TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal


the problem isn't just those ballots, the numbers changed by over 2000 votes suddenly disappearing from his count, joe, simply because of that alone he deserved a full recount. Why did those votes disappear? Murphy didn't just suddenly leap forward in votes, his vote count increased, yes, but West's vote count actually DECREASED and without any real explanation. Why is it that you won't give this man his deserved full recount? I absolutely know that if that had happened to Murphy you would be crying foul until it was done, period. Don't claim otherwise. This ballot box found is only the icing on the cake, that obviously they did not run a clean vote counting process. If Murphy still wins after the recount, and with no questionable votes, then good luck to him. At least it will be known he won it legitimately, not with any doubts hanging over his head.

Oh, horseshit.

West is an embarrassment. That something like that could crawl into congress with a bag full of Koch Brother money is a sad commentary.

He lost. Deal with it.

and you are soooo full of horse manure, I can smell it all the way over here. Your total avoidance as to what Murphy would have done or what the Dems would want to see done under the same circumstances of his suddenly having over 2000 less votes in his total count, is so obviously missing, as to tell me exactly what your answer would have been.
It's always does as I say, not as I do, isn't it? Sad way to live there, joe.

and you are soooo full of horse manure, I can smell it all the way over here. Your total avoidance as to what Murphy would have done or what the Dems would want to see done under the same circumstances of his suddenly having over 2000 less votes in his total count, is so obviously missing, as to tell me exactly what your answer would have been.
It's always does as I say, not as I do, isn't it? Sad way to live there, joe.

After all the shit that went on in the 2000 recount circus, you guys have no real room to talk.

Fact is, West lost. Badly.

Get over it.

and you are soooo full of horse manure, I can smell it all the way over here. Your total avoidance as to what Murphy would have done or what the Dems would want to see done under the same circumstances of his suddenly having over 2000 less votes in his total count, is so obviously missing, as to tell me exactly what your answer would have been.
It's always does as I say, not as I do, isn't it? Sad way to live there, joe.

After all the shit that went on in the 2000 recount circus, you guys have no real room to talk.

Fact is, West lost. Badly.

Get over it.

boy, you just can't get over it, can you? Gonna carry it to your grave? You not that kind of hostility toward something is really bad for heart health. Hope you can some day get over the fact your guy lost, as I would hate to see you expire prematurely over something that was not even accurate in your own mind.

So far as West and Murphy? We shall know in a few days who actually did lose and whether either lost badly, as you state. You do know the count for West in Palm Beach county is ahead of Murphy's count, right?
boy, you just can't get over it, can you? Gonna carry it to your grave? You not that kind of hostility toward something is really bad for heart health. Hope you can some day get over the fact your guy lost, as I would hate to see you expire prematurely over something that was not even accurate in your own mind.

So far as West and Murphy? We shall know in a few days who actually did lose and whether either lost badly, as you state. You do know the count for West in Palm Beach county is ahead of Murphy's count, right?

I know nothing of the sort.

I know that West lost. Deal with it.

As far as 2000, as I said, I voted for bush in 2000.

And lived to regret it when he made it a lot easier for the Plutocrats to screw the rest of us.

What you guys don't seem to get.

Joe before 2007. Right Wing Republican.

Joe in 2007- Had medical issues, got screwed over by his Romney-loving boss who said he was glad we weren't a union shop that made him act like a decent human being.

Joe after 2008- Had it up to here with Republicans and their sucking up to the Plutocrats.

Got it? Good.
West wins request for recount of some ballots - Washington Times
Rep. Allen West won a full recount of early voting in St. Lucie County when the county’s canvassing board voted late Friday to grant his request.
Local news accounts said the decision came in a 2-1 vote.
After last weeks’ election Mr. West, a one-term congressman and tea party favorite, trails Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy by about 1,900 votes, or just outside the margin needed for an automatic recount.
But problems tabulating early voting ballots in St. Lucie — one of three counties with precincts in the 18th congressional district — left Mr. West and other candidates in the region fearing that some votes are being ignored.


Mr. Murphy’s lawyer had told the judge he would try to block the full recount should the canvassing board approve one. It was unclear early Saturday whether Mr. Murphy would follow through on that threat.


