True history of the birther movement: Telegraph UK 2011

For Kaz


I clicked the show ignored content tab to give you a chance. Which of course you failed. I'm going to give you a chance that I've never given before, a third chance. If you post this, I'll take you off ignore. Last chance. Seriously, syriously.

"I'll cut the racism crap."

Seriously, last chance. Your choice
i'll support that effort. i've had people like steve on ignore for a long time, quite a few others, it makes coming here so much more pleasant.

syrius would be no great loss, but he is connected to fogbot, so he's been unwittingly good at relaying message and sentiment back and forth to Botworld, dr. c, foggy, historian dude, rc etc.

calling you racist is enough for me to ditch him like an obama promise, and never look back.

let's see how he want's to be.

Wash please put me on your ignore list also.

Not as if you actually address any comments made anyway
what about the race baiting thing.

What race baiting?

I clicked the show ignored content tab to give you a chance. Which of course you failed. I'm going to give you a chance that I've never given before, a third chance. If you post this, I'll take you off ignore. Last chance. Seriously, syriously.

"I'll cut the racism crap."

Seriously, last chance. Your choice
i'll support that effort. i've had people like steve on ignore for a long time, quite a few others, it makes coming here so much more pleasant.

syrius would be no great loss, but he is connected to fogbot, so he's been unwittingly good at relaying message and sentiment back and forth to Botworld, dr. c, foggy, historian dude, rc etc.

calling you racist is enough for me to ditch him like an obama promise, and never look back.

let's see how he want's to be.

I had him on ignore for about nine months until April for circle jerking with Faun and Skylar. This one's probably going to be a lot longer if he ever comes back. I'm not optimistic the left will tone down the racism strawman when Obama leaves, but if they did I could be less sick of it and be a bit easier on the race sluts like Syriusly. TBD.

Edit: LOL, Faun is still pushing the circle jerk nine months later so he's still on ignore. Of course there's a different term once the circle jerk was with himself. That's too funny. I just showed ignored content to check one last time and there he was continuing to masturbate trying to revive the circle jerk. Classic. What an idiot

Poor, kaz. The only way she can win an argument is to ignore those who constantly prove her wrong.


As I said, the arguments have nothing to do with it. It's your creepy stalking me around trying to push the "kazzing" thing to the point of obsession. I see it when people quote you, they always ignore the kazzing part though. You're making no ground, LOL. What a loser.

And sorry man, I'm not into guys. But I do review my ignore list every April and clean it out as much as I can. When you get over your gay infatuation with me and calm down you'll probably get off. Up to you. Note there is no question mark in this paragraph ...
Poor kaz, demented as ever. When was the last time I even posted to you? Was it more than a month ago? That's your idea of stalking? You sure do have some pretty thin skin. I also don't recall calling you gay. That's just more kazzing from you. Like saying you ignore me but then read my posts. :lol: As far as the term, "kazzing," you lie so much, it's the perfect verb to describe you. That's why others have used it in a similar fashion. And yes, it's working. That's evident by you immediately throwing anyone who uses it right onto your ignore list. I've had far better results with it than I ever expected. Which is why I still to use it and will continue to do so even if you ignore me. I will stop using it when you stop lying; which we both know will never happen.

I clicked the show ignored content tab to give you a chance. Which of course you failed. I'm going to give you a chance that I've never given before, a third chance. If you post this, I'll take you off ignore. Last chance. Seriously, syriously.

"I'll cut the racism crap."

Seriously, last chance. Your choice
i'll support that effort. i've had people like steve on ignore for a long time, quite a few others, it makes coming here so much more pleasant.

syrius would be no great loss, but he is connected to fogbot, so he's been unwittingly good at relaying message and sentiment back and forth to Botworld, dr. c, foggy, historian dude, rc etc.

calling you racist is enough for me to ditch him like an obama promise, and never look back.

let's see how he want's to be.

Wash please put me on your ignore list also.

Not as if you actually address any comments made anyway
what about the race baiting thing.

I clicked the show ignored content tab to give you a chance. Which of course you failed. I'm going to give you a chance that I've never given before, a third chance. If you post this, I'll take you off ignore. Last chance. Seriously, syriously.

"I'll cut the racism crap."

Seriously, last chance. Your choice
i'll support that effort. i've had people like steve on ignore for a long time, quite a few others, it makes coming here so much more pleasant.

syrius would be no great loss, but he is connected to fogbot, so he's been unwittingly good at relaying message and sentiment back and forth to Botworld, dr. c, foggy, historian dude, rc etc.

calling you racist is enough for me to ditch him like an obama promise, and never look back.

let's see how he want's to be.

