Truckers are refusing to Deliver to NYC after Engoron's Ruling

If they want to get paid or keep their jobs, they'll deliver.
That's what a strike is all about. The idea is, if enough refuse to do their jobs, the employers have no choice but to give in to their demands or shut down. Truck drivers are in high demand right now, and they are needed desperately by the entire nation. If even half of them refused to drive, the nation would quickly feel the deprivation.
If they want to get paid or keep their jobs, they'll deliver.

Not true. There is a right to strike in this country. People just can't be fired for refusing to do their jobs.

Further, there is a shortage of truck drivers, it will be very hard for companies to bring in enough Scabs to make the deliveries.
Not to mention how many company headquarters will find another city, probably more in the central area of the USA. NYC hired the wrong not to mention the most corrupt AG ever, and people won't want to live there anymore. It's gonna hurt ten-story apartment buildings. Too bad.

And one more thing. The people of New York when we visited there years ago, I thought were truly nice people. Likely they still are. I hope they demand City Hall and others to dismiss people who use retaliation on good people as a prejudicial kill of that person's integrity. It's just wrong.
Corrupt AG? How? Because she went after Trump? Do you know what corrupt means? You may want to check out Trump to get a better understanding of that word.
That's what a strike is all about. The idea is, if enough refuse to do their jobs, the employers have no choice but to give in to their demands or shut down. Truck drivers are in high demand right now, and they are needed desperately by the entire nation. If even half of them refused to drive, the nation would quickly feel the deprivation.
Most labor strikes are over wages and working conditions, not political demands over a State court ruling against the crooked manbaby leading the once proud GOP.
Not true. There is a right to strike in this country. People just can't be fired for refusing to do their jobs.
Union contracts have wildcat strike clauses. This isn't a strike.

Chicago Ray took his video down but still supports the boycott. Not interested in becoming the face of the effort.

After calling on truckers to boycott driving to New York City in response to the civil fraud judgment that fined Trump more than $350 million last week, "Chicago Ray" has taken back his call to action.

"I took that video down from Friday bc it went viral and my Grandson seen it on Tik Tok… I stand with Trump 100% Truckers for Trump," a trucker known as "Chicago Ray" wrote on X, formerly Twitter on Monday morning.

Chicago Ray continued writing that drivers can make their own decisions based on their families and their careers.

"I worked for a place for 18 years and I quit em in one day and had this job b4 I got to my car... I ain't the leader of any movement... I'm my own man period.... God Bless America, God Bless Trump and God bless every Truck driver in this country," Ray concluded.
Many users commented on Chicago Ray's original post calling for a boycott, showing support for the former president and truck drivers not taking shipments to New York City.

"From the bottom of our hearts we'd like to thank evry trucker that is participating in the refusal to deliver to New York city. We also appreciate those ones that have no choice because they have families and they really can't afford to do it. I think all Americans want to say we appreciate our truckers one way or the other you're appreciated. And to the drivers staying out of New York Trump 24," one user wrote.

"God bless each of the Truck Drivers taking a stand against corruption," another user wrote.

NYC will pay through the nose for every loaf of bread, carton of milk, eggs or autoparts they want. Any food shortage in NYC would be a big huge gigantic catastrophe, what with the ‘illegal aliens’ and all.

They will all understand who did this to them.

NY is going to get destroyed. 1,000's of illegals bused in every day and hungry! No food for them and this town is going to shit! :)

Nothing is going to happen. I spent 15yrs in the trucking industry, and it's always been just a bunch of talk. Trucking for Trump is the lamest excuse yet. Truckers and trucking companies aren't going to turn down loads to NYC because they pay better than most. Plus it's too easy to get a load out of NYC.

Truckers support in politics doesn't reach any further than their arm. They whine and complain on the CB, and now on social media about Biden, Trump and everything else, but still take those loads to where ever they're told to take them.

This Truckers for Trump strike is about as fake as Trump himself.
That's what a strike is all about. The idea is, if enough refuse to do their jobs, the employers have no choice but to give in to their demands or shut down. Truck drivers are in high demand right now, and they are needed desperately by the entire nation. If even half of them refused to drive, the nation would quickly feel the deprivation.

But enough aren't going to refuse the loads.

Put yourself in a truckers position. It's Friday afternoon, and you just got unloaded. You're sitting in a truck stop in Tx, CA or anywhere, and the dispatcher tells you to pick up a load close to where you are and it delivers in Brooklyn on Monday morning. But you refuse the load.
So dispatcher takes notes, assigned the load to another driver. 2 hours go by and you contact dispatch again to try and get another load. Dispatcher, even if he's got another load that takes you home, doesn't say so. He'll give it to another driver. And so there you'll sit until Monday. Bitching and moaning because there are no loads "for you."
Monday comes and the dispatcher gives you another load that goes to NYC. After sitting in a truck stop for 3 days, you're either going to take that load, or clean out your truck and get a bus ticket home.
Corrupt AG? How? Because she went after Trump? Do you know what corrupt means? You may want to check out Trump to get a better understanding of that word.
The woman has hate in her. It is not difficult to see. Cookie cutter African American women of power who are Progressive Socialists. Pimped out from the global elitists who control the game. Difficult to question as the gender and racist cards are in play. The psychology of the elites of power is magnificent to how they have gained control.
Why? They can take loads that don't go into the armpit. And Owner Operators have the edge here. They can tell NYC to fuck off.

Owner/Operators have no edge anywhere. They are in no position to be turning down loads because they don't like New York. Truckers have to be on the road turning every mile they can get to pay for the truck and keep food on the table.

It's laughable that you think that truckers can afford to be turning down work to support the Republican millionaires.
The woman has hate in her. It is not difficult to see. Cookie cutter African American women of power who are Progressive Socialists. Pimped out from the global elitists who control the game. Difficult to question as the gender and racist cards are in play. The psychology of the elites of power is magnificent to how they have gained control.
:sleeping-smiley-015: Another day, another racist pops up. Thanks, racist for your input. Now, run along and maybe go play in traffic.
Owner/Operators have no edge anywhere. They are in no position to be turning down loads because they don't like New York. Truckers have to be on the road turning every mile they can get to pay for the truck and keep food on the table.

It's laughable that you think that truckers can afford to be turning down work to support the Republican millionaires.
Sure they can. Leave the cesspool for the wetbacks and rookies

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