Trolling for Trump: Russia's effort to destroy our Democracy

No one has said they actually Hacked the election. But they did steal private information and then leak it out so that their choice as president would be elected. The investigation order by the President will let us know.
Had the DNC not written and improperly stored those e-mails/info and had then not employed piss-poor cyber security the Russians would have had nothing to hack and would have not been successful in it's hacking.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton was the typical liberal in regards to cyber / data security it is no wonder the DNC was F*ed hard by the Russians.

Hillary used an unauthorized UNSECURED, UNENCR|YPTED server on which she had multiple levels of classified information (from 'For Official Use Only' on up). Her classified server was stored in the UN-secured BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did NOT have the proper security clearances to have her server in their possession. She gave access to her server and emails to people who did NOT have security clearances. She shared her password with Huma and several others. (MOST liberals seem not to know that what I just described is not only piss-poor security measures but includes several CRIMES!)

If the rest of the DNC was as criminally lax as this they might as well have just printed all their information out and handed it to the Russians.
No one has said they actually Hacked the election. But they did steal private information and then leak it out so that their choice as president would be elected. The investigation order by the President will let us know.
Had the DNC not written and improperly stored those e-mails/info and had then not employed piss-poor cyber security the Russians would have had nothing to hack and would have not been successful in it's hacking.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton was the typical liberal in regards to cyber / data security it is no wonder the DNC was F*ed hard by the Russians.

Hillary used an unauthorized UNSECURED, UNENCR|YPTED server on which she had multiple levels of classified information (from 'For Official Use Only' on up). Her classified server was stored in the UN-secured BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did NOT have the proper security clearances to have her server in their possession. She gave access to her server and emails to people who did NOT have security clearances. She shared her password with Huma and several others. (MOST liberals seem not to know that what I just described is not only piss-poor security measures but includes several CRIMES!)

If the rest of the DNC was as criminally lax as this they might as well have just printed all their information out and handed it to the Russians.

How was the DNC "criminally lax" when they were the one's hacked. So, in order to defend Russia and Putin, you are not arguing they "they should have had better security."

If a criminal breaks into a house and the police come, they don't walk away and say, "well, you should have had a better security system." It is amazing how many excuses you fruit cakes are coming up with, in order to defend Putin.
How was the DNC "criminally lax" when they were the one's hacked.
So far we know Hillary used an UN-authorized, NON-Secured, UN-encrypted server, she shared her password, and gave access to her server and classified e-mails to aides, tech aides, and outside company tech employees who did not have security clearances.

As I said, 'IF the rest of the DNC followed the same practices Hillary did, it's no wonder the DNC was F*ed HARD by the Russians.'
(-- The word 'IF' in the sentence is critical - as important as the rest of the sentence, if not more. Learn that WORDS MATTER.)

You keep saying I am defending Russia and Putin. Let me stop you there and explain one thing to you...I will even type SLOW so you can keep up:

I am not defending Russia.

I am not defending Putin.

I think what they did is wrong, bad, illegal, and an act of war.

YOU keep making this childish false narrative that anyone who does not agree 100% with you and everything you say is defending Russia and Putin - that's wrong. That's a lie.

F*ING GROW UP, and I will be glad to have an adult conversation with you. Until then...

How was the DNC "criminally lax" when they were the one's hacked.
So far we know Hillary used an UN-authorized, NON-Secured, UN-encrypted server, she shared her password, and gave access to her server and classified e-mails to aides, tech aides, and outside company tech employees who did not have security clearances.

As I said, 'IF the rest of the DNC followed the same practices Hillary did, it's no wonder the DNC was F*ed HARD by the Russians.'
(-- The word 'IF' in the sentence is critical - as important as the rest of the sentence, if not more. Learn that WORDS MATTER.)

You keep saying I am defending Russia and Putin. Let me stop you there and explain one thing to you...I will even type SLOW so you can keep up:

I am not defending Russia.

I am not defending Putin.

I think what they did is wrong, bad, illegal, and an act of war.

YOU keep making this childish false narrative that anyone who does not agree 100% with you and everything you say is defending Russia and Putin - that's wrong. That's a lie.

F*ING GROW UP, and I will be glad to have an adult conversation with you. Until then...


Russia helped Trump get elected. The investigation should prove that. Hillary had her problems, no doubt. She made some huge blunders. But a daily leak of emails from the DNC and particularly Podesta was critical to her loss.
Russia helped Trump get elected. The investigation should prove that. Hillary had her problems, no doubt. She made some huge blunders. But a daily leak of emails from the DNC and particularly Podesta was critical to her loss.
NOW we are having a serious adult conversation without you attacking me and trying to speak for me and vice versa!