I had him on ignore for about nine months until April for circle jerking with Faun and Skylar. This one's probably going to be a lot longer if he ever comes back. I'm not optimistic the left will tone down the racism strawman when Obama leaves, but if they did I could be less sick of it and be a bit easier on the race sluts like Syriusly. TBD.

Edit: LOL, Faun is still pushing the circle jerk nine months later so he's still on ignore. Of course there's a different term once the circle jerk was with himself. That's too funny. I just showed ignored content to check one last time and there he was continuing to masturbate trying to revive the circle jerk. Classic. What an idiot
i thought about an ignore amnesty day, but it's too much work.

i have a great ignore list. i like to show it off from time to time.

my own little scarlet letter club. i'm so surprised because they all seem to have plenty of trophy points... go figure.

I have three of those on my ignore list. PaintMyHouse and TyroneSlothrop for race baiting.

I told rightwinger my daughter is getting her PhD in French and he kept making sexual references about her and the French. I said dude, that's my daughter. He kept doing it. He's a lifer now
Occam's razor. One is plausible, the other birther nonsense.

LOL, it cracks me up when you try to use big words.

So you think there are fewer assumptions with that biographies appear out of mid air, information about unknown people is found in newspapers with their names not indexed to anything and then other people are responsible for fact checking that rather than the author just says what their background is? Of course you do ...

You've heard of unauthorized biographies? Where oh where do people get information for unauthorized biographies?

Have you ever heard of journalism? It existed before Google.

You're truly that big a simpleton, aren't you? Classic

Sure, birther boy...if that makes you feel like a man, you keep believing that.

No matter how many times you people spin, you can't actually tell someone doing research in the early 90s how you would find information that I couldn't.

These were unknown authors. I have intellectual integrity. If you could actually provide a response with content that, OMG, WTF, I didn't think of that, I'd totally concede.

But all you show is you're vacuous. Seriously

Since both I have noted very specifically exactly how I would do it- Kaz is just lying


And the coward that he is, he hides from my posts.

Final response. I told you if you cut the racist crap I wouldn't put you on ignore. Skylar isn't on ignore and he makes the same arguments you do. Skylar's not calling me a racist. How you think that has to do with hiding from you is only the little, intellectual dry hole, dweeb that you are. Have a good one. You made your choice

Syrius isn't calling you a racist either. He's simply using your own twisted logic against you.

You and Wash...the last two partisan birthers clinging to this thread.
LOL, it cracks me up when you try to use big words.

So you think there are fewer assumptions with that biographies appear out of mid air, information about unknown people is found in newspapers with their names not indexed to anything and then other people are responsible for fact checking that rather than the author just says what their background is? Of course you do ...

You've heard of unauthorized biographies? Where oh where do people get information for unauthorized biographies?

Have you ever heard of journalism? It existed before Google.

You're truly that big a simpleton, aren't you? Classic

Sure, birther boy...if that makes you feel like a man, you keep believing that.

No matter how many times you people spin, you can't actually tell someone doing research in the early 90s how you would find information that I couldn't.

These were unknown authors. I have intellectual integrity. If you could actually provide a response with content that, OMG, WTF, I didn't think of that, I'd totally concede.

But all you show is you're vacuous. Seriously

Since both I have noted very specifically exactly how I would do it- Kaz is just lying


And the coward that he is, he hides from my posts.

Final response. I told you if you cut the racist crap I wouldn't put you on ignore. Skylar isn't on ignore and he makes the same arguments you do. Skylar's not calling me a racist. How you think that has to do with hiding from you is only the little, intellectual dry hole, dweeb that you are. Have a good one. You made your choice

Syrius isn't calling you a racist either. He's simply using your own twisted logic against you.

You and Wash...the last two partisan birthers clinging to this thread.

He can't think of any other reason that I'd take my position other than that I'm a racist and I'm racist "ish"

You are truly an idiot. You're just making shit up.
LOL, it cracks me up when you try to use big words.

So you think there are fewer assumptions with that biographies appear out of mid air, information about unknown people is found in newspapers with their names not indexed to anything and then other people are responsible for fact checking that rather than the author just says what their background is? Of course you do ...

You've heard of unauthorized biographies? Where oh where do people get information for unauthorized biographies?

Have you ever heard of journalism? It existed before Google.

You're truly that big a simpleton, aren't you? Classic

Sure, birther boy...if that makes you feel like a man, you keep believing that.

No matter how many times you people spin, you can't actually tell someone doing research in the early 90s how you would find information that I couldn't.

