Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks

If Canada was smart, they would oust him, and force him into exile for life. Allowing someone like him to represent the Canadian people is unbelievable.
/——-/ Only 16% of respondents to the Maru Public Opinion poll said they would vote for Trudeau based on his actions over the past two weeks, when a protest by truck drivers against a Covid-19 vaccine mandate bubbled up into massive blockades, inspiring similar movements in several other countries. Just 29% said Trudeau had acted “like a prime minister should,” and 48% concluded that he was “not up to the job of being prime minister.” Half of Canadians say Trudeau ‘not up to the job’ – poll
Only 16% of respondents to the Maru Public Opinion poll said they would vote for Trudeau based on his actions over the past two weeks, when a protest by truck drivers against a Covid-19 vaccine mandate bubbled up into massive blockades, inspiring similar movements in several other countries. Just 29% said Trudeau had acted “like a prime minister should,” and 48% concluded that he was “not up to the job of being prime minister,” RT reported.

“The last time I’ve seen numbers even close to this were in the final days of Brian Mulroney,” Maru executive vice president John Wright told the National Post newspaper. “I think this could cost him his job.”
I called this a few days ago.
/——-/ Only 16% of respondents to the Maru Public Opinion poll said they would vote for Trudeau based on his actions over the past two weeks, when a protest by truck drivers against a Covid-19 vaccine mandate bubbled up into massive blockades, inspiring similar movements in several other countries. Just 29% said Trudeau had acted “like a prime minister should,” and 48% concluded that he was “not up to the job of being prime minister.” Half of Canadians say Trudeau ‘not up to the job’ – poll

Fuck voting him out of office

Time's up
Of course there's a choice. The founders made a choice that may have meant their execution for crimes against the crown. Are you going to cry about whatever minor repercussions there may be to remaining unvaccinated?
If someone dies because of the injection, you call that minor?
What punishment?
Whatever punishment the government decides, should they enact a mandate. It could be financial, or loss of employment. We are seeing what is happening in Canada. They could freeze your accounts, or cause you to lose your job, put you on a no fly list. Wouldn't surprise me if they put you on a terrorist watch list.

The point is, if they mandate an injection, it's going to come with consequences and punishment if you violate that mandate.

So, again, either take the jab, and if it kills you, we'll, I guess tough luck for your family, but if you don't take it, then you lose your way to earn a living, so, I guess tough luck for your family there too.

I'm not anti Vax, im anti mandate, especially when the government says that if they force you into taking the jab, and it kills you, they can't be held accountable....for forcing get injected....

Is this for the greater good? Is that what it is? Are you all saying "well. If it kills 10,000 people, that's worth it to save millions of others"? Is that it? You're going to tell the families of 10,000 people that their daughter had to die because it saved others, and they have no recourse, nobody to sue, nobody to hold accountable. Somehow. I don't think thats going to soothe their pain.
The thread is about the attack on peaceful protesters by Fidel Trudeau and his Cossacks.

You Nazis turn every thread into BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE.
Where is a quality moderater to help keep people on topic against this intentional thread derailment when we need one, anyway?
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