True history of the birther movement: Telegraph UK 2011

Q: How are you going to approach writing a bio without talking to them?

A: Newpaper blurbs about the person. Articles, bios, op-eds. Newspapers were, by far, the most common form of research in the pre-internet days.

Now, here's my question

Exactly the level of inaneness you come from.

- How are you going to find it? Lexus Nexus? For unknown authors there may be nothing written about at all and what is there would be pretty random?

- How are you going to know it's them? Lots of people with the same name

- Why would you think that's the most interesting thing about them?

Seriously, you're saying you're writing a bio about an unknown author, and you're not going to sit down with them and ask them who the fuck are you and what is interesting about you? The publisher didn't say they didn't, BTW, all they said is the author didn't write the bio, not that they didn't talk to the author. That actually makes sense to you? To drink that much kool-aid, you'd drown

Q: Who, other than you citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about, claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya?'ve never had an answer. Ever. And you never will. So.....more babble about Queen Elizabeth?

You're being stupid and all I'll repeat the answer. When you claim to be speaking for unknown masses of people (the British Empire?, the voices in your head?), then I'll call you Queen Elizabeth and ask who "we" or "us" is. I'm not clear what you're looking for me when you don't use the royal we and ask why I'm not calling you Queen Elizabeth, it speaks for itself.

I say that because it's a weak attempt to prop up your ego by implying you're on the side of a large number of people while I'm by my little old self. It's actually a sign of a weak ego and limp dick that need to be propped up because you don't have the self confidence to speak for yourself. I is a far more powerful word than we

So Kaz...still waiting for you to answer the simple question: Who claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya? Single source will do.

I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Yep, she was
Exactly the level of inaneness you come from.

- How are you going to find it? Lexus Nexus? For unknown authors there may be nothing written about at all and what is there would be pretty random?

- How are you going to know it's them? Lots of people with the same name

- Why would you think that's the most interesting thing about them?

Seriously, you're saying you're writing a bio about an unknown author, and you're not going to sit down with them and ask them who the fuck are you and what is interesting about you? The publisher didn't say they didn't, BTW, all they said is the author didn't write the bio, not that they didn't talk to the author. That actually makes sense to you? To drink that much kool-aid, you'd drown

You're being stupid and all I'll repeat the answer. When you claim to be speaking for unknown masses of people (the British Empire?, the voices in your head?), then I'll call you Queen Elizabeth and ask who "we" or "us" is. I'm not clear what you're looking for me when you don't use the royal we and ask why I'm not calling you Queen Elizabeth, it speaks for itself.

I say that because it's a weak attempt to prop up your ego by implying you're on the side of a large number of people while I'm by my little old self. It's actually a sign of a weak ego and limp dick that need to be propped up because you don't have the self confidence to speak for yourself. I is a far more powerful word than we

So Kaz...still waiting for you to answer the simple question: Who claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya? Single source will do.

I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Well in Kaz's world any answer that does not end in somehow blaming everything on Obama is 'vague and non-specific'

You already conceded I was right, you wanted to know from the author information like where they went to school. OK, being smarter than Skylar and Seawytch isn't much, but it's better than nothing. Well done!
Q: How are you going to approach writing a bio without talking to them?

A: Newpaper blurbs about the person. Articles, bios, op-eds. Newspapers were, by far, the most common form of research in the pre-internet days.

Now, here's my question

Exactly the level of inaneness you come from.

- How are you going to find it? Lexus Nexus? For unknown authors there may be nothing written about at all and what is there would be pretty random?

- How are you going to know it's them? Lots of people with the same name

- Why would you think that's the most interesting thing about them?

Seriously, you're saying you're writing a bio about an unknown author, and you're not going to sit down with them and ask them who the fuck are you and what is interesting about you? The publisher didn't say they didn't, BTW, all they said is the author didn't write the bio, not that they didn't talk to the author. That actually makes sense to you? To drink that much kool-aid, you'd drown

Q: Who, other than you citing yourself on a topic you know jack shit about, claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya?'ve never had an answer. Ever. And you never will. So.....more babble about Queen Elizabeth?

You're being stupid and all I'll repeat the answer. When you claim to be speaking for unknown masses of people (the British Empire?, the voices in your head?), then I'll call you Queen Elizabeth and ask who "we" or "us" is. I'm not clear what you're looking for me when you don't use the royal we and ask why I'm not calling you Queen Elizabeth, it speaks for itself.

