Truckers are refusing to Deliver to NYC after Engoron's Ruling

Lib loons declaring trucks moving and unloaded when in reality those who promised this action have trucks full snd sitting.
Trump is the George Floyd of the GOP.

It wouldn't surprise me if the Trumphumpers believe that comparison, he's so unfairly treated. Just because "he is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day."
An independent trucker can be replaced. It's called the free market.
An O/O has the ability to pick and choose which area in the country they wish to pickup and deliver to. So much for your replacement theory.

They're just creating more high-paying opportunities, moron.
Fresh out of TD school, you go drive for a national hauler before becoming an O/O.
Loads not being refused but rather not delivered.
You know, the word manipulation thing debunked again
It wouldn't surprise me if the Trumphumpers believe that comparison, he's so unfairly treated. Just because "he is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of that day."

Just like George Floyd was responsible for his own demise, Trump brings a LOT of this BS on himself. I'm not saying that all these witch hunts the left are bringing have any merit. But just the fact that Trump doesn't know when or how to pick his battle. Back when he was just a business man, and donating to people like Biden, Kamala and the Clintons, he could get away with being crooked. In that realm, it was legal to cook the books a little or skip out on paying (another GF likeness). But when you bite the hand that feeds you, everything changes.
Just like George Floyd was responsible for his own demise, Trump brings a LOT of this BS on himself.
I actually agree with that

Trump talks too much and says things that drive libs nuts

But he’s not a script-reading focus group molded professional politician

And MAGAs like his policies
I actually agree with that

Trump talks too much and says things that drive libs nuts

But he’s not a script-reading focus group molded professional politician

And MAGAs like his policies
Trump needs help with taking wins more professionally and losses more graciously. However, his inability to do that seems to be part of what makes him great in the longer run,bigger and more important picture
An O/O has the ability to pick and choose which area in the country they wish to pickup and deliver to. So much for your replacement theory.

Fresh out of TD school, you go drive for a national hauler before becoming an O/O.

Like I said, the market will find a way. They'll put shit on rail cars if they must. Markets adapt to shortages. The truckers that do this are just going to be stiffing themselves.

But whatever, it's a free country. I'm fine with it as long as they don't come back later and bitch about the consequences.
Trump needs help with taking wins more professionally and losses more graciously. However, his inability to do that seems to be part of what makes him great in the longer run,bigger and more important picture

But although the left only talks about petty stuff concerning trump’s personalty this fight is really about control of the political agenda

Trump policies are untouchable and libs know it
I actually agree with that

Trump talks too much and says things that drive libs nuts

But he’s not a script-reading focus group molded professional politician

And MAGAs like his policies

Trumps a con artist. Like Floyd tried to be. And his supporters don't have a clue about Trumps real policies, because his policies aren't what he says. (his sales pitches) They're what he does. His actual record. Which is RINO levels at best.

Example: Trump supporters think Trumps policies consist of spending cuts. But his policy of government spending consisted of signing CR's and omnibus bills into law.
One might think his foreign policy was to end the wars and stay out of other countries business. But he dropped an enormous mount of bombs in the middle east.

I can see why RINO's would support Trump. And the left. But conservatives? Not at all. Because once you dig into the things that Trump was actually responsible for, it's way different than what he said.
The trucker interviewed is an internet influencer with half a million followers.
That is a lot of truck drivers.

And in fact, everyone should be upset with NY.
The ruling is absurd.
No bank ever asks for a loan applicant evaluation.
A, half a million tik tok followers doesn't mean half a million truckers.

B. Most truckers are old farts like me, and never look at tik tok.

C. The only thing "absurd" here is the tRumpling reaction.
NEW YORK, NY — Scores of truckers have vowed to boycott New York City in response to the "egregious" $355 million fraud ruling against former President Donald Trump. The possible boycott has been a source of concern for the city's teachers, as it could delay shipments of gay porn to their elementary schools.

"Some inner-city children are too poor for the privilege of having gay porn at home. This vulnerable population relies on us to provide them with armfuls of such material at taxpayers' expense," said one school teacher, "If our supply of smut for children is cut off, these children may, in fact, die."

Democrat lawmakers in NYC are scrambling to avert the disaster of children having no access to obscene filth by proposing a law to fine each individual trucker $355 Million for boycotting the Big Apple. Judge Engoron pledged his help by offering to fine truckers "80 gazillion splintillion frillion dollars."

At publishing time, truckers had offered to end the boycott if they would be allowed to plow through the NYPD dance team.

It's genocide!
Corrupt AG? How? Because she went after Trump? Do you know what corrupt means? You may want to check out Trump to get a better understanding of that word.
Ms. Willis filed a claim of breaking the law, and there is not so much as one sensilla of a crime. If you're an Attorney General, you better be sure your target committed a crime before you go into full swing for life without parole. In this case, the goal was to take away the voter's choice of the people. This is not Ms. Willis' first shot at destroying Trump. And everybody now knows it.

But although the left only talks about petty stuff concerning trump’s personalty this fight is really about control of the political agenda

Trump policies are untouchable and libs know it
What will subhuman Trump do when he can't get supplies needed for his N.Y.C. high rises? Demand to talk to the manager? :abgg2q.jpg:
I love watching Dems destroy themselves. The exodus is in full swing and they just double down on their stupidity.
My dumbass sister in law just went into full MAGA panic mode & went out & bought $700 in groceries because "truckers won't be coming to N.Y.! We're screwed"! You Bozos will believe anything.

You can't make this shit up.

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