Truckers To Shut Down America

When workers strike with a left leaning agenda the right says they can be replaced with people who will do the job. Same goes here. If these truckers don't want to work they can be replaced with those who will. Not that it matters much. I don't see this "strike" gaining much traction. How many nutcases actually exist that want to try Obama for treason, or "deport muslims who don't uphold the constitution?" The failure of the recent Benghazi protest proves that a majority of Americans don't care about the same crazy shit most right wingers do.

And theeeeeerrrrrree's where you're wrong bubble head.

Try and find millions of TRAINED truckers that hold a CLASS A COMMERCIAL LICENSE to drive all those semi's... go ahead... see how that works out.

People do care, and you and the rest of you libtard freaks have a rude fucking awakening coming. Americans are getting more tired of listening to gas like you're puking above by the hundreds of thousands daily.
Have you people been grocery shopping lately?

Prices are frikken through the roof under this administration..

I don't how a family is able to feed themselves and have anything left to pay their other bills..

It's been disgusting and then see these people stand UP for this administration and government

So this event is in protest of high grocery prices?
Can anyone define “corruption against the Constitution.” in a little more detail?

Because is sounds like much of the partisan empty rhetoric like "freedom" and "patriotism" and "standing up for America' that we see in so many DC protests.

The Bush Administration understood that the Muslim Brotherhood is a part of the Muslim Jihadists that we are at war with , they did not allow any representation much less jobs in our government.

This administration has hired many Muslim Brotherhood jobs in our government and allows them representation. This is aiding and abetting the enemy.
DHS hired a Muslim Brotherhood,Mohamed Elibary who has extensive ties to the Brotherhood
They were for the Muslim Brotherhood Government in Egypt.
The are giving aid and comfort to the Jihadists in Syria by giving them guns.

The President violated
Article 1 section 9
No president can be president and another title from another foreign state at the same time.
He chaired the head of the U.N. security Council

This is just 2 of many things.

Now you are in La La land. :eusa_shifty:
People actually support these guys?

Remove all Muslims from public office? Sounds like leftovers from the 2 million biker rally
.....that do not uphold the Constitution.


Context without consequence. It still means Muslims who "do not uphold the Constitution" must go while Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Shitoists, Zorastrianists, Jainists and atheists who "do not uphold the Constitution" can stay.

Not to mention the problem of defining "do not uphold the Constitution" and who gets to do that.

Such event seems to be sponsored by ANTTT -- Americans for Not Thinking Things Through

Exactly. Singling out "muslims" who don't uphold the constitution and ignoring all the other people and/or groups shows where this event headed.

"3 Million Truckers to DC" to protest...uhhh...I don't know, it changes everyday.
The "progressives" in this thread are askeered that they will not be able to get their cheezitz :eusa_angel:

They truly are oblivious as to the support and the consequences of this movement. What the truckers are going to do is the tip of the iceberg.
Try and find millions of TRAINED truckers that hold a CLASS A COMMERCIAL LICENSE to drive all those semi's... go ahead... see how that works out.

It's irrelevant, because this "strike" will go nowhere. I expect maybe 5 truckers to take part in it. OH NO! Watch out, America! :eek:
I did some truckin' myself years back, and I still have trucker friends. They know they hold probably more power over America than any other industry. If anyone can make Washington take notice, they can, because if there isn't any trucks moving, there's no FOOD being brought into cities. No food being brought into cities, won't take long before the shelves are bare and people are killing each other over a frigin' hotdog. You wan't anarchy? Just have the trucks stop and you'll have it. So Washington better listen and listen good.

Weird, now we have right wing conservatives advocating the tactics of Jimmy Hoffa's Teamsters Union...
Goes to show what you know about trucking... it appears you're quite naive about INDEPENDENT truckers, OWNER/OPERATOR.

You libshits have had your fun, now the PUSH BACK is coming. Sorry this upsets you in your little libtard utopia, but we have a country to save from the likes of commie pieces of shit like you.

Ooooooo! The "push back" is coming! Like the Benghazi Protest on the Capital Steps......big big big!
Have you people been grocery shopping lately?

Prices are frikken through the roof under this administration..

I don't how a family is able to feed themselves and have anything left to pay their other bills..

It's been disgusting and then see these people stand UP for this administration and government

So this event is in protest of high grocery prices?
No, dick for brains, it's to protest WHY the cost of groceries is going up.

As in GOVERNMENT getting their GREEDY FAT FINGERS in everything they possibly can to get MORE MONEY coming INTO WASHINGTON, so they can WASTE IT.

Do you think what Washington does is PERFECT? Do you not have ONE BEEF WITH BIG GOVERNMENT?
Have you people been grocery shopping lately?

Prices are frikken through the roof under this administration..

I don't how a family is able to feed themselves and have anything left to pay their other bills..