I say that because it's a weak attempt to prop up your ego by implying you're on the side of a large number of people while I'm by my little old self. It's actually a sign of a weak ego and limp dick that need to be propped up because you don't have the self confidence to speak for yourself. I is a far more powerful word than we

So Kaz...still waiting for you to answer the simple question: Who claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya? Single source will do.

I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Bull. A mans body gets up and walks across the room into a room with middle school girls. You know they are a transvestite and not a sexual predator .. how ... asked like 30 times now, zero answers ...

Let's start with the simple fact that a transvestite and a transgendered person are not the same. Transvestites use men's rooms since they are usually heteroseuxally identified men, not transgendered.

Someone presenting as a man is not going to be allowed to enter women's restrooms, transgendered women are. Again, not the same thing. A "man" walks into a women's restroom and he will be confronted. A transgendered woman does not present as a man, they live and present as women.

A woman that looks a lot like a man gets up and goes into your restroom full of middle schoolers, how you going to know it's a woman and not a man? Are you going to be the pecker checker like the rest of your Right Wing reactionary brethren?

A cisgendered straight man going into a restroom to sexual harrass or intimidate women (which, by the way, happens all the time, all you have to do is google) is against the law. Anyone going into a restroom to intimidate and harass anyone is still against the law.

At least 17 states and over 200 localities have laws that protect transgendered people from discrimination in public accommodations (to include restroom facilities). Where are all the incidents of cisgendered straight men taking advantage of these laws? Where is a single incident of a transgendered person harassing or intimidating anyone in a public restroom?

This person was born a woman.

Laws like the one passed in NC that want you to use the restroom on your birth certificate or like the one TN wanted to pass that would require you to use the restroom associated with your chromosomes because {GASP} some states let trans people change their birth certificates, would require that the above individual use your restroom full of "middle school girls".

So who is going to be checking chromosomes at the bathroom doors Kazzie? New career choice for you?
Exactly the level of inaneness you come from.

- How are you going to find it? Lexus Nexus? For unknown authors there may be nothing written about at all and what is there would be pretty random?

- How are you going to know it's them? Lots of people with the same name

- Why would you think that's the most interesting thing about them?

Seriously, you're saying you're writing a bio about an unknown author, and you're not going to sit down with them and ask them who the fuck are you and what is interesting about you? The publisher didn't say they didn't, BTW, all they said is the author didn't write the bio, not that they didn't talk to the author. That actually makes sense to you? To drink that much kool-aid, you'd drown

You're being stupid and all I'll repeat the answer. When you claim to be speaking for unknown masses of people (the British Empire?, the voices in your head?), then I'll call you Queen Elizabeth and ask who "we" or "us" is. I'm not clear what you're looking for me when you don't use the royal we and ask why I'm not calling you Queen Elizabeth, it speaks for itself.

I say that because it's a weak attempt to prop up your ego by implying you're on the side of a large number of people while I'm by my little old self. It's actually a sign of a weak ego and limp dick that need to be propped up because you don't have the self confidence to speak for yourself. I is a far more powerful word than we

So Kaz...still waiting for you to answer the simple question: Who claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya? Single source will do.

I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Yep, she was

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Now, which part did you find to be "vague and non specific"?
Exactly the level of inaneness you come from.

- How are you going to find it? Lexus Nexus? For unknown authors there may be nothing written about at all and what is there would be pretty random?

- How are you going to know it's them? Lots of people with the same name

- Why would you think that's the most interesting thing about them?

Seriously, you're saying you're writing a bio about an unknown author, and you're not going to sit down with them and ask them who the fuck are you and what is interesting about you? The publisher didn't say they didn't, BTW, all they said is the author didn't write the bio, not that they didn't talk to the author. That actually makes sense to you? To drink that much kool-aid, you'd drown

You're being stupid and all I'll repeat the answer. When you claim to be speaking for unknown masses of people (the British Empire?, the voices in your head?), then I'll call you Queen Elizabeth and ask who "we" or "us" is. I'm not clear what you're looking for me when you don't use the royal we and ask why I'm not calling you Queen Elizabeth, it speaks for itself.

