Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks

Maximizing the petty crimes of a FEW of the 100,000 demonstrators while completely ignoring the 2 BILLION in damages caused by leftist rioters during of the Trump presidency

BTW, your "capitol-siege"? I only saw POLICE LEADING the protesters in
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Only 16% of respondents to the Maru Public Opinion poll said they would vote for Trudeau based on his actions over the past two weeks, when a protest by truck drivers against a Covid-19 vaccine mandate bubbled up into massive blockades, inspiring similar movements in several other countries. Just 29% said Trudeau had acted “like a prime minister should,” and 48% concluded that he was “not up to the job of being prime minister,” RT reported.

“The last time I’ve seen numbers even close to this were in the final days of Brian Mulroney,” Maru executive vice president John Wright told the National Post newspaper. “I think this could cost him his job.”
Maximizing the petty crimes of a FEW of the 100,000 demonstrators while completely ignoring the 2 BILLION in damages caused by leftist rioters during of the Trump presidency

BTW, your "capitol-siege"? I only saw POLICE LEADING the protesters in

Coyote and her ilk are getting pounded, not only politically, but culturally. No one outside their little bubble gives two craps about Jan 6th and deep down they know it. They cling to it because it is ALL THEY HAVE. Everything else is circling the drain and fast. They are losing everything, including their religion, to quote the old REM song. Woke is broke. They are losing on crime, the border, immigration, education. Inflation, the economy, Covid policy.

They are being decimated.

They know it.

So they are lashing out.
Take the jab or be punished. Doesn't sound like you have much of a choice.
Of course there's a choice. The founders made a choice that may have meant their execution for crimes against the crown. Are you going to cry about whatever minor repercussions there may be to remaining unvaccinated?
Coyote and her ilk are getting pounded, not only politically, but culturally. No one outside their little bubble gives two craps about Jan 6th and deep down they know it. They cling to it because it is ALL THEY HAVE. Everything else is circling the drain and fast. They are losing everything, including their religion, to quote the old REM song. Woke is broke. They are losing on crime, the border, immigration, education. Inflation, the economy, Covid policy.

They are being decimated.

They know it.

So they are lashing out.
So now you and “your ilk“ speak for everyone?Just because you and “your ilk” don’t give a crap and consider violence to be “legitimate political discourse” doesn’t mean those “outside the bubble” (whatever that is supposed to mean) don’t care.

That claim, that violence is “legitimate political discourse” is going to haunt you.

Not selling anything. The anti-vaxers are finally becoming a manageable threat to public safety and frankly no one cares if they all drop dead at this point. Everyone wants the pandemic over with already. All the anti-vaxers accomplished was to prolong the pandemic.

You had a mRNA sequencer to protect you from the bioweapon you and you CCP allies deployed. Those who didn't get the mRNA sequencer (it isn't a vaccine - is nothing like a vaccine) are a "threat" because the jab doesn't protect you from the Wuhan Designer Virus® and so you have to force them with violence to get the jab because they could infect you since the jab doesn't protect you. They have to get the jab because then they won't be protected too.

The astounding stupidity of you Nazis is jaw dropping.
So now you and “your ilk“ speak for everyone?Just because you and “your ilk” don’t give a crap and consider violence to be “legitimate political discourse” doesn’t mean those “outside the bubble” (whatever that is supposed to mean) don’t care.

That claim, that violence is “legitimate political discourse” is going to haunt you.

The thread is about the attack on peaceful protesters by Fidel Trudeau and his Cossacks.

You Nazis turn every thread into BUH MUH REICHSTAG FIRE.
Of course, he unleased them.

That strange individual was even afraid to meet with them about their concerns.

Maybe he was terrified that the truckers would mess up his beautifully coiffed hair.
Maximizing the petty crimes of a FEW of the 100,000 demonstrators while completely ignoring the 2 BILLION in damages caused by leftist rioters during of the Trump presidency

BTW, your "capitol-siege"? I only saw POLICE LEADING the protesters in

And we all saw the Capitol Police lead peaceful protesters into that tunnel by the west side , blocking both entrances, then savagely beating them with steel batons.

The violence at the Reichstag Fire was planned in advance - by the Capitol Police - and no doubt Eva Braun Pelosi.


That's not a fire - that CP firing TEAR GAS into a crowd of peaceful protesters.

Capitol Police were the AGRESSERS at the Reichstag Fire and BLM Byrd is a hands down murderer.
Not by a bunch of slug truckies. Tyranny my arse. He has every right to stop those ratbags destroying other people's lives.
What gives them the right to block food etc?
He should shoot the lot of the bastards. Republican vermin.

You Nazis revealed who and what you are.

BTW shit fer brains, there is no Republican party in Canada.

Stupidity is the base of fascism.

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