These were unknown authors. I have intellectual integrity. If you could actually provide a response with content that, OMG, WTF, I didn't think of that, I'd totally concede.

But all you show is you're vacuous. Seriously

Since both I have noted very specifically exactly how I would do it- Kaz is just lying


And the coward that he is, he hides from my posts.

Final response. I told you if you cut the racist crap I wouldn't put you on ignore. Skylar isn't on ignore and he makes the same arguments you do. Skylar's not calling me a racist. How you think that has to do with hiding from you is only the little, intellectual dry hole, dweeb that you are. Have a good one. You made your choice

Syrius isn't calling you a racist either. He's simply using your own twisted logic against you.

You and Wash...the last two partisan birthers clinging to this thread.

Of course you are correct. I didn't call Kaz a racist, but it amusing to watch how my post caused his panties to bunch up.

Kaz is a liar and a coward.

He doesn't want to face the fact that it is no more a lie to call him a racist than it is for him to call President Obama the first Birther.
You've heard of unauthorized biographies? Where oh where do people get information for unauthorized biographies?

Have you ever heard of journalism? It existed before Google.

Sure, birther boy...if that makes you feel like a man, you keep believing that.

No matter how many times you people spin, you can't actually tell someone doing research in the early 90s how you would find information that I couldn't.

These were unknown authors. I have intellectual integrity. If you could actually provide a response with content that, OMG, WTF, I didn't think of that, I'd totally concede.

But all you show is you're vacuous. Seriously

Since both I have noted very specifically exactly how I would do it- Kaz is just lying


And the coward that he is, he hides from my posts.

Final response. I told you if you cut the racist crap I wouldn't put you on ignore. Skylar isn't on ignore and he makes the same arguments you do. Skylar's not calling me a racist. How you think that has to do with hiding from you is only the little, intellectual dry hole, dweeb that you are. Have a good one. You made your choice

Syrius isn't calling you a racist either. He's simply using your own twisted logic against you.

You and Wash...the last two partisan birthers clinging to this thread.

He can't think of any other reason that I'd take my position other than that I'm a racist and I'm racist "ish"

You are truly an idiot. You're just making shit up.

You can't entertain that the publicist made a mistake despite her saying that she made the mistake.

Again, he's using your own twisted logic against you.

Calling me an idiot doesn't make you less of a birther hack, birther hack.
No matter how many times you people spin, you can't actually tell someone doing research in the early 90s how you would find information that I couldn't.

These were unknown authors. I have intellectual integrity. If you could actually provide a response with content that, OMG, WTF, I didn't think of that, I'd totally concede.

But all you show is you're vacuous. Seriously

Since both I have noted very specifically exactly how I would do it- Kaz is just lying


And the coward that he is, he hides from my posts.

Final response. I told you if you cut the racist crap I wouldn't put you on ignore. Skylar isn't on ignore and he makes the same arguments you do. Skylar's not calling me a racist. How you think that has to do with hiding from you is only the little, intellectual dry hole, dweeb that you are. Have a good one. You made your choice

Syrius isn't calling you a racist either. He's simply using your own twisted logic against you.

You and Wash...the last two partisan birthers clinging to this thread.

He can't think of any other reason that I'd take my position other than that I'm a racist and I'm racist "ish"

You are truly an idiot. You're just making shit up.

You can't entertain that the publicist made a mistake despite her saying that she made the mistake.

Again, he's using your own twisted logic against you.

Calling me an idiot doesn't make you less of a birther hack, birther hack.

She was a bio checker who didn't check a bio. She actually didn't say she's the one who said he was born in Kenya, she just said she didn't "fact check" it, fact checking her job. She also said he didn't tell "us" but didn't say who "us" was, herself? Her department? The entire firm? She didn't say why anyone would say he was born in Kenya. The firm said the authors don't write their own bios, but they didn't say they don't talk to the authors when they do it.

If it was an innocent mistake, why didn't they give a clear statement in stead of one that wasn't really a statement at all? The only actual specific fact they said was Miriam didn't fact check it. They gave zero specific about anything beyond that.

And as for the "birther hack, birther hack," you never get tired of being an eight year old, do you? You could actually do that all day
Since both I have noted very specifically exactly how I would do it- Kaz is just lying


And the coward that he is, he hides from my posts.

Final response. I told you if you cut the racist crap I wouldn't put you on ignore. Skylar isn't on ignore and he makes the same arguments you do. Skylar's not calling me a racist. How you think that has to do with hiding from you is only the little, intellectual dry hole, dweeb that you are. Have a good one. You made your choice

Syrius isn't calling you a racist either. He's simply using your own twisted logic against you.