I say that because it's a weak attempt to prop up your ego by implying you're on the side of a large number of people while I'm by my little old self. It's actually a sign of a weak ego and limp dick that need to be propped up because you don't have the self confidence to speak for yourself. I is a far more powerful word than we

So Kaz...still waiting for you to answer the simple question: Who claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya? Single source will do.

I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Bull. A mans body gets up and walks across the room into a room with middle school girls. You know they are a transvestite and not a sexual predator .. how ... asked like 30 times now, zero answers ...

Let's start with the simple fact that a transvestite and a transgendered person are not the same. Transvestites use men's rooms since they are usually heteroseuxally identified men, not transgendered.

Someone presenting as a man is not going to be allowed to enter women's restrooms, transgendered women are. Again, not the same thing. A "man" walks into a women's restroom and he will be confronted. A transgendered woman does not present as a man, they live and present as women.

A woman that looks a lot like a man gets up and goes into your restroom full of middle schoolers, how you going to know it's a woman and not a man? Are you going to be the pecker checker like the rest of your Right Wing reactionary brethren?

A cisgendered straight man going into a restroom to sexual harrass or intimidate women (which, by the way, happens all the time, all you have to do is google) is against the law. Anyone going into a restroom to intimidate and harass anyone is still against the law.

At least 17 states and over 200 localities have laws that protect transgendered people from discrimination in public accommodations (to include restroom facilities). Where are all the incidents of cisgendered straight men taking advantage of these laws? Where is a single incident of a transgendered person harassing or intimidating anyone in a public restroom?

This person was born a woman.

Laws like the one passed in NC that want you to use the restroom on your birth certificate or like the one TN wanted to pass that would require you to use the restroom associated with your chromosomes because {GASP} some states let trans people change their birth certificates, would require that the above individual use your restroom full of "middle school girls".

So who is going to be checking chromosomes at the bathroom doors Kazzie? New career choice for you?

Who decides? Just to be clear, so you're saying someone who is dressed like a man and looks like a man walks into the women's room, anyone can stop them just like before. If they say no, they are an inner woman, we can beat their ass and throw them out just like before. They obviously are not a transgender. Wow, the bills leftists are passing allowing sexual predators into women's locker rooms and bathrooms don't say that. I frankly think you're making it up. Show what that claim is based on.
So Kaz...still waiting for you to answer the simple question: Who claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya? Single source will do.

I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Yep, she was

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Now, which part did you find to be "vague and non specific"?

I'm answering this by choice since you don't get to ask questions.

- Who is "us?" Her, her department, everyone at her firm? This could mean she doesn't know who he told or it could mean as you hope it does she does know he didn't tell anyone that

- If she does know he didn't tell anyone that, why didn't she say where it came from? Who did sit down and write on a blank piece of paper he was born in Kenya?

- And why did they do that?

- Why didn't she do her job and fact check a simple bio with like 20 facts in it when that was specifically her job?

If this were a Republican, you'd suddenly get all those questions
So Kaz...still waiting for you to answer the simple question: Who claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya? Single source will do.

I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Well in Kaz's world any answer that does not end in somehow blaming everything on Obama is 'vague and non-specific'

You already conceded I was right, you wanted to know from the author information like where they went to school. OK, being smarter than Skylar and Seawytch isn't much, but it's better than nothing. Well done!

LOL- now you are just lying again.

Not surprising, from the poster who has constructed his own fantasy world about President Obama.
I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Yep, she was

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Now, which part did you find to be "vague and non specific"?

I'm answering this by choice since you don't get to ask questions.

- Who is "us?" Her, her department, everyone at her firm? This could mean she doesn't know who he told or it could mean as you hope it does she does know he didn't tell anyone that

- If she does know he didn't tell anyone that, why didn't she say where it came from? Who did sit down and write on a blank piece of paper he was born in Kenya?

- And why did they do that?

- Why didn't she do her job and fact check a simple bio with like 20 facts in it when that was specifically her job?

If this were a Republican, you'd suddenly get all those questions

Only a right wing nut job as yourself would find anything vague about those answers.

There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Once again you continue to speculate- and avoid her clear and definitive answers

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

Instead you continually lie- and say that President Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

This was specifically refuted.

You can't find a single quote to support your claim.

Your claim- your lie- is based purely upon your speculation- not the facts.
Why do you ask others to play your fantasy games?

The publisher told us it was her mistake- and told us that President Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Why do you ask others to create fantasies like you do?