I do believe Russia's actions did help Trump, but I do not agree that doing so means Trump colluded or worked WITH the Russians in this endeavor, and it does not make Trump and Putin 'BFF's. .

I believe a thorough investigation should be able to prove Russian involvement as well.

I also concur on your assessment of Hillary and the impact of the leaks on her campaign.

Thank you for that great conversation, and I hope it continues in the future.
Indeed if Russia somehow stopped Crooked Hillary, the most corrupt politician in world history who is personally responsible for several unnecessary battlegrounds and the resulting the invasion of muslim savages into Europe, they should be awarded a Pulitzer Peace prize.

That you believe is of her is laughable. That you think this is fake news, and anything Trump told you is true, is even more laughable. Yes, Russians think Americans are THAT stupid and THAT gullible, because you voted for an idiot like Trump.

Russia has the President THEY want. You're not going to be all that pleased with him. The rest of the world is laughing at you.
Had the DNC not written and improperly stored those e-mails/info and had then not employed piss-poor cyber security the Russians would have had nothing to hack and would have not been successful in it's hacking.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton was the typical liberal in regards to cyber / data security it is no wonder the DNC was F*ed hard by the Russians.

Hillary used an unauthorized UNSECURED, UNENCR|YPTED server on which she had multiple levels of classified information (from 'For Official Use Only' on up). Her classified server was stored in the UN-secured BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did NOT have the proper security clearances to have her server in their possession. She gave access to her server and emails to people who did NOT have security clearances. She shared her password with Huma and several others. (MOST liberals seem not to know that what I just described is not only piss-poor security measures but includes several CRIMES!)

If the rest of the DNC was as criminally lax as this they might as well have just printed all their information out and handed it to the Russians.

The Russians ALSO hacked the Republican Party computers, but didn't release any of their emails, because Russia wanted Trump elected. A useless idiot they can push around.
Had the DNC not written and improperly stored those e-mails/info and had then not employed piss-poor cyber security the Russians would have had nothing to hack and would have not been successful in it's hacking.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton was the typical liberal in regards to cyber / data security it is no wonder the DNC was F*ed hard by the Russians.

Hillary used an unauthorized UNSECURED, UNENCR|YPTED server on which she had multiple levels of classified information (from 'For Official Use Only' on up). Her classified server was stored in the UN-secured BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did NOT have the proper security clearances to have her server in their possession. She gave access to her server and emails to people who did NOT have security clearances. She shared her password with Huma and several others. (MOST liberals seem not to know that what I just described is not only piss-poor security measures but includes several CRIMES!)

If the rest of the DNC was as criminally lax as this they might as well have just printed all their information out and handed it to the Russians.

The Russians ALSO hacked the Republican Party computers, but didn't release any of their emails, because Russia wanted Trump elected. A useless idiot they can push around.
I guess they would rather save their money and instead of buying Hillary's continued help/support they would rather just help put Trump in and 'push him around'.

Had the DNC not written and improperly stored those e-mails/info and had then not employed piss-poor cyber security the Russians would have had nothing to hack and would have not been successful in it's hacking.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton was the typical liberal in regards to cyber / data security it is no wonder the DNC was F*ed hard by the Russians.

Hillary used an unauthorized UNSECURED, UNENCR|YPTED server on which she had multiple levels of classified information (from 'For Official Use Only' on up). Her classified server was stored in the UN-secured BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did NOT have the proper security clearances to have her server in their possession. She gave access to her server and emails to people who did NOT have security clearances. She shared her password with Huma and several others. (MOST liberals seem not to know that what I just described is not only piss-poor security measures but includes several CRIMES!)

If the rest of the DNC was as criminally lax as this they might as well have just printed all their information out and handed it to the Russians.

The Russians ALSO hacked the Republican Party computers, but didn't release any of their emails, because Russia wanted Trump elected. A useless idiot they can push around.

The "Useful Idiot" is the best description of Donnie that I have seen. Thanks for the Laugh! He just loves adoration and it is really hilarious when instead of admitting him, he has most of the world laughing at how easy it was for Putin to use him. Just funny!:badgrin:
Had the DNC not written and improperly stored those e-mails/info and had then not employed piss-poor cyber security the Russians would have had nothing to hack and would have not been successful in it's hacking.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton was the typical liberal in regards to cyber / data security it is no wonder the DNC was F*ed hard by the Russians.

Hillary used an unauthorized UNSECURED, UNENCR|YPTED server on which she had multiple levels of classified information (from 'For Official Use Only' on up). Her classified server was stored in the UN-secured BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did NOT have the proper security clearances to have her server in their possession. She gave access to her server and emails to people who did NOT have security clearances. She shared her password with Huma and several others. (MOST liberals seem not to know that what I just described is not only piss-poor security measures but includes several CRIMES!)

