True Interpretation of the 2nd Amendment

True Interpretation of the 2nd Amendment in laments terms:

The Right To Bear Arms

Lets say YOU as a normal average person were to speak out against a Wealthy Person, I then get a Cartel or some sort of local Mafia involved to go to your house, tie you up, RAPE and Pillage your family as you watched.

But here in the Untied States the Second Amendment has been misinterpreted so now all the Sheeple in this land have sophisticated firearms & modern weaponry equal to or greater than Cartel's & Mafia's, so now when I try to order them to go to your house to teach you a lesson, they will risk Serious Injury or even Death, this make it much more expensive to or even impossible to SHUT YOU UP.

Yes the American Sheeple have the Right To Bear Arms, so if I was to tell the Cartel or Mafia guys to cut off your hands, they would have to do so at the base of your wrist, thus preserving YOUR arm.............. Thus the Right to Bear Arms, it doesn't say anything about Sheeple being allow to own sophisticated firearms & modern weaponry at all.

This is why the confiscation of all Fire Arms from American Sheeple should be employed, and I say ALL guns including Flint Lock Muskets......... anything that can be used in self defense, because technically......... TECHNICALLY YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO OWN GUNS.
Mafia bosses give zero f*cks if their guys get killed trying to kill you. They just send more guys.
WinterBorn, post: 19598954
I like the way you addressed my point with the caveat "free press as an institution". Look at what Himmler was able to do with his propaganda. Germans didn't bat an eye when the Jews were forced into cattlecars.

So you think 'Himmler. was the free press? Ok. Duly noted.

I think the press was used to murder millions. I think the gov't allowed/encouraged such propaganda.

And that was the point of the post.
WinterBorn, post: 19613326
I think the press was used to murder millions. I think the gov't allowed/encouraged such propaganda.
The 'free press' was used to murder The enemies of the Nazi Party? You have lost your marbles?

A Printing press cannot be used to murder people the same as an assault rifle can. Unless it's maybe dropped from a helicopter onto people.

That's a fact I know is true. AR15s are designed to kill armed humans. No reason anyone other than trained police and military should have them.

A musket from the 18th century, when the Second Amendment was written, and an assault rifle of today.CreditTop, MPI, via Getty Images, bottom, Joe Raedle/Getty Images .

What's your point?

the First gives freedom of the press.

Priniting press when the Constitution was written



Revolutionary newspaper.


Current newspaper


things change.

LIve with it
We have a First Amendment.
The true interpretation of our Second Amendment, is that States have a right to their own security. A well regulated militia can make that happen.

The true interpretation of our Second Amendment, is that States have a right to their own security.
The Second had nothing to do with the States, it has everything to do with the People.

A well regulated militia can make that happen.

amazing they gave the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to the People, instead if the Militia, isn't it?
WinterBorn, post: 19613326
I think the press was used to murder millions. I think the gov't allowed/encouraged such propaganda.
The 'free press' was used to murder The enemies of the Nazi Party? You have lost your marbles?

A Printing press cannot be used to murder people the same as an assault rifle can. Unless it's maybe dropped from a helicopter onto people.

That's a fact I know is true. AR15s are designed to kill armed humans. No reason anyone other than trained police and military should have them.

I didn't say a printing press would kill anyone. But you choose to argue that it won't.

The AR is designed to accurately shoot smallish bullets from a box magazine. It is the shooter who decides what the target will be. Whether it will be paper targets, human beings or game animals is completely up to the shooter.

And actually, murders by ARs are relatively rare. Rifles as whole only account for around 500 murders, whereas guns as a whole account for roughly 9,500 per year.
WinterBorn, post: 19613326
I think the press was used to murder millions. I think the gov't allowed/encouraged such propaganda.
The 'free press' was used to murder The enemies of the Nazi Party? You have lost your marbles?

A Printing press cannot be used to murder people the same as an assault rifle can. Unless it's maybe dropped from a helicopter onto people.

That's a fact I know is true. AR15s are designed to kill armed humans. No reason anyone other than trained police and military should have them.

I didn't say a printing press would kill anyone. But you choose to argue that it won't.

The AR is designed to accurately shoot smallish bullets from a box magazine. It is the shooter who decides what the target will be. Whether it will be paper targets, human beings or game animals is completely up to the shooter.

And actually, murders by ARs are relatively rare. Rifles as whole only account for around 500 murders, whereas guns as a whole account for roughly 9,500 per year.
Well regulated militia should be AR qualified, as well as qualified in entrenching firebreaks, along with being jump capable.
WinterBorn, post: 19614211
I didn't say a printing press would kill anyone. But you choose to argue that it won't.

That's what this line of discussion was about. The 'free press' has used a 'printing press' to murder millions. I thought you are defending that rediculous argument.

What is your point then?
WinterBorn, post: 19614211
I didn't say a printing press would kill anyone. But you choose to argue that it won't.

That's what this line of discussion was about. The 'free press' has used a 'printing press' to murder millions. I thought you are defending that rediculous argument.

What is your point then?

What I responded to was your post saying:
"Do you seriously think you are capable of using logic and reason?

Let me know when a printing press is used to commit mass murder."

And Himmler's propaganda fits that quite well.
WinterBorn, post: 19598622
Do you not think millions have been killed by propaganda created in a printing press?

Note: What you are citing below was not directed to you. Is that correct? I am sure that it is.

WinterBorn, post: 19614597
What I responded to was your post saying:

"Do you seriously think you are capable of using logic and reason?

Let me know when a printing press is used to commit mass murder."