OK, I'll play. You're a researcher. Your boss gives you a name. How are you going to approach writing a bio without talking to them? Go ...

Oh, also, this is 1990, you don't even have the Internet (not that it would matter)

Why do you ask others to play your fantasy games?

The publisher told us it was her mistake- and told us that President Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Why do you ask others to create fantasies like you do?
The publisher said Obama didn't write it, they didn't say Obama wasn't asked for input.

Well lets look at what the publisher actually said- again

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Who did she mean by "us?"

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.
So Kaz...still waiting for you to answer the simple question: Who claims that Obama told them was born in Kenya? Single source will do.

I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Bull. A mans body gets up and walks across the room into a room with middle school girls. You know they are a transvestite and not a sexual predator .. how ... asked like 30 times now, zero answers ...

Let's start with the simple fact that a transvestite and a transgendered person are not the same. Transvestites use men's rooms since they are usually heteroseuxally identified men, not transgendered.

Someone presenting as a man is not going to be allowed to enter women's restrooms, transgendered women are. Again, not the same thing. A "man" walks into a women's restroom and he will be confronted. A transgendered woman does not present as a man, they live and present as women.

A woman that looks a lot like a man gets up and goes into your restroom full of middle schoolers, how you going to know it's a woman and not a man? Are you going to be the pecker checker like the rest of your Right Wing reactionary brethren?

A cisgendered straight man going into a restroom to sexual harrass or intimidate women (which, by the way, happens all the time, all you have to do is google) is against the law. Anyone going into a restroom to intimidate and harass anyone is still against the law.

At least 17 states and over 200 localities have laws that protect transgendered people from discrimination in public accommodations (to include restroom facilities). Where are all the incidents of cisgendered straight men taking advantage of these laws? Where is a single incident of a transgendered person harassing or intimidating anyone in a public restroom?

This person was born a woman.

Laws like the one passed in NC that want you to use the restroom on your birth certificate or like the one TN wanted to pass that would require you to use the restroom associated with your chromosomes because {GASP} some states let trans people change their birth certificates, would require that the above individual use your restroom full of "middle school girls".

So who is going to be checking chromosomes at the bathroom doors Kazzie? New career choice for you?

Who decides? Just to be clear, so you're saying someone who is dressed like a man and looks like a man walks into the women's room, anyone can stop them just like before. If they say no, they are an inner woman, we can beat their ass and throw them out just like before. They obviously are not a transgender. Wow, the bills leftists are passing allowing sexual predators into women's locker rooms and bathrooms don't say that. I frankly think you're making it up. Show what that claim is based on.

You could never "beat their ass and throw them out", Rightwing hack.

What claim do you want backed up, hack? That trans people can use the bathroom associated with their transitioning gender?

The Trans Rights Map: How Does Your State Rank?

Transgender People and the Law

Or that there are no issues in places with these laws? Is that what you don't believe, hack?

Equality NC director: No public safety risks in cities with transgender anti-discrimination rules
I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Well in Kaz's world any answer that does not end in somehow blaming everything on Obama is 'vague and non-specific'

You already conceded I was right, you wanted to know from the author information like where they went to school. OK, being smarter than Skylar and Seawytch isn't much, but it's better than nothing. Well done!

LOL- now you are just lying again.

Not surprising, from the poster who has constructed his own fantasy world about President Obama.

You admitted you wanted the author to tell you they went to Yale, you would actually talk to them. You said that, it was exactly my point
Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Yep, she was

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Now, which part did you find to be "vague and non specific"?

I'm answering this by choice since you don't get to ask questions.

- Who is "us?" Her, her department, everyone at her firm? This could mean she doesn't know who he told or it could mean as you hope it does she does know he didn't tell anyone that

- If she does know he didn't tell anyone that, why didn't she say where it came from? Who did sit down and write on a blank piece of paper he was born in Kenya?

- And why did they do that?

- Why didn't she do her job and fact check a simple bio with like 20 facts in it when that was specifically her job?

If this were a Republican, you'd suddenly get all those questions

Only a right wing nut job as yourself would find anything vague about those answers.

There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Once again you continue to speculate- and avoid her clear and definitive answers

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

Instead you continually lie- and say that President Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

This was specifically refuted.

You can't find a single quote to support your claim.

Your claim- your lie- is based purely upon your speculation- not the facts.