You and Wash...the last two partisan birthers clinging to this thread.

He can't think of any other reason that I'd take my position other than that I'm a racist and I'm racist "ish"

You are truly an idiot. You're just making shit up.

You can't entertain that the publicist made a mistake despite her saying that she made the mistake.

Again, he's using your own twisted logic against you.

Calling me an idiot doesn't make you less of a birther hack, birther hack.

She was a bio checker who didn't check a bio.

No, she was a person who assembled 90 word 'bio blurbs' for an obscure pamphlet.

And she made a simple mistake.

Miriam Goderich said:
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

One so inconsequential that no one was even aware of it for at least 15 years.

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?
I did research in 1991 for my graduate degrees.

Prove it. You're using yourself as a primary source. Back up your claims with evidence.

Sure. Clearly you don't know that doing a biography on an unknown author in 1991 was for all practical purposes impossible and you don't know that because I did it and you didn't. It's still pretty impossible even with the Internet, but in 1991, no chance. I do know what ... because ... I did research then and I know what it was like
Final response. I told you if you cut the racist crap I wouldn't put you on ignore. Skylar isn't on ignore and he makes the same arguments you do. Skylar's not calling me a racist. How you think that has to do with hiding from you is only the little, intellectual dry hole, dweeb that you are. Have a good one. You made your choice

Syrius isn't calling you a racist either. He's simply using your own twisted logic against you.

You and Wash...the last two partisan birthers clinging to this thread.

He can't think of any other reason that I'd take my position other than that I'm a racist and I'm racist "ish"

You are truly an idiot. You're just making shit up.

You can't entertain that the publicist made a mistake despite her saying that she made the mistake.

Again, he's using your own twisted logic against you.

Calling me an idiot doesn't make you less of a birther hack, birther hack.

She was a bio checker who didn't check a bio.

No, she was a person who assembled 90 word 'bio blurbs' for an obscure pamphlet.

And she made a simple mistake.

Miriam Goderich said:
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

One so inconsequential that no one was even aware of it for at least 15 years.

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

She said her mistake was "fact check," she didn't say she wrote it. You keep posting her statement, you never read it?
Syrius isn't calling you a racist either. He's simply using your own twisted logic against you.

You and Wash...the last two partisan birthers clinging to this thread.

He can't think of any other reason that I'd take my position other than that I'm a racist and I'm racist "ish"

You are truly an idiot. You're just making shit up.

You can't entertain that the publicist made a mistake despite her saying that she made the mistake.

Again, he's using your own twisted logic against you.

Calling me an idiot doesn't make you less of a birther hack, birther hack.

She was a bio checker who didn't check a bio.

No, she was a person who assembled 90 word 'bio blurbs' for an obscure pamphlet.

And she made a simple mistake.

Miriam Goderich said:
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

One so inconsequential that no one was even aware of it for at least 15 years.

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

She said her mistake was "fact check," she didn't say she wrote it. You keep posting her statement, you never read it?

Then the issue is settled. It was a simple fact checking error.

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?
I did research in 1991 for my graduate degrees.

Prove it. You're using yourself as a primary source. Back up your claims with evidence.

Sure. Clearly you don't know that doing a biography on an unknown author in 1991 was for all practical purposes impossible and you don't know that because I did it and you didn't. It's still pretty impossible even with the Internet, but in 1991, no chance. I do know what ... because ... I did research then and I know what it was like

That's not proof. That's you citing yourself again.

Show us the evidence that you did research in 1991 for your graduate degrees. If you're going to cite yourself as a primary source, I expect you to provide the evidence to back it up.
He can't think of any other reason that I'd take my position other than that I'm a racist and I'm racist "ish"

You are truly an idiot. You're just making shit up.

You can't entertain that the publicist made a mistake despite her saying that she made the mistake.

Again, he's using your own twisted logic against you.

Calling me an idiot doesn't make you less of a birther hack, birther hack.

She was a bio checker who didn't check a bio.

No, she was a person who assembled 90 word 'bio blurbs' for an obscure pamphlet.

And she made a simple mistake.

Miriam Goderich said:
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

One so inconsequential that no one was even aware of it for at least 15 years.

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

She said her mistake was "fact check," she didn't say she wrote it. You keep posting her statement, you never read it?

Then the issue is settled. It was a simple fact checking error.

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Who said they said Obama was born in Kenya?
I did research in 1991 for my graduate degrees.

Prove it. You're using yourself as a primary source. Back up your claims with evidence.

Sure. Clearly you don't know that doing a biography on an unknown author in 1991 was for all practical purposes impossible and you don't know that because I did it and you didn't. It's still pretty impossible even with the Internet, but in 1991, no chance. I do know what ... because ... I did research then and I know what it was like

That's not proof. That's you citing yourself again.

Show us the evidence that you did research in 1991 for your graduate degrees. If you're going to cite yourself as a primary source, I expect you to provide the evidence to back it up.

Asked and answered. I know what I'm talking about, you don't. You can't even come up with a basic approach to how you would approach a bio about an unknown author without talking to them, you have no idea at all
I did research in 1991 for my graduate degrees.

Prove it. You're using yourself as a primary source. Back up your claims with evidence.

Sure. Clearly you don't know that doing a biography on an unknown author in 1991 was for all practical purposes impossible and you don't know that because I did it and you didn't. It's still pretty impossible even with the Internet, but in 1991, no chance. I do know what ... because ... I did research then and I know what it was like

That's not proof. That's you citing yourself again.

Show us the evidence that you did research in 1991 for your graduate degrees. If you're going to cite yourself as a primary source, I expect you to provide the evidence to back it up.

Asked and answered.

Asked....and no proof provided to back anything you've said.

Show us the evidence that you did research in 1991 for your graduate degrees. So far you've presented zero evidence that you ever did such a thing.

Try again.
You can't entertain that the publicist made a mistake despite her saying that she made the mistake.

Again, he's using your own twisted logic against you.

Calling me an idiot doesn't make you less of a birther hack, birther hack.

She was a bio checker who didn't check a bio.

No, she was a person who assembled 90 word 'bio blurbs' for an obscure pamphlet.

And she made a simple mistake.

Miriam Goderich said:
This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

One so inconsequential that no one was even aware of it for at least 15 years.

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

She said her mistake was "fact check," she didn't say she wrote it. You keep posting her statement, you never read it?

Then the issue is settled. It was a simple fact checking error.

So who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya?

Who said they said Obama was born in Kenya?

You do. And you're nobody.

Miriam Goderich certainly doesn't:

This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me — an agency assistant at the time," Goderich wrote. "There was never any information given to us by Obama in any of his correspondence or other communications suggesting in any way that he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. I hope you can communicate to your readers that this was a simple mistake and nothing more."

So we've established that it was a simple mistake on the part of Miriam Goderich.

So....who claims that Obama told them he was born in Kenya? Other than you citing yourself, of course.
I did research in 1991 for my graduate degrees.

Prove it. You're using yourself as a primary source. Back up your claims with evidence.

Sure. Clearly you don't know that doing a biography on an unknown author in 1991 was for all practical purposes impossible and you don't know that because I did it and you didn't. It's still pretty impossible even with the Internet, but in 1991, no chance. I do know what ... because ... I did research then and I know what it was like

That's not proof. That's you citing yourself again.

Show us the evidence that you did research in 1991 for your graduate degrees. If you're going to cite yourself as a primary source, I expect you to provide the evidence to back it up.

Asked and answered.

Asked....and no proof provided to back anything you've said.

Show us the evidence that you did research in 1991 for your graduate degrees. So far you've presented zero evidence that you ever did such a thing.

Try again.

Just as there is no evidence that Kaz's vehement opposition to President Obama isn't pure partisan hackery.
Prove it. You're using yourself as a primary source. Back up your claims with evidence.

Sure. Clearly you don't know that doing a biography on an unknown author in 1991 was for all practical purposes impossible and you don't know that because I did it and you didn't. It's still pretty impossible even with the Internet, but in 1991, no chance. I do know what ... because ... I did research then and I know what it was like

That's not proof. That's you citing yourself again.

Show us the evidence that you did research in 1991 for your graduate degrees. If you're going to cite yourself as a primary source, I expect you to provide the evidence to back it up.

Asked and answered.

Asked....and no proof provided to back anything you've said.

Show us the evidence that you did research in 1991 for your graduate degrees. So far you've presented zero evidence that you ever did such a thing.

Try again.

Just as there is no evidence that Kaz's vehement opposition to President Obama isn't pure partisan hackery.

Kaz is a lover of ludicrously stupid arguments, it seems. I mean, why would the literary agency have agreed to represent Obama if they didn't know anything about him? Why wouldn't they have read everything they could on the man before agreeing to represent him?

I mean, how did they learn of Obama if they had no access nor awareness of the existence of the NY Times article along with those in Vanity Fair, the LA Times, the Boston Globe, and Chicago Herald?

Per Kaz's birther batshit, the literary agency apparently chose Obama at random.

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