TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

I told the davemans more than three years ago this day would occur and that they would be forced to shoulder the significance of their failures. They are out.

No, a recount done later proved conclusively that Bush won Florida.

Moonbats refuse to accept reality.

It did nothing of the sort. In fact, it showed that if certain ballots were counted- dimpled and hanging chads due to ineffective machines, Gore won in some scenarios..

All that said, why not have a recount? WHy go to court to stop recounts if a recount would have shown your guy won?

Unlike West. We had a recount, the crazy person still lost.

Deal with it.

Newspapers' recount of Florida 'undervotes' confirms Bush victory - CNN
April 04, 2001
If a recount of Florida's disputed votes in last year's close presidential election had been allowed to proceed by the U.S. Supreme Court, Republican George W. Bush still would have won the White House, two newspapers reported Wednesday.

The Miami Herald and USA Today conducted a comprehensive review of 64,248 "undercounted" ballots in Florida's 67 counties that ended last month.

Their count showed that Bush's razor-thin margin of 537 votes -- certified in December by the Florida Secretary of State's office -- would have tripled to 1,655 votes if counted according to standards advocated by his Democratic rival, former Vice President Al Gore.
He's still at it?? Big jerk!!

Lawyers for Congressman Allen West will be in a St. Lucie County courtroom today to try to get a full recount in his contest with Democrat Patrick Murphy.

The attorneys will be demanding that elections officials recount early voting ballots in the race for Florida's 18th Congressional District.

Newscast: Allen West Takes Election Fight To Court Again | WLRN

Wouldn't it really be a hoot if the tide of demands for recounts increases and major changes occur in the so-called "Swing States" to change the Electoral College count?

BTW - just because the governor conceded doesn't mean the election is locked up. And, it still takes the Electoral College meeting and casting the actual vote!

Yes and no:

I don't think it would be on recount issues, but just the fact that the Democrat Party is pushing party agenda over the Constitution, I would appeal to the Electoral College or to teh Governors of split states, to give citizens equal choice of funding the policies of the party of their political choice, and ask to respect, protect, and include equal political freedom under the Constitution as with equal religious freedom. It may not work but it would raise public consciousness and respect for Constitutional values that are being thrown under the bus for the sake of winning elections. Because other people made fun of your idea, I am adding my thanks even though I disagree with you on the reasons. I appreciate your pointing out that there is still a chance to send a statement by appealing to the Electors and also the Governors of dissenting states. Thank you for thinking bigger, and I just recommend seeking Constitutional grounds for arguments, not partisan ones, in order to unify the public not further divide us politically. There are better arguments.
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He's still at it?? Big jerk!!

Lawyers for Congressman Allen West will be in a St. Lucie County courtroom today to try to get a full recount in his contest with Democrat Patrick Murphy.

The attorneys will be demanding that elections officials recount early voting ballots in the race for Florida's 18th Congressional District.

Newscast: Allen West Takes Election Fight To Court Again | WLRN


I wonder who is paying the bills ...
I say we go with the football challenge rule. A candidate can demand a recount, if he wins, okay, but if he loses the recount he has to pay all court costs, plus the counters' wages, plus the overhead costs.
Lawyers for Congressman Allen West will be in a St. Lucie County courtroom today to try to get a full recount in his contest with Democrat Patrick Murphy.

The County Judge declared it an SEP case (someone else's problem), saying that the court didn't have jurisdiction under state law. So it's been kicked it back to the election board.

I go both ways here. On the one hand, I want West to have no more excuses to whine. On the other hand, you have to draw a line somewhere against the "Republicans should get special dispensation to not have to obey the rules if they just whine loudly enough" thing.

No, a recount done later proved conclusively that Bush won Florida.

Moonbats refuse to accept reality.

It did nothing of the sort. In fact, it showed that if certain ballots were counted- dimpled and hanging chads due to ineffective machines, Gore won in some scenarios..

All that said, why not have a recount? WHy go to court to stop recounts if a recount would have shown your guy won?

Unlike West. We had a recount, the crazy person still lost.

Deal with it.
Oh, you mean the way you're dealing with Gore losing?

so a state where the candidate who lost the national popular vote is run by the candidate's brother and the person who is overseeing the election count is also the chairman of his election campaign. And even though exit polls show that the other guy won, the count (which relied on flawed ballots, purged voter rolls, etc) show a win of about 527 votes.