You agreed with my claim, you wanted the author to tell you things about themselves you could go verify, that's exactly right
OK, I'll play. You're a researcher. Your boss gives you a name. How are you going to approach writing a bio without talking to them? Go ...

Oh, also, this is 1990, you don't even have the Internet (not that it would matter)

Why do you ask others to play your fantasy games?

The publisher told us it was her mistake- and told us that President Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Why do you ask others to create fantasies like you do?
The publisher said Obama didn't write it, they didn't say Obama wasn't asked for input.

Well lets look at what the publisher actually said- again

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Who did she mean by "us?"

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

She did't say she said he was born in Kenya, she just said she didn't verify he was. And she didn't say he didn't tell anyone at the firm, just that he didn't tell her
I don't take questions from you, you don't answer them

Irony alert. I do answer your questions, birther light hack. You just don't like the answers.

Bull. A mans body gets up and walks across the room into a room with middle school girls. You know they are a transvestite and not a sexual predator .. how ... asked like 30 times now, zero answers ...

Let's start with the simple fact that a transvestite and a transgendered person are not the same. Transvestites use men's rooms since they are usually heteroseuxally identified men, not transgendered.

Someone presenting as a man is not going to be allowed to enter women's restrooms, transgendered women are. Again, not the same thing. A "man" walks into a women's restroom and he will be confronted. A transgendered woman does not present as a man, they live and present as women.

A woman that looks a lot like a man gets up and goes into your restroom full of middle schoolers, how you going to know it's a woman and not a man? Are you going to be the pecker checker like the rest of your Right Wing reactionary brethren?

A cisgendered straight man going into a restroom to sexual harrass or intimidate women (which, by the way, happens all the time, all you have to do is google) is against the law. Anyone going into a restroom to intimidate and harass anyone is still against the law.

At least 17 states and over 200 localities have laws that protect transgendered people from discrimination in public accommodations (to include restroom facilities). Where are all the incidents of cisgendered straight men taking advantage of these laws? Where is a single incident of a transgendered person harassing or intimidating anyone in a public restroom?

This person was born a woman.

Laws like the one passed in NC that want you to use the restroom on your birth certificate or like the one TN wanted to pass that would require you to use the restroom associated with your chromosomes because {GASP} some states let trans people change their birth certificates, would require that the above individual use your restroom full of "middle school girls".

So who is going to be checking chromosomes at the bathroom doors Kazzie? New career choice for you?

Who decides? Just to be clear, so you're saying someone who is dressed like a man and looks like a man walks into the women's room, anyone can stop them just like before. If they say no, they are an inner woman, we can beat their ass and throw them out just like before. They obviously are not a transgender. Wow, the bills leftists are passing allowing sexual predators into women's locker rooms and bathrooms don't say that. I frankly think you're making it up. Show what that claim is based on.

You could never "beat their ass and throw them out", Rightwing hack.

What claim do you want backed up, hack? That trans people can use the bathroom associated with their transitioning gender?

The Trans Rights Map: How Does Your State Rank?

Transgender People and the Law

Or that there are no issues in places with these laws? Is that what you don't believe, hack?

Equality NC director: No public safety risks in cities with transgender anti-discrimination rules

Beating the ass of a guy trying to go into a changing room with a bunch of middle school girls? Try to find a jury that will convict them

And you're still not answering the question. If a sexual predator decides to walk into a girl's bathroom, how can you stop them? According to the leftist authoritarian laws, you can't.
Why do you ask others to play your fantasy games?

The publisher told us it was her mistake- and told us that President Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Why do you ask others to create fantasies like you do?
The publisher said Obama didn't write it, they didn't say Obama wasn't asked for input.

Well lets look at what the publisher actually said- again

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Who did she mean by "us?"

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

She did't say she said he was born in Kenya, she just said she didn't verify he was. And she didn't say he didn't tell anyone at the firm, just that he didn't tell her

Let us review- there is absolutely no evidence to support your claim that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya.

Instead you are left trying to pick apart a very clear message where the editor says this was her mistake and that Obama never told her he was born Kenya

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya

Based upon the information we actually have- your continual claim that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya is just a malicious lie.
Actually, I thought Kaz buried the irony needle with his claim that Goderich was 'vague and non-specific'.

Yep, she was

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Now, which part did you find to be "vague and non specific"?

I'm answering this by choice since you don't get to ask questions.

