Truckers are refusing to Deliver to NYC after Engoron's Ruling

There's already a shortage of truckers. It's possible the proverbial deck chairs could be move around to fill the holes but you're not going to just hire new truckers off the street to replace ones you fire if this even happens.
They have five / ten years left. Trucks are already driving autonomously in Texas.
There are more than enough drivers out there that there's no need for concern, I doubt anyone in New York City will notice anything whatsoever. Furthermore, unless the driver is an independent owner/operator, the will be risking their employment.

NYC will be just fine...
Seriously? After THREE solid, unbroken years of "insurrection" and "assault on democracy" with hundreds of people locked in solitary with not even bail nor trial dates for YEARS while locked away in and treated medievally and criminally despite their doing far less at the capitol than most BLM and antifa in 2020 and having no prior criminal history, and your calling all Trump supporters "Cultists," now you are going to do a 180° and contradict yourself and 10,000 other leftists by now laughing at the idea that people would die for the guy???!!!

WOW. Major league mental illness.
Yea, I'm laughing at the thought of some trucker dying for billionaire Trump. It's laughable.

Btw, you including yourself in this mass self sacrifice for your orange god, or is all up to the next guy to prove his love for your orange god?
Truckers are not any more stupid or smarter than any other working person.
Are going to let there drivers not deliver to ANY place
they want there goods to go, your foolish.
Yea, I'm laughing at the thought of some trucker dying for billionaire Trump. It's laughable.

Btw, you including yourself in this mass self sacrifice for your orange god, or is all up to the next guy to prove his love for your orange god?
Plenty routes in other places. How they dying.

Dama much.?

Anyone who sees his opponent is a criminal narcissist that people follow like a religious figure.

If there were tons of Biden flags and hero worship with people overlooking his obvious crimes I’d be worried about him too. As it is only Trump thinks he’s a Messiah and followed into crazy by crazies.

Who fucking cares who people adore? Some people like Taylor Swift, some people like Donald Trump. Who cares?

If you want to talk about totally fucking crazy, start with the open borders and that braying jackass Mayorkas. That fucking asshole lied under oath just like Hillary and Brennan and all the rest of the Neo-Lib and Neo-Con fucktards.

You want to talk about being above the law? Look there. Start there.

Or continue in denial and everlasting ignorance, what do I care. You're leaving the country seeking asylum elsewhere, I'll stay and fight.
Yea, I'm laughing at the thought of some trucker dying
I bet you are.

for your orange god
Just what is "orange" about Trump? Can you point it out to us? And since when is orange a BAD thing? And just what makes you think Trump is my or anyone's god, fool? What you are REALLY admitting is that all the democrat choices are just SUCH BAD CHOICES to anyone with a brain, that they make Trump look about a MILLION TIMES BETTER.

Who fucking cares who people adore? Some people like Taylor Swift, some people like Donald Trump. Who cares?

If you want to talk about totally fucking crazy, start with the open borders and that braying jackass Mayorkas. That fucking asshole lied under oath just like Hillary and Brennan and all the rest of the Neo-Lib and Neo-Con fucktards.

You want to talk about being above the law? Look there. Start there.

Or continue in denial and everlasting ignorance, what do I care. You're leaving the country seeking asylum elsewhere, I'll stay and fight.
Dumb post. Borders aren’t open dipshit. Explain to me why under Trump encounters exploded through 2019 until covid? If it were just executive will Trump would have controlled it. HE DIDNT. You idiots never have an answer. We will all watch you run away.
I bet you are.

Just what is "orange" about Trump? Can you point it out to us? And since when is orange a BAD thing? And just what makes you think Trump is my or anyone's god, fool? What you are REALLY admitting is that all the democrat choices are just SUCH BAD CHOICES to anyone with a brain, that they make Trump look about a MILLION TIMES BETTER.
That asswipe wears more makeup then Bozo the clown.

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