If the rest of the DNC was as criminally lax as this they might as well have just printed all their information out and handed it to the Russians.

The Russians ALSO hacked the Republican Party computers, but didn't release any of their emails, because Russia wanted Trump elected. A useless idiot they can push around.
I guess they would rather save their money and instead of buying Hillary's continued help/support they would rather just help put Trump in and 'push him around'.


What a fool you are. You actually believe the Clinton Foundation took bribes. No wonder you voted for Trump. He could tell you anything and you'd believe it. Bet you think he's going to build a wall.

No instead you voted for a man who will let Vladimir Putin rebuild the Russian Empire, and extend Russia's influence all over the world. The thing that Reagan put an end to.

Anyone who thinks that the former head of the Communist Party KGB is a friend to America, needs their head examined.
Thank you Uncle Vlad for defeating St Hillary the Inevitable and allowing her to win the popular vote
Had the DNC not written and improperly stored those e-mails/info and had then not employed piss-poor cyber security the Russians would have had nothing to hack and would have not been successful in it's hacking.

If Hillary Rodham Clinton was the typical liberal in regards to cyber / data security it is no wonder the DNC was F*ed hard by the Russians.

Hillary used an unauthorized UNSECURED, UNENCR|YPTED server on which she had multiple levels of classified information (from 'For Official Use Only' on up). Her classified server was stored in the UN-secured BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did NOT have the proper security clearances to have her server in their possession. She gave access to her server and emails to people who did NOT have security clearances. She shared her password with Huma and several others. (MOST liberals seem not to know that what I just described is not only piss-poor security measures but includes several CRIMES!)

If the rest of the DNC was as criminally lax as this they might as well have just printed all their information out and handed it to the Russians.

The Russians ALSO hacked the Republican Party computers, but didn't release any of their emails, because Russia wanted Trump elected. A useless idiot they can push around.
I guess they would rather save their money and instead of buying Hillary's continued help/support they would rather just help put Trump in and 'push him around'.


What a fool you are. You actually believe the Clinton Foundation took bribes. No wonder you voted for Trump. He could tell you anything and you'd believe it. Bet you think he's going to build a wall.

No instead you voted for a man who will let Vladimir Putin rebuild the Russian Empire, and extend Russia's influence all over the world. The thing that Reagan put an end to.

Anyone who thinks that the former head of the Communist Party KGB is a friend to America, needs their head examined.

Of course they believe all the Fake News that the Russians published. They swore it was all true. All the while, their Cult leader is taking charity money from his "foundation" and paying his legal fees. These people are the most simple group of cult members I have ever seen. They would have all died at Jim Jones camp years ago.

Trump lies, doubles down on his lies, and his cult members swear he never said the lie, even though there are multiple videos out there that attest to his lies. But since Putin was pulling the strings, he will soon be in the Oval Office. CONGRATS KNUCKLE DRAGGERS!
Had the DNC not written and improperly stored those e-mails/info and had then not employed piss-poor cyber security the Russians would have had nothing to hack and would have not been successful in it's hacking.

According to the CIA, the RNC was also hacked, but the Russians released nothing of their emails. They only release DNC emails, so fools like you would make false statements like this.

Hillary used an unauthorized UNSECURED, UNENCR|YPTED server on which she had multiple levels of classified information (from 'For Official Use Only' on up). Her classified server was stored in the UN-secured BATHROOM of a tech company whose employees did NOT have the proper security clearances to have her server in their possession. She gave access to her server and emails to people who did NOT have security clearances. She shared her password with Huma and several others. (MOST liberals seem not to know that what I just described is not only piss-poor security measures but includes several CRIMES!)

You have really drunk the Kook-Aid.

The is no such thing as a "secured" "encrypted" email server. It does not exist. The type of communications which are scrambled, encrypted, and secured, ARE NOT EMAILS. Clearly you are a total techno-peasant with no understanding of electronic communications whatsoever or you would know this.

The Clinton's server was stored in their home which was guarded around the clock by Secret Service, and the entire house is probably the one of the most well protected homes in the US, outside of the White House.

Why are you tying yourself into knots of lies to protect the idea that the RNC wasn't also hacked and the Russians don't want you to know that. Is it so far fetched that Putin wants a President in the White House who won't enforce NATO, leaving newer NATO states vulnerable to being declared "native Russian homelands" and being annexed like the Ukraine, and would go so far as to use American social media to plant false stories against a candidate who can't be flattered or brought to heel financially, like Trump.

Trump just filed for bankruptcy on one of his Trump run, Russian owned hotels. But hey, don't look behind that curtain. Don't turn over any rocks to protect your democracy because your Donnie boy, the guy who's gonna make America white again, won.
Quote from dedicated Republican friend. "This is not going to have a good ending."

Trump may take the GOP down when he goes.

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