TRR: Allen West Seeks Recount Amid Growing Vote Count Scandal

God bless Allen West! He'll be back from this STOLEN election! Geez the libs just cant stand people of high character and values. He'll be back, too good a man not to be.
Point is, you guys stole that election.



Gore got more votes nationally.

Gore probably got more votes in Florida, but we'll never know for sure.

Bush was the worst president since Herbert Hoover.

But, frankly, he's the gift that keeps giving. He'll probably be the last Republican President...
Allen West Recount Request Denied By St. Lucie County Judge

Judges tossed out his recount request.

But hey, all is not lost. West could be the prez of the newly seceded putpots "country".

Murphy attorney Gerald Richman said in court today that there is no basis for a full recount of early votes and if the canvassing board orders a full recount of them, the Murphy campaign will go to court to try to block it.​

"Hey! We stole the election fair and square!! :mad:"

You mean they made the Republicans nominate a crazy person?
Typical leftist. "There must be something WRONG with people who aren't liberal!"

It's that kind of attitude that leads to imprisoning dissenters. That's one of the left's favorite responses to disagreement.
Typical leftist. "There must be something WRONG with people who aren't liberal!"

It's that kind of attitude that leads to imprisoning dissenters. That's one of the left's favorite responses to disagreement.

Well, frankly, West probably should be confined to a mental institution... or perhaps charged with violations under the UCMJ for his conduct in Iraq.

But from calling for wanting to remove people from the gene pool for having Obama stickers to saying there were 80 "Communists" in the Democratic caucus, the guy proved he was nuts, and even his conservative district couldn't get rid of him fast enough.
Point is, you guys stole that election.



Gore got more votes nationally.

Gore probably got more votes in Florida, but we'll never know for sure.

Bush was the worst president since Herbert Hoover.

But, frankly, he's the gift that keeps giving. He'll probably be the last Republican President...


Looks like the fact over the last 20 years only one Presidential election had the majority go Republican (and even that was dubious) is sinking in.

Jindal and Christie are putting on a more moderate face.

Looks like the fact over the last 20 years only one Presidential election had the majority go Republican (and even that was dubious) is sinking in.

Jindal and Christie are putting on a more moderate face.

But they won't be a nominee unless they go far to the right....

which is the problem, really. McCain and Romney were moderates, until they had to deal with getting support of the Daveman's of the world.

Go too far to the center, these jerks will go to a third party.
Typical leftist. "There must be something WRONG with people who aren't liberal!"

It's that kind of attitude that leads to imprisoning dissenters. That's one of the left's favorite responses to disagreement.

Well, frankly, West probably should be confined to a mental institution... or perhaps charged with violations under the UCMJ for his conduct in Iraq.

But from calling for wanting to remove people from the gene pool for having Obama stickers to saying there were 80 "Communists" in the Democratic caucus, the guy proved he was nuts, and even his conservative district couldn't get rid of him fast enough.

well put. There was also the episode of him volunteering to drive the imaginary car ;)

Allen West Volunteers To Drive GOP Clown Car And The Country Over The Cliff
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Y'all just showed how foolish you were.

post #419
Allen West Recount Request Denied By St. Lucie County Judge

Judges tossed out his recount request.

But hey, all is not lost. West could be the prez of the newly seceded putpots "country".

From your link:

A St. Lucie County, Fla., judge rejected Rep. Allen West's request for a recount of 37,379 early votes Friday. The judge said that he did not have the authority to order a recount.
post #429

post #430

Dave's curled up in a fetal position somewhere...
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Y'all just showed how foolish you were.

post #419
Allen West Recount Request Denied By St. Lucie County Judge

Judges tossed out his recount request.

But hey, all is not lost. West could be the prez of the newly seceded putpots "country".

From your link:

A St. Lucie County, Fla., judge rejected Rep. Allen West's request for a recount of 37,379 early votes Friday. The judge said that he did not have the authority to order a recount.
post #429

post #430

Dave's curled up in a fetal position somewhere...

Come again? Eh? What's that you say?

St. Lucie County will recount early ballots in District 18 race

St. Lucie County will recount early ballots in District 18 race »
oh, and Gertrude Walker, the SOE? Any comment?
Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker wasn't on hand and spent the night in the hospital, said her attorney Cynthia Angelos.
The decision came after a state elections auditor found a box of 306 early ballots that never were counted. David Drury, head of the Division of Elections Bureau of Voting Systems Certifications on hand for the audit, made a "personal" recommendation that the board rerun ballots from five early voting days that hadn't been counted. The board decided instead to count all eight days, which includes three days that had been recounted.

Even if all 306 of those ballots went to Colonel Batshit, he'd still lose.

It would be nice if West showed a little dignity, but why start now?
The decision came after a state elections auditor found a box of 306 early ballots that never were counted. David Drury, head of the Division of Elections Bureau of Voting Systems Certifications on hand for the audit, made a "personal" recommendation that the board rerun ballots from five early voting days that hadn't been counted. The board decided instead to count all eight days, which includes three days that had been recounted.

Even if all 306 of those ballots went to Colonel Batshit, he'd still lose.

It would be nice if West showed a little dignity, but why start now?

the problem isn't just those ballots, the numbers changed by over 2000 votes suddenly disappearing from his count, joe, simply because of that alone he deserved a full recount. Why did those votes disappear? Murphy didn't just suddenly leap forward in votes, his vote count increased, yes, but West's vote count actually DECREASED and without any real explanation. Why is it that you won't give this man his deserved full recount? I absolutely know that if that had happened to Murphy you would be crying foul until it was done, period. Don't claim otherwise. This ballot box found is only the icing on the cake, that obviously they did not run a clean vote counting process. If Murphy still wins after the recount, and with no questionable votes, then good luck to him. At least it will be known he won it legitimately, not with any doubts hanging over his head.

the problem isn't just those ballots, the numbers changed by over 2000 votes suddenly disappearing from his count, joe, simply because of that alone he deserved a full recount. Why did those votes disappear? Murphy didn't just suddenly leap forward in votes, his vote count increased, yes, but West's vote count actually DECREASED and without any real explanation. Why is it that you won't give this man his deserved full recount? I absolutely know that if that had happened to Murphy you would be crying foul until it was done, period. Don't claim otherwise. This ballot box found is only the icing on the cake, that obviously they did not run a clean vote counting process. If Murphy still wins after the recount, and with no questionable votes, then good luck to him. At least it will be known he won it legitimately, not with any doubts hanging over his head.

Oh, horseshit.

West is an embarrassment. That something like that could crawl into congress with a bag full of Koch Brother money is a sad commentary.

He lost. Deal with it.

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