Mr. Murphy, in an email to supporters Friday, said he expects a drawn-out fight — though he said he’s already in Washington beginning orientation.
“We all continue to be concerned about the expensive legal bills we are incurring each day West continues this fight,” Mr. Murphy said in the email, begging supporters to donate to him.​

Murphy's such a whiner. :lol:
West wins request for recount of some ballots - Washington Times
Rep. Allen West won a full recount of early voting in St. Lucie County when the county’s canvassing board voted late Friday to grant his request.
Local news accounts said the decision came in a 2-1 vote.
After last weeks’ election Mr. West, a one-term congressman and tea party favorite, trails Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy by about 1,900 votes, or just outside the margin needed for an automatic recount.
But problems tabulating early voting ballots in St. Lucie — one of three counties with precincts in the 18th congressional district — left Mr. West and other candidates in the region fearing that some votes are being ignored.


Mr. Murphy’s lawyer had told the judge he would try to block the full recount should the canvassing board approve one. It was unclear early Saturday whether Mr. Murphy would follow through on that threat.


Mr. Murphy, in an email to supporters Friday, said he expects a drawn-out fight — though he said he’s already in Washington beginning orientation.
“We all continue to be concerned about the expensive legal bills we are incurring each day West continues this fight,” Mr. Murphy said in the email, begging supporters to donate to him.​

Murphy's such a whiner. :lol:

what is Murphy afraid of? Could that be why Walker has suddenly taken ill?
West wins request for recount of some ballots - Washington Times
Rep. Allen West won a full recount of early voting in St. Lucie County when the county’s canvassing board voted late Friday to grant his request.
Local news accounts said the decision came in a 2-1 vote.
After last weeks’ election Mr. West, a one-term congressman and tea party favorite, trails Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy by about 1,900 votes, or just outside the margin needed for an automatic recount.
But problems tabulating early voting ballots in St. Lucie — one of three counties with precincts in the 18th congressional district — left Mr. West and other candidates in the region fearing that some votes are being ignored.


Mr. Murphy’s lawyer had told the judge he would try to block the full recount should the canvassing board approve one. It was unclear early Saturday whether Mr. Murphy would follow through on that threat.


Mr. Murphy, in an email to supporters Friday, said he expects a drawn-out fight — though he said he’s already in Washington beginning orientation.
“We all continue to be concerned about the expensive legal bills we are incurring each day West continues this fight,” Mr. Murphy said in the email, begging supporters to donate to him.​

Murphy's such a whiner. :lol:

what is Murphy afraid of? Could that be why Walker has suddenly taken ill?

Murphy's afraid of losing the election fairly. After all, Democrats are entitled to win elections.

Just ask them.
Newspapers' recount of Florida 'undervotes' confirms Bush victory - CNN
April 04, 2001
If a recount of Florida's disputed votes in last year's close presidential election had been allowed to proceed by the U.S. Supreme Court, Republican George W. Bush still would have won the White House, two newspapers reported Wednesday.

The Miami Herald and USA Today conducted a comprehensive review of 64,248 "undercounted" ballots in Florida's 67 counties that ended last month.

Their count showed that Bush's razor-thin margin of 537 votes -- certified in December by the Florida Secretary of State's office -- would have tripled to 1,655 votes if counted according to standards advocated by his Democratic rival, former Vice President Al Gore.

yet... you left this part out..

Ironically, a tougher standard of counting only cleanly punched ballots advocated by many Republicans would have resulted in a Gore lead of just three votes, the newspaper reported.
Realistically, I doubt we'd ever know for sure...

We would if 10,000 minority and poor voters hadn't been illegally purged from the voter rolls by Bush's brother... but nothing to see here.

Point is, you guys stole that election. And we got two recessions, two wars and a major city washed off the map.

Good job.

The further we get from the election, the clearer everything has become.

It will be accepted fact within ten years that the Bushes stole that.
West is merely davying.

Yes, Fakey, we all know your view:

The Democrat won. It doesn't matter how...the Democrat won.

Yes it does: fair and open election. That's why your side got their asses kicked up and down the country - you couldn't cheat.
Then why is Murphy threatening to sue to prevent a full recount of the early voting?

If he won fair and square, he would be happy to see a full recount.

Right? :lol:
Allen West Recount Request Denied By St. Lucie County Judge

Judges tossed out his recount request.