Partial recounts in three counties show that he would have gottenmore votes, and oddly, the intidmiate one county into not counting at all, while another county is disqualified from posting its revised numbers by an arbitrary deadline.

We also find out that in the mandetory complete recount, a lot of counties just didn't bother and resubmitted the same numbers. So the Courts order a complete recount of the whole state, and the Supreme Court - stacked with appointees made when the candidates' father was in the executive branch - stops any further recounts.

Nope. Nothing to see here.

Now, I voted for bush back in 2000, before my last boss showed me that a working man voting for a Republican is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. But come on, this is third world Banana Republic shit.
See? Moonbats refuse to accept reality. :lol:

You don't run off to Daddy's Court screaming like a little bitch if you think you'd prevail in a recount.
How terrible. SCOTUS told Florida to abide by their own election laws. Obviously, BUSH STOLED TEH ELEKSHUN!!

Gore lost. Deal with it.
I told the davemans more than three years ago this day would occur and that they would be forced to shoulder the significance of their failures. They are out.

Note to Fakey:

Come and get my registration card. Your incessant impotent whining on the internet is getting boring, boy.
I say we go with the football challenge rule. A candidate can demand a recount, if he wins, okay, but if he loses the recount he has to pay all court costs, plus the counters' wages, plus the overhead costs.

And never run again.
Newspapers' recount of Florida 'undervotes' confirms Bush victory - CNN
April 04, 2001
If a recount of Florida's disputed votes in last year's close presidential election had been allowed to proceed by the U.S. Supreme Court, Republican George W. Bush still would have won the White House, two newspapers reported Wednesday.

The Miami Herald and USA Today conducted a comprehensive review of 64,248 "undercounted" ballots in Florida's 67 counties that ended last month.

Their count showed that Bush's razor-thin margin of 537 votes -- certified in December by the Florida Secretary of State's office -- would have tripled to 1,655 votes if counted according to standards advocated by his Democratic rival, former Vice President Al Gore.

yet... you left this part out..

Ironically, a tougher standard of counting only cleanly punched ballots advocated by many Republicans would have resulted in a Gore lead of just three votes, the newspaper reported.

Realistically, I doubt we'd ever know for sure...

We would if 10,000 minority and poor voters hadn't been illegally purged from the voter rolls by Bush's brother... but nothing to see here.

Point is, you guys stole that election. And we got two recessions, two wars and a major city washed off the map.

Good job.

No, a recount done later proved conclusively that Bush won Florida.

Moonbats refuse to accept reality.

It did nothing of the sort. In fact, it showed that if certain ballots were counted- dimpled and hanging chads due to ineffective machines, Gore won in some scenarios..

All that said, why not have a recount? WHy go to court to stop recounts if a recount would have shown your guy won?

Unlike West. We had a recount, the crazy person still lost.

Deal with it.
Oh, you mean the way you're dealing with Gore losing?


Didn't vote for Gore.. so I don't have anything invested in him. Other than a need to be historically honest that Bush won due to the combination of an 18th century anacrhonism and corruption by his own family.

Like I said, I was as right wing as you are, until my last boss fired me for running up medical bills after I paid for insurance. Then I realized that the GOP isn't on my side and never was.

Maybe some day, you'll figure this out... I just don't know what level of tragedy would get through to you.
Allen West Recount Request Denied By St. Lucie County Judge

Judges tossed out his recount request.

But hey, all is not lost. West could be the prez of the newly seceded putpots "country".

Murphy attorney Gerald Richman said in court today that there is no basis for a full recount of early votes and if the canvassing board orders a full recount of them, the Murphy campaign will go to court to try to block it.​

"Hey! We stole the election fair and square!! :mad:"
Allen West Recount Request Denied By St. Lucie County Judge

Judges tossed out his recount request.

But hey, all is not lost. West could be the prez of the newly seceded putpots "country".

Murphy attorney Gerald Richman said in court today that there is no basis for a full recount of early votes and if the canvassing board orders a full recount of them, the Murphy campaign will go to court to try to block it.​

"Hey! We stole the election fair and square!! :mad:"

You mean they made the Republicans nominate a crazy person?
Point is, you guys stole that election.


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