Truckers are refusing to Deliver to NYC after Engoron's Ruling


Good truckers are in high demand. If truckers organize en masse against NYC, there isn't much anyone can do but negotiate with them, unless Biden's government goes all Fascist Canadian on them (a distinct possibility) and starts seizing their bank accounts and really messing with them far outside the law.

You know, like how they whipped the George Floyd BLM movement into order back in 2020. :smoke:
NYC will pay through the nose for every loaf of bread, carton of milk, eggs or autoparts they want. Any food shortage in NYC would be a big huge gigantic catastrophe, what with the ‘illegal aliens’ and all.

They will all understand who did this to them.

Democrats don't give a fuck about laws. They have been lying chea5ing and stealing for decades. They own the DIJ FBI CIA. and don't even try to hide their hare for America and Americans. As they blatantly try to jail Americans choice for president right in front of our faces . If we the people don't stop them , who will?
I doubt this becomes a thing. If they just decide they don't want to do business in New York, then others will simply fill the void. In the case of independent truckers/operators, they'd be wise to carefully consider their long-term financial viability. Lots of overhead.

You can pretend there's an abundance of trucks and drivers, but there's not.

Businesses will adapt. They'll just load shit on boats, trains, airplanes, or other truckers will do their jobs. MAGA truckers aren't going to do shit.

Funny how you commies pretend truckers aren't doing their job when they chose to take loads that aren't going to ny. Exactly how's job would they be doing when they're still taking loads and delivering them?

Funny how you commies

Who are you calling a commie, bitch boy? Go stick a broom stick in your ass, faggot. I bet you like it.

pretend truckers aren't doing their job when they chose to take loads that aren't going to ny.

No, let's get something straight, cum gargler: I have respect for truckers. Most truckers aren't deluded morons who will go on strike because some shithead commits fraud. Why? Because most want a paycheck - working for pay is how a capitalist economy functions. Striking because some lifelong scam artist finally got his? Nah, that's what cultists do. But you know what, let's say that truckers do impact shipping into and out of New York. No problem. There are trains. There are other methods of shipping. You're deluded.

Exactly how's job would they be doing when they're still taking loads and delivering them?

9/11 united New Yorkers mostly....but through this they'll be competing and be at each others throats.
A dozen or so whiny truckers throw a fit and the whole city comes crashing down. Sure, it will. :itsok:
Who are you calling a commie, bitch boy? Go stick a broom stick in your ass, faggot. I bet you like it.

No, let's get something straight, cum gargler: I have respect for truckers. Most truckers aren't deluded morons who will go on strike because some shithead commits fraud. Why? Because most want a paycheck - working for pay is how a capitalist economy functions. Striking because some lifelong scam artist finally got his? Nah, that's what cultists do. But you know what, let's say that truckers do impact shipping into and out of New York. No problem. There are trains. There are other methods of shipping. You're deluded.


Damn, you're too stupid to breathe, no one said a thing about a strike, taking loads to somewhere other than ny is not a strike. A strike is stopping work altogether.


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