- Who is "us?" Her, her department, everyone at her firm? This could mean she doesn't know who he told or it could mean as you hope it does she does know he didn't tell anyone that

- If she does know he didn't tell anyone that, why didn't she say where it came from? Who did sit down and write on a blank piece of paper he was born in Kenya?

- And why did they do that?

- Why didn't she do her job and fact check a simple bio with like 20 facts in it when that was specifically her job?

If this were a Republican, you'd suddenly get all those questions

Only a right wing nut job as yourself would find anything vague about those answers.

There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Once again you continue to speculate- and avoid her clear and definitive answers

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

Instead you continually lie- and say that President Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

This was specifically refuted.

You can't find a single quote to support your claim.

Your claim- your lie- is based purely upon your speculation- not the facts.

You agreed with my claim,t

No- why would I agree with your lie? You claim Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya- there is no evidence that he ever said any such thing.

What evidence we do have says he did not.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya
Yep, she was

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Now, which part did you find to be "vague and non specific"?

I'm answering this by choice since you don't get to ask questions.

- Who is "us?" Her, her department, everyone at her firm? This could mean she doesn't know who he told or it could mean as you hope it does she does know he didn't tell anyone that

- If she does know he didn't tell anyone that, why didn't she say where it came from? Who did sit down and write on a blank piece of paper he was born in Kenya?

- And why did they do that?

- Why didn't she do her job and fact check a simple bio with like 20 facts in it when that was specifically her job?

If this were a Republican, you'd suddenly get all those questions

Only a right wing nut job as yourself would find anything vague about those answers.

There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

Once again you continue to speculate- and avoid her clear and definitive answers

"There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

Instead you continually lie- and say that President Obama told his publisher he was born in Kenya.

This was specifically refuted.

You can't find a single quote to support your claim.

Your claim- your lie- is based purely upon your speculation- not the facts.

You agreed with my claim,t

No- why would I agree with your lie? You claim Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya- there is no evidence that he ever said any such thing.

What evidence we do have says he did not.

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya

You said you wanted to know they went in your case to Yale before you followed up
The publisher said Obama didn't write it, they didn't say Obama wasn't asked for input.

Well lets look at what the publisher actually said- again

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

Who did she mean by "us?"

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya.

She did't say she said he was born in Kenya, she just said she didn't verify he was. And she didn't say he didn't tell anyone at the firm, just that he didn't tell her

Let us review- there is absolutely no evidence to support your claim that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya.

Instead you are left trying to pick apart a very clear message where the editor says this was her mistake and that Obama never told her he was born Kenya

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii.

It doesn't get much more specific than that. You can dodge and dance around all you want, but Goderich clearly stated:
a) that it was her mistake and
b) that Obama never told her he was born in Kenya

Based upon the information we actually have- your continual claim that Barack Obama said he was born in Kenya is just a malicious lie.

Ouch, It was "malicious." Liberals love to tell people what they think and how they feel, then you whine like bitches if anyone says that to you. LOL

So how is it "malicious?"
No, I never said she lied, I said she was evasive and non-specific. You really don't know the difference? I've said that repeatedly.

You're confusing her with you. You're evasive and non-specific.

Like when I ask you who claims that Obama told them he was born in give me excuse after excuse why you can't answer rather than just naming the person specifically.

Miriam Goderich was extremely specific and direct:

"You're undoubtedly aware of the brouhaha stirred up by Breitbart about the erroneous statement in a client list Acton & Dystel published in 1991 (for circulation within the publishing industry only) that Barack Obama was born in Kenya. This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

""There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii" is about as specific as it gets.

You insist that Obama told her that he was born in Kenya. She says he never did.

You lose again.

So I ask again......who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?
She lied to cover for Obama.

I've got her eye witness testimony on a document she assembled.
No you don't.

Who made the brochure, according to you. Remembering of course that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, have never worked for that Literary Agency, never made a thing for them and don't know a soul who did.

While she was a literary assistant at the agency at the time the pamphlet was created.

Again, why would I ignore her......and instead believe you?

Why would you want to go find where they were born and where they went to school and what special accomplishments they had without asking them? That's the lamest part of your endless lies
Not true that the burfur crab was started by Hillary but way more important is that RWNJ traitors, like lying Trumpery, have continued to tell and retell the lies. Their reason is always the same - they despise their own country and gleefully lie if it will cause harm to the US.

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