to her money laundering scam foundation and a nice $500K speaking fee for Slick Willy.
Jimbo and friends doesn't know anything about no uranium deal....his fake news outlets have not informed him.

...but he KNOWS Trump is a Russian agent.
Hey Jimbo is it true that if someone wants peace with Russia, they're a Russian agent?

Ahhh, our local Troll is out early this morning. Making a little extra money for Christmas?

Russia has accomplished their goal this time and since the clueless president-elect is denying any wrong doing by his butt buddy Putin, they will persist and next time, it may be the GOP that is the victim of Russian Hacking. So, please laugh while you can.
You are the troll. It's never anything but bullshit with you and your sorry ilk. You have no proof of anything but that doesn't matter to a psychotic liar like you.

Start about 30 more Russian threads. That'll make about an even million you have shit out. You know so much that isn't so.
Facebook is now more dangerous than Islamic terrorism.

Quick, someone call DHS!
Jim, do you realize that Barak Obama himself stated that foreign nations trying to hack the US and trying to influence our elections happens frequently and isn't that big of a deal?

Do you also realize BARAK OBAMA tried to influence Israel's elections not long ago?

Does that make Barry as bad as Putin, or is it only ok when Barry does it?
Jim, do you realize that Barak Obama himself stated that foreign nations trying to hack the US and trying to influence our elections happens frequently and isn't that big of a deal?

Do you also realize BARAK OBAMA tried to influence Israel's elections not long ago?

Does that make Barry as bad as Putin, or is it only ok when Barry does it?
He's a DNC troll. He doesn't care about fact. None of them do. They only care about hurting America, and should be treated for what they are.
Jim, do you realize that Barak Obama himself stated that foreign nations trying to hack the US and trying to influence our elections happens frequently and isn't that big of a deal?

Do you also realize BARAK OBAMA tried to influence Israel's elections not long ago?

Does that make Barry as bad as Putin, or is it only ok when Barry does it?
Jimbo knows none of that and will dispute it...facts and Jimbo are like oil and water...they just don't mix.
Russia is winning the Cyber War, while you and the other clueless RWers sit on their thumbs.
The only one in position to do anything about it - Barak Obama - is doing WHAT about it, other than making accusations and bitching about it like you're doing?

We don't agree 100% with you, as usual, and as usual you attack us for not being part of the borg collective.

Stop attacking US and tell BARRY to get off his ass, show definitive proof the Russians hacked the election, and DO something about it!

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