But hey, all is not lost. West could be the prez of the newly seceded putpots "country".
Murphy attorney Gerald Richman said in court today that there is no basis for a full recount of early votes and if the canvassing board orders a full recount of them, the Murphy campaign will go to court to try to block it.​
"Hey! We stole the election fair and square!! :mad:"

Of course, you have absolutely no evidence of this and are talking out your ass.

We are all shocked.


Gore got more votes nationally.

Gore probably got more votes in Florida, but we'll never know for sure.

Bush was the worst president since Herbert Hoover.

But, frankly, he's the gift that keeps giving. He'll probably be the last Republican President...


Looks like the fact over the last 20 years only one Presidential election had the majority go Republican (and even that was dubious) is sinking in.

Jindal and Christie are putting on a more moderate face.

Let's say it for what it is:

Once again, America proved that it is NOT a conservative country, and does NOT want conservative ideas and laws forced upon them.

Conservatism has been rejected - again - in favor of Liberal to Moderate ideology. Formerly conservative politicians will now morph into more Liberal to Moderate candidates if they want to be elected in a Liberal to Moderate country.
Allen West Recount Request Denied By St. Lucie County Judge

Judges tossed out his recount request.

But hey, all is not lost. West could be the prez of the newly seceded putpots "country".
Murphy attorney Gerald Richman said in court today that there is no basis for a full recount of early votes and if the canvassing board orders a full recount of them, the Murphy campaign will go to court to try to block it.​
"Hey! We stole the election fair and square!! :mad:"

Of course, you have absolutely no evidence of this and are talking out your ass.

We are all shocked.
The canvassing board has ordered a full recount of early votes. Why has Murphy threatened to sue to prevent it?

I'd ask you to think seriously about this question, but it will reveal truths you're not willing to accept.

Gore got more votes nationally.

Gore probably got more votes in Florida, but we'll never know for sure.

Bush was the worst president since Herbert Hoover.

But, frankly, he's the gift that keeps giving. He'll probably be the last Republican President...


Looks like the fact over the last 20 years only one Presidential election had the majority go Republican (and even that was dubious) is sinking in.

Jindal and Christie are putting on a more moderate face.

Let's say it for what it is:

Once again, America proved that it is NOT a conservative country, and does NOT want conservative ideas and laws forced upon them.

Conservatism has been rejected - again - in favor of Liberal to Moderate ideology. Formerly conservative politicians will now morph into more Liberal to Moderate candidates if they want to be elected in a Liberal to Moderate country.
That explains why the House went Dem, so there would be no opposition to the liberal agenda.

Oh, wait...
Yes, Fakey, we all know your view:

The Democrat won. It doesn't matter how...the Democrat won.

Yes it does: fair and open election. That's why your side got their asses kicked up and down the country - you couldn't cheat.
Then why is Murphy threatening to sue to prevent a full recount of the early voting?

If he won fair and square, he would be happy to see a full recount.

Right? :lol:
If West won all of those votes from early counting, what would the final total be?

Looks like the fact over the last 20 years only one Presidential election had the majority go Republican (and even that was dubious) is sinking in.

Jindal and Christie are putting on a more moderate face.

Let's say it for what it is:

Once again, America proved that it is NOT a conservative country, and does NOT want conservative ideas and laws forced upon them.

Conservatism has been rejected - again - in favor of Liberal to Moderate ideology. Formerly conservative politicians will now morph into more Liberal to Moderate candidates if they want to be elected in a Liberal to Moderate country.
That explains why the House went Dem, so there would be no opposition to the liberal agenda.

Oh, wait...
The redistricting and gerrymandering prevents some districts from ever becoming blue, just like it prevents some districts from ever becoming red.

We've got to fix that, and I'm confident that our President Of The United States will do so, maybe with some help from the Justice Department and some Federal judges. :)
Let's say it for what it is:

Once again, America proved that it is NOT a conservative country, and does NOT want conservative ideas and laws forced upon them.

Conservatism has been rejected - again - in favor of Liberal to Moderate ideology. Formerly conservative politicians will now morph into more Liberal to Moderate candidates if they want to be elected in a Liberal to Moderate country.
That explains why the House went Dem, so there would be no opposition to the liberal agenda.

Oh, wait...
The redistricting and gerrymandering prevents some districts from ever becoming blue, just like it prevents some districts from ever becoming red.

We've got to fix that, and I'm confident that our President Of The United States will do so, maybe with some help from the Justice Department and some Federal judges. :)

oh, sure he will.

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