And Himmler's propaganda fits that quite well.

My point to Willhaftawait was that it is absurd to compare a printing press to an AR15 and Willhaftawait ran away, so I guess you decided to take over.

So you didn't bother to understand what was being discussed.

So I'll try again.

Propaganda can be used to commit mass murder. Nazi propaganda yes. But it is not the 'printing press' that is used to commit mass murder.

It is firearms and other weapons of war. The victims in Nazi Germans could not be forced into cattle cars if they are not threatened by pistols and rifles carried and used by the Nazis.

It is appropriate to compare an AR15 carried by a mass murderer today to jackbooted Nazis prior to and during WWII carrying his firearm.

But to compare an AR15 to a 'printing press' used by Nazis as an similar instrument of death is defiance of logic and reason.

That is where you seem to be. In defiance of logic and reason.

My point was never that murderous propagandists have never used a printing press. They used both firearms and the news presses plus music and movies. But the propagandist needed the firearms to actually kill people.

I hope you get it now.
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WinterBorn, post: 19614211
I didn't say a printing press would kill anyone. But you choose to argue that it won't.

You said:

"I think the press was used to murder millions. I think the gov't allowed/encouraged such propaganda."

That is carelessly not true.

Properly said would go something like this:

The press was used for Nazi propaganda which enabled them to use their firearms in order to mass murder millions in its wake.
WinterBorn, post: 19598622
Do you not think millions have been killed by propaganda created in a printing press?

Note: What you are citing below was not directed to you. Is that correct? I am sure that it is.

WinterBorn, post: 19614597
What I responded to was your post saying:

"Do you seriously think you are capable of using logic and reason?

Let me know when a printing press is used to commit mass murder."

And Himmler's propaganda fits that quite well.

My point to Willhaftawait was that it is absurd to compare a printing press to an AR15 and Willhaftawait ran away, so I guess you decided to take over.

So you didn't bother to understand what was being discussed.

So I'll try again.

Propaganda can be used to commit mass murder. Nazi propaganda yes. But it is not the 'printing press' that is used to commit mass murder.

It is firearms and other weapons of war. The victims in Nazi Germans could not be forced into cattle cars if they are not threatened by pistols and rifles carried and used by the Nazis.

It is appropriate to compare an AR15 carried by a mass murderer today to jackbooted Nazis prior to and during WWII carrying his firearm.

But to compare an AR15 to a 'printing press' used by Nazis as an similar instrument of death is defiance of logic and reason.

That is where you seem to be. In defiance of logic and reason.

My point was never that murderous propagandists have never used a printing press. They used both firearms and the news presses plus music and movies. But the propagandist needed the firearms to actually kill people.

I hope you get it now.
But the propagandist needed the firearms to actually kill people.
and before firearms, they used swords, and pitchforks, and clubs, etc.

But the press was what convinced them they needed to kill.
Tru.......... Thus the Right to Bear Arms, it doesn't say anything about Sheeple being allow to own sophisticated firearms & modern weaponry at all.


Is that like the First Amendment not saying anything about sophisticated and modern communication devices for free speech or freedom for religions that were not in existence at the time like say Mormonism?

The idea that the Second Amendment does not apply to modern weapons is probably the absolute most crazy idea the Moon Bats have.

The right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed pretty much speaks for itself. Not much spin is needed on that and we sure as hell don't need bat shit crazy Liberal assholes telling us what firearms are considered politically correct "arms", do we?
WillHaftawaite, post: 19616036, WillHaftawaite, post: 19616036,
But the press was what convinced them they needed to kill.

Not a free press. It was done essentially in most cases by an authoritarian type figure who used nationalism, religion, racism etc to stoke fear and blame to gain the power to act on his propaganda.

It appears you are rooting for an orange faced version of that figure. What's his favorited punching bag? So called fake news.

And his troopers can't get too far without their arsenal of AR15s.

Look at you now.
WillHaftawaite, post: 19616036, WillHaftawaite, post: 19616036,
But the press was what convinced them they needed to kill.

Not a free press. It was done essentially in most cases by an authoritarian type figure who used nationalism, religion, racism etc to stoke fear and blame to gain the power to act on his propaganda.

It appears you are rooting for an orange faced version of that figure. What's his favorited punching bag? So called fake news.

And his troopers can't get too far without their arsenal of AR15s.

Look at you now.

So you think the AR15 is the only firearm that is dangerous? lol Ok then.
WillHaftawaite, post: 19616036, WillHaftawaite, post: 19616036,
But the press was what convinced them they needed to kill.

Not a free press. It was done essentially in most cases by an authoritarian type figure who used nationalism, religion, racism etc to stoke fear and blame to gain the power to act on his propaganda.

It appears you are rooting for an orange faced version of that figure. What's his favorited punching bag? So called fake news.

And his troopers can't get too far without their arsenal of AR15s.

Look at you now.

Not a free press. It was done essentially in most cases by an authoritarian type figure who used nationalism, religion, racism etc to stoke fear and blame to gain the power to act on his propaganda.

a 'free' press?

a 'free' press does as much to incite violence as any ran by a tyrant.

Name ONE newspaper or news station that ISN'T biased to the point of inciting their readers/watchers to their point of view?

The Left blames Fox, the Right blames MSNBC, at times, BOTH blame CNN.

and ALL promote their own version of propaganda.
The true interpretation of our Second Amendment is that well regulated militia of the People shall not be Infringed when keeping and bearing Arms for their State or the Union.

Where does the 2nd mention state or union?

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