It's been disgusting and then see these people stand UP for this administration and government

So this event is in protest of high grocery prices?
No, dick for brains, it's to protest WHY the cost of groceries is going up.

As in GOVERNMENT getting their GREEDY FAT FINGERS in everything they possibly can to get MORE MONEY coming INTO WASHINGTON, so they can WASTE IT.

Do you think what Washington does is PERFECT? Do you not have ONE BEEF WITH BIG GOVERNMENT?

So this is a protest against dems AND pubs?
Weird, now we have right wing conservatives advocating the tactics of Jimmy Hoffa's Teamsters Union...
Goes to show what you know about trucking... it appears you're quite naive about INDEPENDENT truckers, OWNER/OPERATOR.

You libshits have had your fun, now the PUSH BACK is coming. Sorry this upsets you in your little libtard utopia, but we have a country to save from the likes of commie pieces of shit like you.

Ooooooo! The "push back" is coming! Like the Benghazi Protest on the Capital Steps......big big big!


Are you TRULY that big of a GOB OF SHIT?
So this event is in protest of high grocery prices?
No, dick for brains, it's to protest WHY the cost of groceries is going up.

As in GOVERNMENT getting their GREEDY FAT FINGERS in everything they possibly can to get MORE MONEY coming INTO WASHINGTON, so they can WASTE IT.

Do you think what Washington does is PERFECT? Do you not have ONE BEEF WITH BIG GOVERNMENT?

So this is a protest against dems AND pubs?
That's what I would call it. They're both at fault.
Have you people been grocery shopping lately?

Prices are frikken through the roof under this administration..

I don't how a family is able to feed themselves and have anything left to pay their other bills..

It's been disgusting and then see these people stand UP for this administration and government

So this event is in protest of high grocery prices?
No, dick for brains, it's to protest WHY the cost of groceries is going up.

As in GOVERNMENT getting their GREEDY FAT FINGERS in everything they possibly can to get MORE MONEY coming INTO WASHINGTON, so they can WASTE IT.

Do you think what Washington does is PERFECT? Do you not have ONE BEEF WITH BIG GOVERNMENT?

So the solution to high grocery prices is to stop shipping them, causing them to go even higher, starving millions of families, and sending our economy into a tailspin? Sounds like these truckers don't care about the average American, as long as they get rid of Obama and deport some Muslims.
Try and find millions of TRAINED truckers that hold a CLASS A COMMERCIAL LICENSE to drive all those semi's... go ahead... see how that works out.

It's irrelevant, because this "strike" will go nowhere. I expect maybe 5 truckers to take part in it. OH NO! Watch out, America! :eek:

It's not a STRIKE, idiot, it's a protest, and you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

Go back and sleep off your hangover, moron.
People actually support these guys?

Remove all Muslims from public office? Sounds like leftovers from the 2 million biker rally
.....that do not uphold the Constitution.


Context without consequence. It still means Muslims who "do not uphold the Constitution" must go while Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Taoists, Shitoists, Zorastrianists, Jainists and atheists who "do not uphold the Constitution" can stay.

Not to mention the problem of defining "do not uphold the Constitution" and who gets to do that.

Such event seems to be sponsored by ANTTT -- Americans for Not Thinking Things Through

Not to mention the obvious -- that by singling out one specific religion for exclusion, the agenda itself thereby contradicts the spirit of the same Constitution it purports to support. :oops:

I suspect no trucker strike will put a dent in the supply of irony... :eusa_think:
Goes to show what you know about trucking... it appears you're quite naive about INDEPENDENT truckers, OWNER/OPERATOR.

You libshits have had your fun, now the PUSH BACK is coming. Sorry this upsets you in your little libtard utopia, but we have a country to save from the likes of commie pieces of shit like you.

Ooooooo! The "push back" is coming! Like the Benghazi Protest on the Capital Steps......big big big!


Are you TRULY that big of a GOB OF SHIT?

12 Americans were just killed in a Government facility on American soil by a psycho who legally purchased a shotgun, because his 'right' to due so was protected by republicans and was able to get it passed guards that came from a private contractor due to budget cuts enacted by Republicans.

12 Americans.

And each and every one of you folks are supporting elected officials that want to do absolutely nothing about that.
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Goes to show what you know about trucking... it appears you're quite naive about INDEPENDENT truckers, OWNER/OPERATOR.

You libshits have had your fun, now the PUSH BACK is coming. Sorry this upsets you in your little libtard utopia, but we have a country to save from the likes of commie pieces of shit like you.

Ooooooo! The "push back" is coming! Like the Benghazi Protest on the Capital Steps......big big big!


Are you TRULY that big of a GOB OF SHIT?

I'm not. But I understand your desperate need to create a false position to argue against. You've got nothing without creating a fantasy.

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