Trudeau turns: Canadian PM now supports President Trump on NAFTA

Not being transparent. The only reason it is now supported is because Trump dropped the 50% requirement for the auto industry which would have meant 100's of thousands of great paying jobs sent back to America. The auto industry is vital to Trudeau as the Feds and province of Ontario (a massive pro-liberal voting bloc in the Federal elections) and Canada wants to continue to exploit America in this industry. We have stolen 10's of thousands of jobs from Ohio and Michigan, while offering nothing. The U.S blinked on this, this is a major victory for Canada.

I will have to see all the details before I pass judgement, but I'm guessing Canada makes out well in this NAFTA compared to what was going to happen and definitely better than if the U.S tore it up.

My opinion is that Trump is going too soft on Canada, let's see if he makes up for it with China. Canada engages in many of the same tactics that China does in regards to state abuses and covert barriers/interference in U.S businesses.
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LOL 'turns'

"We have a high chance of reaching a win-win-win deal for Canada, the United States and Mexico," Trudeau told reporters.

"With the pressures of the elections in Mexico, and the US elections, if we could announce something at the Summit of the Americas, that would be great," he added, in reference to the April 13-14 gathering of regional leaders in Peru

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