TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

Soon to be former Rep West will be in the rear view mirror and we can forget about him.
Wouldn't it really be a hoot if the tide of demands for recounts increases and major changes occur in the so-called "Swing States" to change the Electoral College count?

BTW - just because the governor conceded doesn't mean the election is locked up. And, it still takes the Electoral College meeting and casting the actual vote!

Wouldn't it really be a hoot if the tide of demands for recounts increases and major changes occur in the so-called "Swing States" to change the Electoral College count?

BTW - just because the governor conceded doesn't mean the election is locked up. And, it still takes the Electoral College meeting and casting the actual vote!


Yup, way up where the air is real thin on Bullshit Mountain, that would be a real hoot.
West lost fairly and squarely. End of story.
Until a full recount of the early votes is done, we don't know that.

Isn't that what Gore supporters said in 2000?

So now you like full recounts?

Murphy is leading Col. Whackjob by 2000 votes..

That's four times the 527 votes that Bush was leading Gore by in 2000.

You seemed happy enough with incomplete counts then...

You seem to forget it was Gore insisting on a partial recount.

But then, leftists are excellent at ignoring reality.
Wouldn't it really be a hoot if the tide of demands for recounts increases and major changes occur in the so-called "Swing States" to change the Electoral College count?

BTW - just because the governor conceded doesn't mean the election is locked up. And, it still takes the Electoral College meeting and casting the actual vote!


Did you post this while sleepwalking?
You seem to forget it was Gore insisting on a partial recount.

But then, leftists are excellent at ignoring reality.

Why do you like to cherry-pick certain facts?

We aren't talking about the partial recount, we are talking about the final, complete recount the State Supreme Court of Florida ordered, and was stopped by the Supreme Court because, hey, Bush's Daddy and Reagan had appointed most of the Justices there.

The one Gore probably would have won, and everyone knew it.
It's reality to you because the Democrat won, and another Democrat said the vote was accurate...before she said the vote was inaccurate.

Oh the irony!
It's only ironic if you believe the 2000 election was stolen.

However, out here in the real world, there's no irony involved.

so a state where the candidate who lost the national popular vote is run by the candidate's brother and the person who is overseeing the election count is also the chairman of his election campaign. And even though exit polls show that the other guy won, the count (which relied on flawed ballots, purged voter rolls, etc) show a win of about 527 votes.

Partial recounts in three counties show that he would have gottenmore votes, and oddly, the intidmiate one county into not counting at all, while another county is disqualified from posting its revised numbers by an arbitrary deadline.

We also find out that in the mandetory complete recount, a lot of counties just didn't bother and resubmitted the same numbers. So the Courts order a complete recount of the whole state, and the Supreme Court - stacked with appointees made when the candidates' father was in the executive branch - stops any further recounts.

Nope. Nothing to see here.

Now, I voted for bush back in 2000, before my last boss showed me that a working man voting for a Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But come on, this is third world Banana Republic shit.
You seem to forget it was Gore insisting on a partial recount.

But then, leftists are excellent at ignoring reality.

Why do you like to cherry-pick certain facts?

We aren't talking about the partial recount, we are talking about the final, complete recount the State Supreme Court of Florida ordered, and was stopped by the Supreme Court because, hey, Bush's Daddy and Reagan had appointed most of the Justices there.

The one Gore probably would have won, and everyone knew it.

No, a recount done later proved conclusively that Bush won Florida.

Moonbats refuse to accept reality.
Oh the irony!
It's only ironic if you believe the 2000 election was stolen.

However, out here in the real world, there's no irony involved.

so a state where the candidate who lost the national popular vote is run by the candidate's brother and the person who is overseeing the election count is also the chairman of his election campaign. And even though exit polls show that the other guy won, the count (which relied on flawed ballots, purged voter rolls, etc) show a win of about 527 votes.

Partial recounts in three counties show that he would have gottenmore votes, and oddly, the intidmiate one county into not counting at all, while another county is disqualified from posting its revised numbers by an arbitrary deadline.

We also find out that in the mandetory complete recount, a lot of counties just didn't bother and resubmitted the same numbers. So the Courts order a complete recount of the whole state, and the Supreme Court - stacked with appointees made when the candidates' father was in the executive branch - stops any further recounts.

Nope. Nothing to see here.

Now, I voted for bush back in 2000, before my last boss showed me that a working man voting for a Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But come on, this is third world Banana Republic shit.
See? Moonbats refuse to accept reality. :lol:

No, a recount done later proved conclusively that Bush won Florida.

Moonbats refuse to accept reality.

It did nothing of the sort. In fact, it showed that if certain ballots were counted- dimpled and hanging chads due to ineffective machines, Gore won in some scenarios..

All that said, why not have a recount? WHy go to court to stop recounts if a recount would have shown your guy won?

Unlike West. We had a recount, the crazy person still lost.

Deal with it.
It's only ironic if you believe the 2000 election was stolen.

However, out here in the real world, there's no irony involved.

so a state where the candidate who lost the national popular vote is run by the candidate's brother and the person who is overseeing the election count is also the chairman of his election campaign. And even though exit polls show that the other guy won, the count (which relied on flawed ballots, purged voter rolls, etc) show a win of about 527 votes.

Partial recounts in three counties show that he would have gottenmore votes, and oddly, the intidmiate one county into not counting at all, while another county is disqualified from posting its revised numbers by an arbitrary deadline.

We also find out that in the mandetory complete recount, a lot of counties just didn't bother and resubmitted the same numbers. So the Courts order a complete recount of the whole state, and the Supreme Court - stacked with appointees made when the candidates' father was in the executive branch - stops any further recounts.

Nope. Nothing to see here.

Now, I voted for bush back in 2000, before my last boss showed me that a working man voting for a Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But come on, this is third world Banana Republic shit.
See? Moonbats refuse to accept reality. :lol:

You don't run off to Daddy's Court screaming like a little bitch if you think you'd prevail in a recount.

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