Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks

Canada is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II who is their head of State. She has granted the common people of Canada the illusion of individual freedom. Trudeau is her PM of Canada. Apparently she agrees with suppressing the truckers. No one really knows because she hasn't said a word. The Royals blab about 'climate change' and other useless crap but when it comes to controlling their own empire they don't give a shit as long as the revenue still flows. Another good example of why we fought them.
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Illegal immigrants break the law, they get first class air lifts, rooms at nice hotels, job's, government money, free schooling, sanctuary status, and preferential treatment over all criminal's around the world... Talk about having it made, and all they got to do is multiply like rabbits, work for beans 7 days a week, send their money back to Mexico, make fool's of our law & order, and kiss Democrat ace until they figure out how to make them all voter's.
No, they were just defacing public property, shitting in peoples yards, and blocking commerce to the tune of $300 million a day.

Who's going to pay for that?
Trudeau the culprit in it all, that's who. His country men and women have got to be regretting putting that knuckle head in charge/power.
And so you are holding your looting goons to a higher standard ? No one agrees with anyone looting, but there is a double standard when it comes to the Democrat's therefore turning a blind eye when it comes to certain group's getting away with things.
Don't talk shit.
They are interrupting normal trading and you know it.
Trudeau will remove by force in the next few days. I hope he shoots the ignorant fools.
You keep supporting them dickhead but trudeau will win.
So, you can't provide proof that truckers are blocking food. You're the one 'talking shit' here.
Not by a bunch of slug truckies. Tyranny my arse. He has every right to stop those ratbags destroying other people's lives.
What gives them the right to block food etc?
He should shoot the lot of the bastards. Republican vermin.
There it is again. A dumb American leftist who thinks the Canadian truckers are Republicans. WTF! Maybe they don’t know Canada is a different country.

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