Trudeau unleashes Canadian Cossacks


  • steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot.
"desperate residents looted shops for food and water"

  • steal (goods) in a war, riot, etc.
    "tons of food aid awaiting distribution had been looted"

Burn Loot and Murder did those things. Canada they honked horns. No comparison. The left has no leg to stand on.

Eventually this is all gonna coming crashing down.Obviously whatever
Police goon squad was assembled will have to answer to the Canadian
populace.In one way or another this sort of Third Reich action or
Stormtrooper mindset will have to be answered to.
Hitler learned it the hard way.As did his Goon squads that
sought shelter in South America.
No correction was needed.


  • steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot.
"desperate residents looted shops for food and water"

  • steal (goods) in a war, riot, etc.
    "tons of food aid awaiting distribution had been looted"
So then according to the Rhodes scholar one cannot " loot "
unless there a war.
No correction was needed.


  • steal goods from (a place), typically during a war or riot.
"desperate residents looted shops for food and water"

  • steal (goods) in a war, riot, etc.
    "tons of food aid awaiting distribution had been looted"
Yeah, that's all private property. Like in the summer riots. The Canadian truckers did none of that. Besides, you said that you were unaware that looting involved private property. I proved you wrong. Again.
Yeah, that's all private property. Like in the summer riots. The Canadian truckers did none of that.
No, it isn’t. It isn’t defined as private property. Food aid is not necessarily private. Admit it. You were wrong.
Burn Loot and Murder did those things. Canada they honked horns. No comparison. The left has no leg to stand on.
Hobling Hobgoblins at best.At worst the next edition of Stormtroopers.
Definiton of StormTrooper
- A Facscist power,that is known for among other things,enslaving planets and
races,seizing territory and resources,without legitimate claim,imposing martial law
without provocation,and generally disproportinate response to civil unrest -.
It's like the right never knew the broad powers the government has to fight communicable disease. Do you really think this is some new power grab?
If someone has a loved one die because of the vaccine, who do they sue for it? Where do they go for justice? Oh, that's right, they have no recourse because the government has given blanket immunity to everyone who forces you to take this treatment.

Until you can fix that, then don't force.people into it. I don't care if it only takes the lives of a thousand people, to those families, it matters, and the government told them they have no recourse for any negative effects.
If someone has a loved one die because of the vaccine, who do they sue for it? Where do they go for justice? Oh, that's right, they have no recourse because the government has given blanket immunity to everyone who forces you to take this treatment.

Until you can fix that, then don't force.people into it. I don't care if it only takes the lives of a thousand people, to those families, it matters, and the government told them they have no recourse for any negative effects.
Don't take it. Accept consequences like man.
and it is absolutely intentional beyond any shadow of a doubt.
Kinda somewhat ... But not exaclty as was the case in the fine
performance by Joseph Cotton - Shadow of a Doubt - { 1943 }
where his character Charles Oakley had an entire family hoodwinked
Except the pretty niece who was onto the " Merry Widow ' killer
halfway into the movie.
Cotton was one of my favorite actors.For some reason he was
passed over for an Academy Award nomination.He made a half dozen
films that were deserving of a nomination.
One is an immortal classic - Citizen Kane - { 1941 } and the other
- The Third Man - { 1949 }.
No, it isn’t. It isn’t defined as private property. Food aid is not necessarily private. Admit it. You were wrong.
My definition came from the dictionary. You can call it anything you want but, you were wrong according to accepted definitions. I am aware that Marxists want to constantly change the definitions of words. It's right out of Rules For Radicals.
Schadenfreude for breakfast. Right-wingers made it OK for the police to attack protestors but now they are shocked that the law seems to apply to them.
you cried like a bitch it was your right to protest n tear shit up.

now your shocked when others protest too.

when you bitch at people for flippin, you are flippin too.
you cried like a bitch it was your right to protest n tear shit up.

now your shocked when others protest too.

when you bitch at people for flippin, you are flippin too.
They're just hypocrites trying to convince US they are not by denying their own hypocrisy.
you cried like a bitch it was your right to protest n tear shit up.

now your shocked when others protest too.

when you bitch at people for flippin, you are flippin too.
The crap they are doing in Canada is an insult to the art of protest. It almost seems designed to fail miserably. Now